Genuine gratitude and passion appear to go hand in hand. So, in order to cultivate genuine gratitude one must first consciously practice it .... daily! While I do say thank you as I get up every morning, I feel the urge, that nudge...okay that really set it on fire! To really take it up a few notches.
I've been sitting on the sidelines far too long! The call to get off my fat butt and get a move on has gotten louder! For the last few years I was able to ignore it. Or at least pretend I didn't hear it! Yea, you know what I'm talking about!
I invite you to share with me YOUR gratitudes! In the meantime, here are my gratitudes for today!
Today I am grateful for ...
- My daughter!
- My house.
- Running electricity
- Running water
- A toilet!
- My bed!
- My washer and dryer!
- My clothes! LOTS of clothes!
- My shoes! I have lots of shoes!
- My job!
- My co-workers!
- My eyes!
- My body!
- My hearing!
- My glasses (couldn't see without them!)
- The sidewalk!
- The paved streets
- My cats
- FOOD!!
- COFFEE!!!!!
- My Kurig -- and the inventor of that wonderful invention!
- The internet
- Agape International
- Public transportation
- Pens and Pencils
- Soap
- My Rocking Chair!
- The flow of money in my life
- My health
Embrace ALL that you are!
For YOU are ALL there is!