Thursday, October 23, 2014



Cats often take shelter under the hoods of cars where it's warm.  So PLEASE...Remember to Tap the hood of your vehicle before getting in.  Or at the very least make enough noise where it will scare the cat out. 


Blowing your horns can cause damage to the cat's hearing and/or cause it to harm itself while trying to hurry out.  

Remember To  Leave Food and Water.  And to check on the water supply.  In these freezing temps the water will freeze up rather quickly.  So check often throughout the day.

Use Straw to line shelters or to put where strays and ferals take shelter like under your house or porch.  

Learn more about what you can to do by visiting The Humane Society's website.  

Just click HERE

Alley Cat Allies 15 Month Calendar is HERE!!!!


Not every community recognizes the value of humane policies like Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)?  And as a result 7 out of 10 healthy cats who come to shelters are killed?

It's True!


Alley Cat Allies diligently works toward ending the needless killing of any cat all over the country?

Yep!  Yep!  Yep!

But they can't do it without our help.


That if you Donate $10 or MORE  you can get receive the new 15-month Alley Cat Allies calendar absolutely FREE????

It's TRUE!!!! 


The 15 month Alley Cat Allies calendar isn't just about cute pictures of great cats?

That's Right!    There are also many inspirational stories of cats and the people who care for them.  

Ohhhh yea!

So Please...Help Alley Cat Allies continue on with their work in saving lives of beautiful loving cats across the country by making your donation of $10 or More!  

Just Click HERE  or copy and paste this URL:

Saving Lives and Making a Difference!  

Alley Cat Allies...

Simply Purrrrrrrrfect!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tell the EPA to DENY Dow AgroScience! PLEASE Sign the Petition! They are Killing our Bees!

Bee populations are plummeting! Yet the Environmental Protection Agency recently sided with Dow AgroSciences to approve a new, highly toxic bee-killing pesticide called sulfoxaflor.
And now the EPA is considering expanding the number of crops this pesticide can be sprayed on to include corn, alfalfa, oats, and several other significant and widely grown crops. Will you help us fight back?
Tell the EPA to deny Dow AgroScience's application to expand the registration of the bee-killing pesticide sulfoxaflor now!

Click HERE to sign the Petition!
Scroll Down towards the bottom to find the Petition and sign it.  

I signed!  Now it's YOUR Turn!

Without the Bees...We will ALL DIE!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gov't Conspiracy, Social Experiments and All That Freeze Dried Bullshit "or" Yes Virginia, There are Rat Bastard Gov't Operatives!

While I love Payless and Sears, I have made a conscious effort to avoid going to either places these days.  Why?  Because I can't purchase anything without being asked for my phone number, ZIP code and whatever else.

They claim it's to determine some obscure bullshit.  

Honestly, after all these years, you'd think they already have a good idea about whatever it is they were trying to find out, determine, calculate, estimate blah blah blah.

At the risk of sounding like some looney tune conspiracy theorist...I really feel like  the government is  behind it all.  Nosing around to see what you're doing, how you're doing it and why you're doing it.   Or something like that there.

You may be asking, why would the government be interested in what type of appliance or shoe or lawn care apparatus you get?  Simple.  To hike up the prices.  Make it scarce.   And then sit back and watch how everybody reacts.  

It's all part of a social experiment people conducting by our government.  I'm telling ya.

Call me paranoid.  Call me a nut job.  But I am dead serious about this.

Gov't fuck tards are so pathetic too.  They think if they give us "discounts" using those little plastic data minors we'll forget all about how they're invading our privacy through our purchases!!!!

We, The People, need to put an end to this freeze dried bullshit data collecting/social experimentation horseshit.

Give that money they're spending to pay some freak voyeur to our VETS!!!!  

Ass hat gov't and their bullshit spending has gots to go!  NOW!  

Who's with me?

Just say NO! to the unnecessary data collecting!!!!!

10 Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Halloween can be a festive and fun time for children and families. But for pets? Let's face it, it can be a downright nightmare. Forgo the stress and dangers this year by following these 10 easy tips.

1. Trick-or-treat candies are not for pets.
All forms of chocolate -- especially baking or dark chocolate -- can be dangerous, even lethal, for dogs and cats. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning may include vomitingdiarrhea, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and seizures. Halloween candies containing the artificial sweetener xylitol can also be poisonous to dogs. Even small amounts of xylitol can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar and subsequent loss of coordination and seizures. And while xylitol toxicity in cats has yet to be established, it's better to be safe than sorry.

2. Don't leave pets out in the yard on Halloween.
Surprisingly, vicious pranksters have been known to tease, injure, steal, and even kill pets on Halloween night. Inexcusable? Yes! But preventable nonetheless.

3. Keep pets confined and away from the door.
Not only will your door be constantly opening and closing on Halloween, but strangers will be dressed in unusual costumes and yelling loudly for their candy. This, of course, is scary for our furry friends. Dogs are especially territorial and may become anxious and growl at innocent trick-or-treaters. Putting your dog or cat in a secure room away from the front door will also prevent them from darting outside into the night … a night when no one wants to be searching for a lost loved one.

4. Keep your outdoor cats inside several days before and several days after Halloween.
Black cats are especially at risk from pranks or other cruelty-related incidents. In fact, many shelters do not adopt out black cats during the month of October as a safety precaution.

5. Keep Halloween plants such as pumpkins and corn out of reach.
Although they are relatively nontoxic, such plants can induce gastrointestinal upset should your pets ingest them in large quantities. Intestinal blockage can even occur if large pieces are swallowed. And speaking of pumpkins …

6. Don't keep lit pumpkins around pets.
Should they get too close, they run the risk of burning themselves or knocking it over and causing a fire.

7. Keep wires and electric light cords out of reach.
If chewed, your pet could cut himself or herself on shards of glass or plastic, or receive a possibly life-threatening electrical shock.

8. Don't dress your pet in a costume unless you know they'll love it.
If you do decide that Fido or Kitty needs a costume, make sure it isn't annoying or unsafe. It should not constrict movement, hearing, or the ability to breathe or bark and meow.

9. Try on pet costumes before the big night.
If they seem distressed, allergic, or show abnormal behavior, consider letting them go in their “birthday suit”. Festive bandanas usually work for party poopers, too.

10. IDs, please!
If your dog or cat should escape and become lost, having the proper identification will increase the chances that they will be returned. Just make sure the information is up-to-date, even if your pet does have one of those fancy-schmancy embedded microchips.

Source: PetMD

Friday, October 17, 2014

Internet Access Taxes

I just took action to support consumer-friendly tax policies that will impact hundreds of millions of wireless consumers just like you.
Please urge your Representative and Senators to support a permanent extension of the Internet tax moratorium. Your support is crucial to ensure this legislation is enacted that would protect you from having new taxes imposed on your Internet access and ensure Internet commerce will remain unhindered by discriminatory, duplicative taxes.
To take action, Click here  or copy and paste the link below:
Let's keep wireless affordable and accessible for ALL Americans.
Source:  ~ America's Wireless Voice

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hoof In Mouth Disease Epidemic

The level of stupidity keeps growing.  And sadly, it's reaching an all time high as Hollywood performers attempt to share their not too well thought out unresearched opinions.  

Seriously people, just stick to the script and nobody will get hurt!

Stupid Is As Stupid Does.  

And nobody does stupid quite like a certain "actress" from my home town of Louisville, Kentucky.  In fact, she can't open her mouth without something totally ignorant falling out of it.  Honestly!  That girl has the worst case of hoof in mouth disease  I think I've ever seen!

Her latest utterly stupid proclamation:

 Gluten-Free Diets the 'New, Cool Eating Disorder'

 Really?  Wow!  This coming from a person who once considered becoming a doctor.   
Aren't we all glad she chose to be just another no talent brainless Hollywood clone instead!  Seriously dodged a bullet there!

And don't even get me started on the painfully untalented hack who was made star of the Twilight movie series.  Yes, another mindless twit on the loose giving incredibly ridiculous and grossly uninformed opinions about subjects they know little to nothing about.

Terrorists are just misunderstood?    Ooooookay!  Well feel free to go help them become more understood.  And be sure to take little Miss Hoof In Mouth who thinks gluten free diets are the new cool eating disorder with you.

The only reason either of these two morons are back on the news feed is because they needed some face time with their adoring and equally mindless twit fans.  Who by the way, have all the attention span and loyalty of a gnat.

I will hand it to them though.  Their PR is relentless.  However!   I'm on to the horse shit marketing techniques used by these ass hats    

Neither one of these so called "actresses" have any real  acting talent to be remembered for their work.  So the PR folks have to flood the media with their clients' endless and remarkably stupid commentary and/or antics.  

Stupid pranks are a well known PR tactics.  It worked for Miley Cyrus.  But then again, Miley is actually talented.  Yea, she may not be too bright herself, but at least she is talented.  

Oy vey!  Wish I could say the same for those above mentioned dunderheads.

Hopefully, one day soon, the world will grow tired of the eternal stupidity and put an end to it once and for all.  

Yea...I know!  Hope springs eternal!  Unfortunately, stupidity reigns Supreme!!!!