Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Hypocrite! Thy Name Is Leftist Liberals!

So Melania Trump plagiarizes Michelle Obama's speech?  Really?  Are you sure of that?  Okay.  So what if she did?  Don't recall any of you leftist lying liberals making any stink back in 2008, when then-candidate  Barack HUSSEIN Obama  was  plagiarizing speeches of former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick on a number of occasions.

The Left is at it again.  Oh my!  BIG surprise there!  Now the liberal controlled media is up in arms about similarities between passages found in the speech delivered by Melania Trump during Monday's Republican National Convention and a few lines from the 2008 Democratic Convention speech delivered by Michelle Obama. However, it wasn't too long ago that the media turned a blind eye when President Barack Obama was busted plagiarizing some of the most memorable lines from his speeches.  Can we say Hypocrite?  I know you can.

In a speech delivered in June of 2006, Deval Patrick said:

"I am not asking anyone to take a chance on me, I'm asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations." 

In November of 2007...Obama repeated the line verbatim in a speech in South Carolina.   And let us not forget Obama's famous refrain of "just words" in a 2008 speech -- this was lifted directly from a speech Governor Patrick delivered in October of 2006.

When the Clinton campaign cried foul, The New York Times reported:

With the next round of voters set to weigh in on the Democratic presidential race, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign on Monday accused Senator Barack Obama of committing plagiarism in a weekend speech. Mr. Obama dismissed the charge as absurd and desperate.

Mr. Obama told reporters he should have credited Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts, a friend, for a passage in a speech he delivered on Saturday in Milwaukee. But Mr. Obama said his rival was "carrying it too far."

While the Obama campaign might have been dismissive of the charges, the video evidence made it absolutely clear that the then-Illinois Senator did indeed lift passages directly from Governor Patrick. Take a look for yourself:  Click HERE 

[all emphasis added]

Now what was that again about plagiarizing?   What was that again about carrying it too far?  

The answer Is!  Leftist Liberal Lunacy and their endless hypocrisy!

Here is some advice for all you Leftist Liberal Loons.... before digging up any dirt on Trump....make damn sure you don't have any lumps of bullshit hiding in your backyard!  Because I promise you....We will uncover it and sling it back in your faces!

Any bubbles you blow our assured...We will pop them!


(oh and by the way....most of the stuff you are reading above was pinched from!!!)  

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