Sunday, August 28, 2016

Title 18. Section 2071

Interesting read! Wonder how many people are aware. Word for word from the Cornell Law Library - RE: H Clinton?

Apparently, the FBI forgot to visit the Cornell Law Library. 

Word for word from the Cornell Law Library, former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton's private email server illegal, it "disqualifies" her from holding any federal office. 

Very specifically Mr. Mukasey points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071. 

For those of us who do not have United States Code committed to memory, here's what it says:

 “(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. 

(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”

Yes, it explicitly states "shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."  [all emphasis added]

Shouldn't voters know that? The media won't tell them. So it's up to us.

Can you help hold Hillary accountable?​  Will You?



Saturday, August 27, 2016

Only Hillary Clinton

​What I'm about to tell you is only the facts - historical facts, not rumors, not hearsay just plan undeniable facts.

(This is just a small percentage of a much longer list )

Of the two candidates running for president...

Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress.

Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical.

Only Hillary Clinton deleted 45 thousand emails after she was ordered to hand them over to the Fed.

Only Hillary Clinton had that same computer wiped clean by professionals.

Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges then laughed about it.

Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.

Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails.

Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire.

Only Hillary Clinton lied about lying to the American people.

Only Hillary Clinton was involved in "Cash Cow"

Only Hillary Clinton has a long list of scandals.

Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband's sexual harassment (and rape) accusers.

Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician.

Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks.

Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto.

Only Hillary Clinton was labeled "Extremely careless" about national security by the FBI !

Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class.

Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election!

Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House.

Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victims parents where lying.

Only Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her based on her gender.

Only Hillary Clinton has no real accomplishments after a lifetime in politics.

Only Hillary Clinton has never created any jobs.

Only Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI and found to have put national security at risk.

Only Hillary Clinton has had two or more movies and several documentaries made about her questionable ethics.

Only Hillary Clinton called then President Bill Clinton "cock sucker" in front of the (SS) Secret service.

Only Hillary Clinton was called "Broomstick one" by the SS.

Only Hillary Clinton made congress and others spend millions and millions of tax dollars having hearings and investigating her to find that she lied, that would not have been spent if she would of simply told the truth in the first place! Fact - all facts!

Only Hillary Clinton regularly cussed out and belittled her SS detail.

Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton over and over again.

But you are going to vote for her because.... you don't like Donald Trump ? That is insane!

I will never understand how any moral person in good conscience could vote for this woman.

Share, repost and copy and paste in comments over and over again until eventually this is read by …

The one and only Hillary Clinton!  

(taken from a post by Richard Meadows) ·



Sunday, August 21, 2016

An Open Letter to "Never Trumpers"

 The following is a Face Book post from Clarke Steele:  

Dear "Never Trumpers"

Please name for me how many times Donald Trump has committed perjury. 

Please name for me the times he has traded our national secrets or assets. 

Please name how many women he has destroyed after they were sexually assaulted.

Please name how much time he spent training under Saul Alinsky. 

Please name the felonies he has committed and the number of FBI investigations he has been subjected to. 

Please name for me the people he allowed to die abroad and then lied about it. 

Please name how many state secrets he has exposed. Please name how many of his associates died under mysterious circumstances.

Your actions or inaction are not benign they are tacit and even active support for a criminal, a traitor and a Leftist.


Pledge Red For Trump!

Wear RED (no logos) Just plain RED on Election Day November 8th!

Join us on Face Book!



Saturday, August 20, 2016

Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda

Hmmm....Hillary blames Trump for the Rise of ISIS. 


Watch and Listen....



Join us On Face Book

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Greatest SUPPORT VIDEO - The Real Donald Trump

This is the Donald J Trump the leftist liberal controlled media doesn't want you to know!

Citizen Warrior: Why the Peaceful Majority Might be Dangerous

Mubarka is a Canadian born woman of Pakistani parents. She grew up in Toronto among other Canadian children and attended university where she received a degree in commerce. Today she holds a prominent position with a transportation company.

Mubarka used to be as mainstream as any Canadian young adult can be; in fact, those who met her for the first time may have been struck by her vivacious personality. Her effervescence went hand in hand with her distinct Asian beauty which she shamelessly displayed with stylish clothing including the occasional low cut top. Mubarka used to converse for hours over topics as varied as business practices in Canadian politics to contemporary music.

It comes, therefore, as a shock, when one learns what path Mubarka has recently chosen for herself. She will be wedding a Pakistani man...a devout Muslim, whom she has never met but who was chosen for her when she was an infant. Not only that, but she has donned the Hijab for the first time in her life and is strictly observing Muslim tenets. She has chosen subservience to a man and subservience to his religion over the gender freedom offered her by the Western democracy she grew up in, and she's done so without so much as a whimper of protest.

When asked why she has picked the life of Sharia, Mubarka simply states that it is as Muhammad would will, and that there is no greater prophet than Muhammad. When asked how she will raise her children, Mubarka makes it clear...they will be raised as Muslims first, and Canadians second.

Hardi is perhaps one of the most pleasant Canadian women anyone could ever meet. In her capacity as a caregiver of seniors, she is gentle, loving, and incredibly patient. She laughs deliciously at the kind of comical moments that only seniors can deliver and her mood seems to be permanently stuck on happy. Hardi is an angel.

Those who encounter Hardi for the first time will be struck not by her character, that comes later, but by the fact that she is virtually covered from head to toe by traditional Indonesian Muslim attire. She covers her entire body with colourful costume that leaves only her hands and face exposed. Hardi is devout, in fact, so devout that during Christmas any appreciation given her by way of gifting must be void of any reference to the season. Furthermore, during quiet moments when Hardi is free to discuss her Muslim faith, it becomes clear she believes wholeheartedly in the strict observance of Sharia. For her, Islam in its pure non-secular form, is truth.

Both women are Muslims first and Canadians second. No matter how much respect one may have for either woman's character, there is little doubt where either would place her loyalty if faced with choosing between the Canadian traditions of liberty for all, or Sharia. There is also little doubt that if they were part of a majority, they would acquiesce to the demands of the Muslim clerical class and choose Sharia for all Canadians. [emphasis added]

It is therefore irrelevant in the grand scheme of things whether or not Hardi or Mubarka are "good" people; most people on the planet are, no matter their religion, race, or culture. What matters in the greater sense, is that as parts of the Muslim collective, neither woman would set aside her Muslim beliefs in order to safeguard and protect the full rights of non-Muslims to live as they choose. What's even more disturbing, is that both women have experienced the gender freedoms afforded them in Canada, yet both have voluntarily resigned themselves to the greater Muslim collective. [emphasis added]

As long as each woman is part of a small minority within Canada, she offers Canada much; but once she becomes part of a significant minority, or heaven forbid, a majority, she becomes dangerous. Why? Because Muslims wherever they form a majority choose Islamic norms over the broader more tolerant standards of the West. If given a chance, as has been clearly demonstrated the world over, they would unravel hundreds of years of hard fought human rights gains and replace them with the medieval practices of their faith. As such, both Hardi and Mubarka are simply bit players in a monstrous and destructive Muslim vortex that would drag civilization backwards hundreds of years. [emphasis added]

Source:   Citizen Warrior

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Silent No More!


Consider yourself on notice.  We have your names and we will work towards removing YOU from the office you hold so dearly.

Honor your pledge to stand with Trump or face the consequences of your actions.  Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee. Abide by the will of the people or face loss of employment!


You have been put on notice.  Any more bashing Trump and America and you too will find yourselves on the fast track of unemployment!

Don’t think it can happen?  Keep voicing your ill-informed rhetoric and spewing your hatred against both Trump and America…and you will quickly find out.  We have been keeping names and the list is growing!

Your fifteen minutes of fame for bashing Trump is up.  You have been weighed, measured and found to be an absolute fraud!   Yes YOU!  You who have warned and railed against a third Obama term in office, and have for the better part of two decades, have hated on the Clintons.  And yet by not standing with Donald Trump you help elect Hillary Clinton--and by doing so usher in Obama's third term!  You are frauds!   
Trump is the nominee!  

Don't like what Trump says or how he says it?   It's called Freedom of Speech!  Ever hear of it?

I believe Donald Trump is showing the United States, what happens when someone who is not controlled by politics, cannot be bought, and frankly, is "Just An American" just what happens.  Democrats hate him, Republicans can't control him, and the government wants to destroy him.  Seeing how no party backs him, it is a sign he is a threat to their agendas.  Which in turn, means he is a threat to their lies and deceptions.  And this means Trump is exactly what America needs right now!  

People are always saying we need to get every career politician out of politics.  Might as well start at the top!

Pledge Red  For Trump!  

Trump Supporters Are Urged To Wear  Red on November 8th!

This wearing of the Red shows not only your support, but puts all those who would rig the election on notice!  

Imagine a sea of Red spreading across this great nation of ours!

Join The Revolution!

The Silent Majority is Silent NO MORE!