Your awakening process isn’t just about becoming consciously aware -- it's about growing up and maturing as well. For many, this doesn’t always go hand in hand.
- There are those who believe that just being aware is enough. It isn’t.
- There are those who believe that if they repeat certain “catch phrases” this will magically and automatically turn them into a full grown and matured awaken individual. It doesn’t.
- There are those who believe that if they hold on to the ways and teachings of those that came before them … this too will make them more awake, more aware and make them mature, complete and whole. That is more than enough It isn't.
These are only a small part of your spiritual maturity -- the first steps towards your spiritual growth, if you will.
Your spiritual awakening is much like your physical growing process. You have that moment of conception, followed by a gestation period (for the most part nine months) followed by the birthing process. From there you go from infant to toddler to young child to adolescent -- and as time passes you become an adult human experiencer.
No part of this process can be skipped.
While a toddler may immolate an adult … this still does not make him/her an adult … does it? No, it does not. Adolescents may think they are adults … and may very well behave and act in a more mature way than most adults … but the truth still remains … they are still adolescents!
The stages of the Awakening parallels your human life during it's growing process in the exact same manner. And like your human physical process … no steps can or will be skipped.
Again, for emphasis -- keep in mind that your awakening process parallels your physical stages of life and all that goes along with it.
- Conception
- Gestation
- Birth
- Infant - Toddler
- Young Child - Early Adolescence
- Late Adolescence - Early Adult
- Mid-Late Adulthood
In the following posts, we will be sharing information on the various stages of spiritually maturing.
Special Note
Please keep in mind that each stage of development is
very important. Though it may be frustrating for yourself and others, each stage must be worked through in order to gain the necessary foundation of your maturity.
You will find yourself annoyed by many whom you have out grown and as a result will find it necessary to cut them out of your life at some point of your awakening.
This is all part of the process.
For those of you who find yourself on the receiving end of being let go, don't take it personally. Those who let you go have matured faster. This
doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. It simply means you are going at your own individual pace. There is nothing wrong with that.
There is nothing wrong with you. Everyone goes at their own pace.
Keep In Mind ...
This is not a race of any kind! You will reach maturity in your own divine timing!
Every single person is where they are suppose to be ... when they are suppose to be ... at the exact moment they are suppose to be -- Doing and acting as they are suppose to be!
For the short list of "symptoms" of the Awakening Process, and suggestions on how to work through the process, you can find them by clicking
HERE and
*Disclaimer: ALWAYS check with a health care professional FIRST!
SPECIAL NOTE: many health care professionals are now using their own personal awakening experiences to help others going through the stages. We applaud these brave individuals for boldly moving forward and making the necessary changes in how people are treated.
Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born™
About Julia K. Cole
What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity. Among Julia's literary accomplishments is the Children of the Luminaries trilogy; Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.
Book Two of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016. The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016. As well as the Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.
Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse Click HERE for the review; and Marie D. Jones' Destiny vs. Choice Click HERE
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Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole. The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™, The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality™ are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.