Sunday, April 12, 2015

International Denim Day: Because Clothing Is NO Excuse!

In Italy in the 1990s, an 18-year-old was raped by her 45-year-old driving instructor. The assailant was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to jail. He appealed the sentence, and the case made its way to the Italian Supreme Court. The Supreme Court released the perpetrator and dismissed all charges, on the grounds that “because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them... and by removing the jeans... it was no longer rape but consensual sex.” 

Women in the Italian Parliament wore jeans in protest, and the California Senate and Assembly did the same. Denim Day was born.


Denim Day is a campaign to prevent sexual violence through education and public awareness.  April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and Denim Day is a call to action for all people to come together by wearing denim as a visible sign of protest against sexual violence. By participating in Denim Day this April, you can play a role in the prevention of sexual violence. Every year we ask community members, elected officials, businesses and students to make a social statement with their fashion and on April 29th to wear jeans as a visible means of protest against misconceptions that surround sexual assault.
Why denim? Denim Day was originally triggered by a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court where a rape conviction was overturned because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped her rapist remove her jeans, thereby implying consent.  The following day, the women in the Italian Parliament came to work wearing jeans in solidarity with the victim. Denim Day was developed in response to this case and wearing jeans during this annual event has become a symbol of protest against erroneous and destructive attitudes about sexual assault.
Women of the Italian Legislature protested the decision by wearing jeans to work. As news of the decision spread, so did the protest. In April 1999, a social service agency in Los Angeles established the first Denim Day in the United States.
DVSAC carries on this tradition.  We wear denim to dispel harmful myths about sexual violence and survivors.
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On April 29, 2015 show your support by wearing your jeans!  Get your employer and co-workers involved in this event!

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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Remember Me! (excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm)

Victory Standish found herself torn between the successful life she had been leading to the vague memories that persisted.  She felt out of touch with the reality she had been living.  The doctors claimed it was due to the head injuries sustained in the accident.  But Victory knew that wasn't the case.  Long before she had ran off that slippery road, she knew there was something missing.   She knew there was something she needed to do.  Had to do.   



Sitting down on the foot of the bed, Victory thought about a story her grandma always told. Smiling she remembered how Helena would draw out scenes on the black wall to entertain young Victory.  But looking at the mural, she didn't recall it being so life-like.


“Stupid clock!”  Victory grumbled.

Remember!  The disembodied voice commanded.

Victory looked around.  “I’m doing my best,” she yelled back.  Her frustrated tone expressed emotions boiling inside of her.  Just as she was about to stand, Victory heard a rustling sound; followed by the sensation of someone jumping on the bed.


Slowly, Victory stretched her neck around.  Tears welled up as ghostly images formed.  Turning completely around, Victory allowed the past to unfold in her mind.

Remember me!  The voice persisted


Within seconds, Victory found herself transported back to her past.

“Tell me a story grandma!” a young Victory pleaded from under the covers.


Smiling, Helena patted the child’s leg.  “Alrighty!” she replied softly.  Leaning on the silver-headed cane for balance, the elderly woman rose from the bed, hobbling over to the high back rocker.  She paused for a moment as Snowball ran past.  He jumped on the bed, lying quietly beside the young girl.  Helena sighed falling into her favorite cushioned seat.


“Tell me the one about the Lunamanarees grandma!” Victory begged.

Helena chuckled.  Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a single cigarette from her hidden pack of Kools™ and a small box of matches.  With a quick blue orange flash, the room lit up and in seconds she was blowing smoke rings.

“Luminaries.”  Helena softly corrected.  “They’re called Lu-ma-nare-ees”


“Okay, tell me about them grandma!”  Victory insisted.  “Please tell me the story!”

Excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book I: The Coming Storm©

Friday, April 10, 2015

Children of the Luminaries Trilogy Characters: The Oracle

Throughout history there have been great women warriors.  Cleopatra, Artemisia I of Caria, Queen Boudicca, GrĂ¡inne Mhaol, Zenobia and Nakano name only a few.   Even in  modern day mythology you will find the likes of Wonder Woman, Xena, Elektra and Katniss Everdeen blazing the trail.

The main character of the Children of the Luminaries©™ trilogy presents us with a strong female presence.   She is not only the embodiment of the combined strength and attributes of all these historic brave women (both real and fictional), but a living tribute as well.

Like all heroes, The Oracle does not see herself as anyone's savior.  She only sees what must be done and she does it.  

The Oracle's  journey of self empowerment and acceptance, as chronicled in this trilogy,  reflects the on-going trials and tribulations that both  women and men all over the world experience on some level, in some way.  And it is because, and in spite of, all her doubts and fears  The Oracle is a representation of  all people, women & men alike,  from all walks of life. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Chosen One: Excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm

They stood together a short while watching the ripples in the water made by the warm breeze.  In the east, the sun made its slow descent.  In a few hours a new day would begin.  As they stood there in silence The Oracle pondered the dragon's words.  She was certain he was mistaken.   She shuddered as a cold chill tingled up her spine.  

"An omen!"  She mumbled to herself.

Finally, Demetrius broke the long silence.  “You cannot hide from your destiny, Oracle!"  He proclaimed, his baritone voice echoed all around.   "You are more than what you believe.  But you must believe!”  Demetrius waited for a response and received none.  He then continued, “I ask you this girl, will you choose aliveness even if there are no safe places?  Or will you choose deadness?”

Utterly bewildered by his words, The Oracle shook her head and made her way back toward Sabia.  “I am no warrior,” she repeated calmly.  “You are mistaken.”

“Yes, you are.  And I am not mistaken,” he called out.  “I do not make mistakes.”

She smiled and called back sardonically, “Yes, I know.  You are very wise and very, very old.”

“Make fun if you must, Oracle, but just remember it is the will of the Pantheon.”
She waved back to him and disappeared behind the trees where her beloved winged unicorn waited. 

Demetrius watched until The Oracle was completely out of sight.  He rose up and extended his front claws.  A red glow engulfed him.  His serpentine body began to transform.  In a matter of seconds he transformed into a man dressed in red attire with a black flowing cape.  His wavy, black hair brushed against his forehead and fell to his shoulders, solemn brown eyes watched as the winged unicorn soared into the darkening sky with his mistress holding tightly to his silvery mane. 

“I will be with you always, Oracle,” he said softly to himself.  Then quietly, without notice, he vanished.

Excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm©  
All Rights Reserved


Imagine...all you held dear, your way of life, all that you knew, was suddenly and tragically taken away.

Imagine...being but only one of 13 survivors of a once powerful race of people.

Imagine...being told you were chosen to be a warrior that must face and defeat your most feared enemy.

Imagine...learning of a distant world where your fierce adversary now inhabits and controls. The same world where your 12 loved ones were sent and where they reside with no memories of their prior memories of you.

Imagine...being informed that in order to save those you love, you most first rid this world of the dark lord and his minions.

What would you do? 

How far would you go to save those you love?

Children of the Luminaries Book I: The Coming Storm launches the saga of The Oracle and her mentor Demetrius as they set out on a quest of a life time. Their mission... to stop the Dark Lord Dagon from finding the Ultimate Power and becoming supreme ruler of all worlds!

Get your Copy Today!

(click on the book cover to be transported to Amazon)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Order Your Copy of Children of the Luminaries Book One TODAY!

Order your copy of Children of the Luminaries Book One TODAY!

Just click HERE 

Get an inside look at the story with Q&A:  Click HERE

Don't delay!  Order your copy TODAY!

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Saturday, March 14, 2015