Domestic violence turns a home into a place of terror. Many justifiably believe that their beloved pet will become a victim of retaliation if they leave their tormentor. To help break this cycle of violence, Red Rover provides Safe Escape to enable victims and their pets to find a safe place to begin again.
Founded in 1987, the mission of RedRover is to bring animals out of crisis and strengthen the bond between people and animals through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. RedRover accomplishes its mission by engaging volunteers and supporters, collaborating with others and maximizing the use of online technology.
Please note: We are not a shelter or vet clinic and cannot accept animals. Find a Sacramento-area animal shelter.
RedRover is committed to:
bringing animals out of crisis and into care by:
- caring for animals displaced by natural disasters or rescued from mass cruelty situations
- providing financial assistance to pet owners and animal rescuers to obtain urgent veterinary care
mitigating situations of animals in crisis by:
- offering financial incentives to encourage witnesses to animal cruelty to come forward
- connecting volunteers and rescuers with opportunities to help animals in need
Click HERE to Read More about Red Rover.
If you and your pet are victims of Domestic Violence, please contact Red Rover Immediately!
(916) 429-2457
Victims of Domestic Violence Please Contact Someone ASAP!
If you or someone you know is living with domestic violence, PLEASE contact someone IMMEDIATELY!
Whether you are a man, woman, child... help IS available!
CALL: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Or if you are able...Go online to one or all these sites!