More commonly known as the Ascension, your Spiritual Awakening, The Transition, and so on, Universal PMS includes (but is in no way limited to) Confusion, Mood Swings, Paranoia, Impatience -Emotional and mental confusion -Sudden waves of emotion -A sense of impending-ness -Impatience.
With all that is going on with us and around us, it isn't any wonder that so many people are walking around dazed, confused, tempers flaring, emotional outbursts of every kind for any reason and/or season. And have you noticed that patience is sorely lacking these days? More so than ever before?!!
Then there is this overwhelming sense of something is about to happen ... an impending-ness ... if you will. Though you're never quite sure what it is exactly, you can feel that IT coming! You just know it is! So much so ... that at times ... it borders on paranoia!
Of course, that's when you take it upon yourself to anticipate "it" ... whatever "it" is ... and it's every move. You go around snapping at people, all the while they are staring at you with this deer caught in headlights look. We're yelling at them for something usually insignificant like having "that look" on their face or in their eyes. Which probably was just them going into shock by all the screeching, slamming doors and throwing things!
You throw a temper tantrum over someone not closing the door or picking up a gallon of ice cream that you failed to ask them to pick up on their way home or something else really minor; and then you get cranky when someone hasn't read your mind or anticipated YOUR every move and cater to your needs at that given time! All of which (and more) has you coming across like you are some escapee from the local mental hospital.
Okay, perhaps they did look like they were thinking things they shouldn't! And yes, maybe, just maybe they could have closed that door. And no doubt they could have at least called before leaving work or on their way home to ask if you needed anything! At least that is YOUR reasoning and justification of the events!
Then there is having to wait when we aren't really in the mood!
Long lines, traffic lights, traffic jams, being put on hold, having to listen to your significant other, neighbor, kids, co-worker, yammer on and on and on about something that really has no bearing on anything important to you at that given moment ... and no doubt in your present state of mind ... never will.
You probably find yourself thinking all sorts of horrid things you could do to them as they continue with their endless chattering ... all the while mustering the strength not to actually carry your fantasies through!
It’s like having PMS 24/7 isn't it?
Well Ladies, the GOOD NEWS is ... Men are experiencing this as well!
Yes Gentlemen! You now have some measure of understanding of what we women go through most of our adult lives.
But why are these emotional ups and downs occurring? That question will be answered in Part 2 of this series!
Embrace ALL That You Are!
For YOU Are ALL That There Is!
For YOU Are ALL That There Is!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
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