Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dirty Spending Secrets REVEALED

Let's take a look at a few of the things you member of Congress have been passing over the years ...

 $50 Million a Year for 1,125 Postal Workers Who Are Ordered to Do Nothing Each Day.

Explains why my mail is always late!  And too, it helps me to understand  why the Post Offices are being forced to shut down!  Guess those folks who got paid for sitting  on their butts can now do it at home.

$2.6 million to teach Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly on the job.

This one caused my imagination to go into over-drive.   Now I wonder--was Congress  concerned  that the prostitutes would be too drunk to give a blow job properly?    Or maybe their concerns were over the thought of  these prostitutes injuring themselves while being on top? (Puts a whole new meaning on the old "don't drink and drive!" -- don't it?) 

And then there are a few questions that came up --- Am I to assume American prostitutes already know how to drink responsibly on the job? And most importantly -- does this mean the Chinese will credit us on our debt to them? 

Billions of dollars for education even though student test scores haven’t improved in three decades of bureaucratic oversight?

I  see the reasoning behind this.  I really do!  Stupid, uneducated people make better constituents.   The dumber the better!  Stupid people won't know what's going on and they won't care!  

Ohhhh there's MORE!  Check it out by going to!

Folks!  Congress and the President are incompetent, blatantly irresponsible and downright asinine!   The proof is there!  

President Obama is threatening to hold the Social Security checks -- Congress is refusing to spend responsibly.  Time to haul Ass!

Write them!  Tell them to STOP THIS DAMN FOOLISHNESS -- NOW!

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