Tuesday, February 4, 2014


1 in 3 pets will go missing during their lifetime! Are you doing EVERYTHING you can to protect your pet?? 

Our partners at TagaPet are donating $0.50 of every tag sold to No Kill Louisville. Head on over and check out their new site and get your tag today!

Visit Tag A Pet at  www.tagapet.com

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gather Yourselves Together!

Gather yourselves together.   Your tribes, your families, your friends and those of like mind. 

Gather yourselves together and be as one.  Stop struggling to reach the masses.  Step back and embrace those you are already reaching and those you've already reached. 

Do not concern yourselves with those that have not been touched by your light.  Do not chase after those that do not appreciate what you are offering.    

If it is meant to be, those that have not already found you, will most certainly find you.  

Stop believing in the adage "the squeaky wheel always gets the oil."     The oil is used to silence the squeak, but is not always taken seriously.  And the results seldom yield lasting results.

Many of you  have now discovered,  it is the quiet and unassuming, the softest of voices,  that brings about the long lasting results.  

As you were living as the squeaky wheel,  you slowly became more like the  barking dog that never bites.  And as you have discovered, you were, for the most part, ignored.  

Yes, it is true some barking dogs and squeaky wheels make their mark. But like your 4th of July sparklers they fizzle out quickly.   And very much like those silvery sparklers they are remembered.  But only a distant memory are they.   For these,  their messages are blended in, and most often than not, fade away until the next one is lit.  The masses move on for something else.   Always moving on to something else brighter and louder and fanciful.  Leaving you behind, alone, lost and confused as to what happened.  Your messages got shuffled and lost, muted and muffled.  And sadly, forgotten.

For some barking dogs and squeaky wheels, they do eventually learn to utilize the quiet and unassuming ways to further their cause.  And now, they are working to further their cause by gathering themselves together, uniting their tribes and setting things straight in a more unassuming quiet manner.  

I implore each of you...Do not keep your focus on reaching the masses.  It is not the number of people that creates the greatest strength, but the strength of the few that develops and perpetuates a stronger bond.  It is not the voice that speaks the loudest that gets the message across and leaves the soul at peace, bringing about lasting impressions.  On the contrary, it is the softest of speech that calms the soul and impacts the hardest,  the softest voice that touches both the heart and soul.   The unassuming and more gentle that leaves the longest of impressions.

Loud voices distort and get jumbled making it difficult to hear and understand the message.  In turn creating mass confusion and befuddlement.    Yet sadly,  many believe if they speak louder, push harder, do more, brow beat and become a nuisance, their message will be heard and accepted. 

Take note of your political and religious leaders in particular.  Their original design was to lead and to serve through compassion and empathy.    Now, through their collective mind set of the squeaky wheel and barking dogs, their messages have become distorted, twisted, adulterated in the worst ways imaginable.      They have lost their way and have succumbed to their greed.  They have fallen prey to their own barks and squeaks!

But I say to you,  Do not fear  the bullying tactics of the barking dogs. Do not allow your ears to become closed off from the squeaks of those who speak the loudest!  For they are diversions.  Distractions away from your quiet and unassuming purposes.

It is with love that I remind each of you that You had a hand in creating this...all of this.
 And you continue creating with each thought.  This is nothing new.  You've heard these messages over and over and over to infinity.  You have heard the messages...but have you truly been listening to them?  

For whatever purposes you had in this creation of distractions, it is part of you!  It is a part of your tribes.  

For whatever purposes you had in the beginning, you are now seeing and feeling there is no longer a need or a want for such distractions.   And it is this part of your awakening that has called me to forth to assist you in re-igniting your sparks. 

Each tribe contributes to the betterment of this realm.  How is your tribe contributing?  Is it focusing only on the problems?  Then in this moment make a decision to Stop wasting your time with what they are and are not doing.  You see an issue that requires resolving, then stop focusing on the problem and set your mind to the resolving of any and all issues.  

Bring your respective tribes together, bring all in an energy of calm controlled emotional empowerment.  Speak softly.  Carrying yourselves with the confidence in the knowing that you are not a human having  a spiritual experience, but a spirit having a human experience!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What is Love? Channelled message from Antari

It's hard to believe this was all done in 2009!  Five years!  Wow!  Enjoy!


Greetings and Namaste One and All!

Just in time for St. Valentine's Day comes a wonderful message from our dear friend, Master Guide and Teacher, Antari! During the course of our work, Antari has stipulated (on more than one occasion) that reminders must be provided to us all in order to grasp things fully. Reminders of Love is no exception! At least that is what he tells me! *lol* 

Below is part of what my Beloved and most cherished friend shared with me today. And it gives me great pleasure to share it with all of you! 

Happy Valentine's Day

What is Love? 
Channeled message from Antari

You all have heard about the many facets of Love throughout your lives. But truly, do you really grasp and hold on to Love's true meaning? Do you live by the words and deeds of Love? Or do you just give Love "lip service"? Only you as an individual can answer those questions. Now, as you already are aware, the definitions of Love is as vast as the Universe itself. It is the only emotion here on planet Earth that has it's own Holiday (St. Valentine's day); and it is the only emotion that has inspired more songs, poems, plays and movies than anyone could ever possibly count or remember. 

Love can be found anywhere & everywhere. And best of all ... when you least at expect it!

There are different levels of love, such as love for your spouse, your boyfriend/girlfriend; the love you have for your parents and your assorted relatives & siblings; the love for a child, a pet or a dear close friend. And while each of these levels go from one degree to another, they all have one vital thing in common ... it exists in your lives. But what is Love? Really? Do you, as an individual, really comprehend and fully understand the true definition of Love?

Breaking it down, Love is energy in it's purest and most concentrated form. It is the most powerful energy in the entire Universe. In fact, it is Love that created the Universe itself; and it is Love that binds the Universe and all it's inhabitants together.  Love is ever flowing and constantly moving. Love cannot be forced.Love cannot be contained or held captive. As pure energy, Love demands space to move about freely, otherwise it becomes dormant and lifeless. Love, true and genuine Love, is FREEDOM. Freedom to just BE. 

Contrary to some beliefs, Love is not blind! In fact, Love sees all, knows all, and Understands Everything.  Where there is Love there is always freedom to just Be. To be yourself and to allow others to be themselves. Love does not need outside influences to make and keep it happy and content. Love does not cling or hold on to another. Love does not need anything to feel complete and whole. Love does not fear being alone. Love is the state in which you are continuously truly happy whether you are with the one you love or not. And for those who are of the belief that they need someone outside themselves to feel Love and to be Loved they are missing out on the greatest Love of all . the Love that comes from within. For how can one possibly hope To find Love & To Be Loved if they do Not Themselves Love? 

Love never becomes prideful or haughty. Love does not seek to criticize. Love is constantly building and uplifting. It never seeks out to destroy or tear down anyone or anything. Love fills us up and sustains us every second of every moment of every day. Love is a creating force.ever moving, ever flowing, ever present.  Love is always with us all. It never abandons us or leaves us alone. Even when you think and/or believe you have no Love in your lives . it is always present in some form, in some way. Love is always there with us!  And in order to really see Love, feel Love, Experience Love in its genuine form, you need only to be open and accepting of Love's true ways. Love is a great and powerful magnet that attracts and draws more Love in unto itself. If you Love yourself, then that Love magnetizes and brings more Love to you.

It is just what is. And it is how Love . true and genuine Love . works.  Please always keep in mind that Not for just today . but every day . 

You are Loved! You are Love Itself!

Namaste Beloveds!


Julia K. Cole aka The Empress is a psychic reader and medium who works closely with her spirit companion, Master Guide & Teacher Antari in bringing forth reminders from "Home". The above channelling is an excerpt from their current work entitled "Interview With a Spirit Guide". 

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Awakening Process

 Your awakening process isn’t just about becoming consciously aware -- it's about growing up and maturing as well.    For many, this doesn’t always  go hand in hand.  

  • There are those who believe that just being aware is enough.  It isn’t.    
  • There are those who believe that if they repeat certain “catch phrases” this will magically and automatically turn them into a full grown and matured awaken individual.  It doesn’t.  
  • There are those who believe that if they hold on to the ways and teachings of those that came before them … this too will make them more awake, more aware and make them  mature, complete and whole.   It won't.

These are only a small part of your spiritual maturity -- the first steps towards your spiritual growth, if you will.    

Your spiritual awakening is much like your physical growing process.  You have that moment of conception, followed by a  gestation period (for the most part nine months) followed by the birthing process.  From there you go from infant to toddler to young child to adolescent -- and as time passes you become an adult human experiencer.      

    No part of this process can be skipped.

While a toddler  may immolate an adult … this still doesn’t make him/her an adult … does it?  No, it does not.  Adolescents may think they are adults … and may very well behave and act in a more mature way than most adults … but the truth still remains … they are still adolescents! 

 The stages of the Awakening parallels your human life during it's growing process in the exact same manner.   And like your human physical process … no steps can or will be skipped.

 Again, for emphasis -- keep in mind that your awakening process parallels your physical stages of life and all that goes along with it. 
  • Conception
  • Gestation
  • Birth
  • Infant - Toddler
  • Young Child - Early Adolescence
  • Late Adolescence - Early Adult
  • Mid-Late Adulthood
In the following posts, we will be sharing information on the various stages of spiritually maturing.

Special Note

Please keep in mind that each stage of development is very important.  Though it may be frustrating for yourself and others, each stage must be worked through in order to gain the necessary foundation of your maturity.

You will find yourself annoyed by many whom you have out grown, and as a result will find it necessary to cut out of your life at some point of your awakening.

This is all part of the process.

For those of you who find yourself on the receiving end of being let go, don't take it personally.   Those who let you go have matured faster. This doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you.   It simply means you are going at your own individual pace.   There is nothing wrong with that.  There is nothing wrong with you.  Everyone goes at their own pace.

Keep In Mind ...

This is not a race of any kind!  You will reach maturity in your own divine timing!

Every single person is where they are suppose to be ... when they are suppose to be ... at the exact moment they are suppose to be -- Doing and acting as they are suppose to be!

For the list of "symptoms" of the Awakening Process, and suggestions on how to work through the process,  please click HERE


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Kentucky Humane Society seeks donations for dogs rescued from Pulaski Co.

PULASKI CO., Ky. (WHAS11) -- The Kentucky Humane Society says some of the dogs rescued this week from a puppy mill in Pulaski County could go up for adoption as early as next week.

Forty-three dogs were rescued from that puppy mill on Tuesday. The dogs are being checked out by vets at the Humane Society in Louisville.

If you can't give an animal a home there are still ways you can help.

The Humane Society says right now, it needs cleaning supplies, blankets and bedding and soft dog treats.

Donations can be taken to the main office on Steedly Drive or to any of the Humane Society's Adoption sites at local Feeders Supply stores.

For more information, or to make a monetary donation,  please contact 
The Kentucky Humane Society

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,Nothing is going to get better. It's not." ~ The Lorax (by Dr. Suess)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Winter Care and Safety for Feral Cats *PLEASE SHARE ON ALL YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKS*

With much of the East Coast now buried in snow, you may be wondering how outdoor cats are surviving. In fact, even though stray and feral cats are at home outside, they can always use some extra help in cold or severe weather. Here’s what you can do to help them stay safe, warm and healthy during the winter months.

Car Safety: Before starting your car, give the hood a tap and check between the tires — cats will sometimes crawl into the engine or hide underneath the car for warmth. This is also the time of year for antifreeze, which often tastes irresistible to cats and other animals, but is toxic and deadly. Keep it out of reach and clean up any spills!
Shelter: Keep your feral cat colonies comfortable this winter by providing them with a shelter.  Dog houses can also do the trick with a few modifications.
  • Whether you’re buying or building, make sure the door is no bigger than 6-8″ wide to keep out other animals. If you’re modifying a dog house, you’ll need to block off part of the door to make it cat-sized. A flap on the door will also keep snow, rain, and wind out.
  • Insulate the shelter with straw to repel moisture and keep cats warm and dry (note: Make sure it’s straw, but not hay, because hay absorbs moisture). Blankets may seem like a good idea, but since they are also extremely absorbent, they make bad bedding.
  • Cats will huddle together inside for warmth, so provide colonies with multiple shelters that can fit three to five cats each. If you are caring for fewer cats, use a smaller shelter so it takes less body heat to warm up.
  • Elevate shelters off the ground and place them in quiet areas away from foot traffic.
  • Remember to shovel out the cats when you’re shoveling your own driveway. Cats in shelters can get snowed in, so keep entrances clear and shovel an exit for cats who may be taking refuge under bushes, porches, or other hiding spots.
  • Stay away from salt and chemical melting products. These products can be toxic to animals and harmful to their natural snowshoes — paws!
Food and water: When temperatures drop, provide extra food and water, and try to keep it from freezing.

 Other feeding tips:
  • Feed the cats on a regular schedule. That way, the cats will know when to come around, and both the food and the cats will spend less time out in the cold.
  • Feed wet food — it’s easier to digest, so cats save more energy for keeping warm. Since wet food is also quicker to freeze, make sure you put out dry food too. And feed larger portions than you would in warm weather.
  • Spray insulation foam into the underside of plastic feeding dishes to keep wet food from becoming fishcicles! (Or chickencicles, turkeycicles, etc. …)
  • Change water bowls twice daily to keep water from freezing. Use deep bowls rather than wide ones, and refill them with hot or warm water. If the colony is close to an outlet, heated electric water bowls will also do the trick.
  • Here’s a trade secret: Add a pinch of sugar to the water to keep it from freezing as quickly (and to provide an energy boost for the cats!)


Author Becky Robinson is the president and founder of Alley Cat Allies.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Severely Neglected Dog Needs Your Help!


Tovah was found abandoned, cold and nearly starved to death. She was emaciated and suffering from a severe upper respiratory infection and intestinal conditions. She hardly had the energy to stand.

Tovah is now safe at North Shore Animal League America where she is receiving veterinary care and warm, loving attention.

We are counting on you to help us continue to provide Tovah, and many animals like her, with the care they need to recover and live long and happy lives.