
Showing posts with the label dog

URGENT CALL TO ACTION!! City files motion to KILL Beau!

After Beau's legal team received two hearing dates, we thought Beau had a good chance, but once again the powers that be have pulled a fast one! At Tuesday's Board of Aldermen meeting in Dyersburg, TN Beau was discussed. A city attorney would NOT confirm the ordinance was legal and basically the aldermen were told no one wanted Beau dead. The next day, a motion was filed to vacate the stay of execution by the ci Click Here to Read Entire Story

A True Life "WAGS" To Riches Story

The Swedish extreme racing team, Peak Performance,    were competing in a 430-mile-race through Ecuador when they took a well deserved break from their grueling feat to eat lunch. Since the team was in the middle of the rain forest, they were wary of any animals who might approach. But the only one who did was a scraggly, mangy stray dog who they affectionately named Arthur. Click HERE to Read Entire Story and View Pictures of the event.

#SaveBela campaign may spare dog’s life

Connie Ley made an unusual request in her will before she died last month in Aurora, Indiana: She asked that her German shepherd, Bela, be euthanized and buried with her. Three weeks later, however, Bela, who is 9 years old and male, is healthy and very much alive. And there’s a growing movement on social media to defy his late owner’s wishes and spare the animal. Ley’s attorney, Doug Denmure, told CNN affiliate WCPO-TV that his late client preferred to send Bela to Best Friends Animal Society’s no-kill sanctuary in southern Utah to live out the remainder of his days. But if transporting the dog across the country proved too expensive, Ley wanted a close friend to take charge of Bela and carry out her request that “the dog be put to sleep, cremated and that the dog’s ashes be placed with her own ashes.” Read More Source:

ATTENTION: Free Kibble Donating ALL Kibble Raised Today To Mudslide Victims in Washington!

ALL the kibble raised today, will be donated to care for dogs & cats impacted by the mudslides in Washington - spread the word! Click HERE to play!

TAP That Thang!

Extreme Cold Weather Regions... PLEASE REMEMBER  TO TAP THE HOOD OF YOUR VEHICLES BEFORE GETTING IN! Cats often take shelter under the hoods of cars where it's warm.  So PLEASE...Remember to Tap the hood of your vehicle before getting in.  Or at the very least make enough noise where it will scare the cat out.  DO NOT BLOW YOUR HORNS! Blowing your horns can cause damage to the cat's hearing and/or cause it to harm itself while trying to hurry out.   Remember To  Leave Food and Water.  And to check on the water supply.  In these freezing temps the water will freeze up rather quickly.  So check often throughout the day. Use Straw to line shelters or to put where strays and ferals take shelter like under your house or porch.   Learn more about what you can to do by visiting The Humane Society's website.   Just click HERE

Kentucky Humane Society seeks donations for dogs rescued from Pulaski Co.

PULASKI CO., Ky. (WHAS11) -- The Kentucky Humane Society says some of the dogs rescued this week from a puppy mill in Pulaski County could go up for adoption as early as next week. Forty-three dogs were rescued from that puppy mill on Tuesday. The dogs are being checked out by vets at the Humane Society in Louisville. If you can't give an animal a home there are still ways you can help. The Humane Society says right now, it needs cleaning supplies, blankets and bedding and soft dog treats. Donations can be taken to the main office on Steedly Drive or to any of the Humane Society's Adoption sites at local Feeders Supply stores. For more information, or to make a monetary donation,  please contact  The Kentucky Humane S ociety " Unless someone like you cares  a whole awful lot,Nothing is going to get better. It's not." ~ The Lorax (by Dr. Suess)

Severely Neglected Dog Needs Your Help!

TOVAH Tovah was found abandoned, cold and nearly starved to death. She was emaciated and suffering from a severe upper respiratory infection and intestinal conditions. She hardly had the energy to stand. Tovah is now safe at North Shore Animal League America where she is receiving veterinary care and warm, loving attention. We are counting on you to help us continue to provide Tovah, and many animals like her, with the care they need to recover and live long and happy lives. CLICK HERE TO HELP!

Woof! Meow! Tweet! The Benefits Of Having Pets In Our MS Life

Article by  Christie Germans Dog, cat, chinchilla, hamster, ferret, fish, bearded dragon, parakeet, pig, monkey – whatever your choice, pets really make us feel good, better even, as we live with chronic illness and disability. Not only can they provide physical assistance, they also warm our hearts and make living with MS a bit easier. I am reminded of this as the winter temperatures drop and my cat, Hans, now cuddles more. (Yes, even in California, it gets cold. It dropped to the high 30’s the other night, which is cold for us, really, really cold. Brrrr!). There is nothing better than a good snuggle with Hans to warm me up. On the days I do not feel well, Hans just seems to pick up on this and cuddles with me even more, even closer. How wonderful this is as he distracts me from the  pain  I feel, the burning in my legs, the extreme  fatigue  I battle. And, there is more to it than just the snuggles. Having pets in our lives has a wide range of benefit...

Pet Winter Safety: Prepping Your Pet for Winter Weather

When the weather outside is frightful, these winter pet tips can keep your precious pets snug, safe, and warm. Keeping Warm: Fur Isn't Flawless We may admire our pets' plush coats, but as beautiful as fur is, it's not a perfect insulator, especially when it's very cold. In winter, pets can suffer from the weather extremes "for the same reason that mountain climbers can get hypothermia no matter what type of protective clothing they are wearing," says Oregon veterinarian Marla J. McGeorge, DVM. "Mammalian systems for heat retention and regulation can be overwhelmed by excessive cold." And, if an animal's coat gets wet, the fur loses much of its insulating ability, McGeorge tells WebMD. For cats and dogs with short fur, the protection is even more minimal, "sort of like wearing a T-shirt when it's below freezing."  Click HERE to Read Entire Article

Winter Shelters for Outside Pets, Ferals and Strays!

Design Basics There are many ways to build adequate shelter will all good designs sharing two qualities: strong insulation and minimal air space. The insulation is needed to trap the cats’ body heat, effectively turning the cats into little radiators. Empty air space needs to be eliminated in order to keep the amount of space that needs to be heated to a minimum. A well insulated large dog house will not work because there will be too much air space for the cats to warm. Likewise, a tight fitting space with thin, uninsulated walls won’t work either because the cat’s body heat will pass right through. Smaller Shelters Provide Warmth – Build More, Smaller Shelters With these design factors in mind, it is better to build two smaller shelters which will each hold three or four cats than one large shelter to house six to eight felines. With smaller shelters, even if only one or two cats go in, enough heat will be generated. But with the larger shelter, if only a small number of the c...

Cross Off Your Holiday Shopping List By Shopping at the Humane Society of the U.S. Online Store!

The Humane Society of the United States is pleased to present holiday gifts for the animal lovers in your life from The HSUS online store, within The Animal Rescue Site. Get a head start on your holiday shopping and receive $ 5 off when you make a purchase of $25 or more using the code HSUS5OFF through November. Even better, 20 percent of your purchase will go directly to animal protection programs at The HSUS! Browse some of our best sellers in apparel, jewelry, and accessories , get stylin' in our HSUS gear or shop for your pet! With our unbeatable prices, international shipping, and $4.95 standard U.S. shipping -- you're sure to find something for everyone on your list. Check it all out by clicking HERE Merry Christmas!

5 Ways to Keep Pets Safe on Halloween

Halloween can be a fun event for families and their pets. However, if safety precautions aren’t taken, it can also be a hazardous time for our four-legged companions. According to Dr. Justine Lee, a critical care specialist and associate director of Veterinary Services at Pet Poison Helpline, calls increase by 12 percent during the week of Halloween, making it the call center’s busiest time of year. Here are some practical yet potentially life-saving tips that can help protect your pets on Halloween. 1. Dangerous Pet Costumes Your safest choice in a pet Halloween costume would be a loosely tied bandana; however, if you choose to dress up your pet, outfit your dog or cat with a simple approach. Pets can become tangled in elaborate, tight-fitting costumes with strings, ties, belts and sashes. Difficulty in mobility can lead to bodily injury, including strangulation. Never leave a pet unattended while wearing a costume. Small (or large) parts of a costume can become chew...

IPet Companion: Play With Shelter Animals

With iPet Companion, you can play with cats in shelters from the comfort of your computer. Just follow the instructions below to make some kitty's day special! Click HERE to download the App Or just copy and paste the URL belo w: And while you're at the Animal Rescue Site... DON'T FORGET TO CLICK!

Vaccinate 250 Dogs Against Rabies By CLICKING

Your Daily Clicks DO matter!  Today you can help stop rabies in 250dogs just by going to the Animal Rescue Site and Clicking on the purple CLICK HERE button! Vaccinate 250 Dogs  Against Rabies Stopping rabies in dogs is the key to preventing the disease in people. Locally, encourage pet owners to have their animals vaccinated. Internationally, support organizations like Global Alliance for Rabies Control in their efforts to beat rabies — and prevent thousands of deaths. Although rabies is 99.9% fatal for children in the developing world, it is 100% preventable if street dogs and domestic pets are vaccinated. Read more at The Animal Rescue Site  Click HERE

Severely Emaciated Dog Found and Being Treated ~ Donations Needed *PLEASE SHARE*

LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – A severely emaciated dog infested with fleas was discovered at a shelter Monday morning, according to The Arrow Fund. The female Chihuahua mix, named Cher, was dumped in the overnight drop at Mason County Animal Shelter and taken to Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners in Louisville for 24 hour care. One she arrived Dr. Scott Rizzo assessed Cher and her fragile frame. "Her body condition is about a one out of nine," said Rizzo. "Her blood work would suggest that she has not been getting adequate nutrition for a long time and she's quite a bit down the way." The two to three year old pup weighs only seven pounds, which is half of what she should. "We're putting together a feeding plan," said Rizzo. "You have to be very, very careful with how you re-feed these dogs. They can actually get complications from feeding too quickly now because the body can't handle the food." Dr. Rizzo believes with the ri...

Pets Instead Of Pills: Support Service Dogs For Veterans

For many veterans, it can be hard to return to normal life, performing daily activities, connecting with others, or managing stress of what they've been through.  Trained service animals offer a way to manage the symptoms of  PTSD  without resorting to the antipsychotics often prescribed to these veterans. Millions of animals, meanwhile, sit in shelters and foster homes, waiting for a place to call a home of their own. Congress has acknowledged this discrepancy with the Dog Training Therapy Act, legislation that directs the Department of Veteran Affairs to carry out a pilot program to train service dogs for veterans in need of therapeutic care for post-deployment mental health. Such a pilot would lay the groundwork for a large-scale program that could benefit the hundreds of thousands of veterans suffering from  PTSD . Rather than prescribing more pills, this legislation provides veterans with alternative care that can be integral to their recovery.  ...

Message From Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO The Humane Society of the United States

I have a huge victory to share with you! After years of pressure from The HSUS, and hundreds of thousands of emails and support from advocates like you, online puppy mills will finally be subject to federal inspections and oversight. The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced plans today to ensure that large-scale breeding facilities that sell puppies over the Internet, by phone, or by mail are licensed and inspected regularly for basic humane care standards. This rule will also apply to large commercial breeders of other warm-blooded pets, such as kittens and small mammals Read Wayne's Blog By Clicking HERE Or By Copying & Pasting the URL Below: