
Showing posts with the label Suicide Awareness

Suicide Awareness Part 1

Death.  No matter what shape or form it takes it triggers intense emotions.  Even if we barely knew the person or never met the person we each feel something when we are told of their passing.    And the deep pain of sorrow we feel when an animal passes, be it our pets or an animal in the wild,  is something we all share. With some it's a deep sense of loss.  With others it is a wake up call.    Bottom line, with each passing, be it human or a beloved pet, Death reminds us how precious and how very short our time on this earth really is.  It touches us down to the very depths of our inner core.  Consciously or unconsciously. Many often wonder if there was more that could have been done to prevent the death of another.  Especially, and most in particularly, when it comes to suicide.    Sadly, suicide is still considered taboo.  It is a subject everyone knows about, but very rarely discusses o...