Christmas and New Year's Begins TODAY!

Yep! Yep! Yep! I've decided not to wait until January 1st to begin my New Year. And too, I decided not to wait until Christmas to give myself a few much needed gifts. I figure why put off one or two weeks that I can do today? Right? Seeing how it's been years in the making, I resolved to cut a dozen or so stragglers ( Most of which are blood related ) out of my life once and for all. With the exception of my three children, everyone else in that so called family is hereby gone from my life. Not that they will notice mind you. Seeing how I am the invisible woman and all. A Nobody! And yes, I have actually been told I am nobody in that family. More than once or twice! After 50 plus years of trying to bond with these mindless and clueless assholes, and trying to be a "family," I've decided to say so long, fare thee well, adieu, bye-bye...GOOD RIDDANCE once and for all! Again, they won'...