The Elephant In The Room

Okay, I want to talk about the elephant in the room here. Can somebody please explain to me how the Khans can mourn for the loss of their son (an American hero) while supporting a woman who left four Americans to die in Benghazi? I honestly want to know! I want to know how they, Mr. and Mrs. Khan, can publicly show their allegiance to a woman who not only turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to what was going on in Benghazi, but lied about what happened, continues to lie about what happened; and then lied that nobody died in Libya during her stint as Secretary of State? Not to mention, how she flipped out during the Benghazi hearings and yelled that now famous line... "What difference does it make?" Additionally, Clinton has treated the families, Mrs. Smith (mother of Sean Smith) in particular, like pariahs. So again, I ask, how can the Khans even begin to justify their support of this woman? Quite frankly, they come across as being hyp...