
Showing posts with the label ACLU

Invasion of the Data Snatchers

While you’re putting on your costume and getting ready for trick-or-treaters, imagine creatures spookier than any you will see tonight… new devices and technologies that are tracking your every move! A world without privacy? It’scloser than you think. Data snatchers?? They are NOT science fiction. And they’re closer than you think. New technologies are making it easier for private companies and the government to learn about everything we do - in our homes, in our cars, in stores, and within our communities. As they collect vast amounts of data about us, things are getting truly spooky! Isn't it time we regained control over our personal information? New technologies   make it easier for private corporations and the government to access vast amounts of data about us. And the Internet of computers and phones is turning into the “Internet of Things.” Unless we take action, it can grow into a web of horrors. Click HERE to See video and sign petition! Source: ...

Teen Forced To Wear Humiliating Name Tag At Work

16 year old Tyler Brandt’s supervisor created and required him to wear a name tag labeled “GAYTARD” while he worked at a Taco John’s restaurant in Yankton, South Dakota. Tyler was intentionally humiliated in front of customers and coworkers to the point that he felt he had no option but to quit his job. No one should have to face slurs in their workplace – no boss should be allowed to label their employee with insults. This is why the ACLU is representing Tyler with his charge of discrimination against Taco John’s - but it's time they also apologize to Tyler and publicly speak out against discrimination and bullying in the workplace. All corporations, including Taco John's, have a responsibility to ensure that their franchises understand that discrimination is unacceptable and illegal. Will you sign to stand with Tyler and demand an apology from Taco John’s? Let's call on them to take a public stance against discrimination and bullying in the workplace, so no one e...