Is This What You Want For Your Daughters? Is This What You Want For Your Sons? Part 1

Contrary to popular leftist liberal propaganda, Hillary Clinton is no role model for any woman or girl. Outside of sharing the same gender, Hillary Clinton offers very little else to women. She is a proven liar; an enabler; she is manipulative; careless, reckless, and negligent. These are the qualities of Hillary Clinton. Is this the type of role model we are wanting for our daughters? Supporting Hillary Clinton, who is a proven liar , is telling our's perfectly alright to lie your way through life. Is this what we want for our daughters? Is this someone y ou want to model y ourself after? Or have your little girl mode l her self after? Supporting Hillary Clinton, who has been proven time and again to be a liar, is telling our daughters that in order to get ahead in the world, as a woman , it is necessary to lie about everything, to be deliberately deceitful; and to become a master of man...