My Gratitudes: Monday, August 3, 2020
I noticed something happening to me as I started my daily practice of gratitude. All this anger started showing up. Yea, you read that right! Anger. I started getting pissed off for no apparent reason. Why? Well, according to one of my teachers, Jeffrey Allen, this is what is known as a growth spurt. 😁 All those things we have kept shoved down, ignored and left unattended are now showing up to be acknowledged, addressed and released. Makes sense. So the questions remain ... what am I so angry about? Why did I feel the need to suppress them? Ignore them? The first thing that comes to mind is how I didn't grieve for friends and family that made their transition. As I wrote that sentence I could actually feel the resentment swelling up. I take responsibility as to why I didn't take time to grieve. I was so busy holding everybody else up. (I chose that) I had to stand strong for everybody ...