What is Love? Channelled message from Antari

It's hard to believe this was all done in 2009!  Five years!  Wow!  Enjoy!


Greetings and Namaste One and All!

Just in time for St. Valentine's Day comes a wonderful message from our dear friend, Master Guide and Teacher, Antari! During the course of our work, Antari has stipulated (on more than one occasion) that reminders must be provided to us all in order to grasp things fully. Reminders of Love is no exception! At least that is what he tells me! *lol* 

Below is part of what my Beloved and most cherished friend shared with me today. And it gives me great pleasure to share it with all of you! 

Happy Valentine's Day

What is Love? 
Channeled message from Antari

You all have heard about the many facets of Love throughout your lives. But truly, do you really grasp and hold on to Love's true meaning? Do you live by the words and deeds of Love? Or do you just give Love "lip service"? Only you as an individual can answer those questions. Now, as you already are aware, the definitions of Love is as vast as the Universe itself. It is the only emotion here on planet Earth that has it's own Holiday (St. Valentine's day); and it is the only emotion that has inspired more songs, poems, plays and movies than anyone could ever possibly count or remember. 

Love can be found anywhere & everywhere. And best of all ... when you least at expect it!

There are different levels of love, such as love for your spouse, your boyfriend/girlfriend; the love you have for your parents and your assorted relatives & siblings; the love for a child, a pet or a dear close friend. And while each of these levels go from one degree to another, they all have one vital thing in common ... it exists in your lives. But what is Love? Really? Do you, as an individual, really comprehend and fully understand the true definition of Love?

Breaking it down, Love is energy in it's purest and most concentrated form. It is the most powerful energy in the entire Universe. In fact, it is Love that created the Universe itself; and it is Love that binds the Universe and all it's inhabitants together.  Love is ever flowing and constantly moving. Love cannot be forced.Love cannot be contained or held captive. As pure energy, Love demands space to move about freely, otherwise it becomes dormant and lifeless. Love, true and genuine Love, is FREEDOM. Freedom to just BE. 

Contrary to some beliefs, Love is not blind! In fact, Love sees all, knows all, and Understands Everything.  Where there is Love there is always freedom to just Be. To be yourself and to allow others to be themselves. Love does not need outside influences to make and keep it happy and content. Love does not cling or hold on to another. Love does not need anything to feel complete and whole. Love does not fear being alone. Love is the state in which you are continuously truly happy whether you are with the one you love or not. And for those who are of the belief that they need someone outside themselves to feel Love and to be Loved they are missing out on the greatest Love of all . the Love that comes from within. For how can one possibly hope To find Love & To Be Loved if they do Not Themselves Love? 

Love never becomes prideful or haughty. Love does not seek to criticize. Love is constantly building and uplifting. It never seeks out to destroy or tear down anyone or anything. Love fills us up and sustains us every second of every moment of every day. Love is a creating force.ever moving, ever flowing, ever present.  Love is always with us all. It never abandons us or leaves us alone. Even when you think and/or believe you have no Love in your lives . it is always present in some form, in some way. Love is always there with us!  And in order to really see Love, feel Love, Experience Love in its genuine form, you need only to be open and accepting of Love's true ways. Love is a great and powerful magnet that attracts and draws more Love in unto itself. If you Love yourself, then that Love magnetizes and brings more Love to you.

It is just what is. And it is how Love . true and genuine Love . works.  Please always keep in mind that Not for just today . but every day . 

You are Loved! You are Love Itself!

Namaste Beloveds!


Julia K. Cole aka The Empress is a psychic reader and medium who works closely with her spirit companion, Master Guide & Teacher Antari in bringing forth reminders from "Home". The above channelling is an excerpt from their current work entitled "Interview With a Spirit Guide". 


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