Saturday, April 11, 2015

Remember Me! (excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book One: The Coming Storm)

Victory Standish found herself torn between the successful life she had been leading to the vague memories that persisted.  She felt out of touch with the reality she had been living.  The doctors claimed it was due to the head injuries sustained in the accident.  But Victory knew that wasn't the case.  Long before she had ran off that slippery road, she knew there was something missing.   She knew there was something she needed to do.  Had to do.   



Sitting down on the foot of the bed, Victory thought about a story her grandma always told. Smiling she remembered how Helena would draw out scenes on the black wall to entertain young Victory.  But looking at the mural, she didn't recall it being so life-like.


“Stupid clock!”  Victory grumbled.

Remember!  The disembodied voice commanded.

Victory looked around.  “I’m doing my best,” she yelled back.  Her frustrated tone expressed emotions boiling inside of her.  Just as she was about to stand, Victory heard a rustling sound; followed by the sensation of someone jumping on the bed.


Slowly, Victory stretched her neck around.  Tears welled up as ghostly images formed.  Turning completely around, Victory allowed the past to unfold in her mind.

Remember me!  The voice persisted


Within seconds, Victory found herself transported back to her past.

“Tell me a story grandma!” a young Victory pleaded from under the covers.


Smiling, Helena patted the child’s leg.  “Alrighty!” she replied softly.  Leaning on the silver-headed cane for balance, the elderly woman rose from the bed, hobbling over to the high back rocker.  She paused for a moment as Snowball ran past.  He jumped on the bed, lying quietly beside the young girl.  Helena sighed falling into her favorite cushioned seat.


“Tell me the one about the Lunamanarees grandma!” Victory begged.

Helena chuckled.  Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a single cigarette from her hidden pack of Kools™ and a small box of matches.  With a quick blue orange flash, the room lit up and in seconds she was blowing smoke rings.

“Luminaries.”  Helena softly corrected.  “They’re called Lu-ma-nare-ees”


“Okay, tell me about them grandma!”  Victory insisted.  “Please tell me the story!”

Excerpt from Children of the Luminaries Book I: The Coming Storm©

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