Monday, September 30, 2013

$1 Million in 1 Day!

Today is the first day of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we want to make a big impact. We are so proud of the progress that has been made since the American Cancer Society started the fight against cancer 100 years ago, but we’re not finished yet. In fact, we are determined to make this cancer’s last century and finish the fight against breast cancer and all cancers.

That’s why our goal is to raise $1 Million in 1 Day for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer program. Thanks to supporters like you, the Society is funding groundbreaking breast cancer research and providing critical support for those facing the disease.

Together, we have the power to kick October off in a big way! 

Tomorrow, we’re asking our Making Strides community to come together in a powerful way to raise $1 Million in 1 Day.

A $20 donation could help provide free information and support for someone facing breast cancer or any cancer through our 24-hour toll-free hotline.

Click Here to make your donation Today!

Or just copy and paste the URL below:

Support The Rescue Bank® Pet Food Distribution Program

Rescue Bank® Pet Food Distribution Program supports the pet rescue community with a network of regional affiliates – pet food distribution centers.  These centers receive truckload donations scheduled by Rescue Bank® and distribute pallet quantities to qualified groups. 

 Our Pet Food Distribution Program allows rescue organizations to transfer part of their food budget to much needed services such as spay/neuter or other medical bills.

Learn More By Clicking HERE

Monday, September 23, 2013

Save Sea Lions: Stop Trashing Our Oceans!

Nicknamed "H.C." by the rescue team that discovered him, this poor animal was trapped in plastic litter -- and would have perished if it were not for the quick action of the Marine Mammal Center.

The MMC does all it can to protect marine wildlife along the coast of California, but despite their best efforts nearly one million marine animals are wounded or killed by ocean garbage each year.

You can help reduce that number by encouraging others to recycle more, purchasing goods with less bulky packaging and by making an effort to keep toxic materials out of drains or other areas that may drain into the ocean.

Click HERE to Sign the petition right now to pledge your support!


Just Copy and Paste the URL link Below:

Getting Our Pink On To Make Strides Against Breast Cancer

This year, my daughter Michaela and I are getting our Pink On for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

We're  Making Strides because we both  know that we'll be making  a difference in the fight to end breast cancer.  And too,  we both know that by raising funds and walking in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event, we will help save lives from breast cancer.     

We're Making Strides To HONOR   The Survivors!  Our fallen sisters!  All  their families! And all those touched by this dreadful disease.  

We're Making Strides  to take back our collective Power!    

We're Making Strides  To help raise funds for groundbreaking research, information and services for people fighting breast cancer, and mammograms for women who need them.

My daughter and I have signed up to walk and fund raise with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. 

 We  hope you will consider making a donation in support of our efforts. 

Click HERE to make a donation and cheer us on!

Or just copy & paste the URL below:

Only TOGETHER Can We Make The Strides To End Breast Cancer!

Help Save The Maned Wolf From Extinction

The maned wolf is a unique canid species. Despite its appearance, it is not closely related to foxes, wolves, jackals, or to domestic dogs; instead it may be the only modern survivor of a group of South American canids that went extinct about six million years ago. At one point, its one-of-a-kind "roar-bark" could be heard throughout much of eastern Bolivia.
Now the maned wolf is classified as a threatened species. In Bolivia, where less than a thousand of these fascinating creatures remain, its habitat is rapidly being cleared for agricultural production. This includes the Beni savanna, a biologically rich area that is home not only to the elusive maned wolf, but also to the critically endangered blue-throated Macaw and other rare animals.
You can help. Rainforest Trust is matching your donation, so your gift of just $15 dollars will purchase and protect an entire acre of the best remaining habitat for the maned wolf in the Beni savannah. Buying and protecting land in neighboring countries at similar prices is nearly impossible, and as the international demand for cheap land push values up, this opportunity too will pass. By working together now, we can ensure that the unique "roar-bark" continues to be heard across a wild Bolivian savanna.

Click HERE to Make Your Donation

And while You're Visiting the Animal Rescue Site, please don't forget to CLICK!
The Animal Rescue Site

Friday, September 20, 2013

Your Clicks Really DO make a Difference At The Animal Rescue Site

The Animal Rescue SiteWhether people, pets, or the environment we all share, each of the GreaterGood's sites provides simple yet effective ways to address urgent and specific needs across a spectrum of causes

Click HERE to learn more about The Animal Rescue Site and all the other wonderful  Greater Good  Sites!

Your Daily Clicks Really DO make a Difference At the Animal Rescue Site!  

Bullied girl, whose brother wrote viral letter to Santa, surprised by favorite band

When Karen Suffern, a single mom from Rocky Mount, N.C., asked her 8-year-old twins to write a letter to Santa with their Christmas wishes over the weekend, she expected to see toys, books and clothes on the list.
Instead, Suffern was shocked to see a heartfelt request from her son, Ryan, that Santa Claus step in and put an end to the bullying suffered by his twin sister, Amber.
“Dear Santa … I wanted a [remote control] car and helicopter, but I don’t want that any mor. Kid at school are still picking on Amber and its not fair because she doesnt do anything to them … ,” Ryan wrote. “I prayed that they will stop but god is bisy and needs your help.
“Is it against the rules to give gift early?” he wrote.
“Ryan handed me his and told me not to read it so of course I read it to find out what he wanted,” Suffern told “That’s when I realized and thought, ‘Oh, my gosh.’”

Read Entire Story by clicking HERE

Source:  ABC News; WHAS Louisville


The third grade girl, who suffered bullying at school, was star struck when her idols walked out and serenaded her with a special performance, bringing a much-needed smile to her face.

The story started when the twins' mother, Karen Suffern, from Rocky Mount, N.C., asked her 8-year-old twins to write a letter to Santa with their Christmas wishes over the weekend. She expected to see toys, books and clothes on the list and was shocked to see the heartfelt request from her son for Santa Claus to step in and put an end to his sister's bullying.

"Dear Santa … I wanted a [remote control] car and helicopter, but I don't want that any mor. Kid at school are still picking on Amber and its not fair because she doesnt do anything to them … ," Ryan wrote. "I prayed that they will stop but god is bisy and needs your help.

"Is it against the rules to give gift early?" he wrote.

"Ryan handed me his and told me not to read it so of course I read it to find out what he wanted," Suffern said. "That's when I realized and thought, 'Oh, my gosh.'"

Ryan didn't stop there. He also asked for his sister to meet her favorite band.

Click HERE to Read Entire Story and to Watch the Video

Source:  ABC News; WHAS Louisville

Help Stop The Unlimited Shoot-on-Sight Killing Of Wolves In Wyoming

Last October it became legal to shoot, trap and gas Wyoming's 328 wolves throughout most of the state. 

Already more than 40 wolves have been killed.
Tell Wyoming Governor Matt Mead to put a stop to the slaughter of gray wolves, and end this brutal extermination policy taking place in nearly 85 percent of the state.
Wyoming's new law threatens the gray wolf recovery that is under way in the Northern Rockies—and even includes a dangerous loophole that would make it legal to kill wolves no matter how few remain.
Help us keep the pressure up! Ask Governor Mead to stop the slaughter, and put policies in place to ensure the survival of wolves now and for future generations.

Click HERE to Send the Message!
Copy & Paste the URL below:

Replant Native Trees in Peru

Bring the expanding deserts of western Peru, "the driest place on Earth," back to life.

The Peruvian city of Ica was once surrounded by huarango, a tree that gave life to the famous Nazca society. This mesquite relative is as beautiful as it is useful. Huarango pods can be used as fodder for livestock, ground into flour for human consumption, sweetened into molasses, or even fermented into beer. The light yellow flowers are a haven for bees, and the tree itself helps capture seasonal floodwaters on their way from the Andes to the Pacific, supporting humans, animals, and plants.

But the struggling people of Ica turned in desperation to the trees, cutting them down for charcoal to sell and use in the cities. Now, 98% of the great forest is gone. Without the life-giving properties of the trees, the cleared land is fast becoming uninhabitable desert. The soil has degraded for lack of nutrients that the trees once provided, and is unable to support most plant life. Without the great roots and boughs to protect them, streams, lakes, and lagoons are drying up, leaving arid deserts that spread across the land and cannot support the diversity that once thrived there.

Peru's people suffer as well. The clearing of huarango forests has been suggested as a major factor in the complete collapse of the Nazca society, intensifying the effects of flooding, erosion, and desertification. Without the huarango to bind moisture and counter erosion, the modern inhabitants of western Peru now face the same threat — even as desperate villagers continue to harvest the remaining trees for charcoal.

You can help. Trees for Cities (TFC) is working with local non-profit organization ANIA (Association for Children and the Environment) not only to reintroduce the huarango tree through planting of new seedlings, but also to change public perceptions as to its importance. TFC helps people develop sustainable livelihoods based around the huarango tree, and to understand their true economic and ecological value. TFC hopes to plant 4,000 trees in the 2010/11 year, at the remarkably low cost of only $1 per tree.  Just Click HERE to make a Donation. 

Your donation through this Gift That Gives More™ plants 15 native huarango trees in and near the Peruvian city of Ica, helping reverse desertification of the region.  Click HERE to make Your Donation.

To Make Your Donation, please Click HERE


Just Copy and Paste the URL Below:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What To Do If And When There Is An Active Shooter In Your Building Or Campus

There's a shooter in your building or on Campus.  What do you do?   How do you survive?  What steps do you take to get away?

Homeland Security has put together a booklet outlining what to do when there's a shooter in your building and/or campus.   

You can find it by clicking HERE 


Just Copy & Paste The URL below:

Please Share this Information 
on ALL your Social Networks!

And with EVERYONE You Know!

Help Me and My Daughter Meet our Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Goal!

On Sunday, October 27, 2013, Me and my daughter will be participating in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.  

Our Goal is to raise $100 (or more) for this event.   

Please help us meet our goal by making your donation Today!

You can Donate any amount by clicking HERE 

Or by copying and pasting the URL down below:

Don't forget to see if your company offers to match donations!


Don't Forget To Click!

The Breast Cancer Site

Thank You!

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Don't keep your dreams waiting ...

This is something that every single person faces at one point or another. And it could be keeping you from EVERYTHING you really want.

Don’t put off your success another second.

Click HERE to watch this amazing Video


Just Copy & Paste the URL Below

Watch this video right now and discover what only 3% of the population knows:
  • How EASY it is to make more money
  • The one thing that could completely change your life and help you get everything you’ve ever wanted
  • That it actually takes LESS work to be a huge success than it does to barely get by
  • The one thing that failures DON’T do

Police Officers Rescue Kitten!

This tiny ginger kitten’s fate could have been much different if not for Toronto police officers who rescued him out of a city trash can.

A group of pedestrians heard kitten cries from a garbage can. When they found the kitten, they flagged down 13 Division officers for help.

As soon as Const. Shawn Kinghorn saw the kitten, he knew right away that he wanted to adopt the cat. He took the kitten to the vet and paid for the entire bill. They named him Django. He was given a clean bill of health except he is very hungry and would need hand feeding through a syringe.

Django is determined to be about 10 days old. No one knows how long he stayed in the garbage can, but one thing is for sure that he’s now in good hands and very loved.

This tiny kitten’s fate could have been much different if not for Toronto police officers who rescued him out of a  garbage can.

Click HERE to Read more and View More Pictures  at  Love Meow!

Or Just Copy & Paste URL Below: 

All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome

Based on the best selling kids' picture book "All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome," the video provided at The Autism Site  is a sweet look at the similarities between folks with Asperger Syndrome and our sometimes aloof feline friends. 

We think it's purr-fectly adorable!

Click HERE to View The Video


Just Copy & Paste the URL below 

And While you're there, Don't Forget To CLICK!  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Why I am Making Strides

Because I know I will make a difference in the fight to end breast cancer.   And I know that by raising funds and walking in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event, I will help save lives from breast cancer. 

It is my firm belief that one day breast cancer will never steal another year from anyone's life. Making Strides is not only my opportunity to join my community to fight back against breast cancer, but it's also a way to inspire hope by raising funds and awareness to help those facing the disease. 

Who I am Making Strides For

This is my opportunity to not just help raise needed funds, but to honor breast cancer survivors and to remember people we have lost.

I have signed up to walk and fundraise with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. I hope you will consider joining my team and/or making a donation in support of my efforts. 

To Make A Donation Just Click HERE


Just copy and paste the URL below:

Together, we can make strides to end breast cancer!

Lose Weight and Fight To End Hunger!

Be a part of the Lose For Good® campaign through 10/12. 

As you lose weight, Weight Watchers™ will donate money to help fight hunger.

Join today and your pounds lost can count for good.

Click HERE to Learn more about the Lose For Good® campaign

Or Just copy & paste the URL below:

Severely Emaciated Dog Found and Being Treated ~ Donations Needed *PLEASE SHARE*

LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – A severely emaciated dog infested with fleas was discovered at a shelter Monday morning, according to The Arrow Fund.

The female Chihuahua mix, named Cher, was dumped in the overnight drop at Mason County Animal Shelter and taken to Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners in Louisville for 24 hour care.
One she arrived Dr. Scott Rizzo assessed Cher and her fragile frame. "Her body condition is about a one out of nine," said Rizzo. "Her blood work would suggest that she has not been getting adequate nutrition for a long time and she's quite a bit down the way."
The two to three year old pup weighs only seven pounds, which is half of what she should.

"We're putting together a feeding plan," said Rizzo. "You have to be very, very careful with how you re-feed these dogs. They can actually get complications from feeding too quickly now because the body can't handle the food."

Dr. Rizzo believes with the right care she can bounce back. "We've got some hurdles that we have to overcome, but I definitely think that there is path to getting her back to being a healthy dog," said Rizzo. 

Eaves hopes this type of neglect will get the community's attention. "It doesn't have to get to this point and you as a citizen can do the right thing and report it," said Eaves. 

Eaves said Cher will be monitored at Blue Pearl for around a week until she is stable. Doctors also found Cher was born with a heart condition that will require surgery once she is back to a healthy weight.
The Arrow Fund said donations are needed to care for Cher. If you would like more information on The Arrow Fund or to donate, click here

Donations can also be mailed to:
The Arrow Fund
P.O. Box 1127
Prospect, KY 40059

Source:  WAVE  3 News~ Louisville, Kentucky

Help Dogs Recover From Their Ordeal In The Fighting Ring

In what is believed to be the second-largest dog fighting raid in U.S. history, the United States Attorney's Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation seized 367 dogs in Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®, The International Fund for Animal Welfare, and The Humane Society of the United States assisted in the raid by official request.
The dogs were rescued and transported to temporary emergency shelters in undisclosed locations, where these three groups have joined other trusted responders to provide food and shelter, veterinary care, and behavioral enrichment. Once the investigation is complete, the responders hope these dogs can be rehabilitated and eventually placed into loving forever homes.
Dog fighting is a felony for good reason: these innocent dogs are the victims of unfathomable cruelty, forced to fight for their very lives. The rescued dogs range in age from just several days to around twelve years old.
You can help. Your donation helps provide food, shelter, safe transportation, and care for the dogs rescued in this operation as they recover from lives of cruelty and abuse.

Click HERE To Make Your Donation Today!

100% of your donation will go to the program described above as a grant through GreaterGood stores do not receive any profit from donations through this Gift That Gives More™; we bring it to you in the spirit of the greater good. We even pay the credit card transaction fee, so every cent of your donation goes to charity.

Colorado Flooding - Help Animals Now

You can help animals affected by the Colorado flooding.
On September 15, 2013, the president declared a major disaster in Colorado. Weather patterns conspired to generate massive flooding that damaged homes and businesses and destroyed critical infrastructure, including roads and phone lines. The National Guard and other emergency responders have rescued more than a thousand people from areas cut off due to washed out roads and high waters.
When natural disasters strike, pets as well as people are affected; they too need emergency shelter, food, and water. Shelters need help providing for the animals in their care, repairing facilities, providing food and medical care, and replacing water-damaged supplies. Every donation makes a difference in the lives of animals.
You can help. Donations through this Gift That Gives More™ are earmarked for emergency rescue and recovery efforts for Colorado's animals in need, and the shelters caring for them.

Click HERE to make your Donation Today!

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