
I think Santa Claus is a woman....

I hate to be the one to defy sacred myth, but I believe he's a she. Think about it. Christmas is a big, organized, warm, fuzzy, nurturing social deal, and I have a tough time believing a guy could possibly pull it all off!  For starters, the vast majority of men don't even think about selecting gifts until Christmas Eve. It's as if they are all frozen in some kind of Ebenezerian Time Warp until 3 p.m. on Dec. 24th, when they - with amazing calm - call other errant men and plan for a last-minute shopping spree. Once at the mall, they always seem surprised to find only Ronco products, socket wrench sets, and mood rings left on the shelves. (You might think this would send them into a fit of panic and guilt, but my husband tells me it's an enormous relief because it lessens the 11th hour decision-making burden.) On this count alone, I'm convinced Santa is a woman. Surely, if he were a man, everyone in the universe would wake up Christmas morning to find a rotating musi...


Last Day to  SAVE $3 off the sale price ($11.95) Available in paperback and on Kindle! Children of the Luminaries Trilogy.  Imagine...all you held dear, your way of life, all that you knew, was suddenly and tragically taken away. Imagine...being but only one of 13 survivors of a once powerful race of people. Imagine...being told you were chosen to be a warrior that must face and defeat your most feared enemy. Imagine...learning of a distant world where the dark lord now inhabits  and controls. The same world where your 12 loved ones were sent; and where they reside with no memories of their prior memories of you. Imagine...being informed that in order to save those you love, you most first rid this world of the dark lord and his minions. What would you do? How far would you go to save those you love? *~*~*~*~* Book I: The Coming Storm launches the saga of The Oracle and her...

#SaveBela campaign may spare dog’s life

Connie Ley made an unusual request in her will before she died last month in Aurora, Indiana: She asked that her German shepherd, Bela, be euthanized and buried with her. Three weeks later, however, Bela, who is 9 years old and male, is healthy and very much alive. And there’s a growing movement on social media to defy his late owner’s wishes and spare the animal. Ley’s attorney, Doug Denmure, told CNN affiliate WCPO-TV that his late client preferred to send Bela to Best Friends Animal Society’s no-kill sanctuary in southern Utah to live out the remainder of his days. But if transporting the dog across the country proved too expensive, Ley wanted a close friend to take charge of Bela and carry out her request that “the dog be put to sleep, cremated and that the dog’s ashes be placed with her own ashes.” Read More Source:

Save $3 Off Sale Price Order NOW and get it BEFORE Christmas!

TO GET IT BEFORE CHRISTMAS ORDER NOW and SAVE $3 off sale price ($11.95) Now through 12/22/24 Save $3 when you purchase Book One of Children of the Luminaries Available in paperback and on Kindle! Children of the Luminaries Trilogy.  Imagine...all you held dear, your way of life, all that you knew, was suddenly and tragically taken away. Imagine...being but only one of 13 survivors of a once powerful race of people. Imagine...being told you were chosen to be a warrior that must face and defeat your most feared enemy. Imagine...learning of a distant world where the dark lord now inhabits  and controls. The same world where your 12 loved ones were sent; and where they reside with no memories of their prior memories of you. Imagine...being informed that in order to save those you love, you most first rid this world of the dark lord and his minions. What would you do? How far would you go...

Order Children of the Luminaries Book One The Coming Storm NOW to Get It Before Christmas

TO GET IT BEFORE CHRISTMAS ORDER NOW! Available in paperback and on Kindle! Children of the Luminaries Trilogy.  Imagine...all you held dear, your way of life, all that you knew, was suddenly and tragically taken away. Imagine...being but only one of 13 survivors of a once powerful race of people. Imagine...being told you were chosen to be a warrior that must face and defeat your most feared enemy. Imagine...learning of a distant world where the dark lord now inhabits  and controls. The same world where your 12 loved ones were sent; and where they reside with no memories of their prior memories of you. Imagine...being informed that in order to save those you love, you most first rid this world of the dark lord and his minions. What would you do? How far would you go to save those you love? *~*~*~*~* Book I: The Coming Storm launches the saga of The Oracle and her mentor Demetrius as they set out on a ques...

9 Very Real Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is medicine and science says there are real and tangible benefits associated with laughter.  So if you love laughter and crave comedy, maybe that’s just your body nudging you toward better health. Here's Those 9 Very Real Reasons: 1 .  It’s good for your heart!   One study showed that people who have heart disease tend to laugh less than people who don’t.  They also responded with less humor to normal life situations.  Humor is good for your heart! 2.  Helps fight cancer .  The Cancer Treatment Centers of America actually use laughter  therapy to boost immunity, relieve pain, and improve moods in cancer patients. 3.  Heals relationships .  One of the greatest benefits of laughter is that it brings people closer together.  It can relieve anger and anxiety while restoring positive feelings.  Laughter can break the tension in a  tough moment and pave the way for finding solutions to relation...

From the PAY IT FORWARD FILES: An On-Going Pay It Forward that Just keeps Getting More Fabulous!

The big heart of a Jeffersonville police officer and the generosity of strangers are still making an enormous impact on one man's life. Click here to read the entire story Click here to read how it all started. If you would like to make a donation Just click HERE Merry Christmas Everybody!