Monday, September 16, 2013

A Healthy Scratch Can Save A Cat: Please Help a Shelter Cat Feel Safe!

"Scratching is an essential element of cats' communication, problem-solving, health, and security issues." -Jackson Galaxy
You can help make shelter cats more comfortable and adoptable.
In most shelters, cats live in small, easy-to-clean stainless-steel cages with a metal gate as the entry, a small litter pan, food, water, and a towel or blanket. This meets the most basic of physical needs, but in no way meets behavioral or emotional needs to keep a cat healthy and satisfied.
Cats communicate with scent. They have scent glands on their cheeks, their head, and their paw pads, and when a cat leans up and scratches something, they are effectively announcing, "this is my space, my home." But in a stainless steel kennel, there is no place to scratch. Also, every time a worker sanitizes the cage - a necessary process - the cat's natural scent is washed away, and kitty is left once again in an alien and frightening place.
Providing specially-designed cat scratchers helps a shelter cat feel much more secure and confident, like they "own" the space they're living in. For them, getting to scratch is like choosing your own couch or color of paint - it makes the room feel warmer and more inviting. Providing a scratcher can also help alleviate boredom and reduce behaviors that discourage adoption. When the happy day finally arrives and a shelter cat meets her new family, her scratcher will go home with her, providing a familiar and scented object to help kitty adjust to the new home.
You can help. Every dollar of your donation provides a specially-designed scratcher for a shelter cat. Just $10 can change the lives of 10 cats waiting for their forever homes!

Cats R Cool™ is all about teaching people what we already know - that cats make great pets, excellent companions, and are full-fledged family members. We are working to dispel negative stereotypes and make the situation for shelter cats better through public education, shelter outreach, and grants.

"White Gold" Or "Bloody Teeth"?

Call on China to stem the surging demand for illegal ivory that is fueling the slaughter of Africa's remaining elephants.

The rising demand for ivory among China's growing middle class has triggered massive amounts of illegal poaching, particularly since 2011. It's now estimated that if this rate of killing continues, elephant populations may never fully recover.

We need to put immediate pressure on China and other ivory-buying countries to do more to protect elephants and prevent the expansion of black markets.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service took a major step just days after 41 dead elephants were found in Zimbabwe, pledging to crush 6 million tons of seized "white gold" in an effort to remove it from the illegal market. This is a good start but there's still much more work to be done.

Click HERE to sign the petition now and support elephants worldwide, before this majestic animal goes extinct!


Copy & Paste the URL Below:

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot.  

Nothing is going to get better.  

It's not!" 

~The Lorax~

Ten Surprising Things Kids Knew In 1980 That Kids Don't Have A Clue About Today

As it turns out, kids these days actually do know less than they used to.

Kent State University researchers conducted a study that evaluated the general knowledge of students in the U.S. during the year 2012 by using an exhaustive test first implemented in 1980. The study ranks the most commonly known facts among college students and compares those rankings to their 1980 equivalents.

Click HERE to find out what the top 10 things are


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Purchase a Glamour Puss Watch TODAY And Help Shelter Cats Find THEIR Forever Home!

For a limited time, for every Glamour Puss Watch purchased, an extra $5 will be donated to help shelter cats find their forever home!
According to HSUS, 6 to 8 million animals enter the shelter system every year, and that's just in the United States. Shockingly, only 2-5% of lost cats are reclaimed by their owners from shelters each year, and only 24% of cats who enter a shelter are ever adopted. Cats R Cool™ is a GreaterGood signature program. 

We're working closely with Cats R Cool™ to: •
  • Help cats already in shelters by providing supplies such as cat toys and beds 
  • making them happier and calmer, and more likely to find a forever home. •
  • Help shelters cover the expenses of vaccinating and spaying / neutering cats, making them more likely to be adopted out. •
  • Help win the hearts of people who might be "on the fence" about adopting a cat — by showing the public how cool cats really are! •
  • And to give much-needed grants directly to shelters that are saving cats' lives every day.

Click HERE to get your Glamour Puss Watch Today!
Just Copy & Paste the URL below:

Friday, September 13, 2013

Clicking To Make A Difference!


It only takes a minute or two to click on ALL the Click Sites!  

The Animal Rescue Site

The Breast Cancer Site

The Rainforest Site

The Hunger Site

Tell Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell: Put a Stop to this Delisting Catastrophe

Our worst nightmare is now a reality. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has formally proposed to remove all Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection for nearly all gray wolves across the United States.
If this proposal becomes final, delisting will prematurely turn wolf management over to the states, and we've already seen what can happen when rabid anti-wolf politics are allowed to trump science and core wildlife management principles.
More than 1,100 wolves have already been killed in the Northern Rockies since Congress took ESA protections away from them in 2011.
Please send an urgent message to Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell — demand that she provide oversight during the official review period and urge her to re-think the official proposal before it becomes final


 The Animal Rescue Site:

NASA Stumbles Across 10 Undiscovered Black Holes

NASA recently stumbled across 10 previously undiscovered supermassive black holes, using its Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). NASA is hoping this is simply the beginning of their good fortune, as the team anticipates hundreds of potential discoveries to emerge from the depths of space.

Super Massive Black Holes

Super massive black holes are the largest black hole type, possessing hundreds of thousands to billions of solar masses. Astronomers postulate that there are super massive black holes dotted throughout distant galaxies, often situated within their centers. Sagittarius A* is the name coined for the super massive black within the Milky Way.
The trigger of these space monsters has been the source of much debate amongst leading astronomers. One theory posits, super massive black holes materialize upon a star’s demise, as matter is squeezed into a very small volume. The extreme density of this matter instigates powerful gravitational forces, from which even light cannot escape.
Many of these black holes have been identified indirectly, by detecting X-rays emitted from the accretion disks, surrounding their cores. The accretion disk arises from the influence of the supermassive black hole’s gravitational forces, slowly drawing streams of matter ever-closer, which slowly revolve around its center. As the matter proceeds towards its fate, it experiences frictional forces that cause it to release detectable, high-energy radiation. This radiation can then be measured by X-ray telescopes, such as NuSTAR.

Click HERE to Read The Entire Article
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