While I was preparing an article on Domestic Violence Awareness, I came upon a photo collage of a young woman whose face was all busted up and bloodied. The caption of this picture read: My boyfriend beats me up -- but I love him though!
After seeing this picture, I tossed my original article in lieu of a good old fashioned rant.
** If you are easily offended ...
NOW is a good time to close out this blog**
For any of you who are currently in a relationship where your significant other is abusing you, on any level, in any manner ... I want you to listen up.
If you are staying with someone who is verbally and/or physically abusing you --
Allowing someone to use you for a punching bag is NOT Love! It is fear! And fear & Love cannot reside in the same space at the same exact time!
If they are abusing you -- they do NOT love you!
If they loved you -- they would never want to hurt you.
If they are abusing you -- it is NOT your fault! Your abuser is a sick fuck! End of story! No matter how much you love them! No matter how hard you try to be good -- it will NEVER be good enough for your abuser! Why? Because they are sick twisted fucks!
Your abusers are never truly sorry! While your abuser may say the words "I'm sorry!" they do not EVER mean it! They are control freaks with an agenda. And their agenda is to keep you chained to their sick twisted controlling ways.
Read the following ... very carefully.
If your significant other ...
- is calling you and/or texting you for no other reason than to check up on you ... then gets angry when you don't reply immediately ...
- gets overly upset whenever you have family or friends over or when you are talking to them ...
- gets all bent out of shape if their meals aren't prepared when they want them, nit picks at every tiny thing, bitches constantly about how the house looks, wants to know why you are a few minutes late getting back from the store or anywhere else ...
The above list is just a few examples of the type of control methods to keep you in line and to isolate you from those who care about you and love you. They are just the first steps to further abuse!
It is a proven fact!
An abuser will make every attempt to control you, manipulate you and isolate you. This is their proven formula.
And do not EVER believe them when they say they didn't mean to hit you that one time. And that they will never do it again.
If they hit you ONCE -- they WILL do it again and again ... AND AGAIN!
You cannot change these sick fucks! You can only drop kick their ass to the curb and leave! You cannot believe one word these sick assholes say -- they are very convincing pathological liars! They wouldn't know the truth if it walked up to them and bit them on the nose!
You are NOT somebody's fucking punching bag! You are NOT responsible for your abuser's behavior! You are NOT to blame for their bullshit! You have NOTHING to be ashamed of! And you are NOT ALONE!
End of Story!
If you, or someone you know, care about & love, is in an abusive relationship, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
Or visit them on the web at http://www.thehotline.org/
There are safe places to go. People who are qualified and experienced to help.
Again ... You are NOT alone! And you have NOTHING to be ashamed of!
Please! If you are currently in an abusive relationship -- get out NOW! There are places to go that are safe! And you will be protected. You will get the help you need to get away from your abuser. But YOU have to take that first step!
It's Up to YOU!
Below are some more resources to find help! Please Share this information! Do All that you can to help those you know who are being abused to get out of that situation!
Domestic Violence is EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS!
National Domestic Violence Website: http://www.thehotline.org/
Resources For Men who are victims of Domestic Violence:
You're Not Alone Domestic Abuse Hotline 888-743-5754
Safe Horizon
Domestic Violence International Resources:
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