In my final thoughts on 2011, I am reminded of those I said good bye this past year. Interestingly enough, there weren’t that many. And I say that because -- in years past, the number of people I said good bye to were in the triple digits. But 2011, the numbers dwindled down to the single numbers.
On February 7, 2011, my mother passed away . After almost a year, I still can’t figure out how I feel about that. Having been estranged from her for so long, coupled with the fact that I am a medium, it’s really difficult to decipher my feelings on her physical death. A huge part of me, however, is relieved that she is no longer suffering. I don’t like seeing anyone in any kind of pain.
My mother left behind a legacy of confusion. It’s how she lived her life -- so it’s only fitting that her death would reflect the same. The world around me actually mirrors my mother in so many ways -- too many to even begin to count. Which may be one of many reasons why I don’t miss her as much as I feel I should.
In 2011, I managed to kick out -- and keep out -- certain people who were always finding ways to inject their brand of doom and gloom about everything! They were always telling me: I can't do this -- I can’t say that! That’s not how you do it! You’re wrong! I’m the only one who knows better than you! Blah! Blah! Blah!
Anything and everything I did and/or said was always put down by these people. Couldn't do anything right where they were concerned. So I kicked their asses OUT and slammed that door shut!
These were the people who were constantly trying to control every aspect of my being. You know the type. Everyone has at least one of those people around. For whatever reason/reasons -- I seem to have had more than my fair share of those types. Oy! But … 2011 proved to be the year where I managed to keep that door to those types of relationships closed. Now, as I watch the clock ticking away towards 2012 -- I can’t help but feel really proud of myself for standing my ground in this particular regard.
2011 was also the year where I renewed some old friendships that had fell to the wayside. We had parted in late 2009 -- and found our paths crossing in 2011. The time during our separation brought us into some really groovy wisdom -- our friendship is better and stronger for it.
Oh! And I am very proud to announce … (drum roll please) I finally managed to actually complete my first book (the first in a trilogy) in 2011! Woo! Hoo! Sufficient to say … I can honestly relate to Tolkien! Lord of the Rings’ fans know what I’m talking about here.
I feel that the last two books in this series won’t take as long as the first! I know it won’t -- cause I’m already half finished with Book 2. And Book 3 -- got one-third of it on paper! Yea! For me!!!!
I have several other literary projects in the works in 2012. And unlike in times past … I am actually feeling good about them all. I don’t feel that twinge of drudgery as I use to. Actually feel excited about it all. This excitement -- this feeling of freedom -- is actually new for me. I never felt it before -- not like this!
Regardless of the insanity taking place around me -- I am really feeling good about 2012!
While I know there will continue to be challenges along the way during the new year, I feel these incredible energies building and gaining strength. An incredibly wonderful feeling that something fantastical is just over the horizon! Something brought about by all the hard work I and so many others have been doing over the decades.
And no … I am not expecting any Utopia to suddenly appear through some extraterrestrial or divine intervention. I am, however, seeing something more tangible in its finishing stages taking place in 2012. And yes, I take pride in the knowingness that I played a small part in it!
As we face the final count-down to 2012 ... I shall leave you with an excerpt from the Children of the Luminaries© series …
All that no longer serves your growth -- leave it.
All those who no longer serve your higher purposes -- Bid farewell!
Bring with you only the wisdom that you earned during the challenges you faced -- all those you overcome -- even the ones that you didn't. Take only the Love and compassion these events inspired and instilled in you.
Lift your head up and take heart that this is by no means the end of who you are -- but the return to your true self!
Remember this … and remember it well … that after all that has been said and done -- only Love matters! It is all that ever truly mattered! It is the only thing that ever matters!
On February 7, 2011, my mother passed away . After almost a year, I still can’t figure out how I feel about that. Having been estranged from her for so long, coupled with the fact that I am a medium, it’s really difficult to decipher my feelings on her physical death. A huge part of me, however, is relieved that she is no longer suffering. I don’t like seeing anyone in any kind of pain.
My mother left behind a legacy of confusion. It’s how she lived her life -- so it’s only fitting that her death would reflect the same. The world around me actually mirrors my mother in so many ways -- too many to even begin to count. Which may be one of many reasons why I don’t miss her as much as I feel I should.
In 2011, I managed to kick out -- and keep out -- certain people who were always finding ways to inject their brand of doom and gloom about everything! They were always telling me: I can't do this -- I can’t say that! That’s not how you do it! You’re wrong! I’m the only one who knows better than you! Blah! Blah! Blah!
Anything and everything I did and/or said was always put down by these people. Couldn't do anything right where they were concerned. So I kicked their asses OUT and slammed that door shut!
These were the people who were constantly trying to control every aspect of my being. You know the type. Everyone has at least one of those people around. For whatever reason/reasons -- I seem to have had more than my fair share of those types. Oy! But … 2011 proved to be the year where I managed to keep that door to those types of relationships closed. Now, as I watch the clock ticking away towards 2012 -- I can’t help but feel really proud of myself for standing my ground in this particular regard.
2011 was also the year where I renewed some old friendships that had fell to the wayside. We had parted in late 2009 -- and found our paths crossing in 2011. The time during our separation brought us into some really groovy wisdom -- our friendship is better and stronger for it.
Oh! And I am very proud to announce … (drum roll please) I finally managed to actually complete my first book (the first in a trilogy) in 2011! Woo! Hoo! Sufficient to say … I can honestly relate to Tolkien! Lord of the Rings’ fans know what I’m talking about here.
I feel that the last two books in this series won’t take as long as the first! I know it won’t -- cause I’m already half finished with Book 2. And Book 3 -- got one-third of it on paper! Yea! For me!!!!
I have several other literary projects in the works in 2012. And unlike in times past … I am actually feeling good about them all. I don’t feel that twinge of drudgery as I use to. Actually feel excited about it all. This excitement -- this feeling of freedom -- is actually new for me. I never felt it before -- not like this!
Regardless of the insanity taking place around me -- I am really feeling good about 2012!
While I know there will continue to be challenges along the way during the new year, I feel these incredible energies building and gaining strength. An incredibly wonderful feeling that something fantastical is just over the horizon! Something brought about by all the hard work I and so many others have been doing over the decades.
And no … I am not expecting any Utopia to suddenly appear through some extraterrestrial or divine intervention. I am, however, seeing something more tangible in its finishing stages taking place in 2012. And yes, I take pride in the knowingness that I played a small part in it!
As we face the final count-down to 2012 ... I shall leave you with an excerpt from the Children of the Luminaries© series …
All that no longer serves your growth -- leave it.
All those who no longer serve your higher purposes -- Bid farewell!
Bring with you only the wisdom that you earned during the challenges you faced -- all those you overcome -- even the ones that you didn't. Take only the Love and compassion these events inspired and instilled in you.
Lift your head up and take heart that this is by no means the end of who you are -- but the return to your true self!
Remember this … and remember it well … that after all that has been said and done -- only Love matters! It is all that ever truly mattered! It is the only thing that ever matters!
Grandmother Willow to The Oracle
Children of the Luminaries ~ Book III: The Day of Reckoning
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
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