Friday, January 29, 2010

Please Sign The Petition!

On October 6,2009 Cuddles,  6 week-old kitten,  was tortured to death in Pennsylvania.  A group of men threw rocks at her and then put lighter fluid on her back and lit it.  Her whiskers and entire back was severely burned.

  She was rescued by an animal control officer,but later died from her injuries.

  Things like this have to be STOPPED in EVERY SINGLE STATE!

Tougher laws need to be implemented.

Please help to stop this abuse of animals.

Please sign the petition to bring justice for Cuddles and for all animals who have died at the hands of brutal killers.

Add your voice!  Let these mindless jerks know that you are not going to sit idle while they go around torturing and killing helpless animals!

Click HERE


People who would do this to an animal are only one step away from doing this to a child, an elderly person, someone with a handicap or anyone else they deem weak and defenseless.  Why?  Because they are cowards and are under the belief they are entitled to to do anything they want to anyone or anything without consequences!
As human experiencers, we are obligated to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves ... to defend and protect those who cannot fend for themselves.

The way we treat our animals reflects how we treat one another.

I am of a firm belief that if you are cruel to animals then you are most certainly cruel to another human being.  



Thursday, December 31, 2009


May 2010 bring you great abundance in health, wealth and most of all ... Peace, Joy, Laughter & Love!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

All Rights Reserved©™

Being The Change In 2010

Well, another year has come and gone.  And what a year it has been, eh?   Is it me or does it seem that time is just speeding by like a bullet?  Appears that way, doesn't it?

As with every year, we said good-bye to those we knew and loved in some way, on some level,  while welcoming in new friends and family members, reuniting with lost loves, reconnecting with those we had lost touch with and so on.

For me 2009 was a year of intense awakening.  While I have been on this path of awakening for what seems like eons, it was 2009 that brought about the spiritual caffeine that really jolted me into a more awakened state.   However, I wish to state that my personal expansion in conscious awareness during 2009 was different some how.  It was definitely unlike anything I had experienced in the past.

To make a rather long story short, I made some rather intense changes within myself.   I faced my worst night mares ... My SELF!  And thankfully,  have lived to tell the tale!   

Though I had always known that our thoughts become manifested ... I had not really taken into consideration the depths in which these thoughts could materialized!  And have been for eons!  oy vey!  What a predicament.  As we all know, and in truth, nothing is outside ourselves ... it all comes from within us.  This was something I always knew intellectually.  But to actually experience it?  Yea, pretty darn eye-opening ... to say the least!

Delving deep within isn't something to be taken lightly.  I won't lie to you ... It's not easy--no one said it would be.  But I can tell you from personal experience, it has been worth the effort.   To actually face your fears, to acknowledge all the mistakes you have made (ever made), to take responsibility for all the nonsense that has been mirrored back to you, then  to forgive yourself ... to love yourself ... is very intense. 

It takes a great deal of courage and strength to really look deep within yourself.  It takes even greater courage and strength to  literally acknowledge all that you are, have been and continue to be, then taking it a few steps further by taking responsibility, by accepting and Loving all that makes up your Self.  It's scary as hell!  But I did it!   And yes, I will continue to do it.  I am, after all, a work in progress--a labor of Love!

To Love One's Self is the greatest Love of All.  Why?  Again, nothing truly happens outside ourselves without first taking place within ourselves.   If we do not truly love ourselves unconditionally...then how can we ever hope for anyone else to love us in this manner?

So what do I take into 2010? Just one thing ...   Acceptance.   Accepting responsibility for every thought I think, accepting the responsibility for what these thoughts manifest, accepting the forgiveness for those thoughts and the actions it brings about, acknowledging the divine in others who come into my life, accepting gratitude by showing gratitude, and most importantly ... accepting the Love that I am.

So how did all this acceptance come about?  It all started when I was reintroduce to this healing method the beginning of 2009.   But it wasn't until it came up again and again over the last few months  that I actually gave it a go.  And trust me when I say, I resisted it with every fiber of my being.  However, I came to the conclusion that it was something I needed.  I mean, why else would it keep popping up?  Yea,  that Self of mine is a sneaky little hussy ... ain't she?


Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.   Loosely translated, Ho‘oponopono means to set things right.  The basic concept behind Ho‘oponopono  is that you  realize the immutable fact that your entire existence comes from within, not from outside of yourself.

I know from my own personal experience that once you truly grasp and get your head around the fact that you are creating, and we are talking literally creating,  every single aspect of your existence – from the smallest molecule up through the tallest building, from the most heart-felt Love to the most passionate hatred – then you realize that you can effect change over all of it! Why?  Because you know you  are responsible for them being there in the first place!

How is all of this done via Ho‘oponopono? By simply accepting responsibility and showing gratitude.   Being the skeptic I am, I really didn't think it would work all that well.  But I figured I had nothing to lose at this point.  So I tried it.  I'm daring that way! I made a list of all the people who stood out.  I then listed all the qualities that annoyed me the most.  Wanna talk long list?  I then began seeing a pattern.  All those qualities on that list that bothered me  were the same attributes I possessed.  I only have three words to say at this point ... pot, kettle--black!

Armed with the necessary tools, I went about to first take responsibility for those attributes that had been mirrored back to me.  I was responsible ... no getting around it.  Next, I set out to ask forgiveness.  Finally, I expressed my gratitude and my Love for each person involved.  

My results?  Inner Peace & Contentment.  I really won't know how it affected everyone on my list until I get some kind of physical validation.    And even if I don't ever get that validation, I still feel good about what I have done.  I mean, it was all about ME anyways ... now wasn't it?

I hope you will join me in 2010 as I set out to consciously work Ho'oponopono each and every day.  It's all part of the on-going challenge I initiated on January 1, 2008.  It's one of the best methods I have worked thus far.  And besides,  what better way to work the Say NO To Fear challenge than to face yourself and work from within, eh? 

Be the Change You Wish To See In The World ~ Ghandi

And so it is!

I take responsibility for what is reflected back to me.  I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you!  I Love You!  I Love You!

I am sorry that I didn't accept the lesson when it was presented to me through you.  Please forgive me for not appreciating you in that moment. I'm sorry!  I Love You! I Love You! I Love You!

I am sorry for not showing you the respect you deserved and continue to  deserve.  I'm sorry, please forgive me.  I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!    

I acknowledge and I  appreciate your bravery, your wisdom and most of all  ... the Love you have and always had for me by reflecting back to me in order for Me to Learn and Grow!  I'm sorry for not accepting all of these gifts when you presented them to me.  I'm Sorry!  Please Forgive Me!  I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!

I take responsibility for all the anger and hatred shown to me.  I now see how it projected out to you ... to the world we live in.   I'm sorry, please forgive me. I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!



Louise L. Hay

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Is The True Meaning of Christmas?

As we all know (or least should already know), Christmas is "loosely"  based on the ancient Roman pagan Festival of Saturnalia.  While there are some arguments as to it's true origin, Christmas holds many of the customs of this particular festival.  For instance, the tradition of gift giving, eating, drinking and making merry, the hanging of boughs of holly, the mistletoe and the Christmas tree are all pagan in origin.

We know that Jesus, the Christian savior,  was not born on Christmas day; and the legend of St. Nicholas came much, much  later.  By the same token we know that reindeer are really caribou and that all of Santa's reindeer had to be female because male "reindeer" lose their antlers around this time of year.  Not to mention there have been claims that reindeer can't even fly.  (That's a sarcastic remark by the way folks!)

Setting all that aside, you have to wonder ... what is the true meaning of Christmas?  Why was it even created?

While many of us will agree that Christmas has become overly commercialized; and the naysayers just scoff and say it was all a lie to begin with and it should be done away with altogether; have  you ever really sit and wondered why Christmas was even created?  Why the coupling of both the Christian beliefs and the Pagan traditions?

What if ... just what if ... Christmas was created for one particular purpose?

Can't See the (Christmas) Trees for the Forest

Have you ever really taken in the messages of the many stories and movies that have been relayed to the masses?  What the one common thread was?  Now I want you think about this one for a long hard minute.  What is the one common thing all these stories about Christmas have?

A Christmas Carol, It's A Wonderful Life, Miracle On 34th Street ... even How The Grinch Stole Christmas (to name just a few) ... all have one thing in common.

Besides being a Christmas story, they all invite us to see things from another's point of view. To literally and metaphorically walk in the other person's foot steps.  In some cases, that other person's point of view was the person you had once been.

Part of the celebration of Saturnalia was role reversal.  It was the one day out of the year where the slaves and their masters would change places.  Imagine that!

Now think back to all your favorite Christmas stories/movies.  How did they receive the Christmas spirit?  By changing places (metaphorically speaking) and seeing the world from a totally different point of view.    It was in that moment when they could see through another's "eyes" that the meaning of Christmas  truly came into being.  They begin to understand that person and their beliefs.  Their tiny hearts, hardened by life, began to fill up with all the joy and love that other person exuded and experienced.

The true gift of Christmas isn't anything you can buy.  The best gift you can ever give someone is the two things all we humans desire the most ... understanding and acceptance.

But how can you truly understand someone ... if you never bothered to really see them, hear them and get to know them?  And if you do not understand anything they are about ... how can you truly accept them?

I believe that Christmas was created for the soul purpose of assisting us in coming into this understanding.  That it was brought about through mutual agreement on some level to set aside one day a year where each person can have an opportunity to walk a mile in another's shoes.

It is my belief that in the custom of the ancient Romans, somewhere along the way, both Christians and Pagans alike, came to an agreement.  In their infinite wisdom, they knew that if we were ever to learn how to  live in harmony with one another, we would first need to come into an understanding with one another.  And what better way to do this than combine all beliefs and traditions into one?

Sharing the Spirit of Christmas Through The Eyes Of Others

As a Christian, have you bothered to see through the eyes of your Pagan brothers & sisters?  Have you given thanks for their collective contributions in creating a colorful and splendid holiday?  And you Pagans ... have you stopped to consider the teachings of Jesus?  Are his teachings so different from your own?

All you naysayers and politically correct police out there ... are you so miserable that you cannot allow others to enjoy one day out of the entire year to eat, drink and be merry?  To openly and without threat of being chastised express good will towards all people?  Would it kill you to not only see, but truly comprehend, the other person's point of view for a change?  If only for that one day?

Are the words Merry Christmas so abhorrent to you that you would prevent another from expressing their joy?  How would you feel if someone shamed you or go out their way to stop you into never expressing your joy on an occasion that maybe they view as frivolous and outrageous?  How would you feel about that?  You wouldn't like it very much ... would you?

This Christmas, take a step back and look at it from the other person's point of view.  You will be surprised by what you see and what you learn! Hell! You might even find yourself enjoying the holidays!

Bottom line, the true meaning of Christmas isn't about the birth of Jesus, it isn't about who gets the best gifts or if reindeer are really female caribou, it's not even about whose right or whose wrong.  It's about taking a little time out of your year to get to know someone, to come into an understanding and acceptance.  To see the world through your neighbor's eyes.

We have 364 days to fight and argue, to berate and misunderstand, and all that other stuff.  Let's allow some time off to just enjoy one another.  It's just one day out of the year folks.  What do you have to lose?  Really?

From My Family To You and Yours ....


Source for Festival of Saturnalia:

Why I Honor Christmas --- Empress: The Untold Story

I have had many people ask me what the ranting about the holidays is all about.  Even had one person ask me who pissed in my Wheaties.  First of all ... don't eat Wheaties ... can't afford'em!   

Really sad when one of your life's ambitions is to make enough money to actually purchase a box of Wheaties ... ain't it?   And what is the deal with the high price of cereal anyways???!!!  Really crappy how expensive one box of friggin' cereal is!  oy vey! 

But I'll leave that particular rant for another day!  Right now I want to address my reasons (as I have many) for expressing my distaste for those who are making it their life's work to do away with the holidays ... in particular and most especially CHRISTMAS!

Join me now as we step in the Way Back machine ... turning back the dial to those days long since gone ... back to yesteryear ... back ... back ...  back ...  (I'm an old broad ... it's gonna be a long trip... hope you packed a snack!) .... BACK to where it all began .... 

12:03 a.m. July 25, 1960
(this is where you would normally hear some sort of corny dramatic music...
use your imagination!)

Well here I am!  All fresh and new from the womb!  Damn bright light burning my retinas like a beeeeeatch!  oy!  Thought that light came AFTER I died sheesh!    What is up with THAT? 

Now I know what you are thinking ... how the hell does she remember all that stuff?  Simple!  I was actually conscious when I came sailing through that great divide!  And too ...   In case you didn't notice ... I'm not like other people! 

At any rate .. as I lay there while that quack ... I mean crack team of medical professionals cleaned me up ... I started laughing!  (True Story by the way ... the entire family still regales me with it ... unfortunately)  Yes!  I came into this dreary world LAUGHING!  I was actually glad to be here. 

I remember thinking how happy I was!  Truly happy! 

Yea ... happy to be out of that rather tight fitting accommodations they had me in.  Sheesh!  You would think as much as the human belly can stretch it wouldn't have been so closed in ... ya know?  oy vey!

Anyways ... that's how it all started!  I came into the world Happy ... Laughing ... seriously delirious ... no doubt all those drugs they gave my mother during the labor ... oy!

If I knew then ... what I know now ... I would have insisted that the doctor give me a life time supply of that crap!  oy vey!

Okay ... fast forward to December 1965. 

This is when I first realized we didn't participate in the festivities.  You see ... my mother is a devout Jehovah's Witness ... and for whatever idiotic reason ... she thought it was a great idea to live in an ALL Catholic Neighborhood!  ohhhh yea!    In fact ... St Cecilia Church was only 3 blocks down the street!  yea that's right!  a Catholic Church!  And what's this?  Right on the corner of our street?  Would that be the house where all the Nuns lived????  CATHOLIC NUNS!!!!!!  Are there any other?  oy vey!

I have nothing against the Catholics!  I have nothing against Nuns!  I dig Nuns!  Loved those habits!  I always liked that whole black and white ensemble!    Still do!
But you have to admit ... it wasn't the best possible choice for a comfort zone if you get my meaning here people!!!

This whole scenario brings new meaning to "sticking out like a sore thumb"  ... doesn't it?  Oh but WAIT!  There's More!!!

We were the ONLY house not to have any snazzy colored lights ... or a dazzling tree in our front window.    I wasn't allowed to say Merry Christmas ... I wasn't allowed to watch any of the Christmas shows like Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer or A Charlie Brown Christmas or Miracle on 42nd Street or 32nd street or Hollywood & Vine .. or whatever street it was  on ... Hell you know what I'm talking about!  oy!  I didn't get to watch  A Christmas Carol or that one damn Christmas movie with Jimmy Stewart... the one where he dies and his dingbat of an Angel Clarence shows him what would have happened if he had never been born. 

I didn't get to listen to Christmas songs ... go carolling ... I didn't get to eat any figgy pudding (still don't know what the hell that is... dont' think I want to either!), I  didn't get to  hang mistletoe or deck the halls with boughs of holly or any of that cool stuff!

I never got to experience sneaking down right at midnight on Christmas to catch Santa in the act!  I didn't even get to leave the old fat fart any cookies and milk! 

Yea! Sad story ... total tragedy!  There's actually more ... but I don't want to depress any of ya'll! 

Sufficient to say .. now you know why I am so adamant about keeping Christmas!   Why I am so hellbent on saying Merry Christmas and not .. Happy Holidays!  Why I am so damn determined to sing Christmas songs and spread the spirit of Christmas! 

Even though I was not allowed to participate in the festivities .. in my heart I had the True Spirit of Christmas!  And I believed in Santa Claus!  Still do!  I like his bright red suit and shiny black boots and his belly that shakes like a bowl full of jelly when he says HO! HO! HO!  Just indeedy I do! 

And yes!  I believe that each and every time a bell rings an Angel gets their wings!!!!  And I ring those bells people!!!!  Yes I do! I do!!!

And ain't nobody taking that away from me!!!! 

Fast forwarding again folks ... so hold on to your panties!  

November 1990  ... BLACK FRIDAY  (dramatic music ... use your imagination!)

Having finally breaking completely free from the J.W. indoctrination ... and having spent the entire Thanksgiving watching every single Christmas movie I could get my hands on ... I boldly took my now new found paganistic heathen ass to the nearest WalMart (at 3 a.m. nonetheless!) and purchased my very first Christmas tree and Christmas ornaments!  I made sure I had several different kinds of cookies (wasn't sure what kind Santa liked ... and wasn't taking any chances!) and several gallons of milk.  I shopped for presents and wrapping paper and bows and cute little gift bags and all sorts of Christmas albums. 

I was up to my armpits in debt and loving every moment of it!  I was finally having my very first Christmas!!!!    Pity those folks at Wally World didn't work on commission cause they would have made enough to retire that year! 

But that's how it all began folks!  And now you know The Untold Story!

Now this true tale of how one little girl's dream of having a Christmas.  I hope it will help someone remember the joy & splendor of the season.  It is my desire someone, just one person will remember that Christmas is the one day out of the year that we can use as an excuse to be a little nicer ... to be a little more giving of ourselves ... To give us a moment to think about Peace on Earth and Having Good will towards all those who share this planet!  And maybe ... we will get so addicted to that feeling of doing good and being nice that we will want Christmas all year 'round!  yea!

Or ...  maybe ...

*****Insert Very BIG Grin****** 

This might guilt you all into sending me Duct tape ... and LOTS OF IT! 

I mean after all I spent Thirty (count'em ... THIRTY) years of not having a friggin' Christmas People!!!  :-) 

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

All Rights Reserved©™

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's All About Y.O.U.!

One of the many things I have had to acknowledge and accept is that we are all spirit beings having a human experience.

Let me repeat that ...
We are All Spirit Beings Having A Human Experience!

While it may not be so tough to acknowledge this ... it is exceptionally difficult to accept it!  At least it is for me!  And from what I have observed over the last 40 plus years ...the majority of people here on Planet Earth find it equally difficult.

With all the discussions, books, seminars and workshops going on these days, you would think that we would be alot happier and alot more enlightened.  Speaking of which ... Have you ever wondered why you can't find any truly enlightened people? 

Yea you can find a shit load of empowered and spiritually evolved people.  But where are all the truly enlightened folks hiding?

Seriously ... where are they? 

Well this was the question posed to me during a conversation I had with my friend Mellen-Thomas Benedict one day.

Mellen-Thomas has a way about him.  (You can find out more about Mellen-Thomas by going to his website at Anyways, Mellen-Thomas is one of the most genuinely loving and kindest men I have the privilege knowing.  But his question really bugged me.

Where are all the enlightened people?

 What do you mean I ain't enlightened pal????  After I thought about it though I realized how very right he is!  Well Shit Fire! 

You know ... nothing pisses me off more than finding out something else I have to work on!  Crap!

So this leads me back to what I originally stated ... We are ALL Spirit Beings having a Human experience!

Yea many of us know that!  But how many of us are actually practicing what we know in this regard?  I'll be the first to honestly state ... I'm not! I don't!  Not on a regular basis.

Yes!  Like many of  you... I pick and choose when to actually practice what I truly believe!  And usually, most often than not, only when it suits me and when it is convenient.

Well CRAP!  Thanks Mellen!  Thanks for reminding me how far I come and how much further I need to go! 

Don't know whether to hug and kiss the guy or kick his ass and duct tape him to a cactus out in the middle of the desert!  oy!

The one thing I do know is ...  Not being truly enlightened doesn't make us hypocrites.  No, just makes us work a little harder to remember and keep in mind the principals we readily spout off but rarely actually live by.

And of course, remembering that Old habits are really and truly hard to break!  Keep in mind folks, we've been practicing the bad habits a LONG time!

So how does one achieve true enlightenment while going through the human experience? Well, I asked my spirit companion, Antari this very question. 

He stated, in order to become truly enlightened, one most do away with the idea of being better or less than another. 

Scratching my head, I asked him for clarification on this. 

To which he replied, as you are well aware of Beloved, many are under the belief that they are either better or they are less than another. This is clearly seen on a regular basis through various venues. 

Human experiencers are constantly comparing themselves to someone outside themselves. This comparison is usually done unconsciously you see. And through these comparisons, judgments are made. And most often than not, these judgments are usually harsh and cruel.
These judgments either are based on being better or being less than those they are comparing themselves to.

Comparisons, when left uncheck, creates an unhealthy outlook on life. It creates and perpetuates strife and hardships. It provides a continuous flow of anger. Anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to conflict, conflict leads to destruction.

While there are those with more experience, more knowledge and more insights, the truth of the matter is this … no one human experiencer is better or lesser than the other. All have something to contribute. And all contributions are worthy of consideration.

Thank you Yoda … I mean Antari.  *lol*    So I asked (yes, I'm a glutton for punishment!) How does one put an end to this perpetuation of comparison?

Antari replied, by remembering Y.O.U.

Yes, Beloved. Y.O.U. --- Your Own Understanding.   You see Beloved, it is not about the other person, but it is about Y.O.U! It is, and has always been, about Your Own Understanding.    If you are faced with a challenge, then it is Y.O.U. that is in need of re-evaluating. If you desire change, then it is Y.O.U that will have to change! It is not about someone else. It is about Y.O.U!

Acceptance without comparison. This comes about when Y.O.U have met the challenges and subsequently worked through them to your soul's satisfaction.   Living by example, not by force. If you have an idea, then live it. By being the example, others of like mind will join you on your idea, adding their own uniqueness to the collective. There is no need for force. And there is certainly is no need for judgment.

And how do we achieve this understanding? 

Beloved you achieve this understanding by keeping in mind that each of you here on planet earth are Spirit Beings Having A Human Experience. That each of you came here with a unique purpose. Each have a Y.O.U to work on and to work through.    And too, by remembering, with out one another, the entire experience would be dreadfully dull!

Thank You Antari!

You are most welcome My Beloved!

Excerpt from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born

All Rights Reserved©™

About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

As a writer, Julia is a virtual powerhouse of creativity.  Among Julia's literary accomplishments is  the  Children of the Luminaries  trilogy;  Book One: The Coming Storm can be purchased by clicking Here.   

Book Two  of the trilogy is due out in the Fall of 2015 and Book Three will be available in 2016.  The long anticipated ZEN of Duct Tape:  An Empress Is Born will be out in 2016.  As well as the Teddy Mitchell Chronicles.

Julia has also contributed to several other publications including Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse  Click HERE for the review; and Marie D. Jones' Destiny vs. Choice  Click HERE    

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

    Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

    Sunday, December 13, 2009

    Let the Love In

    As human experiencers, we all desire to be heard, to be noticed and to be accepted.  All share these desires.  No exceptions!  But this is only  the outer layer of what our true desires are.   And what are our true desires?  

    That question can be answered in one four lettered word--  Love

    To be Loved, to feel Love, and to know Love.  This is what we desire the most.

    The definitions of Love is as vast as the Universe itself.  It is the only emotion that has a national holiday dedicated in it's name --St. Valentine's day.   And it is the only emotion that has more songs and poems dedicated in it's name than anyone could possibly count or remember. 

    But do you, as an individual, really comprehend and fully understand the true definition of Love?

    Love can be found anywhere & everywhere.  It is continuously taking place. And it is experienced on different levels, in a wide variety of ways.  There is love for your spouse,  your boyfriend/girlfriend; the love you have for your parents and your assorted relatives & siblings; the love for a child, a pet or a dear close friend. All of these are  Love in it's various forms.  And while each of these levels go from one degree to another, they all have one vital thing in common ...  it exists in our lives. 

    But what is Love?  Really?  Love is energy in it's purest and most concentrated form.  It is the most powerful energy in the entire Universe. In fact, it is Love that created the Universe itself; and it is Love that binds it together.  It is that ever-present energy that flows through and around each and every aspect of creation.

    Love in our Human Experience

    Throughout human history all the way to this present day 21st Century,  obsessions & addictions, pain & abuse  has been, and continues to be, equated to and with Love! 

    And the number one emotion that has been and continues to be equated with Love is ... fear.

    It is the ONLY emotion known to humankind to have this claim to fame!

    Bet you didn't know that ... did you?

    How many of you reading this right now ... and be honest... have equated your obsession and/or addiction  and/or fear to Love?  Ok, I'll make it easier for you by asking you the following questions:

    Do you find yourself saying, feeling, acting in the following manner:

              - "I can't let them go, I can't stop thinking about them,  I've tried!"? 

              - "I need" to hear their voice, even if it is only a recording, i.e., voice mail? 

              - "I need" to see them ... if only from a distance or a photograph?

              - Go out of your way to just "happen" to be somewhere, be it in a store, out on the street and/or online, somewhere you know they are going to be so you can just "casually" run into them?

    OR ...

    • Do you find yourself keeping account of all the mistakes someone has committed?

    • Do you feel you are unable to forgive ---let go of  the pains and transgressions of the past?

    If you answered yes to any one of these questions then it's  not Love!   

    If you find yourself doing any of  these things, even on the most innocent of levels ... you are in a state of addiction, obsession ... fear.  You are not in the state of LOVE. 

    Let Freedom Ring!

    Love, true and genuine Love, is freedom for all  parties involved.  It is the Freedom of being.  It is the state in which you are truly happy whether you are with the one you love or not.  Love does not cling or hold on to another.  Love does not need anything to feel complete and whole.  Love does not keep an accounting of injuries nor does it hold on to the pain.  

    Love  just IS. 

    When we let Love in we discover Peace.  Our entire being is filled with a contentment that we never believed possible.  With this contentment we are Free.  And with our personal freedom we find ourselves  stepping  aside allowing others to enjoy freedom as well!

    As human experiencers we have lived in fear and with fear all our existence.   You would think that we all would be  tired of it by now and give it up.  

    Giving up fear in favor of Love?  Wow!  What a concept!  *LOL*

    Say No to Fear ... step aside and let Love In ...

    After all, what do you have to lose?  Really?

    "Step aside and let love in.  Let your eyes be opened to the Love You ARE!  For after all that is said and done ... in the end ... Love is ALL that matters!  It is all that ever Truly Mattered !"  Grandmother to The Oracle, Children of the Luminaries ~ Book II: Training Day

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

    In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

    Julia is  currently  with the Louisville Metro Police Department Major Crimes Unit  and is presently pursuing a degree in psychology specializing in Criminal profiling. 

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

      Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

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