If you're worried,
And you can't sleep,
Just count your blessings instead of sheep,
And you'll fall asleep,
Counting your blessings.
(Lyrics by Irvin Berlin)
One of my favorite Holiday movies, hands down, is White Christmas. While I have several songs that I really love, the one that really rings true in my heart is Counting My Blessings.
Counting your blessings is perhaps one of the most powerful ways to increase your energy levels. If you think about it, you can't be sluggish, upset or irritated when you're counting your blessings. Don't just take my word for it. Try it! I'll wait. 😊💜 Pretty nifty! Huh?! Yea. Blessings come in all sizes, in all kinds of ways, in numerous disguises and some times ... when you least expect it.
Some blessings are so well disguised that you don't even realized they are blessings until they've come and gone! I call these blessings Judy. I named them after the song from the 60's. (Google it!) These blessings aka Judy are situations, circumstances and/or people that come into your life that, at the time they are occurring, created and trigger some really painful and miserable feelings. Yea, these particular blessings are the most difficult to appreciate at the time you're going through the experience(s). But I have learned from my own personal journey, that you can get through these a lot easier, not to mention faster, when you start counting your blessings!
When my bankroll,
Is gettin' small,
I think of when
I had none at all.
And I fall asleep,
Counting my blessings.
My daughter and I were talking about the time when I was out of work, no prospects, and the bills were piling up. The only income we had was the monthly check she was still receiving from her father's Social Security which was under $800. But you know what? We made it through. It was really amazing. Every time I counted my blessings (we had a roof over our heads, food to eat, electricity and running water), money would just appear to cover our costs. We had to sell all our valuables at one point. But man did we make a haul! I remember thinking who in the hell is going to buy this stuff? I live in a very poor neighborhood. The first day, no sale. That night I readjusted my thinking and gave thanks for all I had and blessed the opportunity to be able to have the things to set out, etc.,etc. The next morning, before I could everything set out, several people showed up. I had some vintage video tapes in mint condition (30 in all) at $5 each. This guy bought them all. Long story short, by noon, I had sold everything of value and made enough to cover that month's bills with enough left over to buy cat food and cat litter.
Three weeks later I was faced with the bills again. But I didn't panic this time. Instead I gave thanks to my creditors for trusting me and believing in me. I thanked my bank account and thanked the money I did have. The next day, I check my bank account and saw an amount I knew couldn't be right. I called the bank and informed them a mistake had been made. I remember telling them, you guys put somebody else's money in my account! The lady laughed and then informed me that there had been a mistake made, but it was the bank's mistake. They had been over charging me for over a year; and too, they had charged me overdraft fees when there had been no overdrafts. It was over $2000! I nearly fainted right there on the spot. That money was enough to cover the bills, buy more cat food and litter for a month! And ...buy my daughter a new school wardrobe and supplies!!! We actually had enough left over to treat ourselves to a nice dinner in a nice restaurant. It felt so good to leave a large tip too!
These blessings came along during a very strained time in my life. But I was determined to stay in the energies of gratitude. And it paid off! In more ways than I could ever share here!
The one thing I know about blessings in disguise -- they're sneaky little bastards! And I just LOVE them! And I am very, so very, very Grateful for each and every last one of them!
I am so very grateful for all my blessings. Be they blessings that are out in the open or blessings in disguise! I AM grateful for them ALL! They bring into my life wisdom and understanding. They bring into my life unexpected pleasures and comforts. They are constant reminders that I AM the daughter of the most Beloved and Generous Creators. They are unending rememberances that I AM always taken care of and that I am always Loved!
Embrace ALL that you Are!
For YOU are ... ALL that there is!