
Counting My Blessings!

If you're worried, And you can't sleep, Just count your blessings instead of sheep, And you'll fall asleep, Counting your blessings. (Lyrics by Irvin Berlin) One of my favorite Holiday movies, hands down, is  White Christmas .  While I have several songs that I really love, the one that really rings true in my heart is  Counting My Blessings .   Counting your blessings is perhaps one of the most powerful ways to increase your energy levels.  If you think about it, you can't be sluggish, upset or irritated when you're counting your blessings.  Don't just take my word for it.  Try it!   I'll wait.  😊💜  Pretty nifty!  Huh?!  Yea.  Blessings come in all sizes, in all kinds of ways, in numerous disguises and some times ... when you least expect it.   Some blessings are so well disguised that you don't even realized they are blessings until they've come and gone!     I call the...

My Gratitudes - Monday, July 27, 2020

On Saturday, July 25, 2020, I celebrated the 60th anniversary of my present incarnation.  It was a day of gratefulness that mere words cannot even begin to express!  Looking back on the previous years I could see very clearly how very far I have come.  Looking ahead I see the long road ahead, but it is a road that is filled with beauty, love and appreciation. Though I was given many gifts, the one gift that brings me the most joy is Forgiveness.  Forgiveness of my Self.  This is perhaps one of the many incredible gifts bestowed each of us.  The gift of forgiving one's self ... well it is a gift that keeps on giving.  When we forgive our Self we open ourselves up to the splendors of unconditional love.  Not to mention the freedom it brings. One of the things that kept coming to me over and over was Your mess is   Your Message!   And for those of you who know me, and know me well, you know what a fantastic mess my story truly is!...

Wednesday July 22, 2020 - My Gratitudes

If only for today ... drop the story and reveal the Glory! ~ Rev. Michael B. Beckwith The stories we carry,  The things we say to ourselves.  The things we do to ourselves.  You know, if we were truly honest with our SELF -- if we saw someone treating another person the way we treat ourselves, or talk to another person the way we talk to ourselves, we would beat their ass! Okay, maybe that's just me. But seriously.  You know you would want to do something to make it stop. I've heard it said, on more than one occasion, that many of us take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves.  Why is that?  Many of us take better care of others than we do ourselves.   Why is that? If you have flown you know the first rule of flying.  In case of emergency you are instructed to place the oxygen mask over your face FIRST.  Why is that? Could it be due to the stories we carry?  What story are you carrying that prevents you from bein...

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - My Gratitudes

 Thanks to Covid 19 I won't get to see Wonder Woman 1984 on my birthday.  But for every door that closes a window is opened.  And so it was.   That window came in the guise of an unexpected treat.  So without hesitation I gave myself an early birthday present and  reserved my free ticket to watch the inspiring documentary  Dreamers . #dreamermovie   Granted, I'm not the documentary watching type.  But I was intrigued; and too, one of my favorite real life Wonder Women, Lisa Nichols,  was in it.  So I stayed up past my bedtime and watched.  From the beginning all the way to the end my eyes were filled with tears.  The collection of stories of real life true blue super heroes touched my heart, my soul and my spirit all at once.   I was overwhelmed by such intense gratitude that all I could do was cry. It was truly beautiful. Your Mess Is Your Message Yea, that's what they said.  They said it and ...

Monday, July 20, 2020 - Gratitudes

Over the weekend I started to feel down.  Not sure why exactly.  Just started to feel drained.  Quite frankly, I blame it on the heat and humidity. Honestly,  I don't fair well during the summer months.  I'm one of those people who thrive best in the cold.  In fact, the lower the temp, the better I feel.  Summer, like all the other seasons,  is a necessity and a natural procession of Earth's rotation.  I get that.   I really do.  I'm just not a huge lover of summer.  Which is pretty ironic considering I was born in July!  But all in all I am truly grateful for the the wisdom of Mother Nature.  Just wish the bitch would dial it back on the humidity.  Sheeesh! Saturday, July 25th will mark my 60th anniversary of my current soul travels on planet Earth.   60 years!  Wow!  I never thought I would make it this far.  Truthfully, I remember when I didn't think I was going to make it to 30...

Friday, July 17, 2020 -- My Gratitudes

It's July 17, 2020 -- 8 days before my 60th birthday.  In celebration, I decided to spend the week sharing my gratitudes.  My goal is to list publicly what I am truly grateful for.  Many of which will be repeats (because I REALLY love my bed, my pillow and my blanket!!!).  No matter how many I repeat, the reason behind this exercise is two-fold.  One to get back into the practice of being consciously grateful and Two --to reignite my passion!     Genuine gratitude and passion appear to go hand in hand.  So, in order to cultivate genuine gratitude one must first consciously practice it .... daily !  While I do say thank you as I get up every morning, I feel the urge, that nudge...okay that really set it on fire!  To really take it up a few notches.  I've been sitting on the sidelines far too long!  The call to get off my fat butt and get a move on has gotten louder!   For the last few years I was abl...

Spring 2019 Sig Tags

Some Spring 2019 sig tags featuring Alex Prihodko & Very Many