If only for today ... drop the story and reveal the Glory! ~ Rev. Michael B. Beckwith
The stories we carry, The things we say to ourselves. The things we do to ourselves. You know, if we were truly honest with our SELF -- if we saw someone treating another person the way we treat ourselves, or talk to another person the way we talk to ourselves, we would beat their ass! Okay, maybe that's just me. But seriously. You know you would want to do something to make it stop.
I've heard it said, on more than one occasion, that many of us take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves. Why is that? Many of us take better care of others than we do ourselves. Why is that?
If you have flown you know the first rule of flying. In case of emergency you are instructed to place the oxygen mask over your face FIRST. Why is that?
Could it be due to the stories we carry? What story are you carrying that prevents you from being kind to yourself? What story includes you treating others better than you do yourself? What story includes you taking care of your automobile better than yourself? What story includes you putting everyone first while you suffer in silence?
What story are you hiding behind to shield yourself?
My personal story is or I should say ... was ... everybody else comes first! Today, not so much. I'm still working on putting me first. Old habits being what they are and what not. I can see vast improvements in that area. I still get accused of doing way too much at work! Though I really don't see it myself -- others do and point it out all the time. Again, old habits -- making their way out the door -- slowly but surely!
Some "experts" say that women put everybody ahead of themselves more so than men. I don't believe that holds true. In fact, I believe that is just another story we are told to keep that gender gap wide open. I'm not going to use my sex as part of my story line. I know where all that putting everyone ahead of me story originated; how doing too much came about and how both story lines were instilled in me. Being a female had nothing to do with it. And that is my story and I'm sticking to it!😋
Today I am grateful for letting go of the story ... and revealing God's Glory!
I am grateful for the lessons that story has brought me through the years!
I am grateful for the wisdom I have gained through the story!
I am grateful for those who told me that was my story that has led to a bright and shining Revelation!
I AM Grateful for This Day! I AM Grateful! I AM!
Embrace ALL that you are ...
For YOU are ... ALL that there is!
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - My Gratitudes
Thanks to Covid 19 I won't get to see Wonder Woman 1984 on my birthday. But for every door that closes a window is opened. And so it was. That window came in the guise of an unexpected treat. So without hesitation I gave myself an early birthday present and reserved my free ticket to watch the inspiring documentary Dreamers. #dreamermovie Granted, I'm not the documentary watching type. But I was intrigued; and too, one of my favorite real life Wonder Women, Lisa Nichols, was in it. So I stayed up past my bedtime and watched. From the beginning all the way to the end my eyes were filled with tears. The collection of stories of real life true blue super heroes touched my heart, my soul and my spirit all at once. I was overwhelmed by such intense gratitude that all I could do was cry. It was truly beautiful.
Your Mess Is Your Message
Yea, that's what they said. They said it and that is what they said when they said it! *LOL* Your Mess is Your Message. Well I looked at my personal mess and thought ... seriously?! Then something clicked. This was a message I was given over 30 years ago. A message that prompted me to start writing The ZEN of Duct Tape - an Empress is Born. A book I'm still in the process of putting together by the way.
I've always been aware that fear has played a major role in my present life. I use it as a crutch. Real talk! I discovered early on -- if I have fear I have an endless supply of excuses. Brutal honesty. Fortunately, spirit sees through my crap and keeps pushing, shoving and pulling me along.
The other talking points of the documentary are as follows (not in the order they were presented)
Prove Them Wrong. Be Limitless. Find Your Super power. Never, ever, ever, EVER give up!
These were the other four talking points. Prove them wrong. Action is required--is a downright necessity--to prove them wrong! Being limitless takes not only strength of will, but an incredible amount of courage. Finding your super power -- mine is a my smart mouth, quick wit and the ability to see the bright light in every situation. Not to mention I know at least a 1000 ways to use duct tape! I have dubbed myself the Duct Tape Diva Avenger! Just let your imagination sit with that one for a few moments.
The messages from each of the Super Heroes in the Dreamers documentary had their setbacks, their various challenges and their own fears. The only thing that set them apart from the rest of us--they didn't use their fears as a crutch or a vat of endless excuses. They lived, and live, in the Never, ever, ever, EVER give up mindset!
I am truly grateful for this documentary. I am exceedingly grateful for all the real life Super Heroes that made this film!
I am grateful for Spirit for leading me to this documentary. I am grateful for the reminders this documentary provided.
I am grateful for the Super Heroes all over the world that continue on in spite (and despite) their own fears
I am grateful for this venue to share with YOU!
I am Grateful for YOU!
Embrace ALL that you ...
for YOU are ALL that there is!
Your Mess Is Your Message
Yea, that's what they said. They said it and that is what they said when they said it! *LOL* Your Mess is Your Message. Well I looked at my personal mess and thought ... seriously?! Then something clicked. This was a message I was given over 30 years ago. A message that prompted me to start writing The ZEN of Duct Tape - an Empress is Born. A book I'm still in the process of putting together by the way.
I've always been aware that fear has played a major role in my present life. I use it as a crutch. Real talk! I discovered early on -- if I have fear I have an endless supply of excuses. Brutal honesty. Fortunately, spirit sees through my crap and keeps pushing, shoving and pulling me along.
The other talking points of the documentary are as follows (not in the order they were presented)
Prove Them Wrong. Be Limitless. Find Your Super power. Never, ever, ever, EVER give up!
These were the other four talking points. Prove them wrong. Action is required--is a downright necessity--to prove them wrong! Being limitless takes not only strength of will, but an incredible amount of courage. Finding your super power -- mine is a my smart mouth, quick wit and the ability to see the bright light in every situation. Not to mention I know at least a 1000 ways to use duct tape! I have dubbed myself the Duct Tape Diva Avenger! Just let your imagination sit with that one for a few moments.
The messages from each of the Super Heroes in the Dreamers documentary had their setbacks, their various challenges and their own fears. The only thing that set them apart from the rest of us--they didn't use their fears as a crutch or a vat of endless excuses. They lived, and live, in the Never, ever, ever, EVER give up mindset!
I am truly grateful for this documentary. I am exceedingly grateful for all the real life Super Heroes that made this film!
I am grateful for Spirit for leading me to this documentary. I am grateful for the reminders this documentary provided.
I am grateful for the Super Heroes all over the world that continue on in spite (and despite) their own fears
I am grateful for this venue to share with YOU!
I am Grateful for YOU!
Embrace ALL that you ...
for YOU are ALL that there is!
Monday, July 20, 2020
Monday, July 20, 2020 - Gratitudes
Over the weekend I started to feel down. Not sure why exactly. Just started to feel drained. Quite frankly, I blame it on the heat and humidity. Honestly, I don't fair well during the summer months. I'm one of those people who thrive best in the cold. In fact, the lower the temp, the better I feel. Summer, like all the other seasons, is a necessity and a natural procession of Earth's rotation. I get that. I really do. I'm just not a huge lover of summer. Which is pretty ironic considering I was born in July! But all in all I am truly grateful for the the wisdom of Mother Nature. Just wish the bitch would dial it back on the humidity. Sheeesh!
Saturday, July 25th will mark my 60th anniversary of my current soul travels on planet Earth. 60 years! Wow! I never thought I would make it this far. Truthfully, I remember when I didn't think I was going to make it to 30! And to think, that was 30 years ago! Blows my mind! Of course, my mind began wandering about all the things that happened over the course of those 30 years. *sigh* Between the heat & humidity and dwelling on the past is it any wonder the downers crept in?
Let's face the facts here folks. If it weren't for our past -- we wouldn't be here! If we are honest with our SELF we will look upon the past and smile. We would actually be relieved; and yes, a little proud. We made it to HERE! Yes, we may have travelled through some treacherous terrain. Yes, we may have swam through a sea of tears. Yes, we may have endured beatings that left us scarred, bloodied and bruised physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Yes, we may have had to travel without human companionship the majority of the time. But we made it! We made it HERE! We made to this NOW! And that is something to celebrate! That my beloveds is something to be truly grateful for.
So instead of living there in the past -- I stand here in this here & now and say THANK YOU! I am grateful for the lessons that I learned. I am grateful for the people that came and went in my life. I am grateful for the situations that launched me into a higher awareness and deeper understanding.
I stand here in the here and now and say with a grateful heart--THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU! And now...I set you FREE! And in doing so...I set myself FREE!
I am grateful for the ever present Presence Mother & Father God Creators. Who put up with a lot of shit from me. (trust me -- you folks have no clue as to how much shit that is); and Who put up with my sassy mouth non-stop!
I am grateful that Mother & Father God Creators, and my spirit partner, long time companion and personal pain in the ass Syrius Demeterius Antarez aka Antari never gave up on me. More importantly, I am grateful that They would not allow me to give up on me.
I am grateful for the Angelic realm that stands ever ready to assist me. I am grateful to the Arch Angels who stand guard and protect me against situations I put myself in. I understand they often protect me from me. And for that I am truly grateful.
I am grateful for the love and devotion of my Spirit friends and family. Ever present -- even when I'm not present --they are always there.
I am grateful for the here and now.
I am grateful for the knowledge I have received.
I am grateful for this Day. This NOW.
I am grateful for this venue that allows me to store my thoughts and share them with others.
I am grateful for my home--for having a roof over my head.
I am grateful for the running water, the electricity that flows and allows me comfort.
I am grateful for all those fellow travellers that have joined me (if only for a short time) in this adventure.
I am grateful for my baby cat Miss George Livaspoonz.
I am grateful for being here.
I am Grateful for YOU!
Saturday, July 25th will mark my 60th anniversary of my current soul travels on planet Earth. 60 years! Wow! I never thought I would make it this far. Truthfully, I remember when I didn't think I was going to make it to 30! And to think, that was 30 years ago! Blows my mind! Of course, my mind began wandering about all the things that happened over the course of those 30 years. *sigh* Between the heat & humidity and dwelling on the past is it any wonder the downers crept in?
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
― Lao Tzu
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.Let's face the facts here folks. If it weren't for our past -- we wouldn't be here! If we are honest with our SELF we will look upon the past and smile. We would actually be relieved; and yes, a little proud. We made it to HERE! Yes, we may have travelled through some treacherous terrain. Yes, we may have swam through a sea of tears. Yes, we may have endured beatings that left us scarred, bloodied and bruised physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Yes, we may have had to travel without human companionship the majority of the time. But we made it! We made it HERE! We made to this NOW! And that is something to celebrate! That my beloveds is something to be truly grateful for.
So instead of living there in the past -- I stand here in this here & now and say THANK YOU! I am grateful for the lessons that I learned. I am grateful for the people that came and went in my life. I am grateful for the situations that launched me into a higher awareness and deeper understanding.
I stand here in the here and now and say with a grateful heart--THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU! And now...I set you FREE! And in doing so...I set myself FREE!
I am grateful for the ever present Presence Mother & Father God Creators. Who put up with a lot of shit from me. (trust me -- you folks have no clue as to how much shit that is); and Who put up with my sassy mouth non-stop!
I am grateful that Mother & Father God Creators, and my spirit partner, long time companion and personal pain in the ass Syrius Demeterius Antarez aka Antari never gave up on me. More importantly, I am grateful that They would not allow me to give up on me.
I am grateful for the Angelic realm that stands ever ready to assist me. I am grateful to the Arch Angels who stand guard and protect me against situations I put myself in. I understand they often protect me from me. And for that I am truly grateful.
I am grateful for the love and devotion of my Spirit friends and family. Ever present -- even when I'm not present --they are always there.
I am grateful for the here and now.
I am grateful for the knowledge I have received.
I am grateful for this Day. This NOW.
I am grateful for this venue that allows me to store my thoughts and share them with others.
I am grateful for my home--for having a roof over my head.
I am grateful for the running water, the electricity that flows and allows me comfort.
I am grateful for all those fellow travellers that have joined me (if only for a short time) in this adventure.
I am grateful for my baby cat Miss George Livaspoonz.
I am grateful for being here.
I am Grateful for YOU!
Embrace All That You Are!
For YOU are all There Is
Friday, July 17, 2020
Friday, July 17, 2020 -- My Gratitudes
It's July 17, 2020 -- 8 days before my 60th birthday. In celebration, I decided to spend the week sharing my gratitudes. My goal is to list publicly what I am truly grateful for. Many of which will be repeats (because I REALLY love my bed, my pillow and my blanket!!!). No matter how many I repeat, the reason behind this exercise is two-fold. One to get back into the practice of being consciously grateful and Two --to reignite my passion!
Genuine gratitude and passion appear to go hand in hand. So, in order to cultivate genuine gratitude one must first consciously practice it .... daily! While I do say thank you as I get up every morning, I feel the urge, that nudge...okay that push...to really set it on fire! To really take it up a few notches.
I've been sitting on the sidelines far too long! The call to get off my fat butt and get a move on has gotten louder! For the last few years I was able to ignore it. Or at least pretend I didn't hear it! Yea, you know what I'm talking about!
I invite you to share with me YOUR gratitudes! In the meantime, here are my gratitudes for today!
Today I am grateful for ...
Genuine gratitude and passion appear to go hand in hand. So, in order to cultivate genuine gratitude one must first consciously practice it .... daily! While I do say thank you as I get up every morning, I feel the urge, that nudge...okay that push...to really set it on fire! To really take it up a few notches.
I've been sitting on the sidelines far too long! The call to get off my fat butt and get a move on has gotten louder! For the last few years I was able to ignore it. Or at least pretend I didn't hear it! Yea, you know what I'm talking about!
I invite you to share with me YOUR gratitudes! In the meantime, here are my gratitudes for today!
Today I am grateful for ...
- My daughter!
- My house.
- Running electricity
- Running water
- A toilet!
- My bed!
- My washer and dryer!
- My clothes! LOTS of clothes!
- My shoes! I have lots of shoes!
- My job!
- My co-workers!
- My eyes!
- My body!
- My hearing!
- My glasses (couldn't see without them!)
- The sidewalk!
- The paved streets
- My cats
- FOOD!!
- COFFEE!!!!!
- My Kurig -- and the inventor of that wonderful invention!
- The internet
- Agape International
- Public transportation
- Pens and Pencils
- Soap
- My Rocking Chair!
- The flow of money in my life
- My health
Embrace ALL that you are!
For YOU are ALL there is!
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Spring 2019 Sig Tags
Sunday, March 17, 2019
St. Patrick's Day Sig Tags 2019
Erin Go Braugh! Just a few St. Patrick's Day sig tags for 2019! Featuring Light Artist, Barbara Jensen, Keith Garvey and Very Many.
Barbara Jensen,
Keith Garvey,
St Patrick's Day,
Very Many
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
2019: The Year of Breaking Free
Well, kiddies it's 2019! I don't know about all of you, but the last three years has been an endless loop of the SSDD. And quite frankly, I'm sick of it. So for the new year, I have set my conscious intentions to break free from that loop and be more productive. It's not a resolution which we all know never work out. No, this is much bigger. Much more solid. It is intent. And intent is much more doable than any resolution. Even the words have different energies. Try it. Resolution. Intent. Notice the difference in the energies?
My inspiration to set these particular intentions comes from the TV show Lucifer. Long story short, Lucifer and his brother, Amenadiel, came into the realization that their Father was not controlling them or their lives. That in truth, they were the ones holding themselves back, creating a loop of the same shit different day scenario. Interestingly enough, Lucifer stated that in hell, people tortured themselves with what they believed they deserved. All he did was supply the scenery and players. The rest was up to the individual. It was both sad and comical when they both came to see that the same applied to them. They only received in life what they themselves believed they deserved. No one controlled their beliefs. No one controlled what came into their lives. No one was sitting somewhere on a lofty throne punishing them for deeds they did or fail to do. It was all on them. They believed they deserved to be punished. And so they were. They were being punished not by any deity, not by any other entity. Quite the contrary. It was all by their own hand that punishment was meted out.
Sure, we all have been told we're doing it to ourselves. That life happens through us, not to us. But to really know it, to truly believe it and then take action ... well, that's a whole other story.
I have known for years that I have been caught in my own self inflicted endless loop of torment. I convinced myself early on in life that I truly deserved the punishment that was handed out to me. So it comes as no surprise that the Universe provided me with assistance. Funny thing about my punishment. I don't even remember the reason. I can't recall why it all started in the first place. I have spent many sleepless nights trying to remember. I just can't. I just know it started when I was very young and has continued through the years. Oy! Talk about a slow learner!
Watching those last episodes of Lucifer taught me one thing. It doesn't matter why the punishment started -- it only matters that I myself end it. After all, I'm the only one that can. No one else can do it for me. So taking the Angel brothers' lead, I too end my loop of perpetual torment. I end it by me accepting the truth that I deserve better! That I deserve to be treated with respect. That I deserve to be who and what I am.
Granted, the criticisms and the pettiness of others will go on. It's all part of the learning process. The only thing that changes is my reaction to it all. Remembering and keeping forever in my mind that life isn't happening to me, but through me.
In articles to come, I will be sharing my experiences with the various modalities that I am using to break free of this cycle. It is my hope that one of you will benefit from my story and assist you in breaking free from your own personal torment loop!
I'm nobody's fool. I know it won't be easy. Then again, no one said it would be. But as Dolly Parton says, if you want rainbows you're gonna have to put up with a little rain!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Yes! I'm on Face Book! Just Click HERE Or click on the icon below.
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
My inspiration to set these particular intentions comes from the TV show Lucifer. Long story short, Lucifer and his brother, Amenadiel, came into the realization that their Father was not controlling them or their lives. That in truth, they were the ones holding themselves back, creating a loop of the same shit different day scenario. Interestingly enough, Lucifer stated that in hell, people tortured themselves with what they believed they deserved. All he did was supply the scenery and players. The rest was up to the individual. It was both sad and comical when they both came to see that the same applied to them. They only received in life what they themselves believed they deserved. No one controlled their beliefs. No one controlled what came into their lives. No one was sitting somewhere on a lofty throne punishing them for deeds they did or fail to do. It was all on them. They believed they deserved to be punished. And so they were. They were being punished not by any deity, not by any other entity. Quite the contrary. It was all by their own hand that punishment was meted out.
Sure, we all have been told we're doing it to ourselves. That life happens through us, not to us. But to really know it, to truly believe it and then take action ... well, that's a whole other story.
I have known for years that I have been caught in my own self inflicted endless loop of torment. I convinced myself early on in life that I truly deserved the punishment that was handed out to me. So it comes as no surprise that the Universe provided me with assistance. Funny thing about my punishment. I don't even remember the reason. I can't recall why it all started in the first place. I have spent many sleepless nights trying to remember. I just can't. I just know it started when I was very young and has continued through the years. Oy! Talk about a slow learner!
Watching those last episodes of Lucifer taught me one thing. It doesn't matter why the punishment started -- it only matters that I myself end it. After all, I'm the only one that can. No one else can do it for me. So taking the Angel brothers' lead, I too end my loop of perpetual torment. I end it by me accepting the truth that I deserve better! That I deserve to be treated with respect. That I deserve to be who and what I am.
Granted, the criticisms and the pettiness of others will go on. It's all part of the learning process. The only thing that changes is my reaction to it all. Remembering and keeping forever in my mind that life isn't happening to me, but through me.
In articles to come, I will be sharing my experiences with the various modalities that I am using to break free of this cycle. It is my hope that one of you will benefit from my story and assist you in breaking free from your own personal torment loop!
I'm nobody's fool. I know it won't be easy. Then again, no one said it would be. But as Dolly Parton says, if you want rainbows you're gonna have to put up with a little rain!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole. The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™, The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality™ are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.
Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole. The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™, The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality™ are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.
All Rights Reserved©™
Dolly Parton,
New Years
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