In reference to Donald Trump, Dr. Stephen Hawking states: He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
One of the alleged greatest minds of our time is confounded by Trump's appeal? But he isn't when it comes to Hillary Clinton's appeal?
Interesting! Very Interesting indeed!
Well I shall take it upon myself to break it down for Dr. Stephen Hawking and all those other geniuses out there.
Let's begin with...Clinton is a proven liar. This has been seen all over the internet. I'm amazed none of you geniuses haven't seen it. So feel free to click HERE to see a full 13 minutes of Madam Clinton's lies.
Clinton continues to lie about Benghazi. She even went as far as stating that we (America) didn't lose a single person in Libya under her watch as Secretary of State. Furthermore, Clinton continues to maintain a flippant attitude about the Benghazi tragedy. Haven't seen that? Click HERE; and click HERE
And with respect to Benghazi and Clinton's's an article backing up what that pathological liar aka Hillary Clinton said about not losing a single person in Libya. Click HERE
By the way .... Benghazi is in Libya. Now who's smarter than a 5th Grader?
Oh and do not get me started on the e-mail scandal that has her being investigated by the FBI!
Confounded by Hillary 's appeal yet geniuses?
With respect to what the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking said regarding Trump supporters, and I quote, "...seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator." Unquote.
This too I find highly interesting seeing how Hillary Clinton's sycophant followers would still want her to run for President even if she is indicted. You don't find that all confounding? Because I certainly do!
The genius Dr. Stephen Hawking is confounded by Trump? While the evidence pointing to the criminal pathological liar that is Hillary Clinton seems to allude such an alleged genius such as Dr. Stephen Hawking! How is that even possible? Does this mean that one can conclude that the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking isn’t much of a genius? Tell me it isn’t so!
While I myself am no genius, it is pretty clear that Hawking has mistaken Trump and his supporters for Hillary Clinton and her supporters.
San Jose just the latest in the on-going assaults on Trump supporters rioters (and yes they are rioters) who continue to break the law during Trump rallies. By the way these rioters are Clinton supporters (and Sanders supporters). Can't really break it down any more. While the Media, Clinton, Sanders, Obama and a host of others blame Trump for these riots, not one of these people have denounced the violence taking place. Not surprised Obama hasn't...he never has! Too busy playing golf, doing the tango or appearing on some late night talk show! But the role of the President is a serious matter and not a reality show...right Barry?
Interesting (there's that word again) how the alleged genius Dr. Stephen Hawking doesn't see anything in the news about Trump supporters going to a Clinton or Sanders rally and committing acts of aggression towards anyone attending. And yet he has the audacity to refer to supporters of Trump as the lowest common denominator.
Someone needs to inform the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking what being the lowest common denominator truly means. Because just between you and me, I don't think he understands the meaning very well. Or maybe he does and he is just letting us all know that he is perfectly okay with supporting the pathological liar and career criminal Hillary Clinton.
It's painfully obvious that with all that newfangled technology the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking has at his fingertips he isn't getting any real news reports. Or maybe he just isn't as smart as he has led people to believe he is. Or maybe he's a soul-sucking liberal leach and no one told me!
Going back to the appeal of Hillary Clinton. It is beyond mind-boggling! At least it is to us non-geniuses. Again the woman is a proven liar. It's not that her never ending lying is suspected--it has been proven that she really is a bon-a-fide liar. And yet she appeals to a good number of folks out there.
I guess you have to be a genius like Dr. Stephen Hawking to understand why. Because it certainly confounds the ever living &^%$@! out of me and my fellow non-genius lowest common denominators.
Again, let's not forget that Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation where the evidence is clearly there and it is mounting with each passing week. And yet her supporters do not care. They even stated that when she's indicted they still want her to continue running. How fascinating that is. Adds new meaning to birds of a feather. Doesn't it? And yet...the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking is not confounded by this! I really wonder why. Don't you?
The Benghazi tragedy and Clinton's continuous parade of lies, scandals and controversy should be enough to have every single voter turning their noses up at her. Clinton's now famous phrase What difference does it make? should have been the final straw and knocked her out of the race altogether. But like her, Clinton supporters carry the attitude of what difference does it make. Actually they take it to a higher level. In my opinion Clinton's supporters are clearly worse than she is. And considering what they do at Trump's rallies... well...need I say more?
And yet again...the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking is not confounded by any of this!
Oh No! According to the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking Trump supporters are the lowest common denominator.
As an FYI for the esteem genius Dr. Stephen Hawking and all the alleged geniuses out there:
Trump supporters have not, do not, will not nor will ever ignore the fact that four Americans were left to die in Benghazi. Many of us work diligently to keep these men's memory in front of us.
Yes Trump is very out-spoken to the point of being crass. No one will argue with that.However contrary to popular opinion...Trump is not a racist as the liberal media would have the world believe. Granted he has said things out of turn. But then again haven't we all?
It wasn't Trump who created Black Lives Matter. And as for the Islamic State Terrorists, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Al Sharpton--they are not the result of Donald J. Trump.
And unlike Obama and Clinton Trump doesn't encourage the hatred of law enforcement or our military. Trump has shown his respect to both law enforcement and our military. Unlike Obama his administration and Hillary Clinton.
And before any of you utter one word... I will remind each of you that through their collective silence and refusing to make statements to the contrary...Obama his administration The Clintons et, al provided their encouragement to this trend of hatred.
Hillary Clinton Supporters. Clinton only appeals to the self-serving back stabbing sanctimonious holier than thou, racist, thieving, race baiting, sexist under-handed, hypocritical, politically correct, abusive, pathological and habitual lying thugs with a convenient memory who clearly have a deep rooted hatred for America. They do not know what it means to take responsibility for their own actions. It's always someone else's fault! Even when they're caught red-handed...they scream victim!
Remember folks, the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking isn't confounded by any of this.
Unbelievably amazing! Isn't it. I will go as far as to say Dr. Hawking's lack of being confounded by this liar, this career criminal, this out-right fraud known as Hillary Clinton and all her blind mindless followers is worthy of Ripley's Believe or Not!
Trump's appeal? He only appeals to those who are beyond sick of politics as usual the underhanded back-door deals arms agreements to our sworn enemies jobs going to other countries.
Trump also appeals to those who love America--faults and all. And are not ashamed of it. Trump supporters are the ones who know how imperfect America is...but we love her to the very depths of our souls.
Trump appeals to those who yearn for true leadership someone who not only will...but has proven...he stands against and up to the abusive politically correct!
Trump supporters aren't racists nor are we sexists. Some are rich some are just average working Americans some are retired and others are barely getting by. We come in every religion economic standing. We are native born and we are naturalized legal American citizens. We are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindi, Buddhists, Pagans, Catholics, Protestant, Atheists and everything else in between. We are young and we are old. We are women and we are men. And yes some of us are even Gay! All this makes us the Silent Majority. Or as the genius Dr. Hawking calls us...the lowest common denominator!
Yes to someone like Dr. Hawking and that reprehensible Hillary Clinton we are the lowest common denominator.
In closing, Dr. Hawking's statement regarding Trump and his supporters is egregious; and it doesn't reflect well on his alleged genius. Actually it puts into question whether or not he truly possesses any level of real intelligence. Well maybe not so much lack of intelligence as good old fashioned sense (fka common sense).
Could it be that Dr. Hawking's reasons for his ugly little commentary is that he, like the liar extraordinaire Hillary Clinton, is so far out of touch with the common people and his own humanity he isn't capable to comprehend and understand Donald J. Trump and his supporters?
Or could it be that the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking is just a bitter small minded little man with no hope of any real future and as a result takes it upon himself to belittle those with hope? Maybe that's the reason behind his attempt to undermine someone who sheds light on that hope. Could be!
Whatever his reasons Dr. Hawking's rude and ill-informed commentary regarding those of us who support Trump is a massive insult and an affront to my very nature.
Granted I expected no less from anyone who is woefully lacking in good sense. As it is painfully obvious the genius Dr. Stephen Hawking clearly has none.