
Hypocrisy: The TRUE Enemy

hypocrisy:the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. If only those who fight so diligently for refugees would use those same energies and passions to fight for the homeless right here in their homeland.  I wonder where is their courage when it comes to putting an end to the suffering of  those who reside in their own home state and city? Where is their  compassion when it comes to those who fought for the very freedoms we all enjoy?  I wonder...How can they can so easily turn a blind eye to the struggles and tragedies of those who live right the re in their very own neighborhoods, cit ies and sates and see so clearly the hardships of others?  Where is the sense of justice when it comes to the elderly here in the United States?  Where is the passion to fight for the rights of our elderly to live out their golden years without having to choose between much needed medicines and ...

Personal Appearance on Great Day LIVE with Rachel Platt

Today,(Tuesday, 11/17/15) me, my co-worker Semone Carter and Donna Young from St. Vincent de Paul visited Rachel Platt on Great Day LIVE on WHAS 11 TV to talk about the food/personal item drive Solid Waste Collections is holding to benefit St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Click HERE to catch the Replay! 

Things Food Banks Need But Won't Ask For

Some items are in high demand at the food bank and you may not realize it. Because they aren’t essentials, the staff doesn’t publicly ask for them. A survey on asked volunteers what items people would be most appreciative of and we’ve listed the top 10 below. If you’re looking for an easy way to help out, pick some of these up while shopping and drop them off at one of our area food banks. 1. Spices. Think about it. People who rely on the food bank eat a lot of canned food, rice, oatmeal, white bread, etc. They love spices. Seasoned salt, cayenne pepper, chili powder, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, oregano, basil and so on. 2. Feminine Products. Can you imagine being worried about affording these? Pads, tampons, panty liners, etc. Recommended: Buy in bulk at Costco for donating. 3. Chocolate. People don’t need it, but think about being in their shoes and how nice it would be to be given a chocolate bar or brownie mix along with your essentials. 4. ...

What Are You Willing To Leave Behind?

Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath,step on through and start a new chapter in my life.   - Unknown In order to step through the door of new beginnings questions must be answered .  And from those questions  decisions must be made.  The most important question I ask myself  is...what am I willing to leave behind? To be genuinely happy, am I willing to let go of all the unhappiness that I have carried all these years?  Am I willing to leave behind the judgments of others and the judgements I hold for myself? What would living  a life free of judgment and self condemnation truly feel like to me?  Am I willing to leave behind the fears associated with these judgments?  Better yet, am I willing to leave behind the fears of having nothing to take judgment's place? What am I willing to leave behind?  What would it feel like?  What would it look like?  How would I a...

The Wonderland Babe Tribe

Years back a brilliant documentary on spirituality and science entitled What The *&%$!? Do We Know?!   w as introduced to the world.   The whole movie was inspiring but the most memorable line in the movie was a question posed…   How Far Down the rabbit hole do YOU want to go? That question is something I still ask myself to this day.   Especially when I face a challenge to go deeper into myself.  The Rabbit Hole aka Self is a bottomless cavern. Though I’m pretty sure we all have an inkling how deep it is none of us know how far this thing called self reall y goes.     And Going deeper into self is quite the adventure (to say the least).    Sadly, f ear prevents many of us from going on that particular adventure.     But what are we afraid of ?  Fear of losing ours elves?  Fear of losing the people we love?  Fear that we will discover how utterly worthless we are?  Fear o...

To All the men and women who serve in the military and to their families...

W E S A L U T E Y O U !

To Stress or Not to Stress...

For the past few days I have been grappling with stress.  Mostly work related.  What I have noticed about stress is (1) it really locks up your body and makes it hurt; and (2) it's stressful!  *big smile* To stress my point on stress and stress release (pun intended) I share with you the following story:  A young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and explaining stress management to an audience with a raised glass of water.    Everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question, 'half empty or half  full?'... She fooled them all .... "How heavy is this glass of water?" she inquired with a smile. Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. To 20 oz. She replied , "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it.  If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm.   If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an Ambulance. ...