Hypocrisy: The TRUE Enemy

hypocrisy:the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. If only those who fight so diligently for refugees would use those same energies and passions to fight for the homeless right here in their homeland. I wonder where is their courage when it comes to putting an end to the suffering of those who reside in their own home state and city? Where is their compassion when it comes to those who fought for the very freedoms we all enjoy? I wonder...How can they can so easily turn a blind eye to the struggles and tragedies of those who live right the re in their very own neighborhoods, cit ies and sates and see so clearly the hardships of others? Where is the sense of justice when it comes to the elderly here in the United States? Where is the passion to fight for the rights of our elderly to live out their golden years without having to choose between much needed medicines and ...