Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Extended Cyber Sale Going On Now Through Saturday, December 6th

Get your Copy 
Children of the Luminaries Book One: 
The Coming Storm 
for only $9.95 (reg. price $11.95)

Only On Create Space!


Click HERE 

Or just click the book cover on the Right Hand side of this Blog.  

*Please Note:  The Children of the Luminaries™ trilogy is an adult fiction/fantasy/adventure/action series

Click HERE to get an inside look into Children of the Luminaries with this Q&A

Click HERE to read an excerpt from Book One

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cyber Monday Shoppers Get Your Copy of Children of the Luminaries on Amazon and Create Space!

Know someone who enjoys The Hunger Games,  Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter ?  

Then Children of the Luminaries is a gift you'll want to giveand have, this Holiday Season!


Order your copy of Children of the Luminaries Book One The Coming Storm Today!

Available in paperback and KINDLE on  Create Space. 

Click HERE 

Or you can just click the book cover on the Right Hand side of this Blog.  

*Please Note:  The Children of the Luminaries™ trilogy is an adult fiction/fantasy/adventure/action series

Click HERE to get an inside look into Children of the Luminaries with this Q&A

Click HERE to read an excerpt from Book One

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Get A Jump On Cyber Monday! Order Your Copy of Children of the Luminaries Book One The Coming Storm Today!

If you (or someone you love) enjoys such fantasy action adventures as The Hunger Games,  Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter then you're gonna really LOVE Children of the Luminaries!

Click HERE to get an inside look into Children of the Luminaries with this Q&A

Click HERE to read an excerpt from Book One


Get ahead of Cyber Monday and order your copy of Children of the Luminaries Book One The Coming Storm Today!

Available in paperback and KINDLE on  Create Space. 

Click HERE 

Or you can just click the book cover on the Right Hand side of this Blog.  

*Please Note:  The Children of the Luminaries™ trilogy is an adult fiction/fantasy/adventure/action series

Giving Thanks~It's Not Just For Turkeys! "OR" I'm Thankful To Be ME and Not Somebody Else cause then I wouldn't be ME and THAT would REALLY SUCK!!!!

Today, I will share with you a few of the things I am thankful for.  These things come from my Things I am Thankful For list.  Which I do daily.   Why?  Because every day is a day of giving thanks.  Yea, laugh and mock if you will. I know how corny it sounds.  But it's my personal belief, my way of life and how I roll.   That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So why make a list?   Helps me from leaving anything out for starters.  More importantly, it puts things in perspective.   Having a literal list allows me to actually see how much there is to be thankful for.    Speaking of which, there is so much we all take for granted.  So much we don't even think about because we're so use to having it around.  You know like running water, indoor plumbing, electricity; having a stove and refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker.  A bed, a pillow, sheets and blankets.  To name a few.      And yes!  These are on my ever growing list.

Being thankful for these very things brings you into a state of knowing.  It generates  this really fabulously wonderful feeling that can only be described as blissful.   According to EFT Master and Teacher Carol Look, genuine thankfulness can change lives!  And it increases our ability to manifest what we want.  Which isn't really the point, but it is a pretty phenomenal perk!   

This feeling of gratitude is something you just have to experience for yourself in order to truly understand.    Try it! And who knows?  You might actually enjoy it! And get in the habit of doing the daily thankful list too!

Be sure to Click HERE to Check out Carol's newsletters on Giving Thanks and other great subjects!  And for some really fantastic EFT scripts! 

Here are three of things off my list of  Things I am Thankful For.

I am Thankful for the Internet.  Without it I would not have met some incredibly special people.  I wouldn't have been able to make friends with people on the other-side of the world.   Thank you Internet!  Thank you to all those who make the Internet a reality! You know who you are!

I am Thankful I have been able to use my anger to better a situation that I believe and know to be unjust; I am So Very Thankful that I have learned to use that anger to create more uplifting, powerful and long lasting solutions.

I am Thankful for all the truly stupid and ignorant people of the world. You show me where I need to improve myself.  But most importantly Without you I wouldn't be aware of how truly fortunate I am that I'm Not YOU!  So thank you! 

So what are YOU Thankful for?

Monday, November 24, 2014

Common Depression Symptoms

Did you know that...

Common symptoms of depression not only include feeling sad, hopeless, or empty or having lost interest in the things that previously gave you pleasure. But other, less obvious symptoms also may signal depression, including:
  • Anger, irritability, and impatience. You may feel irritated and angry at family, friends, or co-workers, or overreact to small things.

  • Sleep problems. You may have trouble sleeping, or you may wake up very early in the morning. Or you may sleep too much and find it hard to get up in the morning. 

  • Anxiety. You may have symptoms such as anxiety, worry, restlessness, and tension. Anxiety and depression often occur together, even though they are two separate problems.  

  • Crying. Crying spells, crying over nothing at all, or crying about small things that normally wouldn't bother you may be signs of depression.

  • Inability to concentrate. If you are depressed, you may be forgetful, have trouble making decisions, or find it hard to concentrate.  

  • Pain. If you have aches and pains that don't respond to treatment, including joint pain, back pain, limb pain, or stomach pain, they could be signs of depression. Many people with depression go to their doctor because of these types of physical symptoms, and don't even realize that they are depressed.  

  • Substance abuse. Having a drug or alcohol problem may hide an underlying problem with depression. Substance abuse and depression often go hand in hand.

  • Appetite changes. You may have no desire to eat, or you may overeat in an effort to feel better.

  • Isolation. You may feel withdrawn from friends and family -- right when you need their support the most.


Many people think of depression as an intolerable sadness or a deep gloom that just won't go away. Yet depression can also be sneaky, disguised in symptoms that can be hard to identify. If you've had unexplained aches or pains, often feel irritable or angry for no reason, or cry at the drop of a hat -- you could be depressed.
Fortunately, you can be proactive with depression. Learn how these less obvious symptoms can reveal themselves and when you should seek out depression treatment.

Read Further Click HERE

The Gratitude Gap™

 The Gratitude Gap™ happens when we fail to express appreciation for the goodness in our lives.

The Gratitude Gap™  occurs when we show lack to no appreciation for the challenges, problems and pain that comes into our lives.

The Gratitude Gap™ takes place whenever we show a lack of appreciation.

* Lack of appreciation for things ... great or small;
* Lack of appreciation of the painful things;
* Lack of appreciation for anything and/or anyone we may dislike or causes us pain.

The Gratitude Gap™ isn't about liking or loving everything and everyone. It's about showing appreciation for the gifts EVERYONE and EVERYTHING brings into our lives. Situations, words and deeds that enrich us in ways we never believed possible. No matter how painless or how painful they may be.

Bottom line... The Gratitude Gap™ is about being thankful for every single opportunity to learn and to grow past our own short-comings.

Gratitude strengthens our emotional, mental and spiritual muscle. Whereas, The Gratitude Gap™ creates a weaken state within our selves on every level of being. When we have a Gratitude Gap, we are left vulnerable to the challenges that come our way.

By showing gratitude for any challenges, you build stronger 'muscles' that can help you get through the toughest situations.

No, it isn't easy being thankful for pain. No one said it would be. But the more you do it, during the times it is happening to you ... you will soon discover how smoother it is to get past those little annoyances that come your way.

You Don't Miss The Water 'Til The Well Runs Dry"

How quick we are to accept the good that comes our way. How quick we are to call it our blessing when everything is going smoothly.

How quickly we forget the priceless gift our painful experiences are.

Be honest with yourself. Where would you be without your painful experiences? What kind of person would you be in this moment ... without them?

Many believe they would have had a better and happier life if only ... if only there hadn't been so much pain -- so many hardships -- so many "road-blocks" in their lives.

What the majority fail to understand is this: Our hardships and pain help mold us and nourish us just as much as the goodness and the joy does.

As a race, human experiencers are wired to come into a true appreciation only when something and/or someone is no longer available or 'something' has been withheld. Sad, but true.

We have left many clues for ourselves to remind us of this. Clues that can be found through our 'sayings' ... such as 'the forbidden fruit' is more desirable, 'you don't miss the water 'til the well runs dry', 'the grass is always greener on the other side.' These are only a few ... can you name others?

In truth, there are people and situations that drive us absolutely insane! There are people in our lives we would love to see just disappear entirely. I have a list of those types of people myself! But if you were to step back and really see past the irritations, aggravations, annoyances and hardships ... I would be willing to bet that you would see how much you have learned from it all. How much you have grown as a person.

Take a few moments and see for yourself the valuable lessons these annoying situations and irritating people have brought into your life. Express your gratitude for the opportunities it gave you to grow up emotionally, mentally and most importantly... spiritually.

Communicate, Appreciate and Validate

Take a moment, each and every day, to Communicate your Appreciation for all those who have help you grow! No matter how insignificant you think/believe it is, no matter how painful it may be, Validate those (including situations) who have come into your life, who took the time and energy in giving you that much needed growth spurt!

Notice the difference in your own energy when you do this. See how much lighter you become. How much stronger you feel.

Take stock in how far you have come because of --and in spite of-- those people and situations.

In doing so ... you will close The Gratitude Gap™.

A Simple "Thank You" goes a LONG way! 

 But don't take my word for it! 

 Try it Your Self!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

25 Signs That You’re A Mentally Strong Person

 Here are 25 signs that show you have nerves of steel:

1. You don’t yell or become easily angry.

Even in the harshest stress factors, you choose to stay calm and you try to handle situations smoothly. You feel that by raising your voice, you’re lowering yourself.

2. You are open to feedback.

You are not afraid to voice your opinion; neither are you afraid to take other’s opinions or feedback, whether they’re negative or positive. You rather welcome it so you can learn.

3. You apologize when necessary.

You know well when you’ve made a mistake and you apologize, not worrying about losing face. You are aware that by apologizing, you’ll be the bigger person.

4. You are willing to adjust to bring improvement.

Being a mentally strong person, you’re adaptable to change. You know that change is good for whatever condition you’re in.
5. You don’t limit your thoughts to just superficial matters
You don’t just see things as they are. You look deep into matters and you read into things before drawing a conclusion.

Continue Reading at  GoWeLoveIt