
ATTENTION: Free Kibble Donating ALL Kibble Raised Today To Mudslide Victims in Washington!

ALL the kibble raised today, will be donated to care for dogs & cats impacted by the mudslides in Washington - spread the word! Click HERE to play!

Long time Radio and TV Personality Speaks Out and Up On Recent Flash Mob Violence In Louisville, Kentucky

This is not a post about race by Terry Meiners March 26, 2014 This is not a post about race. It is a post about a community’s inherent mission, the protection of its law-abiding citizens from predators. The Great Wall of China is not a decoration. That wall, forts, castles, and foxholes were created for protection from predators. People who live in a community do so with the understanding that they will protect each other – or pay taxes to afford efficient protection – from those who would burst the order of the community. When a person or persons within the community breach that pact, they are sent to another sturdy construction called a prison so that they cannot continue preying upon their community. GHOST TOWN ON THE RIVER In the 1970s, Louisville’s growth was stunted by the derisive term Strike City, a label earned from repeated union strikes at various companies. The River City Mall killed 4th Street businesses when the pedestrian mall led to more assaults. Thugs had...

Update about 'Drop charges against transgender teen defending herself!' on

If you signed the petition, then you already have gotten this message.  For those of you who haven't, here's an update: Hi, Thank you all for signing my petition asking for the charges against my sister, Jewlyes Gutierrez to be dropped. More than 200,000 of you took action and the outpouring of support means so much to us! The Judge recently placed Jewlyes in a restorative justice process - this allows her and the other girls involved in the fight to work toward a resolution that doesn't involve the courts. Once she completes that program her charge will be dropped! Jewlyes was also nominated to be San Francisco Pride’s Grand Marshal! The SF Pride Celebration and Parade is the largest LGBT gathering in the nation. She is nominated alongside some amazing LGBT activists and would really appreciate your vote! If you'd like to vote for her, please click this link: Thank you so much for your support! Best, Valerie  *~*~*~*~*~*~*~...


Article by Brad Steiger The Leprechaun, dressed in bright green clothing with a red cap and a leather apron, was originally known as the cheerful cobbler, a wee person who takes delight in repairing humans’ shoes for a reward of a bowl of porridge. The classic folk tale of the Leprechaun is that of a loutish human catching one of the wee folk and demanding to be given the little cobbler’s pot of gold.  In these stories, the sly Leprechaun always manages to trick the greedy clod who has grabbed him by causing the human to glance away from him.  Once a human takes his eyes off the Leprechaun, the wee one has the power to vanish in a flash. Over the centuries, the country folk of Ireland have learned not to disturb the earthen mounds or raths in which the Leprechauns dwell. Those who would wantonly violate their domicile is to invite severe supernatural consequences upon themselves. Click HERE to Read More

Cat Proved to Be a Meow-sive Threat to His Owners

A Portland, Ore. family called 911 after their baby was attacked and they were held hostage in their own bedroom. The attacker was Lux: the family's 22-lb. cat. Teresa Barker says the cat scratched her 7-month-old in the face, and when he was kicked for that, everything changed. The family grabbed the baby, their dog and ran to the back bedroom. That's when they called 9-1-1. "He's charging us," one of the family members said on the 911 call. "He's at our door. Our bedroom door." A moment later, the sound of a cat screeching wildly can be heard on the recording. "Did you hear it?" one of the family members says. "That was the cat!" "One moment, okay?" the dispatcher replied. "Yeah, I hear him. Keep your door shut, okay?" Police used a snare and were able to get the cat behind bars in its crate. The family is talking about getting rid of the cat. The baby is okay. Sources:   WDRB News   ...

Being Yourself ~ A Beautiful Message from Bob Proctor

If you want to succeed you must be different from the masses. Be yourself. Do not be afraid to assert your true personality. Don't ever forget that you are a unique individual. As soon as you tow the line, you are denying your true personality and virtually denying yourself the opportunity to grow. Although society, in general has done an excellent job of turning most of us into clones by eliminating difference and nipping our personal aspirations in the bud, a tiny inner voice nevertheless survives within each of us. Timid and worried, it whispers to us that our public images are false, that our genuine personalities are hidden and unexpressed. Frustration, sadness, and in some cases, a feeling of being dead inside, are some of the disadvantages we heap upon ourselves. The fear of being different and the need to conform are false and destructive. It is an acquired concept, not something we were born with. Here are five powerful affirmations. Read these affirmations aloud ...


HOUSE BILL 408 - CALL AGAIN - RIGHT NOW PLEASE!  THIS IS THE ANTI- DOG FIGHTING BILL  CALLS NEEDED NOW -  EVEN IF YOU HAVE CALLED BEFORE - CALL AGAIN TODAY  Call This number 1-800- 372-7181 AND SAY THIS - " I would like to leave a message with every member of the House - All members of the House please pass House Bill 408 without any House Floor Amendments - thank you." This is the bill that would make possession of  a dog for the purpose of fighting a felony ! We are the only state that does not have a law like this in place !  Time is Critical ! So please make your call now !  Out of state callers please do the same - it will show that the world is watching and Kentucky needs all the help we can get to get a law to protect animals passed .  We rank last when it come to animal laws and we are so tired of this uphill battle -  thanks  ~The Arrow Fund ~ REMEMEBER TO ****SHARE ****SHARE ****SHARE !!!!