If you want to succeed you must be different from the masses. Be yourself. Do not be afraid to assert your true personality. Don't ever forget that you are a unique individual. As soon as you tow the line, you are denying your true personality and virtually denying yourself the opportunity to grow. Although society, in general has done an excellent job of turning most of us into clones by eliminating difference and nipping our personal aspirations in the bud, a tiny inner voice nevertheless survives within each of us. Timid and worried, it whispers to us that our public images are false, that our genuine personalities are hidden and unexpressed. Frustration, sadness, and in some cases, a feeling of being dead inside, are some of the disadvantages we heap upon ourselves. The fear of being different and the need to conform are false and destructive. It is an acquired concept, not something we were born with. Here are five powerful affirmations. Read these affirmations aloud ...