Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Emotional & Mental Aspects of the Ascension Process ... Your Spiritual Awakening

When the world of imagination has become all too real and the world around us has become blurred ... we find ourselves lost & confused.

When we have become obsessed over material things to the point we believe ourselves not happy unless we have millions of dollars to spend and all the luxuries that it can buy ... 

If we are obsessed over someone in our lives to the point they are all we can think about, and soon we find ourselves living for that moment when we will next see or hear from them ... 

When we become addicted to food, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc. We find ourselves totally out of control ... with seemingly no way out ... 

When we are any or all of the above .. we are imbalanced emotionally & mentally. 

Emotional & Mental well being is a vital part of spiritual growth. 

To Grow Spiritually simply means to obtain and maintain Balance ... in ALL aspects of our human lives!

The Ascension and How it Affects Your Emotional & Mental Health

In this issue, we will discuss how your awakening spiritually affects your emotional and mental body. 

As always ... we urge you to ... 


Do Not assume that the depression you are experiencing is only a symptom of the Ascension Process! Clinical depression is a serious matter and should NEVER be taken lightly! 

While it very well may be that you are undergoing the ascension process, it is always important to get checked out by a medical professional. That way, you will have all your bases covered and you can move forward with the knowing that you are well on your way to becoming fully awakened spiritually.

Because of the ever constant changes our physical bodies are undergoing ... it isn't any wonder that our state of mind is out of sync and our emotions are seemingly out of our control!

We find ourselves more sensitive to everything. This hyper-sensitivity causes us to be happy & centered one moment ... crying or screaming the next. There is always something going on in our lives! There is someone always managing to set us off emotionally!

Our mental faculties seem to have abandoned us as well! We have no problem remembering what Joe or Maizy did 10 years ago ... but we can't seem to recall why we went in the other room 10 minutes ago!

We find ourselves distracted and not remembering why or what it was that distracted us in the first place. Yet we can recall the hateful attitude of someone at the store and bitch about that all day!

We have this sense of something about to happen. Yet we cannot sense why we got so upset over a sock on the floor!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

6 Ways to Get in the Mood

You're both tired. The kids are light sleepers. You're not happy with your weight. You're stressed out over deadline pressures at work. There are many reasons people in long-term relationships find themselves reaching for the pillow or the remote control instead of their partner's body after the sun goes down.
But a healthy sex life is a key part of an intimate relationship, and neglecting it can push the two of you further apart.

Problem No. 1: Same Old, Same Old

The Solution: Spice It Up
"When you're in a long-term relationship, you get into a routine," says ob-gyn Renee Horowitz, founder of the Center for Sexual Wellness in Michigan. "There's biological evidence that novel experiences cause the release of dopamine in the brain." Dopamine is a chemical messenger that affects the pleasure center in your brain. "That's why it's so much easier," Horowitz says, "to get excited in a new relationship -- everything is novel, and your brain responds accordingly."
Obviously, you can't switch partners every time the excitement wanes. But you can change up some of the other factors. "Try a different place, a different time, a different position," Horowitz says. Have a morning quickie. Try sex in the shower or in a different room in the house.

Problem No. 2: Too Much to Do, Too Tired

The Solution: Take a Romantic Break
All couples are tired at the end of a long day. And it’s hard to have energy for romance by the time you get everyone to bed and deal with chores. But that can be changed.
"You have to prioritize what's important," sex educator Sadie Allison, whose best-selling books include Ride ‘Em Cowgirl! and Tickle Your Fancy, says."Tired as you might be, it's OK to just make it a quickie sometimes. Sex is so important to the overall health of your relationship."
Instead of waiting until it's time to put out the lights, take a break for a romantic encounter before you start the evening's chores, Allison says. "Make space and time where you can escape, and get creative." She says it isn't going to happen spontaneously. "You have to find the time and make a date."

Click HERE to Read the remainder of the Article

Friday, February 7, 2014

Help Our Heroes Afford And Care For Shelter Pets.

Veterans at all stages of their military careers struggle with emotional and physical issues, including those that challenge their ability to fully integrate into civilian life. Some return from deployment with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or other psychological trauma. Others are long separated from service but struggle with depression, substance abuse, or outright loneliness. For these and many other circumstances, a companion pet is often the right prescription to help heal mind, body, and soul. Pets for Patriots helps these veterans find and afford a "last-chance" pet: adult and special needs animals, and large breed dogs - those most overlooked for adoption, who face the greatest risk of euthanasia and yet make wonderful and grateful companions.
Operating nationwide, Pets for Patriots helps veterans combat the primary obstacle to pet ownership - cost of care - by providing access to ongoing discounted veterinary care, financial contributions towards the cost of pet food and essentials, and discounts for various pet products and services. Through Pets for Patriots' Veterans Pet Food Bank Program, veterans receive the help they need to be a hero once more by saving the life of a dog or cat in need. Your donation saves two lives: a shelter animal out of time and hope, and a veteran who regains a sense of purpose in life.

Click HERE to make your live-saving donation.

Tiny Kitten Seeks Refuge Under Car Hood, Suffers Severe Injuries

While winter weather poses many threats to animals, perhaps one of the most serious dangers occurs when cats and other small animals seek warmth from the engines of parked cars. One such unlucky cat was Flapjack, a tiny kitten found on the side of the road in New York City last December. Fortunately, a Good Samaritan spotted Flapjack and brought him to the ASPCA Animal Hospital.
It was clear that Flapjack had been caught in a car’s engine. He was suffering from multiple serious injuries, including a fractured lower jaw, a severe tongue laceration and other wounds.
ASPCA Veterinarian Dr. Maren Krafchik says the hospital staff performed the first of three surgeries on Flapjack that same day, including using wire to repair his jaw and inserting a feeding tube to help him eat.
This brave little kitten is now happy and healthy with his foster parent, an ASPCA veterinary technician. He had his feeding tube removed and can now eat normally, and the swelling he experienced as a result of his injuries has gone down a great deal.
We’re so relieved that Flapjack has recovered, but his story provides a valuable lesson to anyone who drives during the winter months. According to Dr. Krafchik, there are multiple ways to prevent such injuries, including:
  • knocking on the hood of your car
  • honking your car’s horn
  • checking under your car’s hood to ensure that a small animal is not inside.  If you start your car and hear something unusual, turn off your engine immediately.
To Keep your pets healthy and safe this winter, check out the full list of cold weather pet care tips, just CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One Ring Cell Phone Scam: BBB Warns Against Unknown Caribbean Island Calls

Cell phone users are being warned to think twice before answering any suspicious calls from the Caribbean Islands.
According to the Better Business Bureau, a new "one ring" scam is giving phone owners unauthorized charges on their wireless bills. WGHP reports that the calls may come from Antigua, Jamaica, Grenada and any other Caribbean Islands and that the phone rings only one time before disconnecting.
If a customer calls back the number displayed, the BBB details that the caller will then be charged $19.95 for an international call fee and an additional $9-per-minute charge. Users reporting the scam to the BBB have said the calls normally come from outside the U.S.
To protect yourself, the BBB encourages consumers not to answer calls from unknown, out-of-state numbers. But if you do answer the phone, they recommend not to call it back if the call disconnects. 

SOURCE:  International Business Times

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


1 in 3 pets will go missing during their lifetime! Are you doing EVERYTHING you can to protect your pet?? 

Our partners at TagaPet are donating $0.50 of every tag sold to No Kill Louisville. Head on over and check out their new site and get your tag today!

Visit Tag A Pet at

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gather Yourselves Together!

Gather yourselves together.   Your tribes, your families, your friends and those of like mind. 

Gather yourselves together and be as one.  Stop struggling to reach the masses.  Step back and embrace those you are already reaching and those you've already reached. 

Do not concern yourselves with those that have not been touched by your light.  Do not chase after those that do not appreciate what you are offering.    

If it is meant to be, those that have not already found you, will most certainly find you.  

Stop believing in the adage "the squeaky wheel always gets the oil."     The oil is used to silence the squeak, but is not always taken seriously.  And the results seldom yield lasting results.

Many of you  have now discovered,  it is the quiet and unassuming, the softest of voices,  that brings about the long lasting results.  

As you were living as the squeaky wheel,  you slowly became more like the  barking dog that never bites.  And as you have discovered, you were, for the most part, ignored.  

Yes, it is true some barking dogs and squeaky wheels make their mark. But like your 4th of July sparklers they fizzle out quickly.   And very much like those silvery sparklers they are remembered.  But only a distant memory are they.   For these,  their messages are blended in, and most often than not, fade away until the next one is lit.  The masses move on for something else.   Always moving on to something else brighter and louder and fanciful.  Leaving you behind, alone, lost and confused as to what happened.  Your messages got shuffled and lost, muted and muffled.  And sadly, forgotten.

For some barking dogs and squeaky wheels, they do eventually learn to utilize the quiet and unassuming ways to further their cause.  And now, they are working to further their cause by gathering themselves together, uniting their tribes and setting things straight in a more unassuming quiet manner.  

I implore each of you...Do not keep your focus on reaching the masses.  It is not the number of people that creates the greatest strength, but the strength of the few that develops and perpetuates a stronger bond.  It is not the voice that speaks the loudest that gets the message across and leaves the soul at peace, bringing about lasting impressions.  On the contrary, it is the softest of speech that calms the soul and impacts the hardest,  the softest voice that touches both the heart and soul.   The unassuming and more gentle that leaves the longest of impressions.

Loud voices distort and get jumbled making it difficult to hear and understand the message.  In turn creating mass confusion and befuddlement.    Yet sadly,  many believe if they speak louder, push harder, do more, brow beat and become a nuisance, their message will be heard and accepted. 

Take note of your political and religious leaders in particular.  Their original design was to lead and to serve through compassion and empathy.    Now, through their collective mind set of the squeaky wheel and barking dogs, their messages have become distorted, twisted, adulterated in the worst ways imaginable.      They have lost their way and have succumbed to their greed.  They have fallen prey to their own barks and squeaks!

But I say to you,  Do not fear  the bullying tactics of the barking dogs. Do not allow your ears to become closed off from the squeaks of those who speak the loudest!  For they are diversions.  Distractions away from your quiet and unassuming purposes.

It is with love that I remind each of you that You had a hand in creating this...all of this.
 And you continue creating with each thought.  This is nothing new.  You've heard these messages over and over and over to infinity.  You have heard the messages...but have you truly been listening to them?  

For whatever purposes you had in this creation of distractions, it is part of you!  It is a part of your tribes.  

For whatever purposes you had in the beginning, you are now seeing and feeling there is no longer a need or a want for such distractions.   And it is this part of your awakening that has called me to forth to assist you in re-igniting your sparks. 

Each tribe contributes to the betterment of this realm.  How is your tribe contributing?  Is it focusing only on the problems?  Then in this moment make a decision to Stop wasting your time with what they are and are not doing.  You see an issue that requires resolving, then stop focusing on the problem and set your mind to the resolving of any and all issues.  

Bring your respective tribes together, bring all in an energy of calm controlled emotional empowerment.  Speak softly.  Carrying yourselves with the confidence in the knowing that you are not a human having  a spiritual experience, but a spirit having a human experience!