
Stray Kitten Finds Police Officer To Go Home To

Real men love cats! A tiny stray kitten found a Baltimore police officer to be his human dad for life. Officer Boyer “Officer Boyer came to the rescue twice today. First when he came to the aid of a stray kitten and again, a few hours later, when he adopted him. (That now makes Officer Boyer a kitty dad times six.)” Read Entire Story By Clicking HERE Meowy Christmas Everybody!!

Christmas and New Year's Begins TODAY!

Yep!  Yep! Yep! I've decided not to wait until January 1st to begin my New Year.   And too,  I decided not to wait until Christmas to give myself a few much needed gifts.  I figure why put off one or two weeks that I can do today?  Right? Seeing how it's been years in the making, I resolved to cut a dozen or so stragglers ( Most of which are blood related ) out of my life once and for all.    With the exception of my three children, everyone else in that so called family is hereby gone from my life.   Not that they will notice mind you.  Seeing how I am the invisible woman and all.  A Nobody!  And yes, I have actually been told I am nobody in that family.  More than once or twice!   After 50 plus years of trying to bond with these mindless and clueless assholes, and trying to be a "family,"  I've decided to say so long, fare thee well, adieu, bye-bye...GOOD RIDDANCE once and for all!   Again, they won'...

Watch & Share The Video

With the death toll in the Northern Rockies exceeding 1,400 wolves, it's more important than ever for people to stand up and be heard. As part of our efforts to bring attention to this reckless killing, Defenders of Wildlife has created a powerful two-minute video that emphasizes why continued protection for wolves is crucial. It also illustrates what our nation's wolves could face if the Administration goes forward with their misguided plan to strip nearly all gray wolves in the lower 48 of Endangered Species Act Protections. Please take a few moments to watch our video. Then help us continue to bring this issue into the national spotlight by sharing with everyone you know and by supporting our work to protect wolves and other imperiled wildlife! With your help we will continue Fighting in Washington to stop the proposed delisting of nearly all wolves in the lower 48; Being on the ground in local communities to dispel ignorance and counter anti-wolf propag...

Brad Steiger Interview with Brent Raynes

If you are a fan of all things paranormal then check out Brent Raynes' interview with Brad Steiger over at AP Magazine (Alternate Perceptions Magazine)  Here's the link: Merry Christmas!

National Day Of Giving: No Kill Louisville Keeping the Dream Alive!

NKL'ers, Dec 3rd is a National Day of Giving #givingtuesday .  Please support us on this day.  All donations will go towards our "Keep the Dream Alive" Campaign and be added to our website. To read more about our "Keep the Dream Alive" Campaign, click here:

Missing Teen! PLEASE Share this Information on Your Social Networks!

This is Lacey Marlin.  She is 14yrs old and is from Xenia, Ohio.  Lacey went missing Thanksgiving night. Please if you have any information contact Xenia Police Department 937-372-9901.  You stay anonymous.   Lacey Marlin

Be Thankful, Be In Gratitude and Just Be!

When it comes to being thankful and being in gratitude, I learned a few things over the years.  And the one thing that really comes to mind is how judgement of anyone is so damn destructive.   And how it only serves to not only perpetuate the current problem, but creates even more problems in  it's wake.   While we each can justify why we judge someone (and ourselves), situations and events,  the fact of the matter is,  judgment takes away so much from us.  Both as individuals and as a whole.   Judgment  robs us of precious energies that we don't always notice.  Until it's too late. Judgment distracts us from the lesson(s) that are being presented to us at that given time.  Which in turn, forces us to repeat those same lessons over and over until we do finally get it!    *~*~*~* For the last couple of months I've literally drained myself of energy all over judging one person in particular.  J...