Stray Cat Visits Farm Cow Every Day For Love And Affection

A stray ginger and white cat visits his unlikely friend, a cow, every day on a dairy farm in Isreal. Sometimes when he comes over, the cow welcomes him with a slobbering kiss. “We live on a kibbutz and have a cowshed with a designated area for the young calves. There are also three stray cats in the area,” said Yochi Aranov Zwilling. They come to the farm everyday for food. “One of them usually wanders off to see the calves once it has had its breakfast, looking for love and affection. I spotted this interaction between the cow and cat one morning on my daily walk and now make a point of looking for them each day,” he added. The kitty often walks into the farm as a dry kitty but walks away with dripping wet fur. Clearly they adore each other as they are often seen giving each other love and affection. Ever since the cat met the cow, he hasn’t missed a single day of visiting his best pal. “The cat has found his own way of getting the love and affection he is yearnin...