Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Get Your Pink ON and Help Fund Free Mammograms!

Get your Pink On and help fund free mammograms in the process!

Every purchase helps a woman get a FREE Mammogram!

There's all sorts of Pink Wear on the Breast Cancer Awareness site on-line store!

Click HERE to shop!  

And while you're there.... Don't Forget to CLICK!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Halloween Safety Tips For Your Pets

There are many Halloween pet safety hazards related to this October holiday -- some are well-known (the dangers of chocolate toxicity), and some aren't. Learn what to be aware of to protect your pet and stay safe this year!

Things to Watch For on Halloween

Halloween is a fun time for kids and many adults, but can be a frightening and stressful time for your pets. As a pet owner, you know your pet best, but here are some points to consider for your pet's safety.
  • Continual doorbell ringing and people at the door (in costume, no less!) can be stressful for a pet. Some pets may experience stress-related diarrhea or potentially injure themselves if crated or otherwise contained. Keep your pet in a quiet and safe place on Halloween.
  • Strangers in costume - some animals may become unexpectedly aggressive or fearful, even normally friendly pets.
  • Candles and Jack-O'-Lanterns within a pet's range are a fire hazard. Wagging tails and frightened cats zooming through the house can easily tip over a candle or carved pumpkin, causing burns or a fire.
  • Keep your pets indoors on Halloween night, especially black cats. Animals are at risk for cruel treatment by some Halloween pranksters. Many adoption agencies and humane societies will not allow adoption of black cats around Halloween for this reason.
  • Candy - For many people, Halloween = candy. Many pets have a sweet tooth. Please warn children not to share their goodies with the family pet.
Click HERE to Read More




Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vote No Kill Louisville In Best Shelter Challenge Contest -- Details Below





No Kill Louisville is a 501c3 non-profit, all volunteer organization.

Mission - Through the support and creation of programs and services, collaboration, and advocacy, No Kill Louisville will build a community where no adoptable pet or feral cat is killed.

Vision  - We envision our community as a place where no adoptable pet or feral cat is killed, regardless of resources, economics, or politics.

About Shelter Challenge

Shelter Challenge and GreaterGood.org (GGO) are proud to announce a new Shelter Challenge with 244 cash and non-monetary prizes.
Voting began on August 12, 2013, at 12:01 a.m. PT, and will end on October, 2013, at 11:59 p.m. PT.  Winners will be announced weekly on Wednesdays for certain categories and all winners, including Grand Prize, will be announced on October 16, 2013! 


Visitors to the Shelter Challenge (www.shelterchallenge.com) will have an opportunity to choose from a list of animal rescue and welfare organizations that are registered in the Shelter Challenge. Visitors can cast one vote daily during each voting period to help pick the organizations which will receive support from GreaterGood.org.



Total Shelter Challenge Prizes to be awarded between August 12 and October 13, 2013, shall consist of $100,000 in cash grants, 5,100 vaccinations, and 3,825 pet beds for a total of 244 prizes.

- See more at: http://www.shelterchallenge.com/about#sthash.nm1xFOug.dpuf

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Help me fight cancer and stop the shutdown


I just signed the petition "Help me fight cancer and stop the shutdown" on Change.org.

It's important. Will you sign it too? 

Click HERE to Sign the Petition or just copy and paste the link below

Here's the link:



Vaccinate 250 Dogs Against Rabies By CLICKING

Your Daily Clicks DO matter!  Today you can help stop rabies in 250dogs just by going to the Animal Rescue Site and Clicking on the purple CLICK HERE button!

The Animal Rescue Site

Vaccinate 250 Dogs 
Against Rabies

Stopping rabies in dogs is the key to preventing the disease in people. Locally, encourage pet owners to have their animals vaccinated. Internationally, support organizations like Global Alliance for Rabies Control in their efforts to beat rabies — and prevent thousands of deaths. Although rabies is 99.9% fatal for children in the developing world, it is 100% preventable if street dogs and domestic pets are vaccinated.

Read more at The Animal Rescue Site  Click HERE

Monday, October 7, 2013

Demand Justice for Dolphins in the Gulf

Dolphins across the northern Gulf of Mexico have been dying in high numbers for an unprecedented three years in a row.

And in a section of the Louisiana coast that was badly affected by the BP oil spill, dolphins are suffering from anemia, low hormone levels, low blood sugar, and signs of liver damage--symptoms that point to oil exposure.
But even as dolphins are struggling, BP is in court contesting charges the company violated multiple federal laws--money from the outcome of this case will help restore the Gulf and its wildlife.
But recent media reports indicate BP might be trying to settle for less than half of what the company could pay if held fully accountable.

Click HERE to Take Action To Help Dolphins in the Gulf.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Serial Killer's Secret Photos: Missing Women--Please Help Identifying Them!

Convicted serial killer Rodney Alcala was found guilty in 2010 of killing four women and a 12-year-old girl in Southern California in the 1970s. Alcala, 69, is a former photographer and a one-time dating-show contestant who has been behind bars since 1979. 

Police in California previously released dozens of photos, including the ones seen here, taken from a storage space rented to Alcala. Recognize the people in this photo? 

Please contact Huntington Beach, Calif., Police Det. Patrick Ellis at 714-375-5066 or pellis@hbpd.org

Click HERE to view All the photos

Or copy and paste the URL below
