My Sacred Script
As I sit here and ponder
My Sacred Script, it appears that another layer of my old self is being stripped away.
And just like the other layers that were removed prior to this, I am experiencing a certain pain on this day. This pain can be liken to the labor pains of a pregnant woman ... as I know I am about to give birth to a stronger and more improved being.
A Being that has stood the test of time and endured all trials and tribulations written out in My Sacred Script. Challenges faced and overcome in order to obtain a higher status on a spiritual level.
My prize is one of Honor and of strength. Honor in knowing I did the best I could, and for the most part, all with good intentions. Strength gained by overcoming adversity. All of which was written in My Sacred Script. And through agreements made so long ago I have become wiser; and yes, stronger.
I hold no ill will towards any being who took part in plotting my destruction or who took part in trying to prevent me from moving forward. I know that these beings were instrumental in my growth process. They are, were, and continue to be, without a shadow of a doubt, the most important players on this journey.
For I now see through the eyes of my Higher Self that they hold an honorable position. They who chose and agreed to play the part of being despised and hated for their seemingly wrong doing. Now I can see no evil they did. Through the eyes of my Higher Self I see a truly loving entity who took on the burden to assist me in becoming a stronger being. They honored their agreement with me in acting the part of the 'villain' as was written so long ago in My Sacred Script.
Then there are the Dark Ones who have crossed my path time and again, those entities who have no light in their lives. Those creatures who maliciously, and with forethought and ill intent sought out and continue to seek the destruction of any Light Being. I know now, and see clearly, that they too were written in My Sacred Script in order to prove not just to myself, but to any and all onlookers, that the bright shining light of Love cannot be extinguished. And it does indeed conquer all!
Now as I sit and ponder these things in My Sacred Script I can see how very far I have traveled. I can now see clearly through the eyes of my Higher Self how very far I have come. Though there are those who would look at my journey and see defeat, I have had many victories. Because I know that in My Sacred Script, failure is not nor has it ever been possible.
As I turn the next page of My Sacred Script, I see how far I yet to go on this journey before I finally make it home. I turn the page knowing that I am what I am because of what I have learned. And through my learning I have become stronger ... and will continue doing ... and yes ... growing ... by those things written in My Sacred Script.
For As It Was written...
So Shall It Be Done!
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Excerpt from: The ZEN of Duct Tape™
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
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Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole. The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™, The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality™ are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.