Monday, July 1, 2013

How To Keep Your Pets Calm, Safe Over July 4th Holiday

Here's a helpful checklist for pet owners to reduce the chances of their pets running away during the loud festivities. Check out the tips below:

Keep your pet secured indoors in the quietest room of your home while fireworks are being set off. You can also use soothing music or television as a distraction. Some pets will stay calmer when placed in a secure crate in a darkened, quiet room.

If your pet is normally kept outside, bring them inside or put them in a garage or basement while fireworks are going off.

Make sure your pet has at least two forms of identification. This can be a pet license and personalized tag, a license and a microchip, or all three (license, tag, and microchip). Pets with ID have a much greater chance of being returned to their owners.

Don't assume that your pet won't react just because you haven't had problems in the past. Sometimes pets become sensitive to loud noises later in life.

If your pet is lost, check in person at all local shelters, and check back often. It may take some time before spooked pets are brought to shelters.

Read More HERE

Please be sure to Share this information on your Face Book, Twitter, and other Social Media. 

Help keep our fur babies Safe and Calm During our Independence Celebrations!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Where Does Fear Come

This article,  originally entitled Tree of Love, was  written and posted by me on January 2, 2010 on my Say No To Fear blog.    I thought I would repost it here on my main blog under the more appropriate title, Where Does Fear Come From?

It's quite lengthy.  But I hope you take the time to read it carefully and thoroughly.  If you have any questions and/or comments, please do not hesitate to leave them here.


The following is a message I received during one of my daily meditations.   It is in answer to one of the questions I posed ... where does fear come from?

As a psychic medium, I am accustomed  to being visited by spirits of all walks of life--past, present, and yes, future.  I am always pleasantly surprised when I am visited by the spirits of people I've only heard about.   Like the numerous others who have visited me over the years, I only knew of him.  I never really bothered to read up on him or learn of his work in any manner.  In fact,  I had first heard of him in 2006 when I first met Vaishali.

In human life, he had been an 18th Century Swedish Scientist, Philosopher and Spiritual Explorer, who at the age of 56,  had a spiritual awakening and wrote numerous books on his theological views and related topics.  His name of course is Emanuel Swedenborg.

I had felt his presence in times past, usually when I was talking with Vaishali, but never really paid that much attention.  In truth, I ignored him.  I wasn't ready to hear anything he had to say, so I just chose to pretend I couldn't see or hear him.

The week before I was presented the answer to my question,  I felt Emanuel's energies filter through my room.  I could tell from the way these energies were intensifying, I would not be in any position to  ignore him as I had in times past.   Any well seasoned medium will tell you, whenever a spirit insist on being acknowledged they have something extremely important to convey.  And seeing I needed clarity  I thought what the hell ... I'll give it a go!

So I asked him ... Where does fear come from?

He explained to me in detail that everything comes from one energy ... an energy we human experiencers call Love.  "In our true forms," he told me,  "we have another name for it,  but it doesn't translate over into human language, so while we are in physical form the word Love is used in it's place."  The actual word for this energy is so complex that he had to write it out for me.  Upon seeing it in writing I came  to understand why we use that four letter word.  Trust me when I say, it's a humdinger!

Emanuel explained that Love is the only energy capable of creating in such massive proportions.  He pointed out how this energy expresses itself in infinite ways.  I found this utterly ridiculous ... at first.   So to prove his point,  Emanuel showed me a tree that seem to go on forever.     He pointed at the base of the tree which was incredible!  It was bigger than a city.  Literally! 

He told me ... "this tree you see here represents Love."    He further went on to say:   "Each of the  branches you see on this tree contributes to the splendid collaboration of what you  see.  Without the branches, the tree would not  be complete. "

"Keep in mind that each branch is an expression of the tree, but not the tree itself.   All the branches make up the wondrous creation you see here.  Note that even the branches have smaller extensions of itself.  See how each stretch out and express upon itself.  Beautiful is it not?  As you can see, all aspects of the tree work in harmony to provide comfort and beauty to all those who come in contact with it.  As it is with the tree, so it is with you."

"Like this tree, you too have infinite expressions.  Your base ... your trunk if you will ... is always Love.    There is no separation from this.  If that were true, then you would have no branches.  Whatever it is you are expressing, be it anger, hatred, jealously or any type of fear, you are coming from that one particular aspect of the one energy ... Love.  Love, is the energy of creation, there is no separation ... only expression."

How can this be?

"Love expresses itself in this vast manner for the soul to experience the variations of Creator energy.  It is why you took on physical form, it is why you chose the challenges you have in this life and all the others before this.  Without physical experience of those expressions, you would not come into full understanding of what Love is.  What it truly is."

So when I am experiencing fear, I am sitting on one particular branch to see what it's like?

"Yes! Yes!  That is precisely what you are doing!"

Emanuel  pointed to the lower branches that were close to the base of the tree.  "These branches represent the many aspects of fear.   See how each twig has sprouted from these branches?  These are the representation of each fear you experience.  Note how each twig slightly differs."

So when we climb up, we get a clearer view of what is transpiring?

"Absolutely! And let us not forget our roots!  The roots expand out and connect to all the other trees creating a unique and beauteous connection.  It is a connection that reaches out to all creation.  This connection creates a network."

What effects one effects all.


Looking up I couldn't see the top, but I began to be filled with an understanding.   It was an understanding that had always been there, but now was being absorbed throughout my entire being.

The tree grows up and forever, connecting us to Creators.  Our roots connects us here in the 3-Dimensional physical plane ... to all creation here.  I was more or less mumbling to myself at this point.  I saw from the corner of my eye that Emanuel was smiling.  It was then I realized I was standing in the midst of a forest so grand that even now it defies description.

"Now that you understand, share with others what you have learned."

And with that, Emanuel was gone.


When we look at a tree, we don't always notice the varying degrees of those branches.  How they sometimes twist and turn a certain way.  How they some times take on a life of their own at times.

Sometimes we just look at the tree as a whole, not taking in consideration the beautiful detailed and various independent expressions that make up that tree.   We just take for granted it is a tree with one particular purpose.

Same goes for Love itself.   Interesting isn't it?  How we are so focused on Love being one certain way we fail to notice the other aspects this energy entails.

I am left to wonder as I ponder my next question.  If we truly believe that all of creation is made up of this energy we call Love ... then why do we dismiss so much and claim so little?

Ahhh!  Now the plot really thickens!


Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

All Rights Reserved©™

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Help Protect the Whales and other Artctic Marine Life!

The whales that live off Alaska's shores have a morning ritual centered on sounds -- sing-song squeals and trills from other whales alerting them to mating and feeding opportunities, or danger, in the area.

But their ritual is in danger of being ruined, which could have a disastrous impact on their lives and the health of the entire Arctic marine environment.

Tell the federal government to shelve its current study about protecting Arctic marine mammals from noise-related impacts of offshore oil and gas development. The study is flawed. It doesn't even come close to protecting marine mammals.

To take action on this issue, click on the link below:

If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your browser.


PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use. Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ponderings on 2012

My thoughts on the passing of 2012 is going to be short and sweet.  And if you believe it's possible for me to do anything in the style of short and sweet -- I have a few Mayan calendars I'd like to sell you!  *LOL*

Like all the years past, 2012 has brought me a few growth spurts.  I think what sets 2012 apart from years gone by is ... the spurts actually took hold and stayed put!  

While I still have a very, very long way to go ... I can say with some measure of confidence... I did pretty damn well in 2012.   Yea, I had some major fuck ups along the way.  But if it weren't for those fuck ups, I wouldn't have learned would I?

Along with many others, I have born witness to a great multitude awakening from their soul comas.  Though at the risk of sounding cynical ... I believe that most of these alleged "awakened" beings will fall back to "sleep" come the stroke of midnight 12/22/12.     In fact, I'm willing to wager that upon witnessing the absence of a Celestial brew ha-ha, they will go back doing whatever the hell they were doing before they ... "awakened."   Leaving behind anything that remotely resembles an awakened state.  There will be many more who will say... See? I told you so! Nothing happened.  Nothing ever will.  blah blah blah.   And then there will be many more who will forever swear off anything that is spiritual and/or religous least until there is another threat of some world ending calamity;  or an  actual eye opening Celestial occurence or space ships landing on the White House front lawn or they catch somebody literally walking on water!

 As for the rest of us who have been trudging along endlessly for years and years and years and years... we will, of course, continue plodding through the shifts and shafts of the energetic upheavals yet to come.  Because we know--we just know--that the awakened state comes in various stages.  Like a game of Pac Man, we know that we have to complete each level before being taken to the next.  *sigh*  And we also know that we don't always complete it the first few times around. 

Sadly, not many get that metaphor.  Nor do they fully understand the "awakening process" and all that it truly entails.    No one can do it for you!  Which is something a lot of folks just don't get.  Would you believe that there are people who pay other  people to clear and cleanse them  in order to reach that awakened state???  Really!  Yea.  oy vey!   Oh and by the way--I still got a few of those Mayan calendars left if anyone is interested.  *LOLOL*

I don't know.  Maybe I've gotten too old for this shit. Maybe I've just gotten tired of repeating myself over and over and over and OVER again to the Nth dimension and back.  Maybe it's both!  It's as if I've been trapped in a really bad summer rerun that never ends.  Which very well may explain all the deja vu going around.  Could be!  

All I know is ... I'm ready for it!  Whatever "it" may or may not be ... I'm ready.  

They say as you moved to the next levels, you start to remember all that you've forgotten -- and forget all that you thought  you knew.   And yes, I realize there will be some of you who will be scratching heads and asses and going WTF?  When you get "there" -- you'll get what I just said.   Trust me. You will!  

In short -- I know there are  a great deal I know for certain.  Things I may never share with this dimensional earth plane.   Things that are difficult to put into words --- things that can only be experienced to fully understand.  And I am truly grateful that  I have finally remembered those ... "things".     And no, my gratitude doesn't stop there.  Because I know there will be thousands upon thousands who will know things for certain as well.  Things they can't put into words -- things they will say to others ... "it's just one of those things you have to experience."  :-)

As 2012 comes to a close ... I look around me and see so much I am truly grateful for.  I can look back and see how very far I have come.  And I can look ahead with a joy I don't remember having before.  It's a great feeling.

I've seen the future and while it may be glorious ... it doesn't compare to the Present!  The Here & Now.

May your Holidays be filled with great Joy!  May you wake up on December 22 and over flowing with gratitude.  May your New Year bring you rememberances of your Truths.  And May You always Stay focused on the Present!

May You Never Forget That YOU are ALL that there Is!  And to Embrace It ALL -- every nuance!

With Great Love, Appreciation and Devotion ...


Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

All Rights Reserved©™

Friday, November 30, 2012

Paying It Forward This Christmas

Is Paying  It Forward on your Christmas List this year?  

Well, here are just a few ways you can check it off!

  • Volunteer at your local Homeless Shelter. 
  • Serve a hot meal to a neighbor or a stranger if you so desire.
  • Visit/Volunteer at  a Nursing Home and/or Children's home.
  • Your Local Shelter Is In Need Year Round!
  • Foster, Rescue or Adopt a Pet from your Local Shelter.Shelters are Always looking for donations in the form of money, blankets, cleaning supplies, food, toys. 
  • Volunteer to hold and play with kittens and pups and/or walk a dog.


Donate Food for Needy families with pets.

Find one in your Area 

Here in Louisville you can donate to No Kill Louisville:

If there isn't an animal food bank  in your area,  then start one!


Cross-Post, Tweet and/or post on your other online social networks!

See a pet in need on Face Book?  Then pay it forward by cross-posting, tweeting and/or adding to your other online social networks.  They DO work when it comes to helping others in need! 

The Toys For Tots Foundation

Feed The Children

The American Red Cross

These are only a few suggestions on how you can Pay It Forward this Christmas.  

From My Family To Yours ...


PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am Grateful For EVERYTHING! 

 The Good as well as the Bad!  The Wonderful and The Challenging.  The Best and The Worst.  And everything like that there!

I Love Because I Can!  I Raise Hell whenever the opportunity lends itself!  I weeble and wobble and yes I do fall down.  But I Always get right back up!  A little slower now -- but I make it eventually!

I have people in my life who Love me despite of AND in spite of my many flaws.   I have people in my life who hate me and oppose me because of my numerous short-comings.    And I LOVE THEM ALL!!!  Not because I HAVE to -- but simply because I WANT to!

Even though I get really aggravated with some of the freeze dried bullshit that goes on both On and Off line --all around the world -- I am truly thankful for the experiences.  

All That We Behold Is Full of Blessings! ~ William Wordsworth

Happy Thanksgiving One & All!


Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.  

Currently, Julia only does consultations either on the telephone or through online chat.  To schedule a personal one-on-one session with Julia, or to inquire further of the services she provides, and pricing of her consultations, please send an email with the subject heading: PERSONAL SESSION to


PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's Up To You! (warning: Rant)

While I was preparing an article on Domestic Violence Awareness, I came upon  a photo collage of a young woman whose face was all busted up and bloodied.  The caption of this picture read:  My boyfriend beats me up -- but I love him though!

After seeing this picture, I tossed my original article in lieu of a good old fashioned rant.  

** If you are easily offended ...

NOW is a good time to close out this blog**

For any of you who are currently in a relationship where your significant other is abusing you, on any level, in any manner ... I want you to listen up.  

If you are staying with someone who is verbally and/or physically abusing you -- 



Allowing someone to use you for a punching bag is NOT Love!  It is fear!  And fear & Love cannot reside in the same space at the same exact time!

If they are abusing you -- they do NOT love you! 

 If they loved you -- they would never want to hurt you.  

If they are abusing you -- it is NOT your fault!    Your abuser is a sick fuck!  End of story!  No matter how much you love them!  No matter how hard you try to be good -- it will NEVER be good enough for your abuser!  Why?  Because they are sick twisted fucks!

Your abusers are never truly sorry!  While your abuser may say the words "I'm sorry!"  they do not EVER mean it!    They are control freaks with an agenda.  And their agenda is to keep you chained to their sick twisted controlling ways.

Read the following ... very carefully.  

 If your significant other ...

  • is calling you and/or texting you  for no other reason than to check  up on you ... then  gets angry when you don't reply immediately ...

  • gets overly  upset whenever you have family or friends over or when you are talking to them ...

  •  gets all bent out of shape if their meals aren't prepared when they want them, nit picks at every tiny thing, bitches constantly about how the house looks, wants to know why you are a few minutes late getting back from the store or anywhere else ...
The above list is just a few examples of the type of control methods to keep you in line and to isolate you from those who care about you and love you. They are just the first steps to further abuse!








 It is a proven fact!

An abuser will make every attempt to control you, manipulate you and isolate you.  This is their proven formula.  

And do not EVER believe them when  they say they didn't mean to hit you that one time.  And that they will never do it again. 

If they hit you ONCE -- they WILL do it again and again ... AND AGAIN!

You cannot change these sick fucks!  You can only drop kick their ass to the curb and leave!  You cannot believe one word these sick assholes say -- they are very convincing pathological liars! They wouldn't know the truth if it walked up to them and bit them on the nose!

You are NOT somebody's fucking punching bag!  You are NOT responsible for your abuser's behavior!  You are NOT to blame for their bullshit!   You have NOTHING to be ashamed of!  And you are NOT ALONE! 

End of Story!

If you, or someone you know, care about & love, is in an abusive relationship, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline:  1-800-799-SAFE (7233).  

Or visit them on the web at

There are safe places to go.  People who are qualified and experienced to help.  

Again ... You are NOT alone!  And you have NOTHING to be ashamed of!  

Please!  If you are currently in an abusive relationship -- get out NOW!  There are places to go that are safe!  And you will be protected.  You will get the help you need to get away from your abuser.  But YOU have to take that first step!

It's Up to YOU!

Below are some more resources to find help!  Please Share this information!  Do All that you can to help those you know who are being abused to get out of that situation!  

Domestic Violence is EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS!


National Domestic Violence Website:

Resources For Men who are victims of Domestic Violence:

You're Not Alone Domestic Abuse Hotline 888-743-5754 

Safe Horizon 

Domestic Violence International Resources:




PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited