To kick off my Blog for 2012 -- I thought it befitting to focus on all the yearly predictions made. In particular, I wanted to give “kudos” to all those psychics who made not so much a prediction as they did a declaration to what 2012 will be bringing.
One was ... I foresee the global consciousness changing and improving in 2012.
Really? He’s claiming that one as an original prediction? *ROFL*
There is this one psychic who claims that the entire political establishment will be done away with in 2012.
One can only hope!
And then there are the ones “predicting” earthquakes, fires, floods, and hurricanes.
Seriously? You mean to tell me that there is actually going to be … *gasps* … earthquakes, floods and hurricanes in 2012???!!! And fires??!!! WHAT?!!! Noooooo!
Come on people! Let’s get realistic here! These are not psychic predictions. They’re predictions -- yes. But there isn’t anything special about them.
Predictions are nothing more than guesstimates … at best. Guesstimates that are created and gauged by the current trends. You have a 50/50 chance at being right!
And the guy that made his so called prediction about the occupy movement? Sweetie -- I am on record for making that very prediction years before it happened! Doesn’t make me special in the least. In fact, I know it was nothing more than a replay of something that had already happened in history. Maybe not exactly the way it happened before -- but it was very similar. Like all good psychics, I just followed the trends, watched the “flight patterns” of the human condition … and viola! Made the prediction!
Then there are the predictions made that are seemingly more involved with supernatural powers. Like the nuclear power plant in Japan. Hate to bust your bubble -- but any prediction made with respect to this --they too were guesstimates. Nuclear power plants have a long history of going bad. It was only a matter of time before Japan’s power plant went belly up! Anyone doing research into these power plants could narrow down a time line and make a guesstimate as to when it would begin having issues. Nothing supernatural or special about the prediction. Again, you have a 50/50 chance in being right!
And the earthquake? These are not out of the norm. Not now anyways. The earth is shifting -- literally. Of course, anyone who actually knows anything about Planet Earth would know that she is constantly moving!!! She is a Alive! And is, and always has been, moving! And consider the facts that we, as a whole, have been creating more fault lines, encouraging more and more earth shifts, with all our mining, excavating and constant use of multi-ton vehicles. It isn’t any real wonder that there are more earthquakes occurring these days.
Anyone that knows geography knows that earthquakes occur in Japan regularly --most of which go virtually unnoticed. And Japan is an island folks! They have tsunamis!!! Do the Math!
Speaking of constant earth quakes … California comes to mind. I would love for someone to explain to me how is it that the people in that state get all shocked every year when there is a fire, a mudslide or an earthquake? And what is it about psychics making predictions regarding this are hailed to be the best thing since sliced bread??!
Now I know what you’re thinking (I’m psychic after all!). You want to know why am I going on about psychics and predictions when I am a psychic reader myself. Well, it’s simple really. I am all about educating people. As a psychic reader and medium, my primary job includes creating conscious awareness in as many people as possible. In fact, this is the principal job description of anyone who is a bon-a-fide psychic reader and medium!
Shocking as that may sound! It’s true!
There is nothing out of the ordinary about psychic readers and mediums. Nothing unique about any of us really. Except maybe our individual style. As far as being singled out and chosen, special in some “touched by god” sort of way -- nope!
There is, however, one thing that does set psychic readers and mediums apart from the rest. They are more consciously aware of the energies all around us. Many of us are very well read too! And many of us are also news and history junkies. All of this adds to the awareness and helps us to be a better psychic reader! Again, nothing supernaturally out of the ordinary about any of us!
The actual word psychic is a Greek word meaning Soul! So seeing how we are all souls -- that means what? Yea! That’s right!
Now being a psychic reader just means you are a soul reader. It literally means you are consciously aware of the energies exuding out from all the souls around you. Being a medium means you are consciously aware of those energies emanating and interacting outside and around the physical world.
Yes folks! It is really that simplistic! And it is really that down to earth!
So I hope when you hear of any predictions -- you’ll be educated enough to know -- there was a 50/50 chance of them being wrong. And on the offset they are right more than they are wrong -- only means their awareness is more honed than others. Nothing you yourself can’t do -- if you bothered to put forth any effort!
Now … in the spirit of making predictions *LOL* … I’m going to make a few predictions of my own.
In 2012 there will be ...
People who are going to get pissed off by what I said here! They will not have read it all the way through, make their judgments accordingly and set out to get angry with me, slander me and try their best to prove me wrong! On the flip side there will be a few who will agree with me and actually add to what was said here.
And in closing ... as in times past ... There will continue to be those who blindly follow and there will be those who will take a stand and lead others into a higher consciousness.
Happy New Year!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
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