Thursday, November 10, 2011

Extreme and Unncessary Punishment: Changes Need to Be Made Within Our School System

My daughter attends High School here in Jefferson County, Kentucky. She was placed in ISAP (Detention) for the full day due to a “dress code” violation.   She wasn’t wearing a belt.

While I appreciate the importance of rules and the need to enforce them, I am appalled by the extreme disciplinary tactics in dealing with dress code infractions.  Denying a child access to her/his classes and then placing them in the same room with children with distinct and continuous  behavioral problems?  All due to not having a belt to wear?

Is it me or does anyone else find this extreme?   

And not only is it extreme -- but is cheating a child out of their class time and their education. 

This, in my opinion, is not only a form of neglect, but an abuse of power by the faculty and staff. And I assure you, I am not alone in my opinion in this regard.

My child (and a few other children as well)  missed out on her classes, denied her education, and will be counted as an UNEXCUSED ABSENTEE due to this infraction.   Again, for emphasis, I will point out that She was placed in the same detention room with children that exhibit behavioral problems -- all due to the simple fact she was not wearing a belt.

Now again ...  ask yourselves -- isn't this a bit extreme? 

I do understand the "No Sagging Pants" rule!  And trust me, I am ALL for it!  Nothing irritates me more than seeing boys and men alike with their backsides hanging out.  Disgusting!

But my daughter's pants were NOT sagging.   In fact, her not wearing a belt was barely even noticeable.     I am by no means saying she should not have incurred discipline for the infraction.    Rules are rules.  But to be forced to miss an entire day of school?   Does anyone else see the problem here?  


Now please understand.  Had my daughter been given detention after school, neither she nor I would have taken issue. She would have gotten her day of education, paid for her infraction and everyone would have gone about their merry way. 

Instead, the individual "in charge" of handing out punishment chose to take it a few steps further. Instead of taking into consideration my child's educational needs; instead of choosing a more appropriate venue to discipline her for the infraction ... this individual chose instead to abuse her authority, violate my child's legal rights to a proper education,  all in order to prove who was in charge.

So I ask you ... What message is this sending out to not only my daughter, but all the other children who were “written up”, punished and denied their education, due to the same type of infractions?

It is telling them, in short, that abuse of power is perfectly acceptable.    

That wearing a belt is far more important than your education!   


Now what bothers me and my daughter the most about this little incident is how the staff and faculty alike ... will pick and choose who is to be punished for these dress code infractions!

I have been at this high school on more than one occasion.  And each time I have seen young girls wearing skirts so short that you could see their underwear each time they moved.  I have seen both boys and girls wearing pants so tight, you would swear they had been spray painted on.     I have sat in the office of this very high school  and seen first hand some rather offensive and inappropriate outfits on young teenage girls --- outfits that the staff and faculty of this particular high school who seem to not even notice.  Or just choose to ignore altogether. 

I have actually mentioned these infractions to a few of the teachers online ... each of them denying seeing anything like that in their class room.     Not that I am saying they are lying.  I wasn't in their class room.  Perhaps the students I saw dressed inappropriately didn't attend their classes.  Apparently by the responses I have gotten ... those particular students didn't.  :-)

And then there is the information I got from not only by my daughter, but by other students as well, regarding incidents involving  a few male students who had dress code infractions but were giving after school detention.    Furthermore, I was informed that these particular students had on cargo pants -- a few who had on regular pants were not wearing belts!


Some of you may be asking why I didn't just bring her the belt.   When she called me, I was literally on my way out to two job interviews on the opposite side of town.  I don't have a car, I have no friends or family close by who could have helped get her the belt.  And I don't have money for cab fare. 

To get to the school, I have to take two buses.  The second bus I have to take that brings me to the school does not run as often as the bus I take to get to the transfer point.   In fact, when I finally was able to get to the school that day, I actually had  to wait 35 minutes for that  second bus.  And once you are on that second bus, it's a little over 45 minutes ride, by the way.   In short, it takes almost 2 hours by bus to get to the school.  

Now why would I choose going on job interviews over bringing my child a belt?  

Our finances are rapidly depleting, and I need a job to keep a roof over our heads, utilities to pay and have to put food on the table.  

Not to mention I couldn't reschedule the interviews -- So I made an executive decision. 

In short -- I am a single parent with no other resources available.  And whose money is running out.   And in all seriousness ... I really found it hard to believe that they would actually force her to stay in detention all day for not wearing a belt!   

Other parents are in similar situations.  Some in worse predicaments.   Please understand, I'm not implying that special treatment be given to any of us who find themselves in these situations.  I am only asking that if you, the educator,  find yourself in a position to discipline my child, then do so -- but don't cheat him/her out of an education because of he/ she has either forgot or was unable to obtain suitable attire.     There are other means of discipline available that doesn't include deliberately withholding their education! 


Of course, many would say that I, as the parent, should have made sure my daughter had the belt.    And this is what I have to say to that.  My daughter is a very responsible young woman.  She doesn't make a habit of non-compliance.     She is 16 yrs old and old enough to know the difference from right and wrong.     She works very hard to follow the rules.  And she doesn't require me doing a spot check before she leaves for school.    She always dresses appropriately.  

This particular day was an exception.   And I will state once again, I am not saying nor am I implying that she should not have been disciplined for the infraction.    

What I am stating -- out right-- is the  punishment for this infraction was way over the top -- no matter how you look at it.

Again, for emphasis ... my daughter  was willing to take the punishment ... but she had no idea it would mean she would not be allowed to attend class all day.  Her first period teacher was also under the impression that she would be given detention AFTER school.  


Please know and understand ... 

  • I am not placing blame on the school for my child's failure to remember to wear a belt.    On the contrary! If and when my child breaks the rules, I stand behind the school.  My children know this about me.

  • I am not saying she should not have been disciplined for the infraction.    She broke the rules -- intentional or not.  And we both agree that she did break the rules. Not intentionally.  But she was ready to accept the consequences. 

  • I am saying (again for emphasis) there is no clear way that this school nor the school board itself can honestly nor in good conscience justify this kind of disciplinary action for this type of infraction! On any scale of the imagination!

THESE are my points!   


Now instead of an all day detention for dress code violations, why not instead ... 

  • do an after school detention;  or
  • a Saturday detention; or
  • have them pay a fine

And if they can't pay the fine, have the child who has been found in non-compliance of the dress code, work in the school lunch room or office during free periods ... or after school ... until that fine has been paid off.


I am not going to let this matter go.  Even though I have been "advised" by actual members of the school system to do so.   I was actually told out right, and I quote ... you can't win ... not with "them."  Unquote.

And yes, I know exactly what they mean when they say that.    
But the internet is a powerful tool.    In short, I will let my voice be heard.  And I will not let this matter go. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Being The Change Through Ho’Oponopono

If you are thinking and believing one person doesn’t make a difference -- for good or for bad.    If you think and/or believe you can’t do anything about what is going on in the world …  then consider one Dr. Hew Len.

A little over thirty years ago, Dr. Hew Len, through the ancient practice of Ho’Oponopono, worked healing on a mental hospital.  The results were astounding!

Read More about it:

By taking responsibility for SELF … you change the physical world around you.

Dr. Hew Len took responsibility for his SELF when working with the mental hospital -- and look what happened.

Now if one man can do this with a mental hospital -- imagine what would happen if ALL of us followed in Dr. Hew Len’s foot steps! 

The Great News … I, and countless others, are consciously practicing this ancient Hawaiin ritual of self cleansing and clearing.   Of taking responsibility for Self.

While  I can’t speak for the others -- I can personally tell you since implementing Ho’Oponopono into my daily life … I have seen some pretty amazing things take place… within myself and all around me! 

Those who have known me for a good long time have mentioned the changes they have seen with me.  I’m still me -- just a more improved me! 

It isn’t easy -- no one said it would be.  But it’s worth the effort!  You bet it is!

I have to tell you ... the more I do Ho’Oponopono -- the more I want to do it!  The more I need to do it!  It's very addictive!

Now ... If you are serious about being the change you wish to see in the world … then I urge you to begin implementing Ho’Oponopono in your own life!    Embrace it with all you are -- and then make ready for the incredible results that come pouring forth!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

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All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

The “Occupy ‘Self Responsibility’ Movement”

When it actually began -- no one knows for certain.  But you can bet your bottom dollar -- it has been around for a very, very long time! 

How many are an active part of this particular “occupy movement”  -- is unknown.   But rest assured -- their numbers are vast -- and they are growing. 

 The many members of this "movement"  are All who are ready, willing and desiring to create, initiate and motivate the real changes.    They are  All of those people  who are willing to take and accept 100%  responsibility for Self -- they are those who have already accepted 100% responsibility for everything taking place throughout  the world; they are ALL  those who now know the “other person” isn’t to blame.

They are those who know -- who believe -- who live by-- being the change they desire to see in the world!  They are the ones who do not wait for the "other person"  -- but take the initiative to do it -- to just do it!


“Whatever a man is sowing -- he shall reap.”   
Galations 6:7 ~ The Christian Bible

“Thoughts are energy!  And wherever your thoughts go -- energies flow!” 
~Louise L. Hay~


Each and every single one of us are contributors to this world -- to this reality.  The size of your contribution doesn’t matter.    You -- and you alone -- are responsible for your individual contribution.

Like the tiny pebble that raises the level of the sea -- you too cause a rise in the global consciousness.

And if you don't believe that ... then consider the following:

Over the course of your life -- how many times have you uttered or just thought the phrase …   “I can’t afford it”?    that very thought created the global reality of lack.

How many envy what others have?  How many wished for things they could not afford?  How many have gone into debt for things they could very well do with out -- but bought them because they wanted them?  Because their friends, family and neighbors had them? 

How many have mocked and teased others for being too poor to afford the over priced name brand items?  How many have looked down on others for being poor?  For being homeless?  How many have mistreated others because they were seen as different some how? 

How many go without giving thanks for what they do have?   How many go without helping others in need?

How many have taken more than their fair share?  By stealing and killing.   And this doesn’t just fall on the rich-- the poor fall into this category as well  my friends. 

Those very thoughts have help create the global reality of greed -- and a sense of entitlement!  These very thoughts alone have created a “class warfare” -- one that has been taking place for centuries.

How many of you complain of big corporations polluting our land, water and air?  Now  how many of you drive cars?  Big SUVs?  How many of you routinely pick up the trash off the streets?  How many of you have the luxuries of microwaves, air conditioners, furnaces, computers, the latest cell phones?  How many of you use paper products of all varieties?  How many of you recycle? 

Yes, we ALL have contributed to the pollution -- and continue to contribute in some way or another.

We are ALL responsible.  Each and every single one of us.   No exceptions!

If you hate someone because they hurt another person or hurt an animal -- you are only perpetuating the cycle of hatred.  You are not doing that person and/or  animal any justice by thinking of doing harm and/or acting on that thought of doing harm.

Your thoughts of revenge only perpetuate the cycle of abuse.


Whatever seed you are planting -- your harvest will be reaped globally.    And if you don’t believe that -- take a good look around you.  Take inventory of all those times you had a certain thought -- and then take note of how that very thought manifested world wide.

Yes, your very thoughts are  spreading -- evolving -- expanding -- and moving across the globe.  Can you feel it?  Can you see it?


“Be the Change you wish to see in the World!”  ~ Ghandi

Occupying 'Self Responsibility' is the first step in making the real changes you desire to see in this world.  After all -- it all begins and ends with Self!   Your ... Self!

It is -- has always been -- and continues to be … all about …

Your Own Understanding 


Of all these things mentioned above  -- and so much more -- I take 100% responsibility.  No one else is to blame!  No One else is at fault!  I am 100% responsible!

I myself have thought these things stated -- even acted out on some of them.  

I am responsible.  100% Responsible.

I am Sorry!  Please Forgive Me!  I Thank You!  And …


All articles posted on this Blog are protected by International Copy Right Laws. Any portion of these articles copied, whether in part or in whole, are to include full acknowledgements of the author, (Name, website, blog site, as well as any and all contact information) Followed by the copyright symbol © .

All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Monday, October 3, 2011

Domestic Violence: It's EVERYBODY'S Business!

Domestic Violence does not discriminate against age, race, color, creed, gender or sexual orientation.

The U. S. Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) defines domestic violence as a "pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner"

The definition adds that domestic violence "can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender", and that it can take many forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional, economic, and psychological abuse

Our society, both here in the United States and world-wide, have been conditioned to think and believe that domestic violence only means women and children.   But the sad fact is, it also includes boys and men.

“When we ignore male victims of domestic abuse, we also ignore their children, who continue to be damaged by witnessing the violence regardless of how severe it is. We cannot break this intergenerational cycle by ignoring half of it. That's why a global coalition of experts has formed to support a research-based, inclusive approach, and their website has solid data showing women initiate the violence as often as men.”

Source:  National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center:

While the “statistics” show a large number of women reporting -- these numbers cannot be trusted as being accurate.   Though there are many, many who are truthfully reporting, there is a growing percentage of reporting done for the sole purpose  to get back at their spouse, boyfriend, significant other.

FACT:  The majority of men who are experiencing domestic violence will not report it.   

As with women, domestic violence against men can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse and threats of abuse. Keeping in mind it happens in heterosexual and same sex relationships.

Due to our primary focus being conditioned to read the signs on a woman or child, recognizing those same signs of domestic violence against men isn‘t easy.    They’re there!  You only need to drop the stigma, broaden your perspective in order to see it.

As with women, early in the relationship, a man’s  partner might seem attentive, generous and protective in ways that later turn out to be controlling and frightening. Initially, the abuse might appear as isolated incidents. Their partner might apologize and promise not to abuse them again.

In other relationships, domestic violence against men might include both partners slapping or shoving each other when they get angry — and neither partner seeing himself or herself as being abused or controlled.   This type of violence, however, can still devastate a relationship, causing both physical and emotional damage.

Domestic Violence Against Men:  KNOW THE SIGNS  Click HERE


If you are a man and are living with abuse, and you are too ashamed to reach out … PLEASE know there are people willing to believe you and help you!  It doesn’t matter where in the world you are -- there is help!

If you or someone you know is living with domestic violence … please seek help!

National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1-800-799-SAFE

The Domestic Abuse Hotline is for BOTH men and women!

Knowledge is power!  Get the Information!

My Blog from October 2010:

Only TOGETHER can we break the cycle!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Being The Dregs Master

dregs:   the most undesirable parts;  the last remaining parts

Back when I was a kid, I saw this documentary on how gold is made into bullion.  It was fascinating to watch those little nuggets melted down and the man skimming the top of that golden liquid with a ladle like instrument.  The narrator informed us that he was removing the dregs. 

Being a curious child, I asked my mother what dregs were.  She said that was the stuff that was useless and worthless.  The same process was used in making wine, she told me.     I then asked what would happen if they kept those dregs in.  She informed me that the gold would be worthless and the wine would go bad.  It would be of no use to anyone!

The removal of the dregs is a painstaking process that reaps great rewards.  It is a process that cannot be hurried.    Dependent upon the individual product, the removal technique may require numerous efforts before all the dregs are completely removed and the product is ready.    And any one who has enjoyed a great glass of wine or who has held a piece of processed gold can surely appreciate the tireless labors of the dregs master!

Dreg masters are very focused in their jobs.  They have to be!  One dreg, no matter how small, can cause ruin and create a costly do over!

During the course of our spiritual awakening process -- we each must become our very own Dregs Master.   While there are numerous practices that are available to assist us through our self dregs removal -- Ho'O pono pono has proven to be the most affective.  At least it has been for me ... and countless others.

Now there are those who have attempted the practice of Ho’O pono pono  and have   stop doing it after a few tries.  Reason being is  because of what rises to the surface.   They either find it too hard to deal with or just a little bit scary overall. (Speaking from experience, I can tell you -- it does get a little ugly from time to time!  To say the very least!)  Some even stop doing it because they haven’t seen any “instant results!” 

Like the Dreg Masters, we have to keep dipping, skimming and removing until we have reached the final product.   It isn’t easy.  No one said it would be!

Whenever the same dregs keep surfacing, it is a signal of  what we need to work through.  There is a reason it keeps coming back to the top.  Fortunately, you don’t even have to know that reason and/or reasons in order for Ho’O pono pono to work!   As Dregs Master, all you are required to do is:  dip, skim, and remove! 

For those who keep asking …  why does certain issues, circumstances, situations, people … or all of the above … seem to rise to the surface more than others?    The answer is simple.    That which you cling to the most ... is the very thing that rises up so often.

Ignore it all you like, but I promise you … in some way …shape, form or fashion … that issue you cling to … will show itself over and over and OVER again … until you face it -- acknowledge it -- accept responsibility for it -- and then release it  to Creators for completion of the end product.

There are issues I cling to -- and they follow me wherever I go.  Damn thing will pluck out certain people with the same energies to push the dregs up so far -- that I find myself unable to get around it!  Leaving me with the choice of either carrying the stinky shit around or dip, skim and remove it all!

And yes ...  there are days when I choose to just roll around in the shit.  Only because it’s easier than taking responsibility. 

Being a skillful Dregs Master requires patience.    And yes loves!  I am very well aware of how many of us feel about patience.   Patience is something the majority of us shun as though it were a leper.   But the interesting thing about Patience -- it doesn’t like being ignored!    Ever notice that?  It will hound you!  Hunt you down like a fugitive and will pound you until you finally cry UNCLE!!!!  In the end …patience wins out!  Every time! 

Being the Dregs Master in our lives requires persistence and consistency.  You can’t just do it once and declare it finished!  We have had many life times honing our programs to perfection.  As a result, we have accumulated a lot of unnecessary non-essentials along the way.  So it’s going to take a lot of dipping, skimming and removing!  And in some cases, you may have to dip, skim and remove those same dregs many times over before the removal process is complete.

Like the gold nugget and the grapes -- there are processes to undergo in order to reach the desired effect.  No steps can be skipped.   It may take a good long while before the end product can be seen by the physical eye.  But in the end … all the efforts will prove worthwhile!    And just like that gold nugget and those grapes …  Everyone benefits!  And Everyone enjoys the end product!

Being the Dregs Master isn’t easy!  Then again, no one said it would be!   But as long as you keep the end result in mind -- be consistent and persistent in the removal process-- you’ll do just fine!




All articles posted on this Blog are protected by International Copy Right Laws. Any portion of these articles copied, whether in part or in whole, are to include full acknowledgements of the author, (Name, website, blog site, as well as any and all contact information) Followed by the copyright symbol © .

All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Support The Red Cross

I’m taking this opportunity to remind everyone that The Red Cross needs your continuous support. 

Did you know … The American Red Cross helps people in emergencies every single  day?    It’s True!

Whether its half a million disaster victims or one sick child who needs blood,  their work is made possible by people like you and me.

There are various ways you can help out.  Through financial  donations, blood drives, volunteering to provide assistance in locating and contacting a loved one,  finding and providing shelter and supplies, help others recover from disasters and much, much more!

No special skills are required.    Only your desire to help is needed.  The Red Cross needs people with all kinds of different backgrounds, talents and skill levels. And, if you need training, they will  provide it.

Learn how good it can feel to lend a helping hand -- Support The Red Cross TODAY!

Visit their website at for information

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The ASS-cension: A "Heads Up" on Your Ever Expanding Awareness!

Cranial Uppitus Gluteus Maximus Dysfunction.  More commonly  known as, Head Stuck Up Your Ass Syndrome.  This is one of the most common dis-eases known to humankind.  There are no pills or serum to cure this malady.  Nor are there any modern conventional medical means in which to have it surgically repaired.   At least not yet!

But do not fall into despair my fellow earth travelers!  There is hope!  In fact, many are taking the opportunity to self-heal themselves by moving with the energies of a shifting process.   This shifting process is none other than …  The ASS-cension.

The ASS-cension is the process of pulling one’s head out of one’s ass.  And thankfully it is a process that all human experiencers will go through ---eventually.  No exceptions!

Right now, the entire population of human experiencers are currently  in the state of ASS-cending on various levels.  Sadly, those who have succeeded in  completely yanking their heads out of that tight fitting hole are in the minority.   So few are their numbers,  we can’t even begin to give you an estimate of how many there are.

Those who accomplished in pulling their heads out, only to shove it back in --rank among one-third of the world’s population.  Leaving the largest numbers  of  those who still have that noggin of theirs stuffed up their bung hole slightly under two-thirds.

Thoughts are energy.  And where thoughts go -- energy flows. ~Louise L. Hay

Everything here in the physical plane is affected by all things in what we loosely refer to as the “spiritual plane.”  And vice-versa.   For you non-spiritual types -- please note that it has been scientifically proven that all things on the physical plane are made up of  various types energies.   As such, everything and everyone is connected energetically.    To what degree this connection is felt  is dependant upon the individual’s conscious awareness.  And too, and perhaps most importantly, how far individuals are willing to both acknowledge and subsequently accept this common fact.

Resistance is futile! ~ The Borg, Star Trek the Next Generation.

Resistance is the primary  cause for Cranial Uppitus Gluteus Maximus Dysfunction.   The more you resist, the worse the symptoms of  the dysfunction persists.

The signs of  Cranial Uppitus Gluteus Maximus Dysfunction are easily recognizable and are as follows:

  • Chronic Head, neck and back pain. 
  • Blurry vision, hearing loss, difficulties  focusing on anything.  Unable to literally see or comprehend anything with clarity.    
  • Talking nonsense, speech sometimes slurred.
  • Unreasonable, illogical, argumentative and irrational. Prone to bouts of hysteria.
  • Close-minded and narrow-minded.  Extreme cynicism.   Intolerant of others.  Arrogant and aloof.
  • Bumping into things, experiencing all types of non-fatal accidents (inside and outside the home) such as running into furniture, walls, telephone poles, other people, tripping up a flight of stairs, missing that last step, etc.
  • Excessive lying, nit-picking, gossiping, slandering,  and back stabbing.   Commonly known as “talking shit.”
  • Unable to stay in healthy relationships.
  • Constant state of anger.
  • Cut off from all things spiritual.  No perception of energies.

The ASS-cension Symptoms

You may note a few of the symptoms are somewhat similar to Cranial Uppitus Gluteus Maximus Dysfunction.  However, the difference in symptoms of  The ASS-cension  process  are temporary.  So long as you keep your head out of your ass.


Chronic Head, neck and back pain.   Don’t worry.  This is temporary.  Keep in mind you have had your head rammed up your bung hole for most of your physical earth life.   Stiffness and soreness is to be expected.

Advice:  Chiropractic and/or Reiki treatment, some low impact Yoga or Tai Chi, conscious breathing techniques,  a good massage will help these particular symptoms dissipate over time.

Blurry vision, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, difficulties focusing on anything.   Talking nonsense, speech sometimes slurred.     Unable to see anything with clarity.  Bumping into things, experiencing all types of non-fatal accidents (inside and outside the home) such as running into furniture, walls, telephone poles, other people, tripping up a flight of stairs, missing that last step, etc.

All of these are  temporary side effects.   In the beginning, there will be a great deal of fecal ridden energies to clear away from our energetic bodies.   During this particular part of the process, both our physical and energetic bodies, are covered from head to toe in energetic feces (again if you literally imagine being covered in shit, you’ll get the idea how it is).   It may take numerous cleansings before any of these symptoms completely clear up.    You may find that various methods are in order to clear away all the built up fecal residue.   Find what works for you and stick with it!   Again, being persistent and consistent is the key to clearing away the residual fecal energies.   Patience is required. Advice:  Practice focusing on and becoming more aware of  your surroundings.   This will limit the number of times you hurt yourself.   You don't need any special techniques for this -- just SLOW DOWN!

Unable to stay in any type of unhealthy relationships.   No matter who it is with.  Perhaps one of the most challenging of the “symptoms” is this one.  It is in our nature to  yearn for acceptance and intimacy with others.  During the process of clearing away the fecal matter from our energetic bodies, we begin to accept ourselves as being worthy.

You know you have reached a measure of clean when that “A-HA!” moment hits you.

That “A-Ha!” moment is when  you finally feel the Love enveloping you, taking you over, replenishing you, filling you up to the brim and pouring out.  The “A-Ha!” moment is when you finally stand up, acknowledge and accept your worth.   It is in that moment you can … and do… believe you have much more value and worth than what others have placed on you.  It is in that moment you shout  --  I Love My Self!  I Respect My Self!  I Accept My Self!   I Am Worthy!  I love my Self too much to allow any one to treat me less than my worth!

Your acceptance of Your Self -- allows you to step away from unhealthy relationships.  Yes, it will be painful.  You will find yourself at a loss.  This is a normal reaction to pulling your head free from your ass!  It is perfectly normal to feel lost and alone before the “A-Ha!” moment sets in.   After all, you have spent a very long time digesting shit, seeing shit, listening to shit and speaking shit.  It’s only natural that you are a little discombobulated in the beginning!

Talking without making much sense, speech sometimes slurred, inability  to speak.   This is temporary.  As you clear your energetic ears and mouth of all that energetic feces, you will notice you have very little to say.  And what you do say may feel like gibberish to you.  This will pass as you continue to  clear away the muck.

Once again, it is very important that you keep in mind that  you have spent a very long time speaking shit and listening to others speak shit.  It’s only natural that you can’t understand what is going on most of the time in the non-fecal matter realms!

Advice:  Practice speaking with your spirit family.  This helps you grow accustomed to your new “manure free” language.  Once you are ready, seek out others who are consciously processing The ASS-cension and see what it’s like to hold intelligent, shit free, conversations!

Forgetfulness.  Easily distracted at times.    This is temporary.  Up to this point, your head was filled with nothing but dung.  Now that you have dumped it all -- the physical brain is forced to recalibrate, reprogram and reboot.   As the physical body  reboots and makes itself ready for full integration with the energetic body, you will  experience forgetfulness on a regular basis.   In the meantime, the spirit body has much of the control.   It is very important to keep in mind that The energetic (spirit) body has no interest in such mundane earthly practices such as going to the bathroom, paying bills, eating and drinking, etc.   So forgetting what you went to the kitchen  for or not remembering why you are at the store, etc.  is perfectly natural during this particular time.

Once the rebooting process is complete, and  both bodies have integrated, your memories will be clearer than ever!  And what you don’t remember isn’t important.   So don’t sweat it!  The collective bodies have deemed it necessary to “flush out” what no longer serves you during your human experience.

Advice:  It is very important during this time to search out methods that enhance your focus.  Meditation is quite useful, especially during the rebooting procedures.  Taking long walks, exercising, Yoga, Tai Chi or any other form of physical activity that enhances good muscle tone and cardiovascular improvement is essential to improved oxygen flow.  This in turns enhances the physical brain to function at a higher capacity.

Mind expansion.  Detachment.    Comprehension, Understanding, Compassion.  Willingness to Forgive. 

Yea!  These are just a few of the wondrous attributes that come with consciously working the ASS-cension.

As you work through this ASS-cension, you will begin to see others a little more clearly.  Both literally and energetically.   As you continue to clear away the fecal matter from your energetic eyes, you will notice how easily it is to see past anyone’s bullshit.   You actually start seeing them as they really are.  As you do, you will note a deep heart felt compassion for them.   Don’t resist it.  Allow it to flow through you.

Your understanding of other's points of view become easier for you now.   While they may be speaking in terms that you do not resonate fully with -- you now comprehend where they are coming from.   Arguing and pushing your points on others no longer interest you as they once did.  Finding yourself in a state of detachment, you are now able to dialogue with others with whom you disagree … minus  all the anger and fuss.

You discover your awareness (a.k.a. Freeze Dried BULL shit meter) has become more acute and accurate.  This in turn,  helps you  bypass any unnecessary arguments.  And too,  defrays any bruising of the false ego which could lead to your head going back up your ass.

You now understand the true meaning of forgiveness and practice it daily.  First with your Self and then with others.

You now completely understand and comprehend that all are doing exactly what they came here to do.   That all (no exceptions) are spirit beings having a human experience. That everything, whether you agree with it or not, are opportunities for growth and  for learning.  Your understanding and comprehension of this is widening -- deepening.   As this process continues to occur -- you notice yet another "A-Ha!" moment.  This is the "I Get It" A-Ha moment!   This is where you finally do “get it."   "IT" being the clarity of the truth that has been spoken to you for what seems to be eons!

"It" being the words of ASS-cenders who came before you.  Their words now ring true in your heart, soul and mind.   The phrases:    Do all you know to do to the best of your abilities.  And after that -- do nothing.  (You get that now!)   Change what you can and what is in your power to change -- leaving behind those things you cannot.  And having the wisdom to know the difference.  (You get that as well!)   Being the change you wish to see in the world.  (Awwwwrighteeee! You finally get that too!)

You finally "Get IT" --- all of "IT" -- because the crap isn't clogging up your eyes or ears now!  You can see and hear without interference.    All this leads to the beautiful experience of your physical mind integrating and connecting with the spiritual/energetic mind.    This is what is known as … Mind Expansion.

Pretty cool … huh?   Of course, these are only a few of the "symptoms" of The ASS-cension.    But We thought you would enjoy a ... heads up ... in order to understand what is happening to you!  *LOL*

As stated above -- Being Persistent and Consistent  is your  greatest allies during The ASS-cension!

It isn’t easy -- no one said it would be.   But as long as you remember, and keep in mind, that it is a step by step process.  And of course, most importantly -- please Remember that Persistence in resistance keeps your head stuck.    Keep this all in your memory and You’ll do just fine!

So relax.  Be gentle.  Show your Self Love & Kindness --  And allow.

Excerpt from: The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born.

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


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