Saturday, July 30, 2011

Congress and The President: A few Reminders for each of You!

I will remind both Congress and the President -- of the following:

(1) you are public servants.  The American People are not your servants -- not your slaves.  You work for the American People. 

(2) you have proven you are irresponsible, incompetent and self-serving.  Your actions, both past and present, are proof of this.

(3) you are dispensable and can -- WILL -- be replaced. We The People see this and are rapidly growing tired of it.  Enjoy the time you have -- it is growing shorter each day.  You are dispensable. And you can be -- and will be replaced!  Remember that!

(4) the American People as a whole are not ignorant -- We are not mindless sheeple.  We The People are educating ourselves and each other.  Many of us take the responsibility to remind their fellow Americans of your flagrant disregard of this Great Nation and her people.   Yes Congress and Mr. President -- We The People DO KNOW the difference between piss and rain!

I strongly suggest that all of you politicians Re-read the history of America.  Read it--study it --commit to memory --  so you will see what your future holds for you if you continue brow beating the American People.   

Like our forefathers -- We The People will not sit idly by while your political aristocracy runs us into the ground.  

Dirty Spending Secrets REVEALED

Let's take a look at a few of the things you member of Congress have been passing over the years ...

 $50 Million a Year for 1,125 Postal Workers Who Are Ordered to Do Nothing Each Day.

Explains why my mail is always late!  And too, it helps me to understand  why the Post Offices are being forced to shut down!  Guess those folks who got paid for sitting  on their butts can now do it at home.

$2.6 million to teach Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly on the job.

This one caused my imagination to go into over-drive.   Now I wonder--was Congress  concerned  that the prostitutes would be too drunk to give a blow job properly?    Or maybe their concerns were over the thought of  these prostitutes injuring themselves while being on top? (Puts a whole new meaning on the old "don't drink and drive!" -- don't it?) 

And then there are a few questions that came up --- Am I to assume American prostitutes already know how to drink responsibly on the job? And most importantly -- does this mean the Chinese will credit us on our debt to them? 

Billions of dollars for education even though student test scores haven’t improved in three decades of bureaucratic oversight?

I  see the reasoning behind this.  I really do!  Stupid, uneducated people make better constituents.   The dumber the better!  Stupid people won't know what's going on and they won't care!  

Ohhhh there's MORE!  Check it out by going to!

Folks!  Congress and the President are incompetent, blatantly irresponsible and downright asinine!   The proof is there!  

President Obama is threatening to hold the Social Security checks -- Congress is refusing to spend responsibly.  Time to haul Ass!

Write them!  Tell them to STOP THIS DAMN FOOLISHNESS -- NOW!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Would I Cut From the National Debt?

The big question of the day is … What would you cut from the national debt? 

My focus is on every single politician.   While I am very well aware of the other wasteful spending … my particular focus is on the politicians themselves.  Leading by example is the only way! 

So to YOU Politicians ... this is what I would cut

#1 Your salary!   ALL you politicians need to be forced to take a substantial pay cut until our debt is paid.   Your  yearly pay should be $24,000 with the bare minimum of benefits.  Sounds a little harsh?  Tell that to the working public who make this and less!

I propose for every single politician -- from the President down to city counsel --  that you do not receive a salary for four years.  After that four years -- your yearly salary should be no more than  $24,000 -- with the minimum of benefits and no business expense whatsoever.  In fact, everything--from travel/lodging to your own housing-- should be paid out of your own pockets until our debt is substantially lowered.

You  members of Congress alone make $500,000 per year.  FOR WHAT?!  Oy!  And you  have the nerve to tell us -- the American People -- to cut back and make do? 

500,000 x 535 politicians = 2617500000 dollars.  That’s an estimated amount of how much it cost the taxpayers to pay members of Congress and the Senate each year.    I mean where in the hell do you put the damn comma in that amount???!    Multiply that by four years and be prepared for your eyes to pop out!

#2 Put an end to your automatic pay increase.  Social Security recipients have not received a pay increase in over four years.  Yet you members of  Congress have an automatic pay increase each and every single year.    Cease and decease already!

#3 Cut your  housing/travel and business expenses.  This goes for  every single politician! No exceptions!

Congress cut subsidy for Section 8 in order to spare the tax payer.  Yet you, dear politicians, YOUR housing and all  YOUR lodging when traveling is paid by the American taxpayer.  Talk about a set of brass balls!

How many people lost their homes?  How many who have the good fortune to be using Section 8 have to cut back other necessities in order to meet the rent each month? 

The average American who has the good fortune to actually own a car has to pay out the ass for their fuel, insurance, etc.  The rest of us have to either walk, ride a bike or take public transportation.   While members of Congress get to ride around in their big gas gusseling vehicles and airplanes … all at the taxpayer’s expense!

If you are lucky  to have a job -- who pays for your expenses when you take a vacation?

And  don’t even get me started on the utilities.  Unlike these politicians, tax dollars don’t pay for my lights, gas and water!

#4 Cease paying former presidents and their bodyguards!  Are you seriously kidding me?  I understand paying a pension -- but seeing how you are willing to cut the Average American's pension and all of their benefits -- who the hell are you to take the best and tell the rest of us to tough it out?  And what the hell is all this Secret Service to guard these former presidents about???!!!   Seriously?  What the hell?!!!   Regular Americans don't have this luxury!  And many live in high crime areas.  Where are their body guards?  hmmmm?  Where is the Secret Service when somebody's grandmother is being mugged or raped ... or murdered?   I mean who are any of you politicians that your life and the lives of your families are deemed more important than the average American?

I’m one of many who are sick and tired of these politicians having the best of everything  while we have to make do.  And I take great exception when all of you in Congress tell Americans that WE  have to make sacrifices and WE have to do without  so that YOU can live in the lap of luxury!  All at the expense of the American taxpayer!

Every one of you politicians need to lead by example.  And you can start by taking the drastic pay cuts and other cuts in your little perks!  Making all the necessary sacrifices in order to lower the debt.

While this may only make a tiny scratch on the overall surface -- it is at least a start in the right direction!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

How Many Times? Seventy Times Seven!

I’m on week three of doing the 70x7 exercise -- and MAN!  Does my hand hurt! 

For those unfamiliar with this little process -- it is taken from the Christian Bible.

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”  Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”  ~Matthew 18:21-22  (NIV)

I never gave this passage  much thought until I was doing research.   My search lead me to Cat Saunders’ blog page “Four Principles of Effective Apology” -- where I found her article entitled “My Favorite Forgiveness Process.”

In her article, Cat  describes how she combined ideas from two of  her mentors in regard to forgiveness, Sondra  Ray and Morrnah Simeona.

One is the Ho’Oponopono phrases:  I’m Sorry, Please Forgive me, I love you and I thank you.

The other is literally writing out 70 times each day for 7 days the following:

I forgive ________ and ________ forgives me.  (you fill in the blanks)

In order to get the full effect -- it’s advised you do both  Ho’Oponopono (speaking the Ho’Oponopono phrases)  and the writing out of the above line 70x7. 

And by the way -- for those who have challenges with their hands (carpal tunnel; arthrities, etc.),    I have discovered through experimentation, that you can say this line 70 times each day and have the same affect.   As with writing out the lines I forgive ________ and ________ forgives me.  (you fill in the blanks), you cannot skip a day.  If you’re saying it -- you have to say it each and every day for Seven (7) days straight.  If you forget -- you have to start over -- from the beginning! 

No recording it and listening to it -- you must SAY IT!

Yea!  It’s a pain in the ass!  But that’s what you get for holding to all your bullshit!

Lesson Learned:  Holding on to shit -- makes for hard work!

Before I started the 70x7 process -- I compiled a list of all the people (and some situations and events) that I knew needed releasing.   It’s a long list -- and growing I might add!  I then looked the list over and chose which ones really jumped out at me and began my journey into the 70x7 process.

Cat urges the reader that while doing the 70 x 7 sentences, pay special  attention to the rest of your life as the week progresses.  During the seven days, notice how the process actually stimulates all your stuff to rise to the surface, like scum on a pond. Whatever stands in the way of forgiveness makes itself painfully apparent. [amended]  (excerpt from Helping Handbook by Dr. Cat Saunders, Source: )

Well, I took Cat’s advice and all I can say is … it’s a damn good thing those I’ve been releasing should be thanking the deity of their choice they weren’t anywhere near me during this ritual!

Can we say outrage -- enraged -- and flat out pissed off? I’ve lost count over the last three weeks how much I just wanted to stomp the crap out of those people.  Two to three times during the course of each  week I’d wake up in the middle of the night so angry -- I punched the stuffing out of my pillow.   I also noted how many times I would break down and start crying. 

But I kept writing.  Even as the memories of the pain and humiliation each of those people had inflicted on me rose to the surface -- trying with all their might to stop me from continuing -- I kept writing.  I was so pissed off at one point -- I actually broke the pencil!  But I grabbed another and kept on writing until I reached my 70 times for that day.

By day 4, I was a bit more centered and calm.   By day 6 -- I noticed that I actually enjoyed doing it.   And by the seventh day -- I was relieved and felt so much lighter!

I’ve also noticed that I have become much calmer, more centered and grounded.   I also feel really good about myself too!

 The beauty of reciting Ho’Oponopono so many times per day  is … you begin to do it automatically -- without even thinking about it!!!     Everywhere I go, I catch myself saying Ho’Oponopono.   And I have seen some rather startling changes all over the place too!

Now here's something I didn't count on.  The neighborhood I live in has become quieter and more calm.  I get on a bus and if there is someone arguing or being loud -- no sooner do I get the word Ho’Oponopono out of my mouth, everyone becomes  settled down.  People are nicer and friendlier now.  Everywhere I go!

The inner joy that I’ve reconnected to has become a bit of an addiction for me now.  And I LIKE IT!   Yea, I still get pissed off -- but now getting back in my center is much quicker and easier these days.  Wow!  And only after a few weeks too!  Just imagine what the next three weeks will bring! 


About Julia K. Cole

Julia K. Cole is a psychic medium, internet radio show host,  Certified Spiritual Consultant,  Empowerment Coach and upcoming author. 

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Duct Tape Diva,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.


How to Practice Ho’Oponopono

How Many Times ~ White Heart

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Consider This . . .

The person who hurt you either 
  • Isn’t aware they have hurt you;
  • Doesn’t care they hurt you;
  • Has forgotten about the incident and moved on;
  • Sleeps very well at night
  • Has no issues with indigestion, headaches, back pain or any other kind of pain
  • Is convinced you are in desperate need of getting a life,  getting laid or both
  • Has steady relationships and a job
  • Has no addictions or disorders
  • Can hold a steady personal relationship/keep a job

You on the other hand …
  • Can remember every detail of the incident and every syllable uttered;
  • Have developed various types of ailments, joint pains, suffer from headaches, backaches,  a wide variety of  physical, mental and/or emotional health issues;
  • Are angry, resentful and mistrustful;
  • Either can’t sleep or sleeps way too much
  • Now has an eating disorder
  • Suffering from memory loss --huge chunks of your life is missing
  • Has some sort of addiction (alcohol, drugs, sex, spending, gambling, food)
  • Can’t hold down a job/Can’t keep a steady personal relationship
  • Difficulty in focusing on anything outside the pain and suffering
  • Suffers from Low self-esteem and self-worth

While these may not apply to every individual reading this -- I am willing to wager most of it does ring some bells!

So considering all the above -- seeing it in black and white -- do you still believe you are really making “they” -- “them” -- “that person” suffer by holding on to your pain?  You think/believe that you are exacting revenge by living your life in misery?

They -- who/whom ever “they” are -- are not suffering from what happened.  They’re free!  You on the other hand--  are in a prison of your own making! YOU are the one suffering -- not them!   You are the one punishing you!


  • Forgiveness is not the condoning of the actions that initiated the pain and suffering you experienced. 
  • Forgiveness is not forgetting anything that transpired -- but reaching a state of mind where you can see those actions from an objective view point without any adverse reactions.

  • Forgiveness is the refusal to carry the pain and suffering those actions initiated. 
  • Forgiveness is the release of the pain and suffering you have carried throughout your human experience.

It is painfully obvious that the majority of people do not know the difference between forgetting and releasing.    No doubt this is perhaps one of the main reasons people are so skittish when it comes to forgiving.

Forgive and Forget?

Many have been taught that in order to reach a true state of forgiveness -- one must totally forget everything that happened to them.  This is a gross misconception that has been passed down by those who didn’t know any better.

To  “forgive and forget” means  to -- release that pain from your being!  Release yourself and be free!  Forget all about holding on to all that suffering -- holding all that pain!   

It does NOT mean forget the incident  itself!  Again, the forgetting portion of "Forgive & Forget is  --  forget all that clinging -- forget all that grasping -- forget  all that holding on -- to that which no longer serves you!   Forget that which no longer serves you and remember only what you have learned from the event(s).  Release the pain and be Free!

This is the true meaning behind the phrase “forgive and forget.”


Interesting thing about human experiencers -- they hold on to their pain and suffering as though it were a matter of life and death.  They justify clinging to their pain and suffering by relieving the incidents that transpired.  Caught up in their fears -- they can’t see what they have learned from any of the situations.    They can’t see past those incidents.  They refuse to let them go for whatever reason.  During the course of their human journey, they will go as far as reinventing the situation over and over again in their day to day life.

So and so did this or that-- said this or that.  They hurt me.  They should be made to pay for this, that or the other thing.   I’m a victim!  I’m in pain!  I can’t let go because they hurt me!

I can’t let go because they hurt me! 

I have to remember what they did so they will pay for it!  So they will see my suffering and they will be sorry!  

I’m sick!  I have this or that pain!  I have this or that disease.  All  because because they hurt me!  I’m making them pay with my physical, emotional and mental pain!  I can’t let go yet -- it doesn’t matter if I can’t sleep or sleep too much.  It doesn’t matter if I eat too much or can’t eat or keep anything down!  I have to do this because they hurt me!

They are going to pay for my suffering!  I won’t let it go until they pay for hurting me!  Even if it cost me my happiness -- and my life-- they are going to pay -- because they hurt me!

While a bit dramatic -- the above statements are more true than many of you reading this realize or even admit.

“I can’t! (or “I won’t)  Because they hurt me!”   Each and every time I bring up forgiveness -- 9 times out of 10 -- I will get this particular reply.  Sadly, I hear it a lot!    Sadder still -- each of these people who refuse to forgive suffer from a number of physical, emotional and mental maladies.   To add insult to injury -- the majority of them can’t keep a steady personal relationship.   And while many of them will admit they are holding grudges (i.e. their pain and suffering) -- they refuse to forgive!

For those of you who can’t and/or won’t forgive -- because “they” hurt you  … I urge you once again to Consider This ...

The person who hurt you either 
  • Isn’t aware they have hurt you;
  • Doesn’t care they hurt you;
  • Has forgotten about the incident and moved on;
  • Sleeps very well at night
  • Has no issues with indigestion, headaches, back pain or any other kind of pain
  • Is convinced you are in desperate need of getting a life or getting laid or both
  • Has steady relationships and a job
  • Has no addictions or disorders
  • Can hold a steady personal relationship/keep a job

You on the other hand …
  • Can remember every detail of the incident and every syllable uttered;
  • Have developed various types of ailments, joint pains, suffer from headaches, backaches,  a wide variety of  physical, mental and/or emotional health issues;
  • Are angry, resentful and mistrustful;
  • Either can’t sleep or sleeps way too much
  • Now has an eating disorder
  • Suffering from memory loss --huge chunks of your life is missing
  • Has some sort of addiction (alcohol, drugs, sex, spending, gambling, food)
  • Can’t hold down a job/Can’t keep a steady personal relationship
  • Difficulty in focusing on anything outside the pain and suffering
  • Suffers from Low self-esteem and self-worth
Aren’t you tired?  Don’t you think it’s time you paroled yourself from this living hell?


Release yourself.  Not by forgetting what happened to you -- but  by refusing to carry that pain and suffering inflicted on you.  Release yourself by remembering the lessons these incidents brought to you.  Take that and start living your life in freedom!

It is said … the best revenge is Living Well!     Nothing pisses that "other person" off more -- than seeing you living happy and well!  And seeing how most of us are attempting to make that "other person" pay for the pain and suffering they inflicted -- well why not try something different?  Why not try living well -- and stop living in Hell!?

As long as you insist on the “I can’t let go because they hurt me!” mindset -- you will never be free!  You will continue to be their victim -- their slave-- their prisoner!

Your choice!  After all -- it is your life … or is it? 

I will leave you with the question posed to me by my spirit companion Antari …

“What is more important to you?  Your pain and suffering or your peace and joy?”


About Julia K. Cole

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Duct Tape Diva,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.

Visit Julia on Face Book!  

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Woo-hoo! My first blog of 2011!
As I waded through the multitude of posts here on Face Book, I noticed something interesting.  There appeared to be a common theme with respect to resolutions -- very interesting!  To say the least!  The common thread was (and I have paraphrased here)...

Instead of wasting all your time and energy on those who are hell-bent on tearing you down, on those who are only interested in what they can get out of you, on those who spread, and continue to to spread,  their vile negativity at every turn --  Focus only on those who care about you and you them. 

My "New Year's Eve party" this year  was sitting here in my office, working on my blogs and articles as I listened  to Delilah on the radio.  As the show progressed, Delilah urged her listeners to resolve to  let go of those who bring us down and make every effort to keep us there.  To leave those people who refuse to help make the world a better place behind in the old year. 

I found that message very in sync.  In fact, I took it as a sign. I had been mulling over what theme I would use to kick off my new year blogs and notes.  And my ever faithful friend and co-creator The Universe  once again came through for me! 

Instead of rehashing the same old dramas -- let them go!  I know you get tired of being the "bigger person"  and being the one that takes the "higher road" -- but what are you really attempting to prove by engaging people who have nothing better to do than bring others down and keep them there?  What are you really trying to prove by engaging them in their stupidity?  Seriously ... what are you trying to prove in this regard? That you can be the bigger dumb ass?

State your case, present your evidence and then just LET IT GO! 

It is a proven fact -- people will believe what they want to believe -- NO MATTER WHAT!  No matter the amount of evidence, no matter what you say or do -- they will choose to believe what they want to believe!  

So just let it GO! Stop wasting so much time and energy on people who choose to believe the worst about you.  They don't matter!  So do yourself a favor and STOP wasting your precious time and energy on people who  truly don't matter!
Instead of seeing everything and everybody who disagrees with you as negative ... see from their point of view!  You may actually learn something!

Believe it or not ... Everything and everyone that you either disagree with and/or feel uncomfortable around or just don't plain understand  is NOT "negative." 

Sadly, seeing the negative in everything and everybody that stirs a hint of discomfort  or anything or anybody they don't agree with  seems to be a running theme within the so called "spiritual"  and paranormal communities.    My advice to each of these communities:   Get some knowledge, Get some understanding and take some classes on LISTENING!

Instead of following behind this one or that one ... why not try walking side by side?  You'll find the view a lot better!

Instead of asking why -- try asking ... Why Not?  Instead of asking "Why Me?"  Try asking Why not me? 

Whether or not you choose to accept the understanding that YOU are here for many reasons ... the fact of the matter is ... You are!  And this isn't some hoity toity metaphysical mumbo jumbo speak either.  If you are a Christian, Master Teacher Jesus taught this very thing.  The lesson of the Sparrow is something I urge you to revisit.   For all others from different religious teachings ... I am willing to wager your master teachers taught the same thing in various ways.  I urge you to revisit these teachings as well.

Instead of asking "What is my purpose here?"  Take a good look at what you are doing now.  Weigh it against what makes your heart soar!  What makes time non-existent.  Are you doing what makes your heart soar?  Is time non-existent when you are involved in this work?  If it does -- then you have found one of many purposes of your being here.  If it does not -- then why aren't you doing what makes your heart soar?  What are you waiting on?

Instead of rushing around every day, take five minutes to do something for yourself.  Five minutes is all that is being asked.  Don't wait until your body makes that decision for you.

Instead of trying to be the person someone else wants you to be or live the life someone else wants you to live -- Just Be Your Self!  Live your life in such a way that brings you joy.

Oscar Wilde said it best!  "Be yourself!  Everybody else is taken!"

Instead of asking ... "why don't I have anybody to love?"  Ask ...  "who can I love today?"  HINT:  the one that needs your love the most can be found waiting in your bathroom mirror!

With the multitudes of elderly, children and animals-- military folks without family, people in the hospital and folks in prisons and jails, homeless people, etc. who are without someone -- you might want to consider taking time each week showing love to them!  You will be amazed how you will transform and even more amazed how your entire world transforms!

There are endless amount of "Insteads" just waiting for you.   These are just a few to get you started in this New Year!


About Julia

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape,  Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality.   Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  In the style  of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year! Welcome 2011!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey!  I joyfully look forward to our continued adventures!

Namaste Beloveds!

In keeping with tradition -- I am sharing with you all my New Year sig tag creations!









