
The Spiritual Awakening

PLEASE NOTE:  CHECK WITH A TRUSTED MEDICAL, MENTAL/EMOTIONAL HEALTH PROFESSION FIRST! Before making a decision that you are undergoing a Spiritual Awakening ... we urge you to seek out assistance from a trusted and knowledgeable medical doctor, mental/emotional health specialist FIRST! We are aware that many symptoms listed here could very well be the result of a physical, emotional and/or mental condition. Therefore, we encourage you ... we urge you... to first seek out conventional medical efforts FIRST! Your overall health is of the utmost importance ... and to ensure a BALANCE ... please make every effort to pursue all means available to you. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Spiritual Awakening A time comes in your life when you finally get it...when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out... ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying and blaming and struggling to hold on to the illusion....

Working Through the Awakening Process

The following are but a  few Suggestions on having a more fulfilling (and slightly less painful) Awakening Process.   More to follow in future blogs. For information on The Spiritual Awakening ... please click HERE   and  HERE *~*~*~*~* As you go through this process it is imperative that you do the following: Take Your Time and Make The Time. Remember this is not a race. Everybody is heading in the same direction … everyone is going to get “there” when they are suppose to. You are exactly where you are suppose to be … doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing … at the time you are suppose to be doing it! Make the time to take care of yourself.  You are the only YOU there is.    If it's only five minutes ... set aside that time for YOU! NUNYA . Get in the practice of NUNYA ...  As in nunya bizness! Translation: Mind your own damn business! Don’t concern yourself with what others are doing or not doing ...

"Real Zombies, TheLiving Dead and Creatures of the Apocalpyse

Though I am no stranger to those things that go BUMP in the night, I was utterly astounded to find there was actually a category for what I had experienced all my life.   But imagine my continued surprise when I came in contact with all those people who had dedicated their lives to investigating and researching it.  It wasn't until the Spring of  2006  that I first made my discovery of  internet based radio talk shows and  the world of the paranormal.  Through a series of serendipitous events, I found myself co-hosting a then popular paranormal talk show on the internet.  And as Lady Fate would have it ... it was there I was first introduced to a man I now call friend.   A man whose soft spoken manner and calm demeanor captured my heart.  Whose talents, knowledge and willingness to share his findings with all the world holds my respect and undying gratitude.      This man of course is none other than the o...

The Empress on Motherhood

For most of my adult life I have been a mom.  Half of that has been spent being a single mom.   But  I'm not your typical mother by any means!  Gross understatement if there ever was one,  I know!    Truth is -- I am not one of these mothers who is a PTA member or who is the first on the scene with baked goods on hand for her kid's bake sales, I don't do car pools and  arts & crafts aren't my thing.  I can't remember the last time I went to the beauty shop to get my nails and hair done.  In fact, there are days when my hair hasn't been combed or my teeth been brushed -- which  is perhaps the only time everyone leaves me alone! My cuticles are torn and raggedy the majority of the time due to me having to be Josephine the Plumber,  Harriet the Handy-woman and Mildred the Maid!    I have all sorts of make up ... but rarely apply it.  I've come to enjoy the au naturale look now....

Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse--Book Review

I'm posting this review of my friend Brad Steiger's latest book. Note at the very bottom (highlighted in pink) I have a wee mini part in Brad's new book! ENJOY!  *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* TREMENDOUS REVIEW OF REAL ZOMBIES from Haunted America Tours Real Zombies, the Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse By Brad Steiger  In ... Real Zombies, the Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse, Brad Steiger [presents] more then just a comprehensive and unsettling study. Steiger directly addresses, explores and brings forward into the spotlight the many strange traditions too often shrouded in secret throughout the world. His mission I believe is to dispel the normal sordid beliefs and misunderstandings and the more then just common depictions of what we believe to be the real zombies today. In this book I feel Mr. Steiger has set a high precedent for others to dare only to follow. I believe that this book will be the standard by which many ...

Duality vs. Separation: Being the Change

You are a Phenomenal Person, a Beautiful Person doing an extraordinary job,making things happen for those you love and although you might not always feel it, you are loved and appreciated."  ♥ ♥ ♥  I LOVE YOU!  And  I APPRECIATE YOU!  xoxoxo This message (not posted here) was originally geared towards women only.  It was asked that you post it on the wall of seven women you believe deserve it.  While I firmly believe the intentions behind this original message was filled with love, admiration, respect and Love ... I personally found it limiting.  Not to mention I felt it perpetuated separation. Again, I don't believe for one minute that this was the intention of the original message creator.  There was way too much love exuding from that original message to believe otherwise.   And I am not blogging this message to put down the message either. I understand why it was created.  And yes, I do appreciate the lov...

What Is Love?

The following article was first presented roughly seven years ago.   Of course, I had a little help from my spirit companion ... Antari!  :-) Seeing how St. Valentine's Day is less than a week away, I thought I would repost it! What Is Love? The definitions of Love is as vast as the Universe itself.  It is the only emotion that has it's own Holiday (St. Valentine's day), it's the only emotion that has more songs and poems dedicated in it's name than anyone could possibly count or remember.  But do you, as an individual, really comprehend and fully understand the true definition of Love? Love can be found anywhere & everywhere.  And best of all,  when you least at expect it! There are different levels of love such as love for your spouse,  your boyfriend/girlfriend; the love you have for your parents and your assorted relatives & siblings; the love for a child, a pet or a dea...