Acceptance -- A Special Mother's Day Gift For You!

One of the most important lessons I've learned as a mother is acceptance. It isn't easy accepting opinions that you weren't/aren't good enough. Especially when those particular opinions come from your offspring. But if you're honest with yourself, you will accept it and move on. Which I have. I'll be the first to admit that I was not the greatest mother who ever lived. Wasn't the worst either. But still wasn't the best. And guess what? I ... don't ... CARE! I did the best I could at the time. If that wasn't/isn't good enough for my hell spawn or my family or friends, etc. Then so be it. I own my mistakes. Take responsibility for them. I do not offer up any excuses or attempts to justify myself. I accept all that I did, didn't do, say, didn't say. In the end...the only opinions that matter are mine and that of my Creators. Everyone else's opinions are just background noise. ...