Be Thankful, Be In Gratitude and Just Be!

When it comes to being thankful and being in gratitude, I learned a few things over the years. And the one thing that really comes to mind is how judgement of anyone is so damn destructive. And how it only serves to not only perpetuate the current problem, but creates even more problems in it's wake. While we each can justify why we judge someone (and ourselves), situations and events, the fact of the matter is, judgment takes away so much from us. Both as individuals and as a whole. Judgment robs us of precious energies that we don't always notice. Until it's too late. Judgment distracts us from the lesson(s) that are being presented to us at that given time. Which in turn, forces us to repeat those same lessons over and over until we do finally get it! *~*~*~* For the last couple of months I've literally drained myself of energy all over judging one person in particular. J...