Sunday, July 29, 2012

Forgiveness: Part 3 ~ The By-Products of Forgiveness

 There are many  by products of practicing forgiveness.  Here in part 3 of my on going blog series entitled Forgiveness, we will take a look at a few of them.

Good Health and Genuine Happiness
It has been proven that people who practice forgiveness on a regular basis are healthier and happier.

When you live in the state of forgiveness, your body is more relaxed.  Your heart rate and blood pressure stay on a normal healthy level.  This in turn creates a better flow of oxygen to the brain. A better flow of oxygen leads to clearer thinking and the wherewithal  to remaining calm and centered even during stressful situations.

People who practice forgiveness are not blind to the events taking place in the world.  They are not ignorant of the negativity that exists here on the earthly plane.  On the contrary! 

 People who practice genuine forgiveness are very much aware of everything happening to them and all around them.    But instead of living as a prisoner to all the negativity, they consciously make a choice to take (and keep) control of themselves.   Because they  know first hand the damaging results of holding on to any pain, they consciously exert the effort to maintain the energies of forgiveness.  In particularly, the forgiveness of self.  

Clarity and Expanded Conscious Awareness
As you sift through all the pain, releasing it through unconditional love & forgiveness, you begin to see more clearly.    The act of forgiveness literally lifts the veil allowing you to see  everyone involved did the best they knew how at that given time.    Even in the most harsh situations, we now can see how we may have done better -- but were not in a position to do so at that time.   But now we know we did the best we could.  The best we knew how at that given time.  We now see that everyone was doing the best they knew how.

We now can see how we have benefited from all those experiences.  How it has created the person we are today.  How it has led us back to our true selves!

Through the act of forgiving our Self -- we can now take all the wonderful things we learned with us … leaving behind only those things that no longer serves us.   We can now walk upright, shoulders back and chin up.  We now know who and what we are.   

This knowing brings us to the next by product of the forgiveness of self  . . . 


Forgiving one’s self -- genuinely and unconditionally -- brings a type of courage  that no one can take away.

Forgiveness of Self breaches the energies of  our self-imposed prison -- freeing us --opening up our eyes to all the lies we‘ve been told and had continued telling ourselves throughout our lives.  

Like a rubber band stretched too far -- we snap back into full awareness.  It is then we become conscious of -- and fully connected to --  who and what we are.  We feel the fuel of  righteous indignation bubbling up, reaching a boiling point … and that's when it  happens.   That's when We suddenly stand up and say with conviction … shouting it to the heavens ... our independence!   It is in that moment ... We take back our power!  We take back what  what is rightfully ours -- OUR SELF! 
We now ... finally and fully ... comprehend that Everything we experience comes from within.  That the choice to live in freedom or to live in a self-imposed prison was always our choice to make.   We finally get it!  

Feels good … doesn’t it?

So what are you waiting on?  Your Self is waiting for You!

“I can only show you the door … but only you can open it!” ~ Morpheus to Neo, The Matrix

(Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born!)

Embrace All that you are!
For YOU … are ALL that there Is!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.  

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

    Saturday, July 28, 2012

    Forgiveness: Part 2 ~ Forgiving Self

    When it comes to genuinely forgiving -- I fall short.  Way short!

    I know this only because … I can rattle off the names of a half dozen people  who have gone out of their way to slander me, hurt me and my family in some way.   And not only that,   every once in a while -- I actually take a few minutes to envision these assholes  being trampled by a flock of 100 foot mutant chickens.   It puts a smile on my face!   Makes me giggle! 

    Seriously -- who wouldn’t laugh at the thought of someone running from a gigantic chicken?

    Don’t get me wrong -- I don’t spend too much time on these fantasies.   Those morons aren’t worth the time and energy.  But still … whenever I need a good laugh  … I just flip on that imagination switch and let those mutant chickens run rampant!


    Entertaining thoughts such as these is what  EFT Practitioner Margaret Lynch refers to as “Negative Pleasures.”   According to Margaret, negative pleasures are one of the many ways we do battle with ourselves.  Granted,  while these negative pleasures do have their humorous side, they tend to keep us stuck  And being stuck  keeps us in “battle mode.”  Being in battle mode prevents us from living in freedom. 

    As human experiencers -- living in freedom is our ultimate goal.

    But how do you get past  being stuck in battle mode when the planet is over run by  the L.E.A. --League of Extraordinary Assholes?

    Well it ain’t easy!  Then again … no one said it would be.  However,  we have at our disposal a wide range of tools,  methods and modalities  for  dealing with the hardcore members of the LEA.  One of which is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) a.k.a. tapping.  

    EFT is astoundingly helpful in releasing whatever unwanted and unneeded energies floating in and around our bodies.   However, when combined with other healing modalities, such as Ho’Oponopono, I have discovered that my  tapping  has an even more profound impact.

    But don't just take my word for it -- try it out for yourself!

    You can check out some of the free EFT sessions on You Tube with a  host of expert EFT Techs such as Margaret Lynch, Brad Yates, and Pamela Bruner.


    Now when doing any type of  healing modality,  I always start with myself.  Reason being, like all of you, I carry around this guilt and shame for being a "secret member" of the L.E.A.  And too, I have a boat load of negative pleasures that I indulge in now and then.    While it does make me smile, I do have a bit of shame for visualizing someone’s demise.   So the very  first person who gets the healing  is me!

    Why do I start with myself, you may ask?  Simple.  First of all,  on whole, we all tend to overlook our self when it comes to maintaining any level of health.  Be it spiritual, physical, emotional and/or mental.  We all tend to put ourselves last.     

    Many years ago, I remember someone stating that we take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves.  Not sure who originally said it -- but whoever it was they were one very observant cookie!

     Secondly, and most importantly,  forgiveness is really about Self anyways.  We are the ones who are holding on to the memories and experiences.  We are the ones living and reliving those episodes over and over again.   So it's only logical that we begin with Self!

    In case of emergency ...
    place the oxygen mask over your face FIRST!  

    Then proceed to assist others!

    If you ever traveled by airplane, you are familiar with these instructions given before take off.    These  same instructions hold true for any healing work!

    Heal your Self -- FIRST!  

    And ... The first steps to healing our Self begins with forgiveness of One's Self!


    While forgiving others may prove difficult -- forgiving ourselves is a seemingly impossible and unreachable goal.  

    There are endless reasons why we refuse to forgive ourselves.  Irregardless of the many reasons you can name -- it all comes down to one solitary belief … unworthiness. 

    Unworthiness.  Worthlessness.  Low or non-existent Self-Worth.

    Somewhere along the way … we were convinced that we are the most worthless beings on the face on  Planet Earth.  While the belief of unworthiness could have been triggered anywhere during the course of your life, chances are  it all stems from early childhood.   But only you can know for certain.  To find out, you (yes YOU) will have to take the time to literally dig through the huge piles of emotional bullshit to find the point of origin. 

    It isn’t easy.  No one said it would be!  It will take time and patience to sift through all that crap.  And a lot of hankies! 

    And folks … There are no short cuts to this process!  Trust me, if there was … I would have found them and used them-- a LONG time ago!


    For me personally, my point of origin was easily detected.    The events compounding these beliefs of unworthiness is a very long list!   Trekking back in time, facing  the point of origin of my beliefs of unworthiness was heartbreaking.    But the more I went back, the more information I gleaned.  And the more information  I gleaned, the more my awareness expanded.  And the more my awareness expanded, the more my heart opened and allowed the forgiveness to flow more freely.

    Coming  into the present -- I now can see with crystal clarity what my choices as a young child had set in motion.  And too, how The Universe, in it’s infinite wisdom, had begun to gently nudge me out of that mindset.

    And how did it do this?

    By placing in my path the same type of people, situations and experiences with the same exact messages of unworthiness!


    I don’t know if you ever noticed this  -- but The Universe has this two by four to the side of the head method it implements!

    Of course, it usually starts out with a ruler.   First it begins with a really subtle thump on the noggin.  If you get the lesson from that initial tap-- then you’re good to go! On to the next lesson!  Woo Hoo!!!   But ignore that little thump and the next thing you know … the ruler has been turned into a two by four … and before you have time to blink … BAM!  Right up side the head!  And you have no choice but pay attention to the lessons The Universe is providing!

    Ever notice that?  Okay, maybe it’s just me then!  However, my point being … ignoring an issue -- any issue -- leads to  more of the same, each time it returns is more intense.  And to make matters worse -- ignoring issues tends to mount even more  feelings of unworthiness!   So before you know it -- you are caught in this vicious cycle of self-abuse.  Before too long you wind up  in a sea of utter despair.

    As you  find yourself barely floating along--you manage to muster up enough strength to ask that all burning question … Why me?!!  Instead of throwing you a life preserver,  The Universe comes in with that two by four  and whacks you again and again! Each blow  harder than the last.

    And it just keeps coming ...

    Until …

    You stop struggling!  Yell “UNCLE!” And proceed to forgiving yourself!

    Yep!  The Universe is one helluva motivator -- ain’t it?   Unfortunately,  many view this process as cruel and unusual punishment.  They put all blame on The Universe!   Taking no responsibility for themselves.   Not really taking the time to understand and fully comprehend the way The Universe operates.   Which is … whatever you are in need of learning … The Universe supplies!  In abundance -- I might add!

     So if you are getting WHACKED upside the head … it is YOU who are doing it to YOU!

    End of Story!

    Now if you have any desire to place a cease and decease order on all the whacking upside the head … you will need to do one little thing.  And that is … genuinely, unconditionally, with love & compassion  -- forgive your … Self!

    Yes!  It really is that simple!

    The benefits of forgiving Self is infinite!  In fact, something truly marvelous happens when you genuinely forgive your Self!  All of which we will cover in Part 3 of this on-going blog series.

    Until then …

    Embrace ALL that you Are!
    For you ARE … All That There Is!

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

    In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.  

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

      Thursday, July 19, 2012

      Embracing All That You are: Part 5

      Facing your fears isn't easy.  Then again, no one said it would be! 

      That has to be one of  the most grossly under-stated lines ... Ever!   And I speak from experience!

      If you been following my blog for the last few months, you already know that one of my fears is standing out -- being seen and heard.  Hard to believe!  I know! But it's true!    However, I am one of these people who prefer to face their fears.  Okay, truthfully -- I face them after a few bouts of holding my breath, making myself sick,  running and hiding, ditching and dodging and all that stuff like that there!   But eventually, I do pull myself together and look my fear right in the eye. 

      My fears of being seen and heard stems from my childhood and was compounded throughout the years through a rather interesting series of events.   To make a rather long story short -- each and every time I spoke up, made myself visible ... I was punished and attacked in some way.    This in turn has created a knee-jerk reaction to develop.   It's rather frustrating.  Not only for me -- but for my friends and family as well.  We all know I am very capable!  We all know that when confronted, I have no reservations in standing up for myself or for others.    But when it comes to really standing out -- to letting my light shine fully and brightly -- I will run for cover!

      So in the spirit of facing my fears -- I made a conscious decision to follow through on two of my passions.  One was to  complete the books I started.  One of which I have!  Yippee!    The others are still in draft form.  Though they require some heavy duty editing ... I am very pleased to announce...  they are actually written!  Secondly,  to follow my love of entertaining by returning  to Blog Talk Radio.

      Returning to doing a radio show was a huge step for me.  And I am not ashamed to say it -- I was terrified!  Literally scared out of my  mind!  Actually got sick two days before the show aired! 

      Granted, I'm not new to the internet radio scene.  Far from it.  In fact, I had a weekly talk show on Blog Talk Radio called Namaste Beloved!  which  began airing  in the Spring of 2007.   Before that, I had spent six months as  a co-host on another internet show; and had been guest hosting on numerous other internet radio shows as well.  In short, I had become a "hot property" as far as internet radio shows go. 

      During the years Namaste Beloved! was on the air ... it had grown into a very popular show. In fact, in less than a year, the number of listeners went from a humble 10 to over 300 per week.   Even now, the archives are receiving anywhere from 10-15 hits per day.

      Now the question I'm sure running through everybody's mind right now is ... why did I quit?  The answer is simple really.  You see, as the show's popularity increased -- so did my fears of standing out in the crowd.     These fears were compounded by a host of incidents -- both on and off line.   Sufficient to say, it isn't any wonder I ran and hid.

      Between 1998-2006, I was attending on average ... one funeral a week.   Not only was I dealing with the loss of family members and close friends,  I had two of my clients commit suicide -- 6 months apart from each other.  One of which had killed himself while on the telephone with me.  Then there was  dealing with a  former colleague who went about slandering me all over the internet--that was loads of fun (she says sarcastically).   Not to mention, my family was falling apart at the seams.  Then there was that  lunatic religious zealot of a mother who was constantly admonishing me for not serving her precious false god and terrorizing my children with her hideous tales of Armageddon.  Topping all this off  was the constant pain and agony of bone spurs and advance arthritis, and then getting severely ill. 

      Yea, no stretch of the imagination needed here as to why I took off running like I did!

      Interestingly enough , even as I was going through all that -- something deep inside of me kept  pushing forward.  But my fears of standing out -- being heard ... was overpowering me.  

      Intellectually,  I knew that the only power these fears had was whatever I was giving it.  But how do you convince someone who is down on the floor in a fetal position (metaphorically speaking) that it's all going to be okay?  That everything they are experiencing is more of an illusion than actual reality? 

      There isn't really anything you can say or do to convince someone of something they've already made up their minds about.  You can only be there to walk along side them -- bringing comfort when and where needed --lending a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear and a hand to hold --  all the while ... reassuring them ... that they are never alone!

      For the most part, I didn't have that.  I was left all alone to deal with my heartache and suffering--my family and friends had all but abandoned me. With only my spirit family by my side, I dealt with my challenges and issues on my own.    All the while -- my spirit family kept urging me to step up and out -- reminding me that there were those in need of my assistance.

      Their reminders, however, only seem to  perpetuate the argument of "The Why's."

      Why does it have to be me?  Why should I be there for them, when  they wasn't anyone there for me?  Why should I be there for anyone else--what's the point?  Why do I have to be the one taking all the risks?  Why do I have to be the one that is strong?  Why do I have to be the one that gets hurt?  Why? Why? WHY???!!!!

      The reply was always ... Why not? Followed by ... if not you -- then who?

      Naturally, that little ego of mine had the answer and shouted ... there are a vast number of people all over the world with the same messages.  Nobody needs me to step up.  Those in need can get it elsewhere!  They don't need me to come out of hiding ... taking all the  risks ... taking all the chances of being attacked and hurt again!  Being abandoned.  They'll leave me as soon as they get what they want from me!  They always do!  They'll make fun of me! Call me crazy!  They have in the past!  And they will in the future!  They will give all the credit to someone else who is more knowledgeable! More popular! Leaving you without so much as a thank you!

      My spirit companion Antari--  provided me and my little  ego with a counter viewpoint.  Following is an expert from that conversation.

      Antari:  It is true that there are many who provide the same information you posses --however,  not everyone will  resonate with those particular individuals.  It is not disparaging these individuals in any way.  No, quite the contrary.   For you see Beloved, what you have forgotten is the one all encompassing truth ...  like attracts like.  

      Meaning, there are those who will resonate with you and not others.  Therefore, you are being called upon to present these messages for those who are attracted to your unique energies. 

      Julia:  But I don't want to get hurt again.  You have no idea how painful it is to be rejected, attacked and ignored.

      Antari:  Question!  Which is greater?  The pain of being hurt by those who live in fear? Or the pain of regret of never helping another soul ... of never living up to your truths?

      Julia:  The pain of regret.

      Antari:  So by your own admission, the pains of regret of never helping others -- of never living up to your truths-- outweigh those pains of being hurt by those who live in fear?  Am I understanding this correctly?

      Julia:  It's more complicated than that.

      Antari:  A simple yes or no, Beloved. 

      Julia:  Yes.  But  ...

      Antari:  In essence, you fear regret of not living up to your truths more than facing the  pain and suffering at the hands of those who live in fear?  Is this correct?

       Julia:  Yes.  But  ... you don't seem to understand.  You're not here in the physical with a physical body.

      Antari:  Ah! I see!  I am incapable of understanding greater truths because I am not a physical being?  

      Julia:  Well ... yea!

      Antari:  With that being said, I am compelled to ask ... what is your excuse?

      Julia:  *sigh*

      Antari: You are most welcome Beloved!


      Like so many of you,  I had covered up that one particular fear of regret with  other fears I believed to be more important.  Once broken down -- those other fears only proved to be distractions.  A literal cover up to what was far more important to me.  The voice that was trying so hard to be heard.  The  "divine" nudging that was so desperately urging me to face the true fear that dwells deep within.  The fear  of not living up to my truths!  The fear Of not being ME!

      So ... In closing ... I pose the question to you ... which is your greater fear? 

      (Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress I Born! )

      Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

      In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

      Wednesday, July 18, 2012

      Forgiveness: Part 1

       "The act of forgiveness is not the condoning of any action that causes pain, it is the refusal to carry the pain inflicted by that action." ~Grandmother to The Oracle, Children of the Luminaries: Book III~The Day of Reckoning

      Long ago, when I had asked about forgiveness, the answer I received was simplistic in nature. Though it is nothing new, the message bears repeating.

      When we forgive, we are not condoning the action that caused us pain.  On the contrary! When we forgive -- we are in refusing to carry any and all pain inflicted by that action.

      A Hard Habit To Break

       As human experiencers, we develop a wide variety of habits. No greater habit have any of us than the holding on to pain.

      It doesn't matter how long ago it was inflicted, it doesn't matter how far we have come in our conscious awareness ... our habit of holding on to our pain is ever present.  It is a habit that we hold near & dear to our collective hearts. 

      We hold on to our pain as though it were a matter of life or death. Why? While the reasons vary, the root of this issue is fear.
      • Fear of not having purpose.
      • Fear of facing our true feelings. Fear of taking responsibility.
      • Fear of owning up to any mistakes we may have made or imagined we made.
      • Fear of being unworthy, of being unloved, unwanted.
      Above all these ... 
      • Fear of our own individual power. 

       We scare ourselves on a regular basis with stories we have been told and continue to tell ourselves about Our Selves.

      We know instinctively we are powerful beings -- but yet we hold on to the pain in lieu of our power. We fear being seen as arrogant if we choose to live in our power.

      So we hold on to the pain in order to blend in -- to be just like everybody else! And just like everybody else -- we begin to forget who and what we truly are.   And ... Just like everybody else -- we suffer needlessly and unnecessarily. 

      The pain we hold on to allows us to feel. So we hold on to it--with all our being.

      As long as we are feeling pain ... we are feeling something. Right? 

      The pain allows us to remain in the state of forgetfulness -- all so we don't have to take responsibility for our lives. It's better to let someone else take responsibility for our misery.

      After all ... they are the reason we are in so much pain. Right?

      We hold on to the pain so we can punish those who caused the suffering. 

      If we suffer ... then they surely will suffer more by watching us live in so much misery.  Right?

      We vow to live in our misery as a shining reminder of what a horrible person they are or were. Right?


      Embracing vs. Holding On To

      There is a vast difference between embracing and holding on to any and all energies.

      When we hold on to something that has caused us pain -- we are forcing ourselves to relive the misery over and over again.  We continuously victimize ourselves by holding on to the pain.

      Embracing, on the other hand, allows the energies to fuse within our very being, causing them to vibrate at a higher vibration.  This in turns, allows us to view the action and/or actions as the observer.  Placing the pain in a brighter light where it no longer holds us prisoner.   From this stance, we are no longer the victim, but merely the observer of what was and no longer is.   It puts control back at our finger tips.   By embracing the energies, you have authority to either keep them, blend them and fuse them within your being or give them permission to leave.  Freeing yourself from any further victimization.

      So the  questions I pose to you now are ... If you embrace your pain ... give it permission to go ...  what is the worst that could happen? What do you believe would happen if you chose to forgive?

      If you choose to hold on to that pain, chose not to forgive --  What benefits will that pain continue to bring you?    What have you derived or what will you derive from holding on to past hurts? 

      As with any habit you have developed -- the habit of living in the state of unforgiveness can be broken. 

      Whatever the mind can conceive and believe ... 
      it will most assuredly achieve. 

      The choice is yours. It has always been yours to make. You need only make it! 

      Many insist they can't forgive their abusers.

      Many believe that in forgiving would give their abusers the freedom to do whatever they want -- whenever they want. 

      Trust me when I say, irregardless of what you do or don't do, your abuser will continue on with their lives. 

      Holding on to the pain they inflicted upon you will not stop others from carrying on with their abuse.

      By the same token, letting go of the pain will not stop others from choosing to continue on with their deeds either.  They will carry on as they always have. But it isn't about them--is it?

      So the question remains ... what do you have to lose? In all seriousness ... what do you have to lose by refusing to hold on to all that pain?

      By refusing to carry it with you?

      Holding on to the pain is truly a hard habit to break! But it is one that can be broken!

      Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born!

      Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

      In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

        PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

        Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

        Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

        All Rights Reserved©™

        Saturday, July 7, 2012

        Embracing All That You Are: Part 4

        "...The greatest danger facing us is ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. But there's no such thing as 'the unknown,' only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."   - Captain Kirk, Star Trek


         As more and more of the human race awaken from their long soul slumber, we all begin to experience back to back shifts of consciousness.

        Long gone are the days when those shifts occurred once every few months or years!

        Now it's literally every other day! 

        As those shifts occur -- we collectively have this knee-jerk reaction  to pull back and go into hiding.  And there's a reason for that.

         As most of you are aware, Ego sees change--any change-- as a threat!

        Quick to respond, Ego's first reaction is to talk you into becoming invisible, so as to not be seen by the  perceived enemy.   And if Ego can't get you to comply -- then it begins using guilt, shame, and other various fears. It sets out to  use whatever and whomever is available  to enhance those feelings.  All to force you to cooperate.

        On the off chance you do manage to thwart it's maneuvers  through some kind of distraction or by simply ignoring it, you have only a short time before Ego returns for more of the same!

        while it may bring you a reprieve -- Ignoring it -- Distracting your attention from it --  are all temporary fixes!  It doesn't resolve anything.   Not really.

        Or haven't you noticed that?

        A skillful opportunist, Ego will patiently wait for you to be off your guard and apply its tactics again and again and again. Each return-- stronger than before.

        So bottom line?  Ignoring or distracting one's self from these feelings -- not a good idea!


        In my conversations with my spirit companion Antari, he presented me with the following analogy:

        Ego is nothing more than a child who has been left in charge of taking care,  and being given possession of, everything you call your Self.

        Now, imagine an actual small child being being put in charge of a room full of  toys and food!  Now imagine the child's reaction if only one or two things are taken from that room?   Now what do you suppose  that child would do in that situation?

        Angry, the child throws a major temper tantrum!  Threats ensue, followed by attempts of guilt & shame!

        What happens when you ignore the child's fits of anger?  Or attempt to distract it?

        Now notice what occurs when you  ...  Firmly, lovingly and patiently reassure the child that it still has more than enough to take care of.  

        Take note of what happens when you  tell the child how proud and grateful you are for how brave and wonderful they have been--and continue to be.  Letting the child know what a fantastic job it has done taking care of so much -- for so long!  And all by themselves!

        Notice how the child's face lights up!  Beaming with pride!

        Now see what takes place when you remind the child, that while you still need them -- will always need them while you're here -- you now need to take some of that stuff out of the room.  Remind them they are still responsible for keeping things safe here in this room.  How you need them to keep it safe!  That no one else can do that job ... but them!  Then watch their reaction.

        Now ... Hug that child!  Tell that child how much you love and appreciate them.  And watch the child's reaction.  Tell them how sorry you are for placing such huge responsibilities on it's tiny shoulders.  Tell the child how sorry you are for ignoring it for so long -- for trying to cover it's demands over with other things or ignoring it altogether.  Ask the child for forgiveness as you hold them tight in your arms.    

        See what happens?

        Like a real child, Ego needs love and reassurance.  It requires--and demands-- acknowledgement, acceptance and appreciation.   And like a real child -- it will perceive you and your actions as a threat if you ignore it or try to distract it as you snatch it's things away.

        (Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born)


        The on-going mindset to distract, eradicate and ignore, not only our own ego, but any emotions we have deemed negative,  has only served to perpetuate a vicious cycle of frustration and aggravation with seemingly no end in sight.

         Aren't you a little tired of that?  Aren't you ready to try something that will get you off that treadmill of perpetual madness?

        The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, in the same way -- expecting different results! 

        Are you ready to be sane?  Are you prepared to jump off that endless treadmill of doing the same thing -- in the same way .... never realizing your full potential?

        Are you ready to Embrace All That You Are?


        As we continue to expand our awakened state and grow into maturity, many of us are slowly discovering the importance of   Embracing All That You Are.

        Embracing All That You Are (which includes your Ego, and all those emotions it brings) allows all aspects of our true Self to form into one harmonious blend of energies.  

         It's hard (in the beginning).  No one said it would be easy!

        And it can be pretty damn scary -- at first!   But at the same time ... very exciting!

        Embrace ALL That You Are!
        For YOU are ALL that there is!

        Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  

        In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

          PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

          Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited