Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Pondering 2013: Part 1

As 2013 quickly comes to an end, I am taking with me all the things I have learned throughout the year.   As in previous years, I learned quite a bit about myself.   Well, maybe not so much learned as finally accepted.

There’s no going back and changing what I did, didn’t do, say or didn’t say.   I can only say I’m sorry for being such a dip-shit and hope that one day the people in my life will forgive me.    Taking the first step, I forgave myself.   And I work each day to stay in the energy of forgiveness.    Which has helped me become stronger.    That strength led to me cutting family ties.  

As I sit here writing this, I’m reminded of a scene from What Dreams May Come.   You know the one, where Robin Williams’ character finds his wife who just committed suicide?   Like that character, I fought my way through heaven in order to be with people who made it painfully obvious they wanted nothing to do with me.   Like the wife, they are emotionally damaged, choosing to live their lives as a victim, creating their own special kind of hell in which to dwell.   Then here I come fighting all of heaven to join them.  Yea, imagine that someone would choose hell over heaven just to be with miserable, selfish, self-centered, thieving, hypocritical assholes!   

Crazy.  I know!  But now, now I've finally accepted the fact that I don't belong there with any of them.  Yea, I knew it all along.  But it just took me a good long while, an ocean of tears and several good swift kicks in the ass to finally just MOVE ON!   And too, to acknowledge and, yes accept, that  Hell is a place I no longer wish to be.      

So I say a final farewell to all those who rather live in misery and be a victim!  Who would rather wallow in the depths of despair in Hell than enjoy the splendors of Heaven.

For 2014, I came up with a Mission Statement.  It will be my guide throughout the year.  Granted, I’ll probably add to it as time goes by.  But for now, here is what it looks like: 

My purpose is to express my willingness to learn, willingness to change and willingness to be the change I wish to see in the world by being committed to ongoing lessons provided through various sources, making decisions and immediately acting upon them and surrounding myself with people of the same mind set.

How I love the whole idea of 2014!!!   Which is why I got started early! 

Happy New Year Everybody!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A TRUE Christmas Story: 11 Year Old Boy Delivers Gifts To Homeless In Detroit

Instead of building houses, Caleb has spent the last five years trekking to downtown Detroit each holiday season to pass out Christmas presents to homeless people on the streets.

Read Entire Story by Click HERE

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Smack Down: Tradition vs. Politically Correct vs. People With Brains

The one thing everyone can be sure of this holiday season is the politically correct never stops! It's becoming a literal Smack Down these days.   Sadly, PCers seem to be getting their way.     

Here's the dig, the PCers claim they don’t want to offend anyone who is not Christian.  

Yea, that’s their claims! 

However, I couldn't help but notice (as I always do) that these dweebs are not one bit interested in offending  the rest of us!  Christians and non-Christians alike!  

Below are just a few examples what these vandalizing politically correct ass hats are doing.  I am certain there are more, but you get the gist!  In addition to the examples, and just to keep things real, I have added the People With Brains commentary.   


Tradition: Santa Claus is a jolly fat elf.

The Politically Correct:  he needs to lose weight because he is a bad example for kids struggling with their self-image.  

People With Brains:  Yea, like those tooth picks, air brush, stick their fingers down their throat after eating a celery stick, who fill the pages of fashion magazines everywhere, are such a good example of what real people look like!

Tradition:  Santa says Ho! Ho! Ho!

The Politically Correct:  Santa must stop saying Ho! Ho! Ho!  Because it’s degrading to women!

People With Brains:  WTF??!  Excuse me!  Santa says Ho! Ho! Ho!  NOT … You’re a Ho!  Clean out your ears assholes!

Tradition:  Silent Night, Holy Night.  Talks about the Virgin mother, her infant who is born to be savior.

The Politically Correct:   No virgin mother, no child, no holy infant, no tender and mild, and definitely no Christ the savior or lord at thy birth

People With Brains:  This song is about the birth of Jesus Christ.  Granted, Jesus was not born on December 25.   However, the person who wrote the song believed it to be a holy and awe inspiring event nonetheless!   It was an incredible event, even if you don’t believe the story!  And the song reflects that. 

Very offensive that someone would take someone else’s work and deface it like that!   

What’s next on your PC agenda?   Paint a mustache on the Mona Lisa? 


Tradition:  A pine tree tree decorated in a wide assorted ornaments and garland is referred to as a Christmas Tree.  Reason being, it is done at Christmas time for Christmas!

The Politically Correct:  Call it a Holiday Tree, because we don't wanna offend anybody.  Better yet.  Take that thing down now!  People who don't celebrate Christmas hate it!  So take it down! 

People With Brains:  It's Christmas!  It's a Tree!  Therefore, it's a CHRISTMAS TREE!  Anyone who is offended need not look at it!  If they don't like it.  TOUGH!  I don't like seeing a lot of shit either!  But I deal with it because it is somebody's tradition and way of life!   I respect that.  And I do not ask...I DEMAND...the same respect shown to ME and MY f'ing traditions!

Tradition:  Say Merry Christmas during Christmas Season (officially begins the day after Thanksgiving)

The Politically Correct:  Saying Merry Christmas is religious persecution!  It offends those not Christian!!!!     Besides, all the other winter holidays are in there too, and they're all pretty much the same.  So just say Happy Holidays, that way you get everybody.  And nobody gets offended or persecuted.

People With Brains:  Christmas, Hannukkah, Kwanzii, The Solstice and Yule are NOT THE SAME THING!  And too, they don't all happen at the same time.  And most importantly, how do you figure saying Merry Christmas is religious persecution?  Are you insane?  Or just that special kind of stupid?  

You know, all this freeze dried bullshit started with the politically correct insisting that we say Happy Holidays instead of the traditional Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas, Joy Noel, etc.

You know that right?  

Well come what may,  you can bet your mistletoe I'm ready to RUMBLE!!!!


Friday, December 20, 2013

All I Want For Christmass Is Non-Politically Correct Holiday

For those of you who have apparently forgotten, the reason so many of us are opposed to the phrase "Happy Holidays" is because of it's political correctness ties.   The phrase Happy Holidays  was started by politically correct minded individuals who live in constant fear of "offending" non-believers everywhere.  In particular, those who do not celebrate Christmas.

Some believe it’s just a way of putting all of the celebrations that occur around the same time in the same basket.  But that too is a fear of offending someone who doesn’t necessarily celebrate Christmas.  Not to mention it’s just lazy!

Is it so much effort to tell your Jewish friend Happy Hannukkah?   Or your friend who celebrates Kwanzii, Joyous Kwanzii?  Or your pagan friend…Have a Cool Yule?

Ever consider that someone you say Happy Holidays to doesn’t participate in any holiday???   What do you say to them? 

Interesting how the politically corrupt…I mean correct…don’t have a snazzy little catch phrase for that!  Yet.

While taking the time to express any good will is always a great idea, please remember where that little phrase Happy Holidays sprouted from and why!  And too, why so many of us are offended by it.

It's not the words themselves that are offensive, but the knowing of their origins that put us off so much.

I know that some of you will justify yourselves and continue saying it.  Which is fine. The whole point of this little exercise is to help you to remember where it came from and who you are supporting each and every time you do it.

So here's to having a Non-Politically Correct Holiday 2013!

And to Each of you I say…

Happy Hannukkah!
Joyous Kwanzii
A Very Cool Yule To You and Yours!



Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stray Kitten Finds Police Officer To Go Home To

Real men love cats!

A tiny stray kitten found a Baltimore police officer to be his human dad for life.

Officer Boyer

“Officer Boyer came to the rescue twice today. First when he came to the aid of a stray kitten and again, a few hours later, when he adopted him. (That now makes Officer Boyer a kitty dad times six.)”

Read Entire Story By Clicking HERE

Meowy Christmas Everybody!!

Christmas and New Year's Begins TODAY!

Yep!  Yep! Yep! I've decided not to wait until January 1st to begin my New Year.   And too,  I decided not to wait until Christmas to give myself a few much needed gifts.

 I figure why put off one or two weeks that I can do today?  Right?

Seeing how it's been years in the making, I resolved to cut a dozen or so stragglers (Most of which are blood related) out of my life once and for all.    With the exception of my three children, everyone else in that so called family is hereby gone from my life.  

Not that they will notice mind you.  Seeing how I am the invisible woman and all.  A Nobody! 

And yes, I have actually been told I am nobody in that family.  More than once or twice!  

After 50 plus years of trying to bond with these mindless and clueless assholes, and trying to be a "family,"  I've decided to say so long, fare thee well, adieu, bye-bye...GOOD RIDDANCE once and for all!  

Again, they won't notice.  Not that it really matters that they notice.    I notice!  And in this particular scenario, I'm the only one who actually counts!

And yes!  I'm a happier and more fulfilled person because I'm  going into 2014 without them!

After all these years of yearning to be a part of a family and never seeing it come to fruition, I am finally letting it and them all go!  Really and truly, with all my heart and soul, let them, and their endless stream of bat shit crazy dramas, GO!  

Hmm, I'm finally ready to do all that!  And I Have! 

Like I said, it's been a decision that's been years in the making.   While I have been slowly cutting family members loose one by one, some of which I had to cut loose several times, I can honestly say this is IT!!!!  This is the final good-bye.  And let me just say that cutting the ties this time around actually feels different.   In fact, it is different this time around.  Can't explain it.  It just is. 

Maybe the difference is I'm finally ready to let go.   To Really Let Go!  Yea, that sounds good!  Let's  go with that!

As for any non-related're already gone, gone, GONE!  And No!  I won't miss you cause you're Gone!    

*~*~*~*~* does make you wonder why a person would continue to put themselves through endless heartache like I have all these years.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I already know why.    I know it  all boils down to acceptance.    Of course, that leads into my next question...why would anyone want to be accepted by a bunch of people who treat them like they don't even exist?  Or treat you like you've committed some crime or about to commit some crime?


Though  it does play a huge part in the great scheme of things, for me it wasn't just about acceptance.  It was also about being seen.   Seen as a human being, a loved one, a member of the family.  

Sadly, when one of those ass hats finally did "see me" they treated me like I was some kind of outsider or some kind of foreign double agent.    Someone who had to get "special permission" or wait until an escort could be obtain in order for me to visit or be a part of a family situation, experience, etc.  

Is it me?  Or does that sound royally fucked up?

Okay, so to give you an idea what I'm talking about,  a few years ago when my mother was still alive,  my name was conveniently left off a list given to my mother's nurse.   It was a  list of mother's children and grand-children.   What struck me as odd, my one brother who had pre-deceased mother was on that list!    

So very nice to know that the dead get more respect and recognition than I do! oy!

At any rate, when I went to visit mother, I had to show I.D. and bring in my youngest son (who's name WAS on the list!) to prove I wasn't some Ninja  assassin or something!

And this is one of many examples of the horseshit stunts these fuck tards have pulled over the years.

 Hard to believe ain't it?  That THESE are the type of people I wanted to be with???!   Seriously!  oy!    Makes you wonder how really sane I am...don't it?


My long time friend and I had a rather intense conversation a few weeks back regarding all of this.    And he really drove the point home!

 He asked,  "Imagine there is a room with a dozen vicious dogs with rabies. Now, I ask, would you try to get in that room with them?"  (of course not! was my reply)  With hands on hips, and a very stern look, he then asked,  "Then why do you insist on being with people who are just as vicious?  Just as rabid?" 

Good point!   He's right!  (don't tell him I said that please!  *LOL*)   And it was at that moment that damn proverbial light bulb clicked on!   I guess I just needed that one last shove in the right direction.  

Don't get me wrong, I'm a little sadden that it came down to this.  But as I mentioned above, it's been years in the making.  There's only so much one person can take.   And honestly, I've taken more than my fair share.  Several times!

Seeing how it's Christmas, I decided that its time for others to enjoy the bliss of heartache and horseshit.  *Big Evil Grin*

Ahead of me is a new road.  A Road that is lit up with all sorts of bright lights.  Interesting!  I never noticed that road before!  Guess those new freeze dried bullshit wipers I got actually work!  Huh?  *LOL*


I've given myself the gift of   Making decisions, sticking to them, and making allowances where I need to.    

Merry Christmas Everybody!


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Watch & Share The Video

With the death toll in the Northern Rockies exceeding 1,400 wolves, it's more important than ever for people to stand up and be heard.

As part of our efforts to bring attention to this reckless killing, Defenders of Wildlife has created a powerful two-minute video that emphasizes why continued protection for wolves is crucial. It also illustrates what our nation's wolves could face if the Administration goes forward with their misguided plan to strip nearly all gray wolves in the lower 48 of Endangered Species Act Protections.

Please take a few moments to watch our video. Then help us continue to bring this issue into the national spotlight by sharing with everyone you know and by supporting our work to protect wolves and other imperiled wildlife!

With your help we will continue
  • Fighting in Washington to stop the proposed delisting of nearly all wolves in the lower 48;
  • Being on the ground in local communities to dispel ignorance and counter anti-wolf propaganda; and
  • Working with ranchers, private landowners and others to pioneer non-lethal strategies so that wolves and livestock can peacefully coexist.
Defenders of Wildlife is America's leading wildlife conservation advocacy organization thanks to our scientists, advocacy work, legal team and supporters like you.

To Watch the Video, Please Click HERE