Thursday, July 19, 2012

Embracing All That You are: Part 5

Facing your fears isn't easy.  Then again, no one said it would be! 

That has to be one of  the most grossly under-stated lines ... Ever!   And I speak from experience!

If you been following my blog for the last few months, you already know that one of my fears is standing out -- being seen and heard.  Hard to believe!  I know! But it's true!    However, I am one of these people who prefer to face their fears.  Okay, truthfully -- I face them after a few bouts of holding my breath, making myself sick,  running and hiding, ditching and dodging and all that stuff like that there!   But eventually, I do pull myself together and look my fear right in the eye. 

My fears of being seen and heard stems from my childhood and was compounded throughout the years through a rather interesting series of events.   To make a rather long story short -- each and every time I spoke up, made myself visible ... I was punished and attacked in some way.    This in turn has created a knee-jerk reaction to develop.   It's rather frustrating.  Not only for me -- but for my friends and family as well.  We all know I am very capable!  We all know that when confronted, I have no reservations in standing up for myself or for others.    But when it comes to really standing out -- to letting my light shine fully and brightly -- I will run for cover!

So in the spirit of facing my fears -- I made a conscious decision to follow through on two of my passions.  One was to  complete the books I started.  One of which I have!  Yippee!    The others are still in draft form.  Though they require some heavy duty editing ... I am very pleased to announce...  they are actually written!  Secondly,  to follow my love of entertaining by returning  to Blog Talk Radio.

Returning to doing a radio show was a huge step for me.  And I am not ashamed to say it -- I was terrified!  Literally scared out of my  mind!  Actually got sick two days before the show aired! 

Granted, I'm not new to the internet radio scene.  Far from it.  In fact, I had a weekly talk show on Blog Talk Radio called Namaste Beloved!  which  began airing  in the Spring of 2007.   Before that, I had spent six months as  a co-host on another internet show; and had been guest hosting on numerous other internet radio shows as well.  In short, I had become a "hot property" as far as internet radio shows go. 

During the years Namaste Beloved! was on the air ... it had grown into a very popular show. In fact, in less than a year, the number of listeners went from a humble 10 to over 300 per week.   Even now, the archives are receiving anywhere from 10-15 hits per day.

Now the question I'm sure running through everybody's mind right now is ... why did I quit?  The answer is simple really.  You see, as the show's popularity increased -- so did my fears of standing out in the crowd.     These fears were compounded by a host of incidents -- both on and off line.   Sufficient to say, it isn't any wonder I ran and hid.

Between 1998-2006, I was attending on average ... one funeral a week.   Not only was I dealing with the loss of family members and close friends,  I had two of my clients commit suicide -- 6 months apart from each other.  One of which had killed himself while on the telephone with me.  Then there was  dealing with a  former colleague who went about slandering me all over the internet--that was loads of fun (she says sarcastically).   Not to mention, my family was falling apart at the seams.  Then there was that  lunatic religious zealot of a mother who was constantly admonishing me for not serving her precious false god and terrorizing my children with her hideous tales of Armageddon.  Topping all this off  was the constant pain and agony of bone spurs and advance arthritis, and then getting severely ill. 

Yea, no stretch of the imagination needed here as to why I took off running like I did!

Interestingly enough , even as I was going through all that -- something deep inside of me kept  pushing forward.  But my fears of standing out -- being heard ... was overpowering me.  

Intellectually,  I knew that the only power these fears had was whatever I was giving it.  But how do you convince someone who is down on the floor in a fetal position (metaphorically speaking) that it's all going to be okay?  That everything they are experiencing is more of an illusion than actual reality? 

There isn't really anything you can say or do to convince someone of something they've already made up their minds about.  You can only be there to walk along side them -- bringing comfort when and where needed --lending a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear and a hand to hold --  all the while ... reassuring them ... that they are never alone!

For the most part, I didn't have that.  I was left all alone to deal with my heartache and suffering--my family and friends had all but abandoned me. With only my spirit family by my side, I dealt with my challenges and issues on my own.    All the while -- my spirit family kept urging me to step up and out -- reminding me that there were those in need of my assistance.

Their reminders, however, only seem to  perpetuate the argument of "The Why's."

Why does it have to be me?  Why should I be there for them, when  they wasn't anyone there for me?  Why should I be there for anyone else--what's the point?  Why do I have to be the one taking all the risks?  Why do I have to be the one that is strong?  Why do I have to be the one that gets hurt?  Why? Why? WHY???!!!!

The reply was always ... Why not? Followed by ... if not you -- then who?

Naturally, that little ego of mine had the answer and shouted ... there are a vast number of people all over the world with the same messages.  Nobody needs me to step up.  Those in need can get it elsewhere!  They don't need me to come out of hiding ... taking all the  risks ... taking all the chances of being attacked and hurt again!  Being abandoned.  They'll leave me as soon as they get what they want from me!  They always do!  They'll make fun of me! Call me crazy!  They have in the past!  And they will in the future!  They will give all the credit to someone else who is more knowledgeable! More popular! Leaving you without so much as a thank you!

My spirit companion Antari--  provided me and my little  ego with a counter viewpoint.  Following is an expert from that conversation.

Antari:  It is true that there are many who provide the same information you posses --however,  not everyone will  resonate with those particular individuals.  It is not disparaging these individuals in any way.  No, quite the contrary.   For you see Beloved, what you have forgotten is the one all encompassing truth ...  like attracts like.  

Meaning, there are those who will resonate with you and not others.  Therefore, you are being called upon to present these messages for those who are attracted to your unique energies. 

Julia:  But I don't want to get hurt again.  You have no idea how painful it is to be rejected, attacked and ignored.

Antari:  Question!  Which is greater?  The pain of being hurt by those who live in fear? Or the pain of regret of never helping another soul ... of never living up to your truths?

Julia:  The pain of regret.

Antari:  So by your own admission, the pains of regret of never helping others -- of never living up to your truths-- outweigh those pains of being hurt by those who live in fear?  Am I understanding this correctly?

Julia:  It's more complicated than that.

Antari:  A simple yes or no, Beloved. 

Julia:  Yes.  But  ...

Antari:  In essence, you fear regret of not living up to your truths more than facing the  pain and suffering at the hands of those who live in fear?  Is this correct?

 Julia:  Yes.  But  ... you don't seem to understand.  You're not here in the physical with a physical body.

Antari:  Ah! I see!  I am incapable of understanding greater truths because I am not a physical being?  

Julia:  Well ... yea!

Antari:  With that being said, I am compelled to ask ... what is your excuse?

Julia:  *sigh*

Antari: You are most welcome Beloved!


Like so many of you,  I had covered up that one particular fear of regret with  other fears I believed to be more important.  Once broken down -- those other fears only proved to be distractions.  A literal cover up to what was far more important to me.  The voice that was trying so hard to be heard.  The  "divine" nudging that was so desperately urging me to face the true fear that dwells deep within.  The fear  of not living up to my truths!  The fear Of not being ME!

So ... In closing ... I pose the question to you ... which is your greater fear? 

(Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress I Born! )

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Forgiveness: Part 1

 "The act of forgiveness is not the condoning of any action that causes pain, it is the refusal to carry the pain inflicted by that action." ~Grandmother to The Oracle, Children of the Luminaries: Book III~The Day of Reckoning

Long ago, when I had asked about forgiveness, the answer I received was simplistic in nature. Though it is nothing new, the message bears repeating.

When we forgive, we are not condoning the action that caused us pain.  On the contrary! When we forgive -- we are in refusing to carry any and all pain inflicted by that action.

A Hard Habit To Break

 As human experiencers, we develop a wide variety of habits. No greater habit have any of us than the holding on to pain.

It doesn't matter how long ago it was inflicted, it doesn't matter how far we have come in our conscious awareness ... our habit of holding on to our pain is ever present.  It is a habit that we hold near & dear to our collective hearts. 

We hold on to our pain as though it were a matter of life or death. Why? While the reasons vary, the root of this issue is fear.
  • Fear of not having purpose.
  • Fear of facing our true feelings. Fear of taking responsibility.
  • Fear of owning up to any mistakes we may have made or imagined we made.
  • Fear of being unworthy, of being unloved, unwanted.
Above all these ... 
  • Fear of our own individual power. 

 We scare ourselves on a regular basis with stories we have been told and continue to tell ourselves about Our Selves.

We know instinctively we are powerful beings -- but yet we hold on to the pain in lieu of our power. We fear being seen as arrogant if we choose to live in our power.

So we hold on to the pain in order to blend in -- to be just like everybody else! And just like everybody else -- we begin to forget who and what we truly are.   And ... Just like everybody else -- we suffer needlessly and unnecessarily. 

The pain we hold on to allows us to feel. So we hold on to it--with all our being.

As long as we are feeling pain ... we are feeling something. Right? 

The pain allows us to remain in the state of forgetfulness -- all so we don't have to take responsibility for our lives. It's better to let someone else take responsibility for our misery.

After all ... they are the reason we are in so much pain. Right?

We hold on to the pain so we can punish those who caused the suffering. 

If we suffer ... then they surely will suffer more by watching us live in so much misery.  Right?

We vow to live in our misery as a shining reminder of what a horrible person they are or were. Right?


Embracing vs. Holding On To

There is a vast difference between embracing and holding on to any and all energies.

When we hold on to something that has caused us pain -- we are forcing ourselves to relive the misery over and over again.  We continuously victimize ourselves by holding on to the pain.

Embracing, on the other hand, allows the energies to fuse within our very being, causing them to vibrate at a higher vibration.  This in turns, allows us to view the action and/or actions as the observer.  Placing the pain in a brighter light where it no longer holds us prisoner.   From this stance, we are no longer the victim, but merely the observer of what was and no longer is.   It puts control back at our finger tips.   By embracing the energies, you have authority to either keep them, blend them and fuse them within your being or give them permission to leave.  Freeing yourself from any further victimization.

So the  questions I pose to you now are ... If you embrace your pain ... give it permission to go ...  what is the worst that could happen? What do you believe would happen if you chose to forgive?

If you choose to hold on to that pain, chose not to forgive --  What benefits will that pain continue to bring you?    What have you derived or what will you derive from holding on to past hurts? 

As with any habit you have developed -- the habit of living in the state of unforgiveness can be broken. 

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe ... 
it will most assuredly achieve. 

The choice is yours. It has always been yours to make. You need only make it! 

Many insist they can't forgive their abusers.

Many believe that in forgiving would give their abusers the freedom to do whatever they want -- whenever they want. 

Trust me when I say, irregardless of what you do or don't do, your abuser will continue on with their lives. 

Holding on to the pain they inflicted upon you will not stop others from carrying on with their abuse.

By the same token, letting go of the pain will not stop others from choosing to continue on with their deeds either.  They will carry on as they always have. But it isn't about them--is it?

So the question remains ... what do you have to lose? In all seriousness ... what do you have to lose by refusing to hold on to all that pain?

By refusing to carry it with you?

Holding on to the pain is truly a hard habit to break! But it is one that can be broken!

Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

    PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

    Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

    Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

    All Rights Reserved©™

    Saturday, July 7, 2012

    Embracing All That You Are: Part 4

    "...The greatest danger facing us is ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. But there's no such thing as 'the unknown,' only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."   - Captain Kirk, Star Trek


     As more and more of the human race awaken from their long soul slumber, we all begin to experience back to back shifts of consciousness.

    Long gone are the days when those shifts occurred once every few months or years!

    Now it's literally every other day! 

    As those shifts occur -- we collectively have this knee-jerk reaction  to pull back and go into hiding.  And there's a reason for that.

     As most of you are aware, Ego sees change--any change-- as a threat!

    Quick to respond, Ego's first reaction is to talk you into becoming invisible, so as to not be seen by the  perceived enemy.   And if Ego can't get you to comply -- then it begins using guilt, shame, and other various fears. It sets out to  use whatever and whomever is available  to enhance those feelings.  All to force you to cooperate.

    On the off chance you do manage to thwart it's maneuvers  through some kind of distraction or by simply ignoring it, you have only a short time before Ego returns for more of the same!

    while it may bring you a reprieve -- Ignoring it -- Distracting your attention from it --  are all temporary fixes!  It doesn't resolve anything.   Not really.

    Or haven't you noticed that?

    A skillful opportunist, Ego will patiently wait for you to be off your guard and apply its tactics again and again and again. Each return-- stronger than before.

    So bottom line?  Ignoring or distracting one's self from these feelings -- not a good idea!


    In my conversations with my spirit companion Antari, he presented me with the following analogy:

    Ego is nothing more than a child who has been left in charge of taking care,  and being given possession of, everything you call your Self.

    Now, imagine an actual small child being being put in charge of a room full of  toys and food!  Now imagine the child's reaction if only one or two things are taken from that room?   Now what do you suppose  that child would do in that situation?

    Angry, the child throws a major temper tantrum!  Threats ensue, followed by attempts of guilt & shame!

    What happens when you ignore the child's fits of anger?  Or attempt to distract it?

    Now notice what occurs when you  ...  Firmly, lovingly and patiently reassure the child that it still has more than enough to take care of.  

    Take note of what happens when you  tell the child how proud and grateful you are for how brave and wonderful they have been--and continue to be.  Letting the child know what a fantastic job it has done taking care of so much -- for so long!  And all by themselves!

    Notice how the child's face lights up!  Beaming with pride!

    Now see what takes place when you remind the child, that while you still need them -- will always need them while you're here -- you now need to take some of that stuff out of the room.  Remind them they are still responsible for keeping things safe here in this room.  How you need them to keep it safe!  That no one else can do that job ... but them!  Then watch their reaction.

    Now ... Hug that child!  Tell that child how much you love and appreciate them.  And watch the child's reaction.  Tell them how sorry you are for placing such huge responsibilities on it's tiny shoulders.  Tell the child how sorry you are for ignoring it for so long -- for trying to cover it's demands over with other things or ignoring it altogether.  Ask the child for forgiveness as you hold them tight in your arms.    

    See what happens?

    Like a real child, Ego needs love and reassurance.  It requires--and demands-- acknowledgement, acceptance and appreciation.   And like a real child -- it will perceive you and your actions as a threat if you ignore it or try to distract it as you snatch it's things away.

    (Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born)


    The on-going mindset to distract, eradicate and ignore, not only our own ego, but any emotions we have deemed negative,  has only served to perpetuate a vicious cycle of frustration and aggravation with seemingly no end in sight.

     Aren't you a little tired of that?  Aren't you ready to try something that will get you off that treadmill of perpetual madness?

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, in the same way -- expecting different results! 

    Are you ready to be sane?  Are you prepared to jump off that endless treadmill of doing the same thing -- in the same way .... never realizing your full potential?

    Are you ready to Embrace All That You Are?


    As we continue to expand our awakened state and grow into maturity, many of us are slowly discovering the importance of   Embracing All That You Are.

    Embracing All That You Are (which includes your Ego, and all those emotions it brings) allows all aspects of our true Self to form into one harmonious blend of energies.  

     It's hard (in the beginning).  No one said it would be easy!

    And it can be pretty damn scary -- at first!   But at the same time ... very exciting!

    Embrace ALL That You Are!
    For YOU are ALL that there is!

    Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.  

    In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

      PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

      Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

      Friday, June 29, 2012

      Facing Your Fear of Being Visible: Part 1 ~ Standing Out

      In this blog series, I will be sharing snippets from my personal  journey into the fears of being visible ... of standing out!



      ~Challenges that arise do so in order to push you out of your comfort zone.~ Antari

      For those who fear being visible -- of standing out ... the challenges can be more than a little uncomfortable--they can be downright crippling at times!   

      Over the years, despite, or rather in spite of, my numerous personal challenges ... I've managed to acquire the reputation of being personable,  out-going and out-spoken.    A real people person.  A natural born actress whose stage is anywhere she is standing.  Who ... when she walks into a room, brings her own spotlight!

      I'll admit that over the years,  I've developed  this knack for entertaining folks wherever I find myself.   Never having a loss for words, I  can hold a conversation with anyone. And I do mean ... anyone.

      I wasn't always like that mind you.  In fact, looking at me now, you would have never guessed that I was once a painfully shy, over-weight, cross-eyed, near-sited little tomboy with a speech impediment and stutter.

      I'm still a bit chunky and near-sited, but  thanks to a great optometrist, I'm not as cross-eyed as I once was.    And countless hours of private practice, along with a handful of a few kind supporters,  my stuttering and speech impediment finally came to an end.  Well ... almost!  It still comes out when I get excited!

      In spite of all my accomplishments, I still carry this one little secret.  It's a secret only a select number of people actually know about me.    

      I hate standing out in a crowd!   I really hate being seen!  Being Visible.  Being in the spotlight!!!

      Rather hard to believe isn't it?  However, many of my close friends can tell you of the numerous times I had come close to being famous only to immediately pull away.  While fame has never been my goal, it is  something that follows me like a stray dog wherever I go.

      Naturally there are valid reasons for my fears -- which will be revealed over the next few installments  of this blog series.  


      A walking contradiction. This was how my high school English teacher, Miss Hawkins,  described me.  I still remember that conversation she and I had one day before class.   She knelt down in front of my desk and whispered ...  I finally figured you out.   You're a walking contradiction!  But I want you to know -- I want you to remember -- how very proud I am of you for facing your fears like that!  That shows real class sweetie! And you're one classy lady!  I hope and pray you never lose that!  The world needs more people like you!

      Have to tell you -- that scared me a little bit. Okay! It scared the crap out of me!  But even so,  I think that's what kept me going all this time.

      It really helps when you know someone believes in you.


      Looking over my life, I clearly see that  I am still a walking contradiction. 

      On the one hand ... I thoroughly enjoy sharing my knowledge with people.  On the other hand ... having to interact with  people -- especially in person-- unnerves me .

      Naturally -- like many of you -- I have my reasons for feeling this way.  And like most of you, I have had my share of opposition.   And working through that opposition can (and oftentimes does) sends you reeling back a few steps.


      Time and time again, I have been met with the ill-informed opinions  of people, the harsh and cruel judgments they pass, their lies, and their overall pettiness.   Being publicly slandered by these same types of people didn't help my situation either!

      The truth is ... these are nothing more than excuses.  Poor ones to boot!   And I say that because, I am reminded of some rather outstanding people all throughout history, who had to endure similar situations and experiences.  They kept on keeping on! They plowed through all the freeze dried bullshit of opinionated people and their lies, judgments and ill-conceived notions of what should and should not be.   And most, if not all of them, had been brutally slandered!

      Whenever I find myself pulling back, I keep thinking about some of them.   Then the question pops up... where would we all be had they given in to their fear of standing out -- of being visible?

      Jesus,  Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, The Wright Brothers, Alexander Grahm Bell,  Henry Ford, Martin Luther King, Jack & Bobby Kennedy, and a host of others.  Had they all listened to the nay sayers of their day.... if they  had all given into their individual fears of being visible-- Of standing out -- where would we all be?

      Well I think you can guess!


      Like all of those who came before us ... we too have something to offer the world!  Other wise, we would not be here!  While it would be nice  not to have to face opposition of any kind -- it is to be expected.  And of course, keeping in mind,  any challenges that arises--do so in order to push us out of our comfort zone.    Right?  Right!

      The fear of being visible -- of standing out -- didn't stop any of these great teachers, leaders and inventors.  Yea, it may have slowed them down a time or two -- but what set them apart from everyone else -- was their persistence in working through those fears! 

      By following their example, I have stepped out of the proverbial closet.  Faced my fears -- and continue to work through them.  Baby steps every inch of the way!  But they are steps ... nonetheless!   And I have made a vow to help others do the same!  Because I know ... there are people out there ... just like me ... who need a helping hand!  Who need someone who has "been there-- done that!"

      No ... it ain't easy!  Not by a long shot!  Then again .... no one said it would be!  But I am a firm believer, that we can over come anything ... once we set our mind to it!  And the best part is ... we don't have to do it all  alone!

      "If all we have is each other ... then we're already one step ahead of the opposition!"    ~Virginia Lane Moore, my maternal grandmother.

      (Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born )

      Embrace ALL that you are!
      For you ARE ... ALL that there is! 


      Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

      In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 


        PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

        Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

        Saturday, June 23, 2012

        Helping You Stick To Your Truths

        I help people Stick To Their Truths! And I do this through my uniquely specialized one-on-one coaching sessions that I have developed over the years called "The Zen of Duct Tape"  Empowerment Coaching sessions. 

        More Than It Implies ...

         The ZEN of Duct Tape  Empowerment Coaching  is  not about how to use duct tape!  And no, I don't actually use duct tape on you during our time together.  But I do use allot of duct tape metaphors  to help you reach a deeper level of understanding.  

        The ZEN of Duct Tape Empowerment Coaching is an integration of a wide variety of healing modalities.  Such as,  but not limited to, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique aka Tapping), Chakra clearings, Ho'Oponopono, Quantum Energy Techniques and Self Emergence processes.   

        Because each of my clients are all unique, my sessions are based on the needs of that individual.  No two are ever alike --each private session is a custom fit for that particular client -- for that particular session.

        The Teacher comforts the afflicted!  
        But there are times when the Teacher must afflict the comfort!

         -- Please Be Advised -- 
        My Consultations Are Not Intended For Everyone.   

        If ...  you are seeking a quick fix ... this is not for you!

        If ...  you are not willing to do the work necessary ... this definitely ... is not for you!

         If ... you think this is a joke ... Keep Moving!


        For those of you wondering why you should have a coach -- please check out my article on "Why Choose a Coach?"  Click HERE
        Of course, the question still  remains:  Why should you choose me over all the other coaches out there? 

        And my answer to you is:  I'm not going to insult your intelligence nor waste your time with all the hype and "marketing" catch phrases that so many use.   As a matter of fact, I am going to tell you point blank that if you feel like you shouldn't choose me as your coach!  Then don't!

        It's that simple!

        However, keep in mind that if you're stuck in any give life situation -- I am always here to help!



        Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

        In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.

          PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

          Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

          Thursday, June 21, 2012

          Embracing All That You Are: Part 3

          So how is suppressing all your negative thinking  coming along?  How is all your attempts at eliminating,  your "shadow side" working out for you?  

          What's that you say?  You're Finding yourself having to repeatedly face them time and time and time again?  Feeling like you are caught in a never ending loop do you?

          There's a reason for that!   Keep reading ....

          As we all know (or should know by now) ... energy cannot be destroyed or eliminated! 

          Energies, whether you label them good or bad,  can only be directed, guided and shifted.     Okay, that's worth repeating!

          No Energy can be destroyed or eliminated!  

          Energies, whether you label them good or bad,  
          can only be directed, guided and shifted. 

          We are all experiencing Everything!  Every emotion known is felt by each of us!  To deny even one aspect of your Self ... label it as bad ... to stuff it all down and ignore any of it .... Is not accepting All that you are.

          And when you are not accepting ALL of who and what you are ... You are NOT Whole!

          Everything you experience is a part of you.  Everything!  No exceptions!

          Energies will not leave if you suppress them.  They'll just sit there waiting for the opportunity to POP OUT.    To EXPLODE out of control!   While you may feel relieved at that given time ... sooner or later you're going to feel just awful for it.  You'll find yourself with feelings of inadequacies and disappointments and more rage and more freeze dried bullshit than you can shake a stick at!

          Seriously ... is that the way you want to continue living your human life?

          Then there are those who are under the misguided belief that you can actually eliminate, eradicate and/or destroy energies like anger, hatred, fears.    I know -- I use to be one of them!

          Folks -- you CANNOT under any shape, form or fashion .... eliminate, eradicate and/or destroy any energies!  You can only Guide -- Direct ... and SHIFT ... Any and ALL Energies!  Good, bad, indifferent or down right fugly!

          As long as we are in human form  ... we must unlearn all that we were taught about emotions/energies and begin to embrace all that we are!

          By embracing all these energies we have labeled bad or negative ... we begin to learn how to Guide--Direct--Shift them into a higher frequency!

          And guess what happens to all those little nagging so called negative energies when we embrace them, love them and accept them?  They integrate within our energetic bodies!  On their own! Without any force whatsoever.    And when they pop up now and then ... they don't bother us like they once did.  Why?  Because now ... you have learned to guide, direct and shift those energies.  And too, those so called "negative" energies are now vibrating at  higher frequencies were they can no longer do any harm.

          Pretty Groovy .... ain't it?

          There is nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain when embracing all that we are!  The infinite freedoms you enjoy is ... well ... Infinite!!!

          It's a wondrous moment when the realization finally sets in that you truly are ALL that there is!

          Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

          In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 


            PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

            Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited

            Wednesday, June 20, 2012

            Embracing All That You Are: Part 2

            Embracing All That You Are is not a belief that limits you or hinders you in any way.  It is a knowing that allows you Freedom!


            To help you understand Embracing ALL That You Are ... here is my list that I have created for MY - SELF.  It is but a small fraction of all that I am.  But I think you will get the gist!  

            I EMBRACE ALL MY ....
            • Insecurities               
            • Doubt
            • Anger                      
            • Ignorance
            • All Fears -- great and small
            • Intolerance
            • Sorrow, pain and sadness          
            • Bigotry
            • Shallowness                 
            •  Selfishness
            • Control Freak in me              
            • Stupidity
            • Neediness and Greediness          
            • Pride
            • Hatred                  
            • Lies
            • Resentment                  
            • Hypocrisy
            • Self-Centeredness              
            • Temper
            • Failures  
            • Manipulativeness 
            •  All Judgments -- past, present and future
            I EMBRACE ALL MY ....
            • Love                      
            • Joy
            • Contentment                  
            • Gratitude
            • Laughter                   
            • Wisdom
            • Knowledge                  
            • Graciousness
            • Generosity                  
            • Silliness
            • Boldness                  
            • Courage
            • Creativity
            • Talents & Gifts

             I LOVE and EXPRESS MY HEART-FELT GRATITUDE for All these things stated , and for all things not mentioned.   

            I Embrace All  that I am, because I am All things, feelings and experiences. 

            I Embrace it All, Love it All, Greatly Appreciate it All …  so that I may be Free!

            Because … I AM Free!


            Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

            In the style of Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

            PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

            Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited