My thoughts on the passing of 2012 is going to be short and sweet. And if you believe it's possible for me to do anything in the style of short and sweet -- I have a few Mayan calendars I'd like to sell you! *LOL*
Like all the years past, 2012 has brought me a few growth spurts. I think what sets 2012 apart from years gone by is ... the spurts actually took hold and stayed put!
While I still have a very, very long way to go ... I can say with some measure of confidence... I did pretty damn well in 2012. Yea, I had some major fuck ups along the way. But if it weren't for those fuck ups, I wouldn't have learned would I?
Along with many others, I have born witness to a great multitude awakening from their soul comas. Though at the risk of sounding cynical ... I believe that most of these alleged "awakened" beings will fall back to "sleep" come the stroke of midnight 12/22/12. In fact, I'm willing to wager that upon witnessing the absence of a Celestial brew ha-ha, they will go back doing whatever the hell they were doing before they ... "awakened." Leaving behind anything that remotely resembles an awakened state. There will be many more who will say... See? I told you so! Nothing happened. Nothing ever will. blah blah blah. And then there will be many more who will forever swear off anything that is spiritual and/or religous least until there is another threat of some world ending calamity; or an actual eye opening Celestial occurence or space ships landing on the White House front lawn or they catch somebody literally walking on water!
As for the rest of us who have been trudging along endlessly for years and years and years and years... we will, of course, continue plodding through the shifts and shafts of the energetic upheavals yet to come. Because we know--we just know--that the awakened state comes in various stages. Like a game of Pac Man, we know that we have to complete each level before being taken to the next. *sigh* And we also know that we don't always complete it the first few times around.
Sadly, not many get that metaphor. Nor do they fully understand the "awakening process" and all that it truly entails. No one can do it for you! Which is something a lot of folks just don't get. Would you believe that there are people who pay other people to clear and cleanse them in order to reach that awakened state??? Really! Yea. oy vey! Oh and by the way--I still got a few of those Mayan calendars left if anyone is interested. *LOLOL*
I don't know. Maybe I've gotten too old for this shit. Maybe I've just gotten tired of repeating myself over and over and over and OVER again to the Nth dimension and back. Maybe it's both! It's as if I've been trapped in a really bad summer rerun that never ends. Which very well may explain all the deja vu going around. Could be!
All I know is ... I'm ready for it! Whatever "it" may or may not be ... I'm ready.
They say as you moved to the next levels, you start to remember all that you've forgotten -- and forget all that you thought you knew. And yes, I realize there will be some of you who will be scratching heads and asses and going WTF? When you get "there" -- you'll get what I just said. Trust me. You will!
In short -- I know there are a great deal I know for certain. Things I may never share with this dimensional earth plane. Things that are difficult to put into words --- things that can only be experienced to fully understand. And I am truly grateful that I have finally remembered those ... "things". And no, my gratitude doesn't stop there. Because I know there will be thousands upon thousands who will know things for certain as well. Things they can't put into words -- things they will say to others ... "it's just one of those things you have to experience." :-)
As 2012 comes to a close ... I look around me and see so much I am truly grateful for. I can look back and see how very far I have come. And I can look ahead with a joy I don't remember having before. It's a great feeling.
I've seen the future and while it may be glorious ... it doesn't compare to the Present! The Here & Now.
May your Holidays be filled with great Joy! May you wake up on December 22 and over flowing with gratitude. May your New Year bring you rememberances of your Truths. And May You always Stay focused on the Present!
May You Never Forget That YOU are ALL that there Is! And to Embrace It ALL -- every nuance!
With Great Love, Appreciation and Devotion ...
Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole. The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™, The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality™ are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.
All Rights Reserved©™
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Paying It Forward This Christmas
Is Paying It Forward on your Christmas List this year?
Well, here are just a few ways you can check it off!
Donate Food for Needy families with pets.
Find one in your Area
Here in Louisville you can donate to No Kill Louisville:
If there isn't an animal food bank in your area, then start one!
Cross-Post, Tweet and/or post on your other online social networks!
See a pet in need on Face Book? Then pay it forward by cross-posting, tweeting and/or adding to your other online social networks. They DO work when it comes to helping others in need!
The Toys For Tots Foundation
Feed The Children
The American Red Cross
These are only a few suggestions on how you can Pay It Forward this Christmas.
From My Family To Yours ...
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Well, here are just a few ways you can check it off!
- Volunteer at your local Homeless Shelter.
- Serve a hot meal to a neighbor or a stranger if you so desire.
- Visit/Volunteer at a Nursing Home and/or Children's home.
- Your Local Shelter Is In Need Year Round!
- Foster, Rescue or Adopt a Pet from your Local Shelter.Shelters are Always looking for donations in the form of money, blankets, cleaning supplies, food, toys.
- Volunteer to hold and play with kittens and pups and/or walk a dog.
Donate Food for Needy families with pets.
Find one in your Area
Here in Louisville you can donate to No Kill Louisville:
If there isn't an animal food bank in your area, then start one!
Cross-Post, Tweet and/or post on your other online social networks!
See a pet in need on Face Book? Then pay it forward by cross-posting, tweeting and/or adding to your other online social networks. They DO work when it comes to helping others in need!
The Toys For Tots Foundation
Feed The Children
The American Red Cross
These are only a few suggestions on how you can Pay It Forward this Christmas.
From My Family To Yours ...
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am Grateful For EVERYTHING!
The Good as well as the Bad! The Wonderful and The Challenging. The Best and The Worst. And everything like that there!
I Love Because I Can! I Raise Hell whenever the opportunity lends itself! I weeble and wobble and yes I do fall down. But I Always get right back up! A little slower now -- but I make it eventually!
I have people in my life who Love me despite of AND in spite of my many flaws. I have people in my life who hate me and oppose me because of my numerous short-comings. And I LOVE THEM ALL!!! Not because I HAVE to -- but simply because I WANT to!
Even though I get really aggravated with some of the freeze dried bullshit that goes on both On and Off line --all around the world -- I am truly thankful for the experiences.
All That We Behold Is Full of Blessings! ~ William Wordsworth
Happy Thanksgiving One & All!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and
down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so
delightful way.
Currently, Julia only does consultations either on the telephone or through online chat. To schedule a personal one-on-one session with Julia, or to inquire further of the services she provides, and pricing of her consultations, please send an email with the subject heading: PERSONAL SESSION to
The Good as well as the Bad! The Wonderful and The Challenging. The Best and The Worst. And everything like that there!
I Love Because I Can! I Raise Hell whenever the opportunity lends itself! I weeble and wobble and yes I do fall down. But I Always get right back up! A little slower now -- but I make it eventually!
I have people in my life who Love me despite of AND in spite of my many flaws. I have people in my life who hate me and oppose me because of my numerous short-comings. And I LOVE THEM ALL!!! Not because I HAVE to -- but simply because I WANT to!
Even though I get really aggravated with some of the freeze dried bullshit that goes on both On and Off line --all around the world -- I am truly thankful for the experiences.
All That We Behold Is Full of Blessings! ~ William Wordsworth
Happy Thanksgiving One & All!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
Currently, Julia only does consultations either on the telephone or through online chat. To schedule a personal one-on-one session with Julia, or to inquire further of the services she provides, and pricing of her consultations, please send an email with the subject heading: PERSONAL SESSION to
NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the
individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no
ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created
using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the
appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique
licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
It's Up To You! (warning: Rant)
While I was preparing an article on Domestic Violence Awareness, I came upon a photo collage of a young woman whose face was all busted up and bloodied. The caption of this picture read: My boyfriend beats me up -- but I love him though!
After seeing this picture, I tossed my original article in lieu of a good old fashioned rant.
** If you are easily offended ...
NOW is a good time to close out this blog**
For any of you who are currently in a relationship where your significant other is abusing you, on any level, in any manner ... I want you to listen up.
If you are staying with someone who is verbally and/or physically abusing you --
Allowing someone to use you for a punching bag is NOT Love! It is fear! And fear & Love cannot reside in the same space at the same exact time!
If they are abusing you -- they do NOT love you!
If they loved you -- they would never want to hurt you.
If they are abusing you -- it is NOT your fault! Your abuser is a sick fuck! End of story! No matter how much you love them! No matter how hard you try to be good -- it will NEVER be good enough for your abuser! Why? Because they are sick twisted fucks!
Your abusers are never truly sorry! While your abuser may say the words "I'm sorry!" they do not EVER mean it! They are control freaks with an agenda. And their agenda is to keep you chained to their sick twisted controlling ways.
Read the following ... very carefully.
If your significant other ...
An abuser will make every attempt to control you, manipulate you and isolate you. This is their proven formula.
And do not EVER believe them when they say they didn't mean to hit you that one time. And that they will never do it again.
If they hit you ONCE -- they WILL do it again and again ... AND AGAIN!
You cannot change these sick fucks! You can only drop kick their ass to the curb and leave! You cannot believe one word these sick assholes say -- they are very convincing pathological liars! They wouldn't know the truth if it walked up to them and bit them on the nose!
You are NOT somebody's fucking punching bag! You are NOT responsible for your abuser's behavior! You are NOT to blame for their bullshit! You have NOTHING to be ashamed of! And you are NOT ALONE!
End of Story!
If you, or someone you know, care about & love, is in an abusive relationship, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
Or visit them on the web at
There are safe places to go. People who are qualified and experienced to help.
Again ... You are NOT alone! And you have NOTHING to be ashamed of!
Please! If you are currently in an abusive relationship -- get out NOW! There are places to go that are safe! And you will be protected. You will get the help you need to get away from your abuser. But YOU have to take that first step!
It's Up to YOU!
Below are some more resources to find help! Please Share this information! Do All that you can to help those you know who are being abused to get out of that situation!
Domestic Violence is EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS!
National Domestic Violence Website:
Resources For Men who are victims of Domestic Violence:
You're Not Alone Domestic Abuse Hotline 888-743-5754
Safe Horizon
Domestic Violence International Resources:
After seeing this picture, I tossed my original article in lieu of a good old fashioned rant.
NOW is a good time to close out this blog**
For any of you who are currently in a relationship where your significant other is abusing you, on any level, in any manner ... I want you to listen up.
If you are staying with someone who is verbally and/or physically abusing you --
Allowing someone to use you for a punching bag is NOT Love! It is fear! And fear & Love cannot reside in the same space at the same exact time!
If they are abusing you -- they do NOT love you!
If they loved you -- they would never want to hurt you.
If they are abusing you -- it is NOT your fault! Your abuser is a sick fuck! End of story! No matter how much you love them! No matter how hard you try to be good -- it will NEVER be good enough for your abuser! Why? Because they are sick twisted fucks!
Your abusers are never truly sorry! While your abuser may say the words "I'm sorry!" they do not EVER mean it! They are control freaks with an agenda. And their agenda is to keep you chained to their sick twisted controlling ways.
Read the following ... very carefully.
If your significant other ...
- is calling you and/or texting you for no other reason than to check up on you ... then gets angry when you don't reply immediately ...
- gets overly upset whenever you have family or friends over or when you are talking to them ...
- gets all bent out of shape if their meals aren't prepared when they want them, nit picks at every tiny thing, bitches constantly about how the house looks, wants to know why you are a few minutes late getting back from the store or anywhere else ...
It is a proven fact!
An abuser will make every attempt to control you, manipulate you and isolate you. This is their proven formula.
And do not EVER believe them when they say they didn't mean to hit you that one time. And that they will never do it again.
If they hit you ONCE -- they WILL do it again and again ... AND AGAIN!
You cannot change these sick fucks! You can only drop kick their ass to the curb and leave! You cannot believe one word these sick assholes say -- they are very convincing pathological liars! They wouldn't know the truth if it walked up to them and bit them on the nose!
You are NOT somebody's fucking punching bag! You are NOT responsible for your abuser's behavior! You are NOT to blame for their bullshit! You have NOTHING to be ashamed of! And you are NOT ALONE!
End of Story!
If you, or someone you know, care about & love, is in an abusive relationship, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
Or visit them on the web at
There are safe places to go. People who are qualified and experienced to help.
Again ... You are NOT alone! And you have NOTHING to be ashamed of!
Please! If you are currently in an abusive relationship -- get out NOW! There are places to go that are safe! And you will be protected. You will get the help you need to get away from your abuser. But YOU have to take that first step!
It's Up to YOU!
Below are some more resources to find help! Please Share this information! Do All that you can to help those you know who are being abused to get out of that situation!
Domestic Violence is EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS!
National Domestic Violence Website:
Resources For Men who are victims of Domestic Violence:
You're Not Alone Domestic Abuse Hotline 888-743-5754
Safe Horizon
Domestic Violence International Resources:
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
We have an URGENT plea from JB Ogle regarding their cats and kittens.
EVERY SINGLE cage and crate is filled...they have cats in every room of
the shelter and they cannot possibly save all them without immediate
help. PLEASE go there and foster, tell your neighbors to foster, call
friends about the situation, share on your facebook page, ANYTHING to
help get these poor unfortunate animals out of there. This is an
emergency situation and we need everyone's help NOW. Here is JB Ogle's
J. B. Ogle Animal Shelter
201 Willinger Lane
Jeffersonville IN
Phone: 8
Hours: Mon-Friday 8:3
0-5:30 Animals may be viewed after 11:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00
Directions to JB Ogle Shelter from Louisville, Kentucky (approx. 5
minutes from downtown Louisville) Get on 65 North; get off of at exit 2,
Eastern Blvd. Go straight till it dead ends. Turn Left onto Spring
Street. Go 3/4 mile and take a left on Willinger. The shelter is at the
end of Willinger.
Phone: 8
Hours: Mon-Friday 8:3
0-5:30 Animals may be viewed after 11:00 Saturday 11:00-3:00
Directions to JB Ogle Shelter from Louisville, Kentucky (approx. 5 minutes from downtown Louisville) Get on 65 North; get off of at exit 2, Eastern Blvd. Go straight till it dead ends. Turn Left onto Spring Street. Go 3/4 mile and take a left on Willinger. The shelter is at the end of Willinger.

PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Embrace All That You Are: Part 6
One of the people I adore, admire and respect is pop star sensation Lady Ga Ga. She's not only a talented performer and entertainer, but she is outrageous, bold and courageous. And I Love IT!
In my humble opinion, Lady Ga Ga is one of the few people in this world who outwardly exemplifies embracing all that they are!
What can I say? I Love Ga Ga! She is who she is -- and she makes no apologies for it!
Please know that, I'm no way under any misguided belief that she has no issues. She's only human after all! However, whatever issues she may have or had -- makes Lady Ga Ga a shining example of embracing all that you are. And I adore her for it!
Recently I was reading a recent newsletter from EFT Practitioner and Author, Margaret Lynch (another talented and truly gifted woman I Love to pieces!). In it she talked about how Rolling Stone Magazine had referred to Lady Ga Ga's then recent release -- The Edge of Glory -- was boring. *LOL*
Can you just imagine Lady Ga Ga ... boring?
To be honest, when I first saw the video for The Edge of Glory, my immediate reaction was how tamed the video was. I mean ... c'mon! Compared to all her videos ... it was tamed! But boring? No, don't think so!
But Rolling Stone's take on the whole matter was very interesting. Margaret brought out some very profound thoughts on the subject in her newsletter. Here's an excerpt:
"Wow, imagine that! Imagine being so fearlessly over-the-top outrageous on such a regular basis that performing in a “dominatrix swimsuit” gets called boring. Seriously! Just as interesting, they seem to respect this toned down move as actually taking courage…for her, that is. "
Now the whole point to Margaret's newsletter was to inspire us all to be free and courageous in expressing ourselves with absolute abandonment. To be ourselves in utter completeness. She even included a great tapping script to help us get there! (dont' forget to sign up to Margaret's newsletters so you don't miss all those goodies!)
SPECIAL NOTE: For more information on Margaret Lynch, please visit her site at Be sure to sign up for Margaret's newsletter!! It's always packed with great information and tapping tips!
Like my friend Margaret, I urge you to take a moment to think how it would feel--how totally wonderful it would feel-- to be that free. Allow yourself to really feel how it would be to truly Embrace All That You Are and really show it outwardly.
I'm not asking you to be like Lady Ga Ga (unless, of course you want to dress up in some wild costume and do some lip synching to your favorite Ga Ga tune -- by all means do it! *LOL*). No, what I am urging you to do is ... Embrace All That You Are -- Everything you are, then boldly stand in that truth of Who and What you Are! Allowing NO ONE to shame you or convince you of being anything less!
To help you in this exercise ... pick three people (living or dead) whom you admire. Write it down on a piece of paper. Now, on this same piece of paper, under the names of each of those people you chose, write down what you admire about them. What are some of their attributes that are called to your attention?
Guess what? Those attributes of those three people you chose -- are the very same attributes IN YOU!
The physical mind has to have a point of reference in order to recognize anything. So unless you possess those qualities yourself -- you can't see them in others.
Good, bad or indifferent -- Embrace All These Things--because you are ... All These Things! Give unconditional thanks for them all being in your life! And express unconditional Love for each and every single one of them.
Try it! If only just for one day! Try it! Let me know how it makes you feel.
If you have any questions and/or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me!
"Don't hide yourself in regret -- just love yourself and you're set! You're on the Right Track Baby!" ~ Lady Ga Ga
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
In my humble opinion, Lady Ga Ga is one of the few people in this world who outwardly exemplifies embracing all that they are!
What can I say? I Love Ga Ga! She is who she is -- and she makes no apologies for it!
Please know that, I'm no way under any misguided belief that she has no issues. She's only human after all! However, whatever issues she may have or had -- makes Lady Ga Ga a shining example of embracing all that you are. And I adore her for it!
Recently I was reading a recent newsletter from EFT Practitioner and Author, Margaret Lynch (another talented and truly gifted woman I Love to pieces!). In it she talked about how Rolling Stone Magazine had referred to Lady Ga Ga's then recent release -- The Edge of Glory -- was boring. *LOL*
Can you just imagine Lady Ga Ga ... boring?
To be honest, when I first saw the video for The Edge of Glory, my immediate reaction was how tamed the video was. I mean ... c'mon! Compared to all her videos ... it was tamed! But boring? No, don't think so!
But Rolling Stone's take on the whole matter was very interesting. Margaret brought out some very profound thoughts on the subject in her newsletter. Here's an excerpt:
"Wow, imagine that! Imagine being so fearlessly over-the-top outrageous on such a regular basis that performing in a “dominatrix swimsuit” gets called boring. Seriously! Just as interesting, they seem to respect this toned down move as actually taking courage…for her, that is. "
Now the whole point to Margaret's newsletter was to inspire us all to be free and courageous in expressing ourselves with absolute abandonment. To be ourselves in utter completeness. She even included a great tapping script to help us get there! (dont' forget to sign up to Margaret's newsletters so you don't miss all those goodies!)
SPECIAL NOTE: For more information on Margaret Lynch, please visit her site at Be sure to sign up for Margaret's newsletter!! It's always packed with great information and tapping tips!
Like my friend Margaret, I urge you to take a moment to think how it would feel--how totally wonderful it would feel-- to be that free. Allow yourself to really feel how it would be to truly Embrace All That You Are and really show it outwardly.
I'm not asking you to be like Lady Ga Ga (unless, of course you want to dress up in some wild costume and do some lip synching to your favorite Ga Ga tune -- by all means do it! *LOL*). No, what I am urging you to do is ... Embrace All That You Are -- Everything you are, then boldly stand in that truth of Who and What you Are! Allowing NO ONE to shame you or convince you of being anything less!
To help you in this exercise ... pick three people (living or dead) whom you admire. Write it down on a piece of paper. Now, on this same piece of paper, under the names of each of those people you chose, write down what you admire about them. What are some of their attributes that are called to your attention?
Guess what? Those attributes of those three people you chose -- are the very same attributes IN YOU!
The physical mind has to have a point of reference in order to recognize anything. So unless you possess those qualities yourself -- you can't see them in others.
Good, bad or indifferent -- Embrace All These Things--because you are ... All These Things! Give unconditional thanks for them all being in your life! And express unconditional Love for each and every single one of them.
Try it! If only just for one day! Try it! Let me know how it makes you feel.
If you have any questions and/or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me!
"Don't hide yourself in regret -- just love yourself and you're set! You're on the Right Track Baby!" ~ Lady Ga Ga
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Forgiveness: Part 4 ~ The Myths About Forgiveness
There are various myths surrounding forgiveness. All of which can make it more difficult to do. Even more difficult to live with.
Before we begin, I wish to reiterate what forgiveness is not.
Forgiveness is not the condoning of any action and/or actions, words or deeds. It is not about letting someone off the hook. And it is certainly not an open invitation for the person who hurt you to come back into your life and everybody lives happily ever after.
Forgiveness is not about forgetting and pretending everything is okay.
Forgiveness is not about taking the moral high ground
Forgiveness is not about being Christian, Muslim, Jew or any other religious faction.
While true genuine Forgiveness gives you a measure of freedom -- it is not necessary in order to acquire that freedom
Forgiveness is not easy!
Last week I was guided to a You Tube video where I watched a beautiful soul talk about the 9 Myths about Forgiveness. Her personal story moved me to tears. My tears were not of sadness -- but of joy. Joy over her stark honesty. Joy over her authenticity. Joy for the mere fact that she gets it -- and is assisting others to get it.
I could go on about Forgiveness and all it is not and is ... but to simplify matters, I am placing this link to Dr. Shoshona Garfield's site:
I urge you to Please visit Dr. Garfield's site -- read the material, watch the videos.
Allow yourself the comforts of remembering.
To your continued emergence!
Embrace All that you Are!
For you ARE ... all that there is!
Before we begin, I wish to reiterate what forgiveness is not.
Forgiveness is not the condoning of any action and/or actions, words or deeds. It is not about letting someone off the hook. And it is certainly not an open invitation for the person who hurt you to come back into your life and everybody lives happily ever after.
Forgiveness is not about forgetting and pretending everything is okay.
Forgiveness is not about taking the moral high ground
Forgiveness is not about being Christian, Muslim, Jew or any other religious faction.
While true genuine Forgiveness gives you a measure of freedom -- it is not necessary in order to acquire that freedom
Forgiveness is not easy!
Last week I was guided to a You Tube video where I watched a beautiful soul talk about the 9 Myths about Forgiveness. Her personal story moved me to tears. My tears were not of sadness -- but of joy. Joy over her stark honesty. Joy over her authenticity. Joy for the mere fact that she gets it -- and is assisting others to get it.
I could go on about Forgiveness and all it is not and is ... but to simplify matters, I am placing this link to Dr. Shoshona Garfield's site:
I urge you to Please visit Dr. Garfield's site -- read the material, watch the videos.
Allow yourself the comforts of remembering.
To your continued emergence!
Embrace All that you Are!
For you ARE ... all that there is!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Forgiveness: Part 3 ~ The By-Products of Forgiveness
There are many by products of practicing forgiveness. Here in part 3 of my on going blog series entitled Forgiveness, we will take a look at a few of them.
Good Health and Genuine Happiness
It has been proven that people who practice forgiveness on a regular basis are healthier and happier.
When you live in the state of forgiveness, your body is more relaxed. Your heart rate and blood pressure stay on a normal healthy level. This in turn creates a better flow of oxygen to the brain. A better flow of oxygen leads to clearer thinking and the wherewithal to remaining calm and centered even during stressful situations.
People who practice forgiveness are not blind to the events taking place in the world. They are not ignorant of the negativity that exists here on the earthly plane. On the contrary!
People who practice genuine forgiveness are very much aware of everything happening to them and all around them. But instead of living as a prisoner to all the negativity, they consciously make a choice to take (and keep) control of themselves. Because they know first hand the damaging results of holding on to any pain, they consciously exert the effort to maintain the energies of forgiveness. In particularly, the forgiveness of self.
Clarity and Expanded Conscious Awareness
As you sift through all the pain, releasing it through unconditional love & forgiveness, you begin to see more clearly. The act of forgiveness literally lifts the veil allowing you to see everyone involved did the best they knew how at that given time. Even in the most harsh situations, we now can see how we may have done better -- but were not in a position to do so at that time. But now we know we did the best we could. The best we knew how at that given time. We now see that everyone was doing the best they knew how.
We now can see how we have benefited from all those experiences. How it has created the person we are today. How it has led us back to our true selves!
Through the act of forgiving our Self -- we can now take all the wonderful things we learned with us … leaving behind only those things that no longer serves us. We can now walk upright, shoulders back and chin up. We now know who and what we are.
This knowing brings us to the next by product of the forgiveness of self . . .
Forgiving one’s self -- genuinely and unconditionally -- brings a type of courage that no one can take away.
Forgiveness of Self breaches the energies of our self-imposed prison -- freeing us --opening up our eyes to all the lies we‘ve been told and had continued telling ourselves throughout our lives.
Like a rubber band stretched too far -- we snap back into full awareness. It is then we become conscious of -- and fully connected to -- who and what we are. We feel the fuel of righteous indignation bubbling up, reaching a boiling point … and that's when it happens. That's when We suddenly stand up and say with conviction … shouting it to the heavens ... our independence! It is in that moment ... We take back our power! We take back what what is rightfully ours -- OUR SELF!
We now ... finally and fully ... comprehend that Everything we experience comes from within. That the choice to live in freedom or to live in a self-imposed prison was always our choice to make. We finally get it!
Feels good … doesn’t it?
So what are you waiting on? Your Self is waiting for You!
“I can only show you the door … but only you can open it!” ~ Morpheus to Neo, The Matrix
(Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born!)
Embrace All that you are!
For YOU … are ALL that there Is!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
In the style comparable to Erma Bombeck, Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way.
Good Health and Genuine Happiness
It has been proven that people who practice forgiveness on a regular basis are healthier and happier.
When you live in the state of forgiveness, your body is more relaxed. Your heart rate and blood pressure stay on a normal healthy level. This in turn creates a better flow of oxygen to the brain. A better flow of oxygen leads to clearer thinking and the wherewithal to remaining calm and centered even during stressful situations.
People who practice forgiveness are not blind to the events taking place in the world. They are not ignorant of the negativity that exists here on the earthly plane. On the contrary!
People who practice genuine forgiveness are very much aware of everything happening to them and all around them. But instead of living as a prisoner to all the negativity, they consciously make a choice to take (and keep) control of themselves. Because they know first hand the damaging results of holding on to any pain, they consciously exert the effort to maintain the energies of forgiveness. In particularly, the forgiveness of self.
Clarity and Expanded Conscious Awareness
As you sift through all the pain, releasing it through unconditional love & forgiveness, you begin to see more clearly. The act of forgiveness literally lifts the veil allowing you to see everyone involved did the best they knew how at that given time. Even in the most harsh situations, we now can see how we may have done better -- but were not in a position to do so at that time. But now we know we did the best we could. The best we knew how at that given time. We now see that everyone was doing the best they knew how.
We now can see how we have benefited from all those experiences. How it has created the person we are today. How it has led us back to our true selves!
Through the act of forgiving our Self -- we can now take all the wonderful things we learned with us … leaving behind only those things that no longer serves us. We can now walk upright, shoulders back and chin up. We now know who and what we are.
This knowing brings us to the next by product of the forgiveness of self . . .
Forgiving one’s self -- genuinely and unconditionally -- brings a type of courage that no one can take away.
Forgiveness of Self breaches the energies of our self-imposed prison -- freeing us --opening up our eyes to all the lies we‘ve been told and had continued telling ourselves throughout our lives.
Like a rubber band stretched too far -- we snap back into full awareness. It is then we become conscious of -- and fully connected to -- who and what we are. We feel the fuel of righteous indignation bubbling up, reaching a boiling point … and that's when it happens. That's when We suddenly stand up and say with conviction … shouting it to the heavens ... our independence! It is in that moment ... We take back our power! We take back what what is rightfully ours -- OUR SELF!
We now ... finally and fully ... comprehend that Everything we experience comes from within. That the choice to live in freedom or to live in a self-imposed prison was always our choice to make. We finally get it!
Feels good … doesn’t it?
So what are you waiting on? Your Self is waiting for You!
“I can only show you the door … but only you can open it!” ~ Morpheus to Neo, The Matrix
(Excerpts from The ZEN of Duct Tape: An Empress Is Born!)
Embrace All that you are!
For YOU … are ALL that there Is!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
good health,
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Forgiveness: Part 2 ~ Forgiving Self
When it comes to genuinely forgiving -- I fall short. Way short!
I know this only because … I can rattle off the names of a half dozen people who have gone out of their way to slander me, hurt me and my family in some way. And not only that, every once in a while -- I actually take a few minutes to envision these assholes being trampled by a flock of 100 foot mutant chickens. It puts a smile on my face! Makes me giggle!
Seriously -- who wouldn’t laugh at the thought of someone running from a gigantic chicken?
Don’t get me wrong -- I don’t spend too much time on these fantasies. Those morons aren’t worth the time and energy. But still … whenever I need a good laugh … I just flip on that imagination switch and let those mutant chickens run rampant!
Entertaining thoughts such as these is what EFT Practitioner Margaret Lynch refers to as “Negative Pleasures.” According to Margaret, negative pleasures are one of the many ways we do battle with ourselves. Granted, while these negative pleasures do have their humorous side, they tend to keep us stuck And being stuck keeps us in “battle mode.” Being in battle mode prevents us from living in freedom.
As human experiencers -- living in freedom is our ultimate goal.
But how do you get past being stuck in battle mode when the planet is over run by the L.E.A. --League of Extraordinary Assholes?
Well it ain’t easy! Then again … no one said it would be. However, we have at our disposal a wide range of tools, methods and modalities for dealing with the hardcore members of the LEA. One of which is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) a.k.a. tapping.
EFT is astoundingly helpful in releasing whatever unwanted and unneeded energies floating in and around our bodies. However, when combined with other healing modalities, such as Ho’Oponopono, I have discovered that my tapping has an even more profound impact.
But don't just take my word for it -- try it out for yourself!
You can check out some of the free EFT sessions on You Tube with a host of expert EFT Techs such as Margaret Lynch, Brad Yates, and Pamela Bruner.
Now when doing any type of healing modality, I always start with myself. Reason being, like all of you, I carry around this guilt and shame for being a "secret member" of the L.E.A. And too, I have a boat load of negative pleasures that I indulge in now and then. While it does make me smile, I do have a bit of shame for visualizing someone’s demise. So the very first person who gets the healing is me!
Why do I start with myself, you may ask? Simple. First of all, on whole, we all tend to overlook our self when it comes to maintaining any level of health. Be it spiritual, physical, emotional and/or mental. We all tend to put ourselves last.
Many years ago, I remember someone stating that we take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves. Not sure who originally said it -- but whoever it was they were one very observant cookie!
Secondly, and most importantly, forgiveness is really about Self anyways. We are the ones who are holding on to the memories and experiences. We are the ones living and reliving those episodes over and over again. So it's only logical that we begin with Self!
If you ever traveled by airplane, you are familiar with these instructions given before take off. These same instructions hold true for any healing work!
Heal your Self -- FIRST!
And ... The first steps to healing our Self begins with forgiveness of One's Self!
I know this only because … I can rattle off the names of a half dozen people who have gone out of their way to slander me, hurt me and my family in some way. And not only that, every once in a while -- I actually take a few minutes to envision these assholes being trampled by a flock of 100 foot mutant chickens. It puts a smile on my face! Makes me giggle!
Seriously -- who wouldn’t laugh at the thought of someone running from a gigantic chicken?
Don’t get me wrong -- I don’t spend too much time on these fantasies. Those morons aren’t worth the time and energy. But still … whenever I need a good laugh … I just flip on that imagination switch and let those mutant chickens run rampant!
Entertaining thoughts such as these is what EFT Practitioner Margaret Lynch refers to as “Negative Pleasures.” According to Margaret, negative pleasures are one of the many ways we do battle with ourselves. Granted, while these negative pleasures do have their humorous side, they tend to keep us stuck And being stuck keeps us in “battle mode.” Being in battle mode prevents us from living in freedom.
As human experiencers -- living in freedom is our ultimate goal.
But how do you get past being stuck in battle mode when the planet is over run by the L.E.A. --League of Extraordinary Assholes?
Well it ain’t easy! Then again … no one said it would be. However, we have at our disposal a wide range of tools, methods and modalities for dealing with the hardcore members of the LEA. One of which is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) a.k.a. tapping.
EFT is astoundingly helpful in releasing whatever unwanted and unneeded energies floating in and around our bodies. However, when combined with other healing modalities, such as Ho’Oponopono, I have discovered that my tapping has an even more profound impact.
But don't just take my word for it -- try it out for yourself!
You can check out some of the free EFT sessions on You Tube with a host of expert EFT Techs such as Margaret Lynch, Brad Yates, and Pamela Bruner.
Now when doing any type of healing modality, I always start with myself. Reason being, like all of you, I carry around this guilt and shame for being a "secret member" of the L.E.A. And too, I have a boat load of negative pleasures that I indulge in now and then. While it does make me smile, I do have a bit of shame for visualizing someone’s demise. So the very first person who gets the healing is me!
Why do I start with myself, you may ask? Simple. First of all, on whole, we all tend to overlook our self when it comes to maintaining any level of health. Be it spiritual, physical, emotional and/or mental. We all tend to put ourselves last.
Many years ago, I remember someone stating that we take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves. Not sure who originally said it -- but whoever it was they were one very observant cookie!
Secondly, and most importantly, forgiveness is really about Self anyways. We are the ones who are holding on to the memories and experiences. We are the ones living and reliving those episodes over and over again. So it's only logical that we begin with Self!
In case of emergency ...
place the oxygen mask over your face FIRST!
Then proceed to assist others!
place the oxygen mask over your face FIRST!
Then proceed to assist others!
If you ever traveled by airplane, you are familiar with these instructions given before take off. These same instructions hold true for any healing work!
Heal your Self -- FIRST!
And ... The first steps to healing our Self begins with forgiveness of One's Self!
While forgiving others may prove difficult -- forgiving ourselves is a seemingly impossible and unreachable goal.
There are endless reasons why we refuse to forgive ourselves. Irregardless of the many reasons you can name -- it all comes down to one solitary belief … unworthiness.
Unworthiness. Worthlessness. Low or non-existent Self-Worth.
Somewhere along the way … we were convinced that we are the most worthless beings on the face on Planet Earth. While the belief of unworthiness could have been triggered anywhere during the course of your life, chances are it all stems from early childhood. But only you can know for certain. To find out, you (yes YOU) will have to take the time to literally dig through the huge piles of emotional bullshit to find the point of origin.
It isn’t easy. No one said it would be! It will take time and patience to sift through all that crap. And a lot of hankies!
And folks … There are no short cuts to this process! Trust me, if there was … I would have found them and used them-- a LONG time ago!
For me personally, my point of origin was easily detected. The events compounding these beliefs of unworthiness is a very long list! Trekking back in time, facing the point of origin of my beliefs of unworthiness was heartbreaking. But the more I went back, the more information I gleaned. And the more information I gleaned, the more my awareness expanded. And the more my awareness expanded, the more my heart opened and allowed the forgiveness to flow more freely.
Coming into the present -- I now can see with crystal clarity what my choices as a young child had set in motion. And too, how The Universe, in it’s infinite wisdom, had begun to gently nudge me out of that mindset.
And how did it do this?
By placing in my path the same type of people, situations and experiences with the same exact messages of unworthiness!
I don’t know if you ever noticed this -- but The Universe has this two by four to the side of the head method it implements!
Of course, it usually starts out with a ruler. First it begins with a really subtle thump on the noggin. If you get the lesson from that initial tap-- then you’re good to go! On to the next lesson! Woo Hoo!!! But ignore that little thump and the next thing you know … the ruler has been turned into a two by four … and before you have time to blink … BAM! Right up side the head! And you have no choice but pay attention to the lessons The Universe is providing!
Ever notice that? Okay, maybe it’s just me then! However, my point being … ignoring an issue -- any issue -- leads to more of the same, each time it returns is more intense. And to make matters worse -- ignoring issues tends to mount even more feelings of unworthiness! So before you know it -- you are caught in this vicious cycle of self-abuse. Before too long you wind up in a sea of utter despair.
As you find yourself barely floating along--you manage to muster up enough strength to ask that all burning question … Why me?!! Instead of throwing you a life preserver, The Universe comes in with that two by four and whacks you again and again! Each blow harder than the last.
And it just keeps coming ...
Until …
You stop struggling! Yell “UNCLE!” And proceed to forgiving yourself!
Yep! The Universe is one helluva motivator -- ain’t it? Unfortunately, many view this process as cruel and unusual punishment. They put all blame on The Universe! Taking no responsibility for themselves. Not really taking the time to understand and fully comprehend the way The Universe operates. Which is … whatever you are in need of learning … The Universe supplies! In abundance -- I might add!
So if you are getting WHACKED upside the head … it is YOU who are doing it to YOU!
End of Story!
Now if you have any desire to place a cease and decease order on all the whacking upside the head … you will need to do one little thing. And that is … genuinely, unconditionally, with love & compassion -- forgive your … Self!
Yes! It really is that simple!
The benefits of forgiving Self is infinite! In fact, something truly marvelous happens when you genuinely forgive your Self! All of which we will cover in Part 3 of this on-going blog series.
Until then …
Embrace ALL that you Are!
For you ARE … All That There Is!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience.
PLEASE NOTE: All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.
Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited
duct tape,
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