Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Universal PMS ~ Part 3: Don't Worry! Be Awakened!

The definition(3) for worry is as follows:

(Pay particular attention to the definitions)   

 Definition of Worry, Worrying, Worried
1) dialect British : choke, strangle

2) a : to harass by tearing, biting, or snapping especially at the throat
     b : to shake or pull at with the teeth <a terrier worrying a rat>
     c : to touch or disturb something repeatedly
     d : to change the position of or adjust by repeated pushing or hauling
3)  a : to assail with rough or aggressive attack or treatment : torment
      b : to subject to persistent or nagging attention or effort

4) to afflict with mental distress or agitation : make anxious 


Is it me or does anyone else find that a wee bit disturbing?

Wikiquote provides a more subtle description for worry. 

"Worry is one of two components of anxiety (the other being emotionality). Worry refers to negative self-talk that often detracts the mind from focusing on the problem at hand. Emotionality refers to physiological symptoms such as sweating, increased heart beat and raised blood pressure."


Hmm, not sure that makes me feel any better.  How bout you?

But the question still remains...what are we worrying about anyways?  
That answer can be summed up in one word...Fear.   

The one common fear we as human experiencers all share is the Fear of the Unknown!  

And let's  do a reality check here, shall we?  Every fear we have is based in that one particular fear of the unknown.    Here are a few examples

  • Fear of not knowing how others feel about us, think about us.   
  • Fear of not making ends meet.   
  • Fear of whether or not we're gonna get that job
  • Fear catching some cold or some dreadful disease.  
  • Fear of strangers.  Fear of crowds. 
  • Fear of rejection.  Fear of intimacy.  
  • Fear of not being heard.  Fear of being seen--of not being seen.   
  • Fear of someone taking what belongs to us.   
  • Fear of this, that and the other thing!   

Quite maddening.  Isn't it?  The above is why all these psychic hot-lines are so damn popular.   The majority of the population yearn to know what's "out there," what's the final outcome of this decision or that decision.    Many of which have the strong desire to actually control the outcome of any given situation.  

No matter their economic, religious, ethnic standing, people, in general, fear the unknown!  But as James T. Kirk once said long ago, "...the greatest danger facing us is...ourselves, and irrational fear of the unknown. There's no such thing as 'the unknown,' only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."

As each human experiencer begins to awaken into their spiritual truths, the  search for real genuine answers frees them from the bondage of the seemingly unknown.    

After all, knowledge is power.  

Did you know that  over half the worry in the world is caused by people trying to make decisions before they have sufficient knowledge?  That's what Dean Hawkes of Columbia University stated many years ago.   And sadly, this still holds true today.

Below is "The Worry Chart."  Now take a good look at this.  Commit it to memory!   Print it out if need be.  In fact...DO print it out and paste it on your Bathroom Mirror and your refrigerator door.  And anywhere else where you will be force to see it!


Part of the Awakening Process (aka Ascension, Spiritual Transition, etc.) is working through your fears.   

NOTE: I did not say removing, eradicating, or destroying your fears.  I said: WORKING THROUGH YOUR FEARS.     Which is all part of the Say NO to Fear Challenge!  Something we'll get into more detail later on in this on-going series.

In the meantime, take time to look your fear(s) square in the proverbial eyes and ask it/them the following questions:

  • What is it that I am not seeing?  
  • What am I refusing to learn here?  
  • Why do I need to know the outcome of this particular situation?  
  • What do I hope to gain by knowing?
  • What is the worst case scenario if I don't get it, them, or whatever? 
  • What is my back up plan just in case it don't all work out?

I'm sure you can come up with a few more on your own!

As you go through your day, remember...there is NO Such Thing As The Unknown!

So Don't Worry!  Be AWAKENED!!

Until Then My Darlings...

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape, Julia has made it her personal mission to put Reality back into Spirituality™. Julia sets out to assist people in expanding their conscious awareness through her rather unique and personal take on the human experience. 

Julia utilizes her own brand of humor and down to earth demeanor to get her messages across in an all so delightful way. 

PLEASE NOTE:  All artwork, unless otherwise specified, are the property of the individual artists themselves. The author of these blogs claims no ownership of the original artwork, but only of the sig tags created using said artwork. Each sig tag shown on these blogs include the appropriate copyright information of the Artists and the unique licensure for use.

Reproduction and copying of said work without proper authority is strictly prohibited.


Merriam-Webster Dictionary


The Say NO To Fear Challenge

Unless otherwise specified, ALL articles on this Blogger are the property of Julia K. Cole.  The ZEN of Duct Tape™, it's name, teachings, modalities, and all excerpts; the nicknames The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™ and The Diva of Duct Tape™,  The Duct Tape Diva™; Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality™, Reality back into Spirituality are the property and trade marks of Julia K. Cole and are protected under Copy Right Laws both here in the USA and Around The World.  

All Rights Reserved©™

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

TAKE ACTION: Protect Wolves From State-Led Hunts ***PLEASE SHARE****

The call of the wild is being silenced nationwide by federal bureaucrats. We have less than 50 days left to change their minds.

Wolves are one of the most iconic symbols of America’s wild places. Yet, for centuries they were ruthlessly hunted, trapped, and poisoned, bringing them to the brink of extinction in the lower-48 states.
Wolves have made gains since being reintroduced in Yellowstone, but their position is tenuous to nonexistent in the vast majority of their former range, including California, the Pacific Northwest, the southern Rocky Mountains, and the Northeast. Despite this, last month the Obama Administration announced plans to strip wolves across nearly the entire continental U.S. of their federal protections.
I have witnessed—and defeated in court—a number of flawed attempts to delist and hunt gray wolves, but this is the most far-reaching plan yet. We have seen more than a thousand wolves killed in the past two years, in states where wolves have already lost federal protections. If we don’t stop this proposal from going forward, the assault on wolves will spread to more states.

Save gray wolves from
 state-sanctioned hunts:
Send Your Comment In Today!


Thank you for speaking out,

Monday, July 22, 2013

Drive From Predator To Prey! Help Stop the Slaughter Of our Sharks!




Every year, Discovery Channel’s Shark Week concludes its program with a familiar saying: “Sharks have more reason to fear us than we have to fear them.” This comforting thought – more people are killed each year by falling coconuts than by sharks – has never been so true. Sharks are being brutally slaughtered for their fins by the millions, and at this rate sharks soon will be functionally extinct.
The butchery takes place at sea where fishermen haul sharks aboard to saw off their fins and then dump the still-living creatures back into the ocean. The finless sharks writhe to the ocean floor, where they die of suffocation or are eaten by other predators. This hack-and-run strategy known as “finning” allows fisherman to ditch relatively unprofitable meat and sail to port with their cargos filled only with shark’s fins, which can sell for up to $400 a pound as the key ingredient in shark fin soup. More than 80 countries participate in the global market for shark fins, but few outlaw finning; and most of the slaughter occurs in international waters, where the industry is entirely unregulated.




Friday, July 19, 2013

The Hot Car Safety Flyer from the Humane Society ~PLEASE SHARE~

Here is the link for the 
Humane Society's Hot Car Flyer
 (it's in PDF form)




Some pics you can share on Face Book and other Social Networks!

Keep Pets Safe In The Heat



Summer can be an uncomfortable—even dangerous—time for pets and people. It's difficult enough simply to cope with rising temperatures, but things really get tough in areas that are hit with the double blow of intense heat and storm-caused power outages, sometimes with tragic results.

We can help you keep yourself and your pets safe and cool this summer. Follow our tips for helping everyone in your family stay healthy and comfortable when the heat is on (and even if the power isn't). Start with the basics.

Practice basic summer safety

Never leave your pets in a parked car

Not even for a minute. Not even with the car running and air conditioner on. On a warm day, temperatures inside a vehicle can rise rapidly to dangerous levels. On an 85-degree day, for example, the temperature inside a car with the windows opened slightly can reach 102 degrees within 10 minutes. After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach 120 degrees. Your pet may suffer irreversible organ damage or die.

If you see an animal in distress in a parked car, contact the nearest animal shelter or police. Spread the word about the dangers of leaving pets in hot cars by talking to them and by printing out our Hot Car flyer (PDF), posting it in public places, and sharing it with your friends, family, and coworkers. (It might help convince some people if you point out that leaving a pet in a car is an invitation to theft—of the car, the pet, or both—especially if the windows are cracked.)

Watch the humidity

"It's important to remember that it's not just the ambient temperature but also the humidity that can affect your pet," says Dr. Barry Kellogg, VMD, of the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association. "Animals pant to evaporate moisture from their lungs, which takes heat away from their body. If the humidity is too high, they are unable to cool themselves, and their temperature will skyrocket to dangerous levels—very quickly."

Taking a dog's temperature will quickly tell you if there is a serious problem. Dogs' temperatures should not be allowed to get over 104 degrees. If your dog's temperature does, follow the instructions for treating heat stroke.

Limit exercise on hot days

Take care when exercising your pet. Adjust intensity and duration of exercise in accordance with the temperature. On very hot days, limit exercise to early morning or evening hours, and be especially careful with pets with white-colored ears, who are more susceptible to skin cancer, and short-nosed pets, who typically have difficulty breathing. Asphalt gets very hot and can burn your pet's paws, so walk your dog on the grass if possible.

Don't rely on a fan

Pets respond differently to heat than humans do. (Dogs, for instance, sweat primarily through their feet.) And fans don't cool off pets as effectively as they do people.

Provide ample shade and water

Any time your pet is outside, make sure he or she has protection from heat and sun and plenty of fresh, cold water. In heat waves, add ice to water when possible. Tree shade and tarps are ideal because they don't obstruct air flow. A doghouse does not provide relief from heat—in fact, it makes it worse.

Cool your pet inside and out

Whip up a batch of quick and easy DIY peanut butter popsicles for dogs. (You can use peanut butter or another favorite food.)

Keep your pet from overheating indoors or out with a cooling body wrap, vest, or mat (such as the Keep Cool Mat). Soak these products in cool water, and they'll stay cool (but usually dry) for up to three days.

Watch for signs of heatstroke

Extreme temperatures can cause heatstroke. Some signs of heatstroke are heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, excessive thirst, lethargy, fever, dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivation, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue, seizure, and unconsciousness.

Animals are at particular risk for heat stroke if they are very old, very young, overweight, not conditioned to prolonged exercise, or have heart or respiratory disease. Some breeds of dogs—like boxers, pugs, shih tzus, and other dogs and cats with short muzzles—will have a much harder time breathing in extreme heat.

How to treat a pet suffering from heatstroke

Move your pet into the shade or an air-conditioned area. Apply ice packs or cold towels to her head, neck, and chest or run cool (not cold) water over her. Let her drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. Take her directly to a veterinarian.

Prepare for power outages

Before a summer storm takes out the power in your home, create a disaster plan to keep your pets safe from heat stroke and other temperature-related trouble.


The Humane Society

Hot Car Flyer:

Testing for Heat Stroke in your pet:

Check if your Pet is affected by Humidity:

Cooling your Dog Inside and Out!:

Create a Diaster Plan To Keep Pets Safe:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Alley Cat Advocates Upcoming Events

Seriously! Do you want to be a part of the greatest thing
happening in Louisville?

Do you want to be a part of the biggest

positive change for cats ever?

Do you want to surround yourself with fantastic, enthusiastic
people who are EXCITED about making a huge difference
for community cats in our area?

It is EASY! Come to a volunteer orientation and see how three hours a month will change your life as you change the lives of stray, unowned cats forever. 

Check upcoming EVENTS for dates and times. We promise. It will be the thrill of your life!

Upcoming Events

Volunteer Orientations
August 4, 2pm
August 29, 7pm
September 22, 2pm
All at:    536 Eastern Parkway
Save the date and join us for the
6th Annual Cat's Meow at Bistro 301 on 9/13. This year is full of new surprises! More info coming soon! 

Join Us
Half Price Books 
Alley Cat Advocates will be at Half Price Books on Saturday, July 27th from 2pm to 4pm at the location on Westport Rd.  Donors may bring cat food or other items from our wishlist to receive a coupon for 15% off of their purchase.
Beer, Bones & Catnip
8/3/2013 Doors open at 4pm. 
Join us at Beer, Bones & Catnip by The Blue Umbrellas on Saturday, 8/3 at Apocalypse Brew Works, 1612 Mellwood Avenue.  Music, food trucks and a great evening to support Alley Cat Advocates, Derby City Dog Rescue and The Arrow Fund!
Big Fix Schedule
(by appt. only):

August 18
September 8
September 29
October 27
November 17
December 15

When a Community Cares: The Happy Story of Molly and Whitey

So have you ever wondered if there are ANY good people out there? And what about karma? Is there such a thing?   Read on! 

Ok. First, here is Molly’s story. It starts out sad . . . Molly’s owner takes her to the Kentucky Humane Society SNIP clinic to be spayed. He lives near the clinic and knows she needs it! Sadly, he opens her carrier in the parking lot at the clinic to comfort her and scared Molly dashes out into the busy street. A truck drives over the top of her and rolls her and she runs away. Poor Molly!

Now, here is Whitey’s story. A kind gentleman named Victor, who lives around the corner from the SNIP clinic, adopted a couple of Kentucky Humane Society Working Cat Program cats and set them up on his carport, providing food, water, and shelter for them. Over time, a new community cat arrives to eat and share their space. “Whitey,” as he calls her (she is white with black spots, after all!), needs to be spayed, so Victor contacts Alley Cat Advocates, borrows a trap, and takes Whitey to her appointment at the SNIP clinic. All is well. Lucky Whitey!

And here is where it gets fun! Can you guess the rest? Four months after Molly’s unfortunate escape in the parking lot, a neighbor walks by Victor’s house and sees Whitey under the carport. He remembers a flyer that he’s had on his refrigerator for months(!) about a cat named Molly. He thinks it might be the same cat! And, yes, a quick call to the phone number on the flyer results in the happy reunion! Four months later!!! So, kudos to Molly’s owner for putting up flyers and never giving up. Kudos to kind Victor for feeding the new community cat AND for getting her spayed (despite her wishes, apparently), and kudos to the community for caring enough to help these beautiful creatures each and every day!


Alley Cat Advocates™