Friday, September 13, 2013

NASA Stumbles Across 10 Undiscovered Black Holes

NASA recently stumbled across 10 previously undiscovered supermassive black holes, using its Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). NASA is hoping this is simply the beginning of their good fortune, as the team anticipates hundreds of potential discoveries to emerge from the depths of space.

Super Massive Black Holes

Super massive black holes are the largest black hole type, possessing hundreds of thousands to billions of solar masses. Astronomers postulate that there are super massive black holes dotted throughout distant galaxies, often situated within their centers. Sagittarius A* is the name coined for the super massive black within the Milky Way.
The trigger of these space monsters has been the source of much debate amongst leading astronomers. One theory posits, super massive black holes materialize upon a star’s demise, as matter is squeezed into a very small volume. The extreme density of this matter instigates powerful gravitational forces, from which even light cannot escape.
Many of these black holes have been identified indirectly, by detecting X-rays emitted from the accretion disks, surrounding their cores. The accretion disk arises from the influence of the supermassive black hole’s gravitational forces, slowly drawing streams of matter ever-closer, which slowly revolve around its center. As the matter proceeds towards its fate, it experiences frictional forces that cause it to release detectable, high-energy radiation. This radiation can then be measured by X-ray telescopes, such as NuSTAR.

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Pets Instead Of Pills: Support Service Dogs For Veterans

For many veterans, it can be hard to return to normal life, performing daily activities, connecting with others, or managing stress of what they've been through. 

Trained service animals offer a way to manage the symptoms of PTSD without resorting to the antipsychotics often prescribed to these veterans. Millions of animals, meanwhile, sit in shelters and foster homes, waiting for a place to call a home of their own.
Congress has acknowledged this discrepancy with the Dog Training Therapy Act, legislation that directs the Department of Veteran Affairs to carry out a pilot program to train service dogs for veterans in need of therapeutic care for post-deployment mental health. Such a pilot would lay the groundwork for a large-scale program that could benefit the hundreds of thousands of veterans suffering from PTSD.
Rather than prescribing more pills, this legislation provides veterans with alternative care that can be integral to their recovery. 


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Improving the Lives of Shelter Cats Through Awareness

The SAD TRUTH About Shelter Cats

  • An estimated 6-8 million animals enter the US sheltering system each year*
  • Approximately 3-4 million cats and dogs euthanized by shelters each year*
  • Only 24%of cats who enter a shelter are ever adopted**
  • Only 2-5% of lost cats are reclaimed by owners from shelters each year*

*Humane Society of the United States   **American Humane

Cats R Cool is all about teaching people what we already know ... that cats make great pets, excellent companions, and are full-fledged family members.
We are working to dispel negative stereotypes and make the situation for shelter cats better through public education, shelter outreach, and grants.

Read more at Cats R Cool

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Red Rover: Providing Safe Escape For Pets of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence turns a home into a place of terror. Many justifiably believe that their beloved pet will become a victim of retaliation if they leave their tormentor. To help break this cycle of violence, Red Rover provides Safe Escape to enable victims and their pets to find a safe place to begin again.

Founded in 1987, the mission of RedRover is to bring animals out of crisis and strengthen the bond between people and animals through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. RedRover accomplishes its mission by engaging volunteers and supporters, collaborating with others and maximizing the use of online technology.

Please note: We are not a shelter or vet clinic and cannot accept animals. Find a Sacramento-area animal shelter.

RedRover is committed to:
bringing animals out of crisis and into care by:
  • caring for animals displaced by natural disasters or rescued from mass cruelty situations
  • providing financial assistance to pet owners and animal rescuers to obtain urgent veterinary care
mitigating situations of animals in crisis by:
  • offering financial incentives to encourage witnesses to animal cruelty to come forward  
  • connecting volunteers and rescuers with opportunities to help animals in need
Click HERE to Read More about Red Rover. 

If you and your pet are victims of Domestic Violence, please contact Red Rover Immediately!

(916) 429-2457


Victims of Domestic Violence Please Contact Someone ASAP!

If you or someone you know is living with domestic violence, PLEASE contact someone IMMEDIATELY!

Whether you are a man, woman, child... help IS available!

CALL:  1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Or if you are able...Go online to one or all these sites!


Tell Washington University to STOP Hurting Cats! *Please Sign The Petition*

At Washington University in St. Louis, pediatrics residents use cats to learn how to insert a breathing tube in a human infant. They force long tubes down the cats' windpipes, which can cause bruising, bleeding, scarring and intense pain. The cats will be abused again and again like this for years.
Washington University is the only civilian medical center training doctors that continues this inhumane practice. We've scored major victories in the past — and recently convinced the University of Virginia to stop using cats. But we can't rest until every cat is safe from this severe form of cruelty.
These procedures are completely unnecessary because human infant simulators — used at every other medical center in the U.S. — provide a superior learning experience and are cruelty-free. In fact, Washington University uses simulators to teach intubation procedures to practicing physicians, but they refuse to use them for pediatrics resident training. It doesn't make sense!
Tell Washington University to put a stop to this cruel and inhumane practice before hey harm another cat.

Read more at  The Animal Rescue Site 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Protect Shelter Cats with Vaccinations (Item # 31308)

Cats that are healthy, well-fed, and vaccinated against disease have much better odds of finding a happy forever home.
Preventable diseases like feline herpes virus can stop an adoption in its tracks - not to mention being a danger to unprotected populations in the shelter. Although shelters try to meet the needs of their animals, they may not be able to afford the timely administration of much-needed vaccinations.
With your help, and Petfinder Foundation have teamed up to change that. We can vaccinate two million shelter animals in just two years, protecting them from common, contagious, preventable diseases.
Together, we can give shelter cats a shot at life. Just $10 vaccinates 5 shelter cats, and every donation helps.
Petfinder Foundation works with shelters, rescue organizations, and animal welfare organizations across the United States. Their mission is to help ensure that no adoptable pet is euthanized for lack of a good home.
Click HERE to make your Donation

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Celebrate World Ranger Day

They serve under various titles—rangers, forest guards, eco guard and field enforcement officers—but these men and women on the front lines of conservation are perhaps the most important protectors of the world’s natural and cultural treasures.

Rangers work tirelessly to protect some of the world’s most endangered species like tigers, elephants and rhinos—animals that are also among the most widely targeted by poachers for the illegal wildlife trade.

According to the Thin Green Line Foundation, 1,000 rangers were killed in the line of duty in the last 10 years. That’s close to 2 rangers a week, every week for the last decade. Governments often lack resources to equip and train rangers. Rangers typically earn very little and some go months without receiving their salary or seeing their families.
Rangers on the ground must be better equipped. But they also need support beyond backpacks and boots. Rangers must be respected and supported by their governments and national laws against poaching,  enforced.
Read Entire Story HERE
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How can we help?  
WWF is leading the charge to advocate for these brave rangers through their grassroots Back A Ranger campaign.  You can Back a Ranger today by donating, or you can send a simple “Thank You” postcard to a ranger.  You’d be surprised how seldom they hear those words.  Watch the video below to learn more.