Thursday, June 10, 2010

Working through the Awakening Process: Part 2

During the awakening process you have two ways of going about it -- Nice & Easy or Hard & Rough.  (puts me in mind of the opening to Ike & Tina's "Proud Mary" -- cuz we never ever do nuffin ... nice --- and easy!) *LOL*

But my dears, the cold harsh reality is -- those are the choices!  For you see ... Resistance is futile!  You will Awaken!  Yet another cold harsh dose of reality!  oy!

Whether you choose to do it nice & easy or kicking and screaming ... you're going to do it!  So much for free will, eh?

So here are a few more suggestions to help you through this process. Hopefully, you will set your stubborn ass down and actually put some of them into practice.  Yes, I know!  Hope Springs Eternal!

Music.  Music is in fact a Universal Language!  Everybody and every single living thing throughout this vast multi-verse understands music!    Music literally makes the people come together. 

Music invokes emotions and stirs the body into motion.  No matter your mood ... you will find a song that goes along with it!  

During those times you are riding the Universal emotional roller coaster ... you need a little something to listen to in order to get you through the ride!  Music makes the time spent feeling blue and down go by a little faster.  Like Sir Elton John says ... Sad Songs Say Sooooo much!

When it comes to music, I have a very vast taste.  From Mozart to Madonna to Mary Mary to Mahalia Jackson,  Bach to the Back Street Boys to Chuck Berry and everything else in between.    

Take advantage of the healing sounds of music as you go through your awakening process.  Let it express how you feel in that moment.  Let the sounds carry you and bring you back to your center.

Dancing. You don't have to be a Gene Kelly, Fred & Ginger or a Las Vegas Show girl  to enjoy the benefits of dancing!    You don't even have to know how to have fun!  Just put on some music and get your body in motion.  

The physical benefits of dancing is vast.   It lowers blood pressure & stress and ups the levels of endorphines that puts you in a happy place!   Not to mention it strengthens muscles you probably have forgotten existed!  *LOL*

Check out your area for low cost dance lessons ... such as ball room dancing, line dancing or even belly dancing!   Or if you're too shy ... hook up with some You Tube videos, close the door and shake your groove thang!  Dance with Dancing with the Stars if you dare!

Shake your groove thang!  Shake your groove thang! C'mon!  Show'em how we do it now!

Cause ... it's just a jump ... to the LEFT!  And a step to the riiiiiiiight!  put your hands on your hips!  And pull your knees in tiiiiiight!  But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives us insaaaaane!  *LOL*

There's nothing more than I like to do ... than take the floor and dance with you ... Keep Dancing!  Let's Keep Daaaaancing .... oh yea!

Laughter & Smiling.   Laughter lifts us up no matter what mood you are in!  It's very contagious!  As is Smiling!  Both have been proven to have enormous impacts on us physically, mentally and emotionally.

Feeling down?  Watch a funny TV show or movie.     Laughter literally increases and strengthens your energy levels.   This in turn helps protect you against any would be negative nilly that comes along!  Remember Witches of Eastwick?  When faced with adverse conditions, they used laughter to save their lives! 

Find your favorite comedienne and let the laughter Commence!   I love my old Bill Cosby recordings (the one on parenthood STILL makes me pee my pants).  Who ever you enjoy ... get them out  and turn it on and turn it up!  And LYAO!

SMILE!  It makes people wonder what you are up to!  *LOL*    Smiling creates a feeling of love and joy.  Even if you don't feel like smiling ... do it ANYWAY!  You'll feel better!   And too, you never ever know whose life you may change for the better with a simple smile!   

Side Note:  Did you know you can't say my name without smiling?  *LOL*  It's True!  Go on! Say it!  Say MY NAME!   JULIA!  hahahahahahaha!  JULIA! JULIA! JULIA!  

Juuuuuu Leeeeeeeee AHHHHHHHHH!

Gotcha Smiling ... didn't I!  *ROFLMAO* 

Lifting your energy levels increases and strengthens your Re-connection to your True Self.  It's what the Awakening is all about dontcha know!  Take advantage of the simple pleasures to help you along the way.  

And remember ... 

Be Kind  ... Be Patience ... and most of all ... Be Loving to Your Self!

About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.

12 Signs of Your Awakening Divinity

"Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity"

“Shaumbra” means Family and Deep Inner Friendship

By Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias
  1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.
  2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.
  3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It's good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.
  4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You're in transition and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.
  5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.
  6. Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many nights between 2:00 and 4:00 AM. There's a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.
  7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogiemen. This too shall pass.
  8. Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very ungrounded. You'll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can't put two feet on the ground, or that you're walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.
  9. Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You'll suddenly realize you've been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You're not going crazy, you're just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.
  10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.
  11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That's OK, and it's just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don't fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It's similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new Christ-seed energy.
  12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don't want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body. During this transition process, you have an inner remembrance of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed you could go Home right now. But you've come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you're walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone.

Copyright 2006 by Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, CO. Prepared in collaboration with Tobias of the Crimson Circle. Please distribute freely for non-commercial purposes.

For more information, please visit:


Other related Articles

Personal Note From Julia:

Working Through The Spiritual Awakening:

Part 1:

Part 2:

It's All about Y.O.U.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow ~ 
                           A Spiritual Analogy of the Wizard of Oz

And Just for fun (WARNING: not intended for the easily offended)

The ASS-cension:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Spiritual Awakening


Before making a decision that you are undergoing a Spiritual Awakening ... we urge you to seek out assistance from a trusted and knowledgeable medical doctor, mental/emotional health specialist FIRST!

We are aware that many symptoms listed here could very well be the result of a physical, emotional and/or mental condition. Therefore, we encourage you ... we urge you... to first seek out conventional medical efforts FIRST!

Your overall health is of the utmost importance ... and to ensure a BALANCE ... please make every effort to pursue all means available to you.


The Spiritual Awakening

A time comes in your life when you finally get it...when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out... ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying and blaming and struggling to hold on to the illusion.

You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy and resentment must be understood and redirected or they will suffocate the life force out of you and poison the universe that surrounds you.

Then you begin to take responsibility for yourself by yourself and make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and never, ever to settle for less than your heart's desire. As you learn and grow you start to make changes in your life, but you also start feeling different.

We call this Spiritual Awakening.
The Symptoms
**The Short List**

Changing sleep patterns. restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night. Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day.

Activity at the crown of the head. Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine. A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head, as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower. Also, the sensation of energy pouring in through the crown, described as "sprinkles".

Sudden waves of emotion. Crying at the drop of a hat. Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation. Or unexplainable depressed. Emotional roller coaster.

Changes in weight. The weight gain in the US population is phenomenal. Others may lose weight. Advice with respect to this issue: Don't freak out, just accept it as a symptom of where you are right now. Release your anxiety about this.

Changes in eating habits. Strange cravings and odd food choices. Some find they are not as hungry as they used to be; others may be hungrier.

Food intolerances, allergies you never had before. As you grow more spiritual, you are more sensitive to everything around you.

Amplifications of the senses, increased sensitivity. Sight : Blurry vision, shimmering objects, seeing glittery particles, auras around people, plants.

Skin eruptions: Rashes, bumps, acne, hives and shingles. Anger produces outbreaks around the mouth and chin. Advice: You may be sloughing off toxins and bringing Emotions to the surface. Accept it, for it is probably temporary.

Episodes of intense energy' which make you want to leap out of bed and into action, followed by periods of lethargy and fatigue . Advice: Roll with the nature of the energy - don't fight it. Be gentle with yourself.

Changes in prayer or meditation. Not feeling the same sensations as before. Not having the same experience of being in contact with Spirit or your guides. Difficulty in focusing.

Power surges. All of a sudden you are heated from head to toe. It is a momentary sensation, but uncomfortable. In contrast, some people feel inexplicably cold. I have experienced both. Advice: Ask your Higher Power to turn up/down the temperature a bit.

A range in physical manifestations. Headaches, backaches, neck pains, flu-like symptoms, digestive problems, muscular spasms or cramps, racing heartbeat, chest pains, changes in sexual desire, numbness or pain in the limbs and involuntary vocalizations or bodily movements. Advice: Remember what I said about seeking medical help if you need it!

Looking younger. Yippee!!!

Vivid dreams. Sometimes the dreams are so real that you wake up confused. You may even have lucid dreams in which you are in control. Many dreams may be mystical or carry messages for you.

Please be sure to check our previous blog "Working Through The Awakening Process"


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.

In her personal empowerment consultations, Julia provides in-depth advice, teaches you to tap into your own inner-strength and provides tools to enable you to live a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Working Through the Awakening Process

The following are but a  few Suggestions on having a more fulfilling (and slightly less painful) Awakening Process.   More to follow in future blogs.

For information on The Spiritual Awakening ... please click HERE  and  HERE


As you go through this process it is imperative that you do the following:

Take Your Time and Make The Time. Remember this is not a race. Everybody is heading in the same direction … everyone is going to get “there” when they are suppose to.

You are exactly where you are suppose to be … doing exactly what you are suppose to be doing … at the time you are suppose to be doing it!

Make the time to take care of yourself.  You are the only YOU there is.    If it's only five minutes ... set aside that time for YOU!

NUNYA. Get in the practice of NUNYA ...  As in nunya bizness!

Translation: Mind your own damn business!

Don’t concern yourself with what others are doing or not doing -- saying or not saying.

It’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!   It really isn't!

***Now if it's a situation that you can actually do something about ... then do all you know to do ... let it go ... and leave it the hell alone!

***However!  If it is something that involves another person doing/saying something you don't agree with.  Or if it is about something someone said about you.   Simply Agree to Disagree!  You have nothing to prove!  And guess what?  Neither do they!

Keep in Mind that what others say, think or believe about YOU ... is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

You have more than enough work to do on your Self.  And if you are truly working on your Self, then you don't have the time or energy to even notice what somebody else is doing-not doing ... saying-not saying.

The benefits of NUNYA are infinite.  Once you begin putting it into practice you will note a huge difference in your life.  You start to feel better about your Self, your Life, your Everything!

Listen to your body! (you are going to see this phrase a lot during the course of these blogs)

You are the only person who knows how you feel.

Interestingly enough, there are quite a number of people who don’t know what it is their body is saying. They will state various reasons why they don’t know how they feel. None of them are valid. Sorry folks … there is no excuse for not knowing how you feel. Trust me … I’ve heard all those seriously unoriginal “reasons”. And truth be told … I’ve invented most of them.

If you are at a loss as to what it is you are feeling … then here are some suggestions to get you re-connected to your Self.

(1) ask yourself what it is you are feeling -- then listen.

(2) talk to a trusted friend, guidance counselor, therapist, life coach or advisor; It helps having someone give you feed back.

(3) keep a journal; I am fan of journaling! Keeping a journal allows you to see your thoughts and feelings on paper. Seeing is believing! If you see them, chances are you will start to understand what is going on within your self.

Drink plenty of water (6-8 Eight Ounce glasses per day) Your body works much like your toilet. (Gross, I know!) Like your toilet, your body requires lots of water to flush out the waste matter that has accumulated.

Yes, I realize there are those who don’t like drinking water. Well TOUGH! Get over it! Start out slow and work your way up to the higher daily amounts.

Rest! Sometimes you just need a time out. Laying down, for five (5) minutes with some nice soothing music, perhaps a scented candle or your favorite incense makes all the difference in the world.

Make sure you Turn Off your telephone during your rest period. It never fails as soon as you get in a comfortable spot, all set to take a load off … the phone rings! So be sure you turn all phones OFF during your rest period!

Put a “Do Not Disturb” note on the door. It always seems just when you take the time to rest, everybody and their brother decides NOW is the time to knock on the door. A little post it note placed at eye-level deters any would be disturbers.

For parents with younger children: Get an egg timer and set it. Explain to your child(ren) that mommy (or daddy) is in time out. Set the rules! Tell them that they cannot speak to you until the timer goes off!

Get them to join in! Children are undergoing this spiritual awakening as well! It’s never too soon to start!

Exercise. Nothing extravagant! Mild exercise such as walking for 15-20 per day. I’m a huge fan of walking! It can be done anywhere at any time! And the best part about it, you only need a good pair of comfortable shoes, and something comfortable to wear!

Cut down on caffeine and nicotine intake. It has been proven that caffeine speeds up the heart rate and nicotine slows it down. And if you are like me and thousands of others, you smoke while drinking coffee. (And we wonder why we are so damn exhausted?) I have noticed that since I cut back on my intake of these two drugs (and yes, they are drugs!), my sleep is more restful.

Pamper Yourself. Hot baths with bubbles or bath salts or some naturally scented oils; massage, reiki treatment, foot rubs, etc. Go out and buy yourself something (within reason of course). Give yourself a pedicure/manicure and/or facial. Take yourself out to a nice meal, maybe take in a show or a movie. Something that makes you feel special. You will be surprise how good you feel when you do something just for YOU.

Network with like minded individuals. (there are numerous online spiritual communities where you can find people just like YOU; check your local paper for spiritual gatherings. Many communities offer weekly gatherings of like minded people.)

Face Book has millions of like minded folks from all around the world. Thousands of communities that encourage spiritual development can be found on Face Book.

Check out Blog Talk Radio. BTR offers a wide variety of live radio broadcasts with spiritual formats. They also have chat rooms where you can listen and interact with the host, their guests and other members of the listening audience.

STOP WATCHING, READING AND LISTENING TO THE NEWS!  Before you go to bed -- do you watch the nightly news? Read the newspaper? Listen to the news on the radio? Then STOP IT!

Seriously … STOP DOING THAT!

You wouldn’t eat an entire banquet filled with junk food and go to bed … would you? No, you wouldn’t. Then why would you ingest a mental meal that is nothing but junk?

Turn it ALL OFF! Turn off your cell phones, blackberries, Ipads, Computers, Televisions, Radio and whatever else … And get Quiet!

Five minutes each day is all you need. FIVE MINUTES!

Trust me … no one is going to post, text, call, state, etc. etc. etc. anything that important that it can’t wait Five freakin’ minutes!

Famville, Yo’ville, and whatever online “ville” will manage just fine without you during that five minutes!

Get Out and About! Get off your ass and go outside! Leave the damn cell phones inside! Sit on your front porch, on your balcony or patio. Go to the park. Go somewhere it is not enclosed! Go to a nice little bistro, order a tea and watch the people that come and go.

Most Importantly

Be Kind … Be Loving … Be Patient … with Your Self.

About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Real Zombies, TheLiving Dead and Creatures of the Apocalpyse

Though I am no stranger to those things that go BUMP in the night, I was utterly astounded to find there was actually a category for what I had experienced all my life.   But imagine my continued surprise when I came in contact with all those people who had dedicated their lives to investigating and researching it. 

It wasn't until the Spring of  2006  that I first made my discovery of  internet based radio talk shows and  the world of the paranormal. 

Through a series of serendipitous events, I found myself co-hosting a then popular paranormal talk show on the internet.  And as Lady Fate would have it ... it was there I was first introduced to a man I now call friend.   A man whose soft spoken manner and calm demeanor captured my heart.  Whose talents, knowledge and willingness to share his findings with all the world holds my respect and undying gratitude.     This man of course is none other than the one and only .... Brad Steiger

To say Brad has done it again ... is a gross understatement! In his latest work Real Zombies, The Living Dead and Creatures of the Apocalypse, Brad takes us through a world many of us only thought was make believe.  Just part of some crazy movie or T.V. show, a world that only came to life during the telling of  tall tales  around a campfire.  Yes,  a world  most of us foolishly believe only existed in the mind of George Romero. Or for the younger generation,  a world of mere  fantasy to enjoy while dancing to Michael Jackson's hit song Thriller.

Other than the occasional bad dream it was a world that caused no real worries and no real concerns for those who enjoyed a good old fashioned harmless scare.  After all,  these creatures only came to life when cued and then quietly slipped back into the nothingness once the song ended or  just faded away when the credits began to roll.

Nothing to be afraid of.  It's all just made up.   Right?  Right? 

In Real Zombies, Brad takes us on the edge of the surreal as he carefully guides us through this world of Voo Doo, hexes, curses, necromancers, and living shadows that lurk in the dark.  In true Master of the Macabre fashion, Brad  skillfully reminds us  that we are living side by side with real life monstrous minds.     Leaving us, the reader, to  ponder on not so much the creatures themselves, but the maniacal and diabolical genius behind their creation.

We're left wondering ...  What kind of person could do this to another human being ... and why?   What kind of world are we truly living in?    After reading this book, I quickly realized how much the nightly news paled in comparison. And on a more personal note, I found myself feeling sorry for the Devil baby of New Orleans and all the other little Zombies.  But I digress!

I am confidant, that like me, you too will find yourself being educated and enlightened while at the same time being entertained and delightfully scared out of your wits as you read Brad Steiger's  Real Zombies, The Living Dead and Creatures of the Apocalypse 

The contributors (me and some really, really cool para-folk) to Real Zombies, The Living Dead and Creatures of the Apocalypse are some of the world's most gifted and talented men and women dedicated to bringing awareness and truth to a world who is ... for the most part ... unsuspecting! 

Brad has once again skillfully and artfully weaved these contributions together like a beautiful spider web.  Binding it all together with his own research, knowledge and experience.   Of course, this is Brad Steiger's way -- his style if you will.  But then again, what would one expect from a Master Teacher and Story teller,eh?

The many artists who lend their talents make the stories even more enjoyable.  If not scarier!

My only  advise for those who  are faint of heart is to read this book only during the daylight hours and check under your bed before going to sleep!   As for  saying anything else ... well  You'll have to get your own copy and read it for yourself!    My lips have been sewn shut!  ummm ...  are sealed!  

To obtain your copy of  Real Zombies, The Living Dead and Creatures of the Apocalypse, please visit or

Until next time ....

Pleasant .... Dreams?!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Empress on Motherhood

For most of my adult life I have been a mom.  Half of that has been spent being a single mom.   But  I'm not your typical mother by any means!

 Gross understatement if there ever was one,  I know!   

Truth is -- I am not one of these mothers who is a PTA member or who is the first on the scene with baked goods on hand for her kid's bake sales, I don't do car pools and  arts & crafts aren't my thing.

 I can't remember the last time I went to the beauty shop to get my nails and hair done.  In fact, there are days when my hair hasn't been combed or my teeth been brushed -- which  is perhaps the only time everyone leaves me alone! My cuticles are torn and raggedy the majority of the time due to me having to be Josephine the Plumber,  Harriet the Handy-woman and Mildred the Maid!   

I have all sorts of make up ... but rarely apply it.  I've come to enjoy the au naturale look now.  And though  Estee Lauder "Youth Dew" is my favorite perfume,  the only scent I sport these days  is Suave™ Deodorant. 

My normal daily attire no longer consists of neatly pressed shirts, slacks and/or skirts  that were perfectly accessorized with pristine jewelry and scarves and the like.  These have been replaced by a pair of over sized sweat pants or pajama bottoms, matching equally over sized shirts, a pair of socks and slippers or flip flops--depending on the weather.  The only accessory nowadays  is a matching scrunchie to keep me from looking like Medusa's bastard sister!

 I am not someone who projects a "perfect" home setting 24/7 -- reason being, I don't give a rat's ass what other people think.  Unlike my mother whose focus was always on what the neighbors had on their so called minds.

  In truth, you won't find any June Cleavers or Donna Reeds  types here. My house isn't filthy, just cluttered.   Though I do seem to vaguely remember a time when clutter was not part of my home decor.   But that was before I became a mom. 

Back when my kids were younger ... my house was filled with the usual assortment of the latest action figures, dolls, stuffed animals and TV cartoon characters, videos and games.   Couldn't walk through the house without bumping into, stepping on or sitting down on one or the other.

 Nothing like pulling one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles out of your ass before you take your first sip of coffee to get your mornings started!  Let me tell ya!

 Now that my youngest is a teenager, my house  is cluttered with books, dirty dishes, shoes and varied articles of clothing that I am constantly reminding her to pick up, put away and/or wash!  oy!

I know there are some moms who keep a clutter free clean home.     These are the women  who are the  Martha Stewart graduates. You know the type.  Those women who are immaculate and keep the proverbial home fires burning all the while looking  like they just stepped out of the beauty parlor as they tote their kids and their kids' friends everywhere, do all the shopping,  cooking, gardening, not miss one PTA meeting or school event, run some auxillary, oversee some  bake and/or rummage sale, volunteer and what have you.     Yea real Stepford Wives-like.   

 I have to admit that  I sometimes suspect  they are  all related to that chick on Bewitched!.

Now don't get me wrong!  In no way do I  envy these women.  I just want to know where in the hell do they have the time and energy???!!!!!   

Now once upon a time -- B.T.C.C. (before the children came) -- I was a young, beautiful, intelligent and some might even go as far as saying -- sane -- woman. 

I am still considered beautiful.  And though  I am no longer young -- I am young at heart and in mind.   I will be turning 50 this year--and  my mind still thinks it's 16 yrs old!!!  Of course,  my body reminds me constantly it isn't.  Especially when I am faced with a flight of stairs! 

I am still intelligent ...but only when my memory doesn't fail me.    I'm pretty sure I had a photogenic memory once.  But it appears  I forgot to replace the film one too many times over the years.  

The good news, I do remember the good times I had over the 20 plus years I have been a mother.    And though I don't remember much, if anything,  of  my life before becoming a mom -- the photographs in my family album tell me I did in fact had one! 

 Many years ago, when my oldest son was about 11 years old, he, his grandmother and I were flipping through an old family album at his grandmother's house.  He spotted a picture of a beautiful young woman with perfectly coiffed hair, dressed in a blue velvet evening gown, wisps of curls brushed across  her bare milky white shoulders as she sat upon an oval Queen Ann styled chair,  posed in an elegant queenly fashion.    My son gasped as he gazed at the picture and exclaimed: "who's the babe?"  To which my mother replied with a laugh ... "that babe is your mother!"  Naturally my son stared at me and asked ... "What happened to you?" 

Smart Ass!  Don't know where he gets it!

The photographs aren't the only reminders of a life I had once upon a time. 

The worn out sneakers and various tee shirts, jeans and capris that are aligned next to my business suits, party dresses and stiletto heels remind me of the woman I had once been and the woman I am now.  The beautiful jewelry and scarves that line the top of my dresser help jog my memory of those days before becoming a mommy. 

I seem to recall times when I got excited over the latest fashion.  Now my excitement stems from finding the latest new fangled box of detergent on sale or when I find a  roll of duct tape in a color I don't yet have.   Sad, but true!

There was a time I got all gussied up to attend some fashionable gatherings with adults.  Now the only gatherings I attend where there are actual adults are school field trips and the weekly jaunt to the local grocers and malls.   Getting gussied up these days means I put on a clean shirt and some pants that aren't sweats or pjs. 

With respect to my sanity.  Well, that is an issue best left for the courts to decide I suppose.  There are days I am certain I am crazier than a horse fly trying to land on a pile of freshly made manure.   Times Where clarity, reality and the totally bizarre all seem to be the same exact thing. 

Most often than not, I can barely remember what I went in the next room for, better yet where I laid my glasses only to discover that they were still on my face.  Caring what others think was never an issue with me, but now ... it's even less of an issue as I can barely remember who any of "those people" are!

According to my children, this makes me crazy.  And they should know!  After all  they know everything!

I don't regret becoming a mother.  Even when my kids are all conspiring to either send me to the looney bin or to an early grave (or both!)!  Being a mom has been, and continues to be, one of my greatest and most favorite adventures.

If anyone were to ask what the best part of being a mother is ... my reply would be ...

Just as all the women before me, being a mom insures the legacy of lunacy we all call motherhood  will continue on for generations to come.  And in the end,  like all those other mothers of generations past, I will have the last laugh! 

Because I know, as they knew, that for all the freeze dried bullshit my kids put me through -- my sons and my daughter will have the task of raising children who were worse than them! 

Ain't Motherhood Grand?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Real Zombies, The Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse--Book Review

I'm posting this review of my friend Brad Steiger's latest book.

Note at the very bottom (highlighted in pink) I have a wee mini part in Brad's new book! ENJOY!



Real Zombies, the Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse
By Brad Steiger

 In ... Real Zombies, the Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse, Brad Steiger [presents] more then just a comprehensive and unsettling study.
Steiger directly addresses, explores and brings forward into the spotlight the many strange traditions too often shrouded in secret throughout the world.

His mission I believe is to dispel the normal sordid beliefs and misunderstandings and the more then just common depictions of what we believe to be the real zombies today.

In this book I feel Mr. Steiger has set a high precedent for others to dare only to follow.

I believe that this book will be the standard by which many new zombie trends will emulate and be measured.


Brad Steiger is what I call the Grande Master of the Paranormal world with his more then many excellent works over the years that have touched the publics haunted curiosity bone.

Oh and of course Brad Steiger has his finger on the true exact pulse of all that is naturally paranormal, extraterrestrial and supernatural.

Real Zombies, the Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse is not an exception to this rule. If you have not read this more then excellent book, I suggest you do so today.

Through Steiger's many well researched and respected volumes over the years of real eye opening insights, he has brought many new researchers and supernatural investigators to the popular front of the paranormal community today. Including myself.

In a recent radio interview the American Necromancer and student of the Occult Lisa Lee Harp Waugh stated:
"In his very well written newest best selling definitive book, Real Zombies, the Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse, Visible Ink Press." "Mr. Steiger tears down the myths and taboo's and plainly opens the doors to what many actually fear concentrating the real endeavors of those that practice the black arts of voodoo hoodoo zombification."

"Steiger explores the real truths and legends in the world of real human zombie research of today."

"And I am more then glad I personally could contribute the tales I have learned over the years, because they needed to be told before they became lost in history forever."

"This more then just exceptional exquisite work. The pages filled with art and tales that actually features many chilling first hand accounts and passed down stories of reported real-life zombie encounters from past and present."

"And in reading this you might just start be come a true believer in what real reported Zombies are all about."

Real Zombies, the Living Dead, and Creatures of the 

This more then fascinating assorted collection includes the stories by Haunted America Tours Senior writer Alyne Pustanio of the evil spawn of Satan, The elusive supernatural "Devil Baby of Bourbon Street", a monstrous creature complete with sharp horns and a long pointed tail that still lurks in the shadows of the New Orleans dark haunted alleys and neighborhood streets.

Black Mama Couteau the often thought of as very strange and real evil Texas Voodoo Queen and the stories of her and the great zombie war, this tale is told by by Lisa Lee Harp Waugh the well known American Necromancer.

In Waugh's recounting of these Texas tales and obscure stories that she heard growing up in the very haunted town of Marshall, Texas. Waugh relates a curios snippet of an army of many hundreds of zombie soldiers battling for the supremacy of their queen.

True or not such urban zombie legends will make you think twice about what the real power of Texas Voodoo Hoodoo Can do.

And don't forget to investigate the swamp child of Mama Crete, who still roams the bayous of Louisiana.
In addition to the stories, a variety of zombie-related facts are directly explored and laid bare, including strange weird ceremonies to create such beings and actual initiations, zombies throughout history, sacred zombie and voodoo-related sites, and zombies and monsters of the Bible.

The book also contains great eye popping artwork by none other then the always wonderful talented mind and ... dark artistic endeavors of the great Bill Oliver, as well as the intense macabre masterpieces of  Ricardo Pustanio, who is also a top designer for New Orleans Mardi Gras Float for the New Orleans Mardi Gras Parade Krewe Of Mid City and a contributing artist for

The methodical and very strong works of the unforgettable team of father and son Wm. Michael Mott and Ryan Mott are also featured.

The featured well written contributions of Alyne Pustanio.

The always lively American Necromancer, the always controversial Lisa Lee Harp Waugh.

HPI's lead investigator, an avid paranormal world explorer extraordinary, Paul Dale Roberts, and HPI's lovely superstar the ever beautiful Shannon McCabe.

And special attention should be paid to to the beliefs, tales and understandings of real zombie lore of Chris Holly, the one and only Laurie lee Mistycah, The ever aware Angela Thomas, The insights of Pastor Robin Swope, The art of Jackie Williams, the enlightened Julie Cole, [highlighting added] and the extraordinary talented psychic medium Tuesday Miles.

About the Author

Brad Steiger  iss the award-winning author of more than 100 books, including Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Houses; Real Vampires, Night Stalkers, and Creatures from the Darkside; and The Werewolf Book. He is a regular radio guest on the Allan Handelman Show, Coast to Coast, and Jeff Rense's Sightings. He lives in Forest City, Iowa.
His direct no nonsense approach and genius in Real Zombies, the Living Dead, and Creatures of the Apocalypse raises the bar to a height that is certainly hard for other undead books to try and hurdle.